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12 minutes ago, jonahviea24 said:

I happened to watch the Hongkong press conference only now. Okay better late than never. Can someone please enlighten me,.. Which happened first, the HK PC or the airing of episode 13? I see what they did there! *fist bumps twice* I can’t move on from the fist bump. Something's really going on between those two. Omo,:blush::heart:

HK PC happened on Tues April 5; then ep 13 on Wed April 6.

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OK - So SJK did yet ANOTHER NEW HARPERS BAZAAR PHOTO SHOOT TODAY (assuming today as the staff posted the photos of the studio/changeroom today) for CHINA's JUNE EDITION

(Note: totally diff to the one shot in Hong Kong that was for Harpers Bazaar KOREA May edition)

Harpers Bazaar China revealed they have been in Korea for 2 days already, and they're shooting the photoshoot at this famous photographer's Kim Yeong Jun's private studio - it's 5 levels and they're utilising the WHOLE building for the shoot.


I'm secretly hoping that SHK is also doing that shoot and they're going to surprise us... come on, TWO photoshoots for SJK for the same magazine?! Give us some SHK pls.... and they've come ALL the way from China to shoot this too!

The change room of SJK for the shoot


EDIT: SJK apparently has the next few days 18-24 April off... SJK should be preparing for his next role according to the update by his agency on his schedule.
I'd take that to mean he's also resting and reading the script.. and "resting" means you need to eat.. and what better than go out and eat and with your "close friends"...
Woohoo he finally has time off for "personal stuff"... :)


cr: Harpers Bazaar China Weibo http://weibo.com/p/1002061708288824/home?profile_ftype=1&is_all=1#_rnd1461001904019 and SJK Baidu Weibo http://weibo.com/songjoongkibaidu?refer_flag=0000015010_&from=feed&loc=nickname&is_all=1#_rnd1461002800313

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18 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

@2cents at this point, I'll take anything and a photoshoot for Harper's Bazaar would be like hitting the jackpot. But, I doubt it? Also, didn't someone post that SHK is only going to start work from the 20th of this month, which is when she's starting to work on CF shoots and pictorials.


@joongkyoHaha totally yeah i just find it odd he's done the Korea shoot, then like a few week's later same mag WHAT AGAIN? (Edit: Damn that's an awesome pickup on the photographer used! Great work!!)

Yeah i read she's only starting work on the 20th too... but SHK seems to have more free time (even when she's working since she's not doing the massive amts of CFs he's doing), hope if we start scanning instagram for # on the songs from 18-24th April since he's "off" - might come up with some spottings :)

EDIT: Oh wait.. didn't they say KBS wanted to reward the DOTS crew with a few day trip approx end April? Wonder if that's still in the works...

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Just read the news somewhere and I have to come here right away to share my thought. No time to back read but I think there're some worries.

As to me, no matter how other people said, I have no worries at all. Our Song Song are professional actor/actress, if they let anyone know their relationship during working time, they just go public right away and no need to hide anything, huh...

SJK or SHK, they know there's a rumor and the world has been watching them but they don't officially deny it. Even if they come to deny it, what will be the matter? She said she had no time to waste and encouraged someone to confess if they had that thought. He said to his beloved fans that he wanted to get married. Why??? They can say out loud many other things that make us to stop......dreaming but they don't. If they're not dating now,  they're still close-colleagues as they has proved by IG updates and the director/other co-stars has confirmed it, too. 

They're close colleagues or close friends, it doesn't means that they need to meet each other that often. (He has tight schedules. She's a top star actress and doesn't mind to hang out with the same group of male colleagues three or four times after their filming ended 2,3 months before. That's not normal.) Yes SongSong are friends, why they had to avoid each other at their co-host party. Why they had tried not to be caught talking to each other at the airport while they were on the same flight to the same place, to same hotel and went to their promotional event.

They're single. His ideal type  NOW is so much...like her. She has changed her fashion style..to be more...(like him) and her long-time fans also feel that she's more happy and at ease than ever before.

