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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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19 minutes ago, Far^away said:


All I understood was 

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ (equivalent to LOL, SJK laughing)

And SHK was like 'I'm really dying here, jinja...' she was getting mad at herself for causing so many NGs! :lol:

Thanks for the response. :D In the gif, it's only the kekeke. But there's a video, SJK was muttering something. I hope you can watch it and translate it for us. :wub:

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I noticed that SJK at DOTS PC behaves very differentl'y from his PC of nice guy. His touchy & teasing behaviour with MCW gives the buddy vibes. At DOTS PC, he behaved like a mature gentleman and very respective towards SHK. And then when all 5 went on stage, he walked behind SHK and right close behind with his hand automatically go to her back/waist like any bf would to a gf. Then he moved back a bit and put his hand down. 

The part where he walked right up closed behind her and put his hand on her lower back, in Asia culture we don't do that even if we are very close friends or colleagues (I'm talking between man & woman). Men usually only do that to the object of their desire or girlfriend. 

Maybe we are all in delusion. Lol

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Thanks God Song Joong Ki doesn't have any SNS nor Instagram account or the world will be apocalypse..:grin:  

I'm his fan even before all this madness.. falls for this cutie pie baby when he played young King Sejong in The Deep Rooted Tree, not really a fan of Nice Guy because the plot is too cheesy and (sorry) MCW can't really act although she's beautiful. But as a die hard Kyonatic I worship my Goddess and will be happier when she's happy.. TBH in the term of wealth, only KDW matches Goddess level (born chaebol) but since she has enough own wealth even for her 3 generations in the future, I understand that money and wealthy men are not  attract her.

When it comes to genuine love... that love only is enough. With or without money. 

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I'd just like to request one thing of all posters, it has already been brought to our attention that various fans of actresses who have previously worked with SJK have been spreading lots of hate comments about her. If you mention such actresses in a SJK/SHK shipping thread I'm afraid the mood will get sour. Even if it's your sincere intention not to cause any drama. I don't even want to mention the actresses by their names because I see no business for them in this thread.

The reason why we bring up male actors isn't because they're different standards of treatment for SJK and SHK, but (till now at least) there have been no complaints of the fans of SHK's ex male co-stars ganging up and bashing SJK. So we mention people like JIS or friends of SHK like CTH and YAI who are all extremely close to SJK and in a context relating to SJK.

If you don't believe in shipping SJK/SHK then there is nothing in this thread that will make you believe that shipping them is logical. It's not like we can provide you with proof like Dispatch or the paparazzi agencies. And if you really believe that SJK has better or more chemistry with other co-stars then please do so, but do so in their own respective threads. :)

Another thing, as a Kyonatic but also as a girl. I am so puzzled that so many people constantly mention things like SHK's looks, age , past boyfriends. But it's not SJK has never had ex- girlfriends.

SHK may not have a super model's height but she has Goddess's face and trust me she has the body assets to keep a man interested as well, just because she's not wearing something tight and short don't let her loose clothes fool you.

Sure SJK is really good looking , like really good looking but SHK's name has been linked with people like HyunBin, Jo Insung, Wonbin, SSH...what makes you all think that SJK is above them?.

Why don't you all ask if Kyo would be interested in him looking at her list of co-stars, I think that would be a much more suitable question.

If you have a problem with her age, we're all going to age - I might be 10 years younger than Kyo right now but that doesn't mean that in 10 years I won't be her present age and if I were to want to be in a relationship with someone younger that should be my choice alone. Why does one need to explain the attraction between a slightly older woman and a younger man but not between an older man with a younger woman?. To bash someone for being in a relationship because of their age is an illogical argument.

So please show a little more sensitivity and a little more heart before you blast Kyo.



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So many happy news this week.

First the confirmations from both agency that only make our hope high, the new ost teaser, only a sleep away from the new episode and then now, the BTS video released that shows us and the haters that our SongSong couple's chemistry is real and to top it off, @ilovesjk's explanation about SJK's schedule on January & February that only confirms us that there is something going on between SJK SHK (even their name initials is matching).

