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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Oh my gosh! Thanks, @2cents! Now I wish to see SongSong in a CF doing ice-skating. It will be daebak!

@angieknows yep, SHK is hot in those dance moves! And that 'awwww' moment is so sexy! Awww! :lol: That's a side of her that was not explored in any of her dramas and movies. I don't know if at her age now she'll agree to do that? She was apologetic for doing those cute scenes in DOTS but she did so well. Even the young actresses now can't act that cute look! 

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Hey yo everyone, it's been a while since I last posted because of school (or to some, not really xD?) but I still check back regularly to keep track of this lovely thread here. The thread kept on going up-and-down that I wanted to join to explain to everyone, but I couldn't because I have been so busy :(. I think I'm going to post several lengthy posts (too long so I have to split it haha) so please bear with me. Also please pardon me for my comments (whatever you call it) because I'm more of a philosophical person and I do in-depth reading regarding life lessons despite my age :P


 Firstly, I know that there have been some "trolls" coming here to post and disrupt the atmosphere in the thread, please just

ignore them and do not (ever!) reply or argue with them. By doing so, you're actually helping them achieve their goals by coming here (to richard simmons (lol I used another word but okay, it got changed so oh well) shippers off and disrupt their happiness). This thread is located in shippers' paradise, and it just means that we should talk about things that makes us happy. 

Yes, fame comes with a price. The more popular an actor/couple/etc. is, there are bound to be more haters. The good thing is, there will always be more fans and supporters than haters. It just comes down to a choice. Yes, different people have different opinions and we should respect each other's opinions. However, we chose to be the fans/supporters because we want to enjoy the positive side of things and we want to support our idols/celebrities among other reasons. I became a fan of Song Hye-kyo after this drama because I was amazed by her beauty (both inner and outer beauty). Not only is her looks electrifying, but how patriotic she is, how much she loves her country despite the objection by her own country netizens, and how she is willing to stand up for those who are secretly being discriminated just makes me feel so touched and there, I get more interested in her. She is a complete package and these kind of people are undoubtedly beautiful. She is really a role model to look up to. 

Likewise for Song Joong-ki, I had a brief understanding of his down-to-earth and kind personality beforehand but after this drama, I understand more about him in-depth. Yes, he is handsome but how he wants to get praised for his acting and not looks, how humble he is despite his popularity, says a lot about his personality. He's not the type to be greedy and still as caring, friendly, kind as a person he is. As expected from Yoo Shi-jin who protects beautiful women, elderly and children :P. Another role model to look up to. For the age problem, needless to say, it is just a number. I've seen many couples with over 10 years age difference but they are happy with each other. If you find what you need in a partner, you'll try to embrace and understand the flaws about them. Basically, you will be tolerant and be accepting of whatever they have. If they feel the happiest, smile the brightest being around each other and allows them to fully concentrate on their careers, that's all that matters, isn't it? So what's the problem if the woman in question older? Is it a belief that the woman must be younger? I ship both of them together because to me, everything between them match very well and they're two actors who have a good personality. Just look at video of their parallel theory, they're so similar like the previous couple I ship that it still scares and intrigues me at the same time lol.

I won't dispute the reason if any, of you are haters. If we choose to hover over the negative side of things, we actually missed out the gist and fail to see the positive light. There are so many beautiful things in this world that we have not explored and learnt, therefore there's this Chinese saying: "活到老, 学到老"  (Literally even when we grow to an old age, we never stop learning (be it education or life values). Yet, life is fragile so let's just focus on the beauty and do whatever things that makes us happy because life is too short to entertain negativity. So, please do not step down to their level and continue to maintain the positivity in this thread (I salute everyone in this thread who constantly remind people to get back on track, you're the best!).Therefore, here's to hoping that this kind of thing will not happen again.

(Sorry if I post too much about the haters and stuff, I feel that without a logical explanation, people will repeat the same mistake and that's the last thing you should do. Hope this clarifies everything and off we go to the positive thread that we loved! :D)

Secondly, to answer @joongkyo's question (I hope I won't be extra), the Baeksang nominations are already out! Please go to http://isplus.live.joins.com/100sang/ :). Remember, this is the official voting. It's really REAL this time, not a joke! So once they announce the nominees, let's keep voting and supporting our couple/drama! I hope I won't be the only one who reminds everyone to vote, haha :P

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20 minutes ago, angieknows said:

@2cents Song Hye Kyo rocking' it on stage! She's hot! She should do a role like that in a movie or drama! I love that she's sophisticated, elegant, and has an understated sexiness, but to be that edgy and confidently alluring through a role would be fun to watch! :)

I agree. This is yet another proof how versatile this girl is. I'd love to see this sassy sexy side of her in her next drama/movie (hopefully it won't take another long three years)  :)well that would be quite the treat for all Kyo fans :)

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@angieknows thanks for constantly sharing SJK's pics from his DC gallery! *falls to my feet* we have one half of SS on HB China looking all dashing and dapper and the other half on Elle China :wub: Kyo's Elle mag spreads have always been exceptionally gorgeous so I can't wait to see what's in store for us! 

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Annyeong haseyo everybody! (Hope didn't do any typo there)

been lurking for sometime now.. And arrggh finally can't help it anymore so I'm signing up at soompi to join the songsong ship :D

This is my 1st OTP, so yeah.. It's kinda exciting for me lol 


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Hello everyone, Greetings from Malaysia. Apa khabar? I've been a silent reader and I can't wait to give my feedback on the SS couple. But before I start, I spent more than 20 minutes to log in to this site. Shows I'm not internet savvy like most of u. (Hi 5 SJK!!!). I don't do Instagram but I used to write lots of Aerogrammes (guess how old I am?) Yup I'm 46. So SJK better protect me (I'm a senior citizen) coz I'm gonna write a long text. Don't ask me to write in the individual thread coz I belong here (pretty please, don't kick me out of here)! I was born in the year of the dog so I'm loyal to one master only. Here goes:

SJK - Who can't resist his charms? If China government issue out a warning, the other countries better issue out the same too coz he's a health hazard everywhere he goes. Ladies, senior citizen and children maybe (some man too) are blown away by him. When people compare him to Tom Cruise (Top Gun movie), as a teenager, years ago I used to adore TC too but my soul flew away the moment SJK emerge from the plane in his sunglasses and sleek uniform. He's a damn good looking man. To all the American man/ European man with blue eyes, you have a serious contender. Even though he's not as tall and macho as the American man, but his awesome acting, mesmerizing gaze and cheekiness takes my breath away. :wub:  You complete me, SJK.. See you in the next life (in my dreams).

SHK - You are a lady with SPUNK! You dare to take up this role even though your co-actor is younger from you.  And you're not afraid of how others talk about you. And you are a lady with full of HUMILITY. You praise others more than yourself and that's the icing on the cake. To be honest, no other actress can act the way you do in DOTS. You are the shining star every scene and you really gave your all to DOTS.

Song Song - Both of you ROCK! I've never ship anyone before.  Did you know you are destined to be together? God has asked his angels to shoot cupid arrows into your heart and don't ever take out the arrows. It's going to be a perilious journey for both of you but you are gonna end up together in the END. SJK hold on to SHK hands tightly and don't ever let go. She's your shining star! You are a match made in heaven. If I'm not mistaken, a chapel was shown as part of the scenery in TAEBAK. I'm a believer of JC and I believe God is present in that chapel to bless both of you.

DOTS - I almost missed DOTS if I did not happen to click the 391 channel one night coz nowadays I don't really enjoy any other shows. The last drama that I did enjoy was "Love Rain" but DOTS won hands down! Every cast was awesome. They fit perfectly in the whole picture. I enjoyed DR Song & Dr Ha's jokes tremendously. :P And the kisses and hugs from SS ooooh!!:phew: This drama has all elements tied together - romance, comedy, honour for the country. Love it! But one thing that impacted my life nowadays is when I go back to my workplace, I felt joyful from morning till evening remembering the Captain's smiles. I can still smile even when I'm reprimanding my staff. Ahjussi! ;)

I shall end now. Hope I didn't take up too much of your time. Back to be a silent reader.B)



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8 minutes ago, prettymama said:


I shall end now. Hope I didn't take up too much of your time. Back to be a silent reader.B)



Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! I enjoyed reading your beautifully written post, so pls do post more often :)

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@ilovesjk Thank you for sharing your insight about sjk...
along the line of parroting @angieknows hehe.. i also have the same line of thoughts about him.... 
Your insights that you share gives us a lot of food for thought about who he is.. 

PR and Entertainment is his work, but the real him seems to be a little different. 
Despite him being a Mr. PR, there is always a side of him that i feel to be contemplative.... quite a serious guy actually, as stated by all the insights that you shared... 



What strikes me the first time after i started to wonder about him was that he is SMART, definitely a smart guy and also had a lot of CHARM, even from his early days....
I do think that if he didn't became an actor, he will still become a big person... the charm and now charisma that he had was something else... 