Be still my shipping heart ♡♡

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1 hour ago, mizuki85 said:


I am so sorry chingu, I don't want to break the party, I m a shk a long time fan, I ship her with many of her co stars and when I happen to know that shk-sjk dating rumor, I am searching infos on him. To my surprise, he has all the chemistry with his co stars: songjihyo, moonchaewon, and others. The glare, the tease, he likes to do those with the women around him. I am so sorry, perhaps I could be wrong. 


Hi Mizuki. I understand every single thing you have said and I believe that you have a rational point of view. However, no need to rain on anyone's parade. I know you don't mean harm but just let the Song-Song shippers be. However illogical we get. We're very much aware that we're delusional and we are on the verge of insanity, no need to remind us that. :D

It's true that SJK has a lot of chemistry with everyone he works with. There's even a comment on another shipper's thread that SJK can have chemistry even with a rock. SJK is playful, friendly and on the flirty side. I have watched Nice Guy. One of my favourite dramas, and even shipped SJK with MCW. But then, Song-Song happened, and I realised that their chemistry is better than any Kdrama leads I have watched. I shipped KDW with SHK too, but that's in movies. In Korean Dramaland, SJK- SHK has the best one yet. That's in my opinion, and whose to say I'm wrong? It's my opinion. Just like how the above comment is your opinion.   So don't say you're sorry and you're wrong about your opinion because that is yours. The only problem we only have here is that your raining on the shippers' parade. Just let us be, let the delusions be :)

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53 minutes ago, razledgoose said:


@mizuki85  you have grounds for being very apprehensive.  I see your perspective, however, i have seen innocent man at least 10x and yes he had the gaze and chemistry with MCW but he seems quite different in this drama.  And yes, it maybe because of the screenplay and the romantic setting (Greece) but he seems very different to me (i can't even find the words to describe it) !!  And for my SHK -  I have never seen her so giddy and very open before, and I have followed her for a long time. It may not be ample evidence for you - to each is own ---  ....

a woman in love brings out the giddiness in her ( and EVERY WOMAN knows that).  A guy in love - well --- just look at his facial expression -  (guys cant use words because they cant talk most of the time or they become aphasic {unable to talk} when they like a girl)

Agree with this! I watched innocent man two times but his gaze was different. Their bts and PC were also same, they didn't have something to hide. Look closely in each ep of dots, so you know what I mean. About SJH, I also watched him with her intensively (the kiss, the titanic scene, hihi) but I never think he has that 'feeling' I see when he is with SHK. 

Anyway, if you don't feel that they have something, I think this thread isn't for you. Aren't this thread are for those who have that 'feeling' for them? Idk. 

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21 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Just because Kyo's legs have been discussed so much. This is what Kyo dressed like when she was in NYC, if you don't think these legs are sexy then I can't say anything to you.

Eventhou her legs looks skinny, yet she still got that shape... (sexy in men's eyes) LOL

Just tell me, which guys dont like to see a girl wearing shorts? Some of them really like it when girls reveal their lovely shapes and their lovely skin.  :blush:

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22 minutes ago, crixa said:

Thanks for the response. :D In the gif, it's only the kekeke. But there's a video, SJK was muttering something. I hope you can watch it and translate it for us. :wub:


Can't really hear what he was mumbling about (I'm not even a korean speaker, LOL) but i think I heard him said the word 말해, which means speak/spoke...

Watching the clip again, these consecutive NGs began when SJK laughed at the arab leader moaning ah ah ah (he was supposed to be unconcious, LOLs). 

From then on SHK kept laughing and when SJK teased her, she literally told him she's dying. Hahaha. 

She was trying very hard to control herself from laughing at the end of the clip. 