Although i got the feeling that because his looks, in the early days of his career, it wouldn't have been easy for him, because compare to idols where pretty face can take them higher.. for actors it usually the opposite.
Not to sound demeaning, but for idols, i think it will be easier for them to get a role because they have star power, that can at least ensure the show will be accepted.
Where as an actors has to prove them self bit by bit to gain the trust of Directors, Producers and such that HE/SHE can carry the show, and make it successful.
He really have to work hard, and the experience he has on his early days helps him to make him who he is today, a great actor and more important a humble guy.

I'm glad that his hard work pays off.

I admit tough i don't really watch his past work.
NG was something I love to read on the recaps, but never really interested in the drama itself. Because the theme of the drama is something that i love to read in book format but if watched, i don't think i can survive with all the angst.
SKKS too, i didn't watch ... but my father did :D, i remember about it because at the time, my father had a hard time facing his surgery and to lift up his spirit, i chuck a lot of movie and drama dvd for him to watch haha..

There is something i want to add about SKKS.
So a few days ago i asked my father about sjk, hehe to remind him, i showed him his picture, and he said to me that the SKKS was a funny drama, because of SJK and also YAI.. both of the leads was actually a bit boring... (please don't hit me)
And you know what, after watching some scene in youtube, i agree..
I remember an article i read where SJK wasn't suppose to play Gu Yong Ha  the way he played in the drama, I don't know if it is true, but this info surprise me actually, because his portrayal of Gu Yong Ha is amazing.. He such a scene stealer.. and this is what i think with just from watching some scene.
Because of how he portrays Gu Yong Ha , SKKS is owned by SJK and YAI, if he played it any other way, idk i think SKKS will be owned be YAI alone...  Because well, who doesn't love a cool guy, and YAI plays it well. 
Both of them stands out in SKKS. They won couple award for the role after all lol.

In Dots, i can see that SJK is a good actor,,, that even with a tilt of his head, he can really deliver a message, i saw it when in ep.1 he had a talk with JG when picking our clothes to go the hospital, he had a slight grimace when MJ name was mention by JG. And i say to my self.. wow.. that is good acting right there. It shows that he must have put a lot out thought on how to mimic the right expression to deliver his message. I don't really think i need to talk anymore about his portrayals of YSJ because it is amazing..  

Well that is my appreciation of him as an actor..

After back reading in dots main page, i feel that actually SJK is already popular in SK and also internationally, DOTS only makes he more super popular.. I'm sure that in the future he will shine more brightly.... 
I'm already regretting why didn't i notice his work before, because his work stand for itself. Even my younger cousins knows him better :D, but heyyy better late than never right?

What impressed me the most is that even tough he already reach the height of fame right now, he still remains humble... and it really is something special. 



Now... to balance out my writing..

Lets talk about my appreciation of SHK too...



Basicly there is nothing I can add because most of you have already shared your input, and i agree.

I know SHK from AIMH and later on FH (yeah i know i'm parroting everyone too :D , and i love her... even until today, i can still hear and visualize when Eun Soh run to the beach and back hug her brother... it was so touching. )

FH too is a good one, she was so cheerful there, and three little bears is a song i have always associate with her ever since.

I did not watch WW, nor TWTWB tough.. 

So yeah i did not exactly follow her career after FH, but her past relationship did feature in the media,,, so i did read it... and quite saddened by it... she didn't had it easy.. 

Her last project before DOTS that i watch is her movie My Briliant life / PPL, it was a touching movie for me... and i love her acting there.. She's gonna be a good mother someday.

First time watching DOTS trailer, hearing her voice reciting Doctor vow, makes me feel wow.. i got shivers whenever i hear those words. Watching DOTS brought me back to appreciate her work all over again... 

All i can say now is "It has been awhile, but i am back.. and now i am gonna remember her forever."



I've already mention before I did not ship SHK and SJK because of their visual... they are super stunning and beautiful, but I ship them more because they look happy together... and i am very touched by them. 
DOTS brought me here, their chemistry brought me here, but my appreciation on both of them make me stay..

And when everyone shared their insights and thoughts about their personality... more and more i gain more perspective on them as an individual and also how similar they are... their work ethic, their charm, and also above all how they are very very humble... basically they are good people that deserve to be a role model.

And with the height of fame they reach, they can do a lot of good in this world as already proven by both of their charity act.

There is a word that i read a long time ago about famous people. "Some people do it for the fame. Some people do it despite it all, and they continue to give their all"

Sorry for the rambling post hehe.. please feel free to correct me as this is just my honest opinion. 


I know that my wording tends to be a bit flowery... i just want to add that despite my flowery words, i understand that SHK and SJK are still human, with flaws too... if they have any :D , but i believe that the GOOD always out weight the BAD. And the GOOD is something we should always try to focus on in live. 