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1 hour ago, mizuki85 said:


I am so sorry chingu, I don't want to break the party, I m a shk a long time fan, I ship her with many of her co stars and when I happen to know that shk-sjk dating rumor, I am searching infos on him. To my surprise, he has all the chemistry with his co stars: songjihyo, moonchaewon, and others. The glare, the tease, he likes to do those with the women around him. I am so sorry, perhaps I could be wrong. 



Anyway even me could be wrong in this shipping hehehe. Its not your fault that you dont want to ship SJK and SHK lets just say its the choice based on your pov of our OTP and your previous experience of 

Here let me tell you my kinda pov regarding this. I am not Kdrama super fans. My list of drama only consist of AIMH, Winter Sonata, Full house (not even full episodes), All in, Nice guy and this killing me DOTS. I love SHK natural beauty and always kept on tap of her carrier. So i knew she dates 2 of her co stars, and no I didnt ship both of them as well. The only time before now was I shipped her with Rain too but not because Full house but because I like Rain music hehehe but then its another matter. 

I saw SJK in Nice guy and I said to my sister whom Kdrama super fans that his acting was really good (after saw him in his episode where kang maru covered the murder of his lover). I saw the way he played with MCW. Yes he have good chemistry with her, No doubt but for me its like showing that both SJK and MCW as real good actors. Then I saw DOTS, honestly after the first episode, I google and type: Song Joong Ki Dating Song Hye Kyo or vice versa (if you google and find that words, it probably come from my typing hahaha as when I first type it np google key words appears hehehe.  Why I want to find that news, because they way he act beyonds his as an actor, I saw a Man acts there instead of actor act. 

After that I researched, when with many youtube video regarding SJK during RM with SJH or even PC with MCW in nice guy. Everything I read, search and gather for about a week, then I join this ship yard. Some of what I found, I had shared and written on previous pages. I Cant sleep and restlest... coz I suspect something, their acting (SJK and SHK) reminds me so much of Brangelina Mr.&Mrs.Smith. IMHO SJK become different person its like there was flirty SJK (his most naturally shown to public) and more maturely guard SJK (his current shown to public). I had thought because of after his military discharge but then my heart told me not because of it but because of person (SHK).

My sister doubt me regarding this shipping also, but I told her that unless you ever been in passionately in relationship with a person that you really love beyond any boundaries then you wont be able to see or ship this couple. The body language, the lips, the eyes, the small touch of hands, the sexual frustation that can be seen with blind eyes well it remind me, remind me of my experience (dont throw me things, just throw me Kyo bags hahaha). Sorry and hope I dont offence anyone here.

Lastly this is shipping paradise, what I like about here most of you here are person with rational mature mind. We want to ship our OTP in real life but also we all understand that at the end, we want our stars to be happy with eachother or even somebody else. They are adult anyway. But if my guts telling me the truth for me, I belive them to be dating for more than a year. About the future? Ehm even we dont know about our own future hehe.


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OK OK, guys, @crixa


Thanks all. Don't get me wrong. I 'll do this because I m questioning what I am doing here in shippers world. 

To be frank, I d love to see song joong ki and song hye kyo together if they are meant to be, at the end. At least, seeing his gaze on shk melts my heart.  The best scene I love much: wUDh-7_f1LP51L_J_cQXf8BQZhPyWq-EaAgEpQqM

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3 minutes ago, MiAmour said:

Her legs even looks skinny, yet she still got that shape... (sexy in men's eyes) LOL

Just tell me, which guys dont like to see a girl wearing shorts? Some of them really like it when girls reveal their lovely shapes and their lovely skin.  :blush:

oow yeahhhh men loves that.. Korean men are long legs and slim body long hair worshippers.. if any of you happen to visit Seoul in summer.. there will be parade of long legs with short pants everywhere.. Korean women take really good care of their legs.. hhmm basically everything... and yes their skin is really nice but SHK skin according to my chingu who met her in person, is pearly and translucent.. luminate and clear. Goddess as she is.. 