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29 minutes ago, Han Ji Eun said:

Someone needs to study SJK-SHK eyes. Those eyes speak the truth....:heart:


body language etc..

many poster done that. on top of that, famous hong kong paparazi has observed them during viu tv pc.you need to back reading between 200-400 pages.  some did an amazing analysis on their body language/ non verbal comm.

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This could be my last post before I get super busy again from tomorrow (second term of schools starts tomorrow! I hope I still remember my kids' names. eek!)
since I don't have anything exciting to share, I'm gonna share some of my favourite photos of Songs :)

I just can't get enough of this two! :wub:  You two deserve each other and I wish nothing, but happiness & joy for you!

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@2cents Thanks for your videos! After watching it, i really do wish they could do a 'ice skating melodrama?' Haha. 

You know, when two people meet while 'ice skating' and then they fall in love kind of drama.  


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(lynne22) very well said dear! me im a Kyonatics and im proud to shout the world  that i am and now i am a SS Couple Shipper because i really im a die hard fan of them and praying to god that the two of them are real couple and end up together forever but if they decide to not publicized there relationship then lets respect it. i know one day if they are ready to shout the world that they are on a relationship we are the SS Couple Shipper are the happiest person in the earth for now lets enjoy them,

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@chewyhoe 刚点击进去,看了些评论,哭笑不得啊!

It was about the shipwreck kiss scene on ep16 finale. Saw one of the comments so i tot i could post it here? 

Cr the owner (hellolele2016)

04-29 07:22

This is the most closed-up kiss scene in DOTS, captain is really good at attacking, sucking it again and again, lastly pressing towards KMY using his upper body part, seems like he used alot of strength/energy (on kissing), while KMY was stroking his arm, i think her purpose is to stop him, to warm/remind him that it's enough, he should stop now, then captain upper arm embraced doctor once again, anyway this part just makes us feel so flutter?  

Tried my best to translate so forgive my broken english :( i hope this cheers you up. Those comments on weibo are really hilarious! :D  SEOLLEDA!

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Hi, everyone

Silent reader, here. Since page 100 or 200, don't remember but I've been lurking here awhile already. Never have I thought I would be making an account, following this thread, let alone commenting. But I did! I just did today! Why? Because I feel that I really really need to show my appreciation for all your hard work to maintain this thread and keep the ship sailing. Thank you, thank you so much! 

So, as obvious as it is, I am a SS shipper and this is my very first time as a shipper. I am a k-drama fan of 14 years, but never a shipper until now. l like SHK since AIMH but wouldn't label myself as a fan until Dots. Same goes for SJK, I like him since SKKS and RM, not a fan until Dots. l have watched so many k-dramas, but Dots is the only drama which I will never get sick of watching all over again. What makes me so hooked is not just a storyline but also, as you all agree, the chemistry between YSJ/ SJK and KMY/ SHK. Their on-screen chemistry is so real to me that I felt the need to discuss with someone to check whether I were crazy and delusional Or something was wrong with my eyes. Leading from that self-doubt, I found this thread. When l realize that this thread gives me real facts, and the members are so positive, mature and nice to anybody (even the haters), l decided to make an account just to show my support. Hopefully this give you more energy to keep this ship sailing. And I apologise in advance that I will not be doing any active contribution, but will never stop supporting the ship.

Before l go back to the lurking mode, I'd like to share my opinions and feelings for this lovely SS couple. 

SHK: The more I know about her the more I see her as a goddess /an angel. She is a soul who has been through so much pain and hardships that  she doesn't want anybody to go through any pain. Her past and recent activities tell us that she carefully chooses things that would somehow ease the pain and sufferring of people. (This might sound intense but that is what I truly feel about her.) And you know, for the angelic person like her, there will always be people who wish for her downfall. (History is a proof.) Even though she is a very strong goddess, we have to support her no matter what. (l guess I've become an avid fan.) 

SJK: He is the one for SHK, the man who can protect her. Since SKKS and RM, he has left me with an impression that he is smart, very hardworking, considerate, down to-earth, loyal. l even thought he was an underrated actor that time because he had so much potential. Guess he proves right to everybody now. I am so happy for him. (I didn' t even think I would tear up with joy when I saw how he outshone all the others at Dior show, just by his mere existence there.) He really deserves all these success. He is an icon of hard work- paid- off-at- the-end. With his personality and pure heart, he is definitely for SHK. They are the perfect comrades who will get though any hardship together. 

l have a lot more to say about them, but I think you get the jist so I'll stop here. 

Again, thank you all for your hard work. Just know that there is this silent lurker rooting for this thread and the ship. 