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1 hour ago, MiAmour said:

Her legs even looks skinny, yet she still got that shape... (sexy in men's eyes) LOL

Just tell me, which guys dont like to see a girl wearing shorts? Some of them really like it when girls reveal their lovely shapes and their lovely skin.  :blush:

Look at that Turkish man who can't take his eyes off of her when she was in Istanbul for holiday.


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I would obviously expect seeing "the usual shipping", as what you've somehow mentioned (not the exact words) on a shipper's thread. Definitely! What more can you expect? But, even tho I'm knew here , my fellow shippers seems to have a logical approach and not just overhyping and delusional. Just like some who have stated that they never believed the NYC meeting, I thought the same because it sounds a lil too impossible and maybe those were just made up rumors of die hard fans/shippers. And to our surprise, it wasn't a rumor afterall. Who would've thought right? Whatever happened in NYC or why they're really there, nobody knows. But atleast there's truth on our hopes and speculations. This also proves that we don't easily fall for baseless rumors, we carefully analyze everything. Okay sure we are having fun here, but we don't speculate just for the fun of it or to make ourselves believe 'there is' when we clearly know there really isn't SOMETHING. We don't just ship because, yeah.. We're-shippers-that's-what-we-usually-do anyways. Of course NOT!  Just let us be happy with our tiny little hope, that even at some point our ship will eventually sail. That hopefully someday our delusional dreams will come true and someone have said, we will all be shouting in korean at the Shilla LOL 

The statement about you shipping Kyo with JIS and KDW is a give-away. It's probably the reason why you have questions about Song-Song's chemistry or on how SJK treats the ladies and his previous co-stars. I guess I'd feel the same way towards the actress or actors our OTP is being shipped with. As for JIS I love them both as well. I got crazy with their chemistry! (BTW I shipped SHK with most of her past co-stars too) But with SJK, it's on another level. IDK I can't explain it but their chemistry made me realize, "That's it! I'm making a soompi account!"

Different strokes for different folks. But thank you for your interest in our ship. And for expressing how you also liked our SJK for our SHK as well. Opinions are always welcome as long as they're appropriate :heart:

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For sure, chingu, 

Once I heard that SJK would be partnered with SHK in this drama, something popped up in mind that it this guy fell in love with kyo, then I was sure he will struggle hard to strive his love. You believe it or not, that s what come across in my mind even a year ago during twtwb. 

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Whatttt.....  All these new developments??. Oh my spipping heart.... Please dont burst. . Oh my oh my... And so much has been said and done in this forum thanks to you awesome people. Yet my crazy self still wants moooore and mooore insight. So in the name of crazy, im nitpicking and looking for more to feed my delulu mind. And i came up with an idea, i will watch both sjk's and shk's past dramas where they both mentioned each other in (nice guy and twtwb). (Shk praised sjk, while sjk wanted to meet shk in the set of twtwb). My objective in watching those dramas is to see, what did they see in each other that made them fall for one another (yes this implies that now im pretty sure the sparks started way back then). LOL. And i dont even have free time but I'll MAKE time! i tried watching both in the past but stopped at 1 or two episodes, but now with a new objective in mind, i'm fired up!!!       :w00t:       I've really gone cray crayyyyy





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I know i'm so late... Just realizing that her sneakers in her first pics in hk almost same with sjk wearing at the pc... Lol:crazy::rolleyes:

Hahaha love hongki his a loyal admirer ..  Ther shg pillow that his have is also so funny hahaha... Hope his wish to meet personally with shg can come true


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31 minutes ago, mizuki85 said:

For sure, chingu, 

Once I heard that SJK would be partnered with SHK in this drama, something popped up in mind that it this guy fell in love with kyo, then I was sure he will struggle hard to strive his love. You believe it or not, that s what come across in my mind even a year ago during twtwb. 

It will be hard not to love her. She's beautiful inside and out, which is hard to find. I am confident that there's a long line of men that would like to be her man, so if you're smart, go claim her NOW. That may explains why he went to the other of the earth to have a meal with her. Hahahaha

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