Byeee! :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Gosh, I was typing halfway when the Shockwave Flash crashed and after reloading, Soompi ate my post. :crazy: Basically, to continue from my first post today, as I addressed those negative issues, I should add a few positive ones to neutralize the atmosphere. So, then (before the release date), I've already pre-ordered the DOTS OST Vol. 2 and the Photo Essay and both products arrived at my house on April 26th. I couldn't find time to scan the images until Friday, and finally managed to find time to share it today. As usual, my posts are lengthy so please bear with me again. I've realized that I still have so many things to share so I'll probably share the rest tomorrow or so, sorry for the long posts once again!


Firstly, I'm sorry if this has been shared pages ago but these are the images from the

OST Vol. 2 (I know that it must be related to SongSong, so don't worry haha). I scanned quite a bit to give my comments (not story-telling) so be prepared to indulge in a sea of photos B). My scanning skills are limited so please don't expect it to be in HD or anything, I'm too noob for that xD.

Warning: It is really a sea of photos and text. I've placed many photos in this post, so only open if you want to.


There are some (not all) personal comments which you can ignore since it's just some personal views (my comments for the photo is at the bottom of each photo, not at the top) :lol:.


EpPn9lq.png"I originally didn't want to scan this but the scenery is so breathtaking and beautiful. With such a handsome actor and a gorgeous actress, it's impossible not to love this scene. This place is going to the list of places I'm going to visit on my bucket list haha xD."


"Yet another scene which is picturesque. Really, all props should be given to the cinematographer, and all the person-in-charge of taking the photos. But the attention is all on the actress and actor lol. Still, we should give all the staff their due credit. Thanks for these beautiful photos!"



"This is a must-scan! Just like what everyone else says, I agree that I love their eye contact/stares in this photo! Doesn't feel like it's acting though :vicx:"



"Look at how handsome Song Joong-ki/Yoo Shi-jin is in this photo! I'm falling in love with him all over again :wub:"


"(Not going to mention off-topic things) That stare will set the screens on fire. Imagine if you're the target the sniper is aiming at~"


"Since I mentioned about how Joong-ki oppa is that handsome/suave, I shall talk about Hye-kyo unnie too. I especially love the angle that this photo is taken, although it only depicts 1/100 of her ultimate beauty, but nevertheless, it's still beautiful."


"She can pull off any role really, her sadness is so realistic. She can touch the viewers with her cries yet appear THAT beautiful at the same time."



For the 2 photos above: "Similarly, the tears forming in her eyes seems so real that it doesn't seem like she was acting. Kudos to Song Hye-kyo for portraying this scene so beautifully! The best choice for the role!"



"Imagine how handsome/gorgeous their children will be. Their parents have good genes, so their children will undoubtedly have great ones too xD."


"This can become a story if you piece the photos together. It's like this is the starting of their happy story that they live happily ever after xD."

Secondly, I didn't scan any of the Photo Essay photos including the cover because it's quite a thick book and it's difficult to scan but let me know if you want any photos from the book, I can help to find and scan again. But I did receive the 3 pre-order gifts (printed signature, stickers and photo cards) from the pre-order event so I thought I would share it here for those who are curious what the gifts are.

I realized that many pages ago, some people asked about how they could get the stickers, or photo cards. These are the gifts which are given when you pre-order the Photo Essay from April 5th to April 18th. Unfortunately, since now it has been weeks since the period ended, I doubt there are any free gifts left, including the one from the seller that I've ordered the Photo Essay from.


Sorry I forgot to scan the photo cards! I'll add in the scans of the front and back covers of the Photo Essay book and the photo cards in my next lengthy post.



Lastly, this is from Vol. 2 which comes with a Sleeve Case to put Vol. 1 & 2 together. I didn't get SongSong's photocard, I got GooWon's instead. I'm contemplating whether to buy another one to have a chance to try to get SongSong's but it probably isn't a wise decision since the photocards are random and the price of Vol. 2 is always above $30 including shipping fee xD.








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54 minutes ago, ysteee said:

This is the most closed-up kiss scene in DOTS, captain is really good at attacking, sucking it again and again, lastly pressing towards KMY using his upper body part, seems like he used alot of strength/energy (on kissing), while KMY was stroking his arm, i think her purpose is to stop him, to warm/remind him that it's enough, he should stop now, then captain upper arm embraced doctor once again, anyway this part just makes us feel so flutter?  


Awww! Thanks so much for translating it :D The way that user described their kissing scene is just "naughty" yet "fluttering" LOL. Captain YSJ indeed knows how to "attack" both in fighting and kissing :sweatingbullets:


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