I can't forget how they comment each other and how many times we see their true smiles as SJK and SHK in the roles of SiJin and Moyeon. Confess or not yet, I believe they have special feeling for each other.

Dating or not, I'm on this ship. Truly wish for their happiness as SongSong/Kikyo couple or their own. After all, we becomes SongSong shippers just because we all hope that they find their happiness.  

I'm happy because unnies/chingus here (so sorry I can't mention all your names) always help to find hints through their works/PC/interviews/pictures/events/everything we can see or read about SongSong. Again, other chingus and I don't have the right to ask for proofs/evidences to be on this ship because we have to respect their personal life until they announce something themselves.

We can't raise our voice to influence their own choices. But because I love SJK-SHK as a couple, I am on this ship and follow them, maybe until he or she is with someone else, I'll quit. :P

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We are walking right into the trap of the trolls and detractors when you start discussing and having doubts in this threads. These people must have felt satisfaction by causing such a reaction. So the best thing to do is to keep calm and not even respond. Move on to other positive topics so they won't keep coming because they know they cannot affect us 

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Is it true that one of SJK's preparations for his upcoming movie is to lose weight??? ,.. Don't want him to become leaner though     :blink: .Not too lean uri joongki please. But kinda excited to see him shaving his head, wanna see the other side of his manly cuteness without hair. 

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AAAHHHHH I can't wait for the special episodes :w00t: I hope they show the rest of this interview as well


I'm curious about the questions that were asked when they had to use those yellow-pointy-finger-thingies ^_^

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3 minutes ago, SeGafanlady said:
Yeppunie has a lovely voice :grin:


*zooms in on SJK's ideal type of "can sing well" like YSJ's sniper stalking mode on KMY* :glasses:

Hoping against all hope this sudden new HB photoshoot is secretly with SHK since it's for the China edition! :wub:

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Here's a collection of the 5 OTP kiss scenes (since we will never catch them with a real one, at least till Mr & Mrs S's Big Day).

In the Shipwreck Kiss erm I counted 7 camera angles, purely for Science. But I may need to double-check, maybe triple-check. 

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Where was that article that said SJK calls SHK "sunbae" at times and then "Noona" at others? And how the director said they were more like close working colleagues than in a relationship together? Is him calling her "sunbae" a distancing thing? Meeeeh.... :( C'mon you two... DATE!

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Meanwhile, while I am waiting patiently for the special episodes to come, I got bored and made this.

Oh, those game faces while filming their kissing scenes... Gaaaaaaah! It's telling me 1K words with delusional content! Hahahah! Can't wait for more behind the scenes! Wednesday, please come sooner! 




@SeGafanlady love the vid. Haven't seen that in awhile, was that "Switch"? Anyway, that's one ideal type of SJK checked off besides all other things that surely describes SHK! Gaaaaaah. 


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I  woke up this morning and had my early morning breakfast of reading  Soompie news and of course the statement of DOTS photographic director about the dating rumours caught my attention. I think there is no Korean staff that works behind the scenes who will admit that the actors/actress they are working with is probably dating. It will be a career suicide especially if the couples have not admitted to it.  In the same token, he probably became very close to the song couple that he is protecting them in some ways as it is big No! No! in Korea to date while shooting a drama. In fact this one was recently discussed  in one of the entertainment shows in Korea where the reporter stated that when a married actor is shooting a drama that involves a love interest, wives usually demand from their husband that no contact is made outside of the drama with any of the actress as they can sometimes not differentiate between reality and the drama that took place. Whether a married or single man is involve, it is the actress that would be widely criticize by Korean netizen which is not fair as it takes two to tango. This is the very reason I prefer that the Song couple date quietly as any media backlash of the dating will just go against my beloved Hye Kyo. I just have total admiration to Mr Kim Si Hyung for doing such a good job in terms of directing the photography of this drama and I realise that my admiration was well deserve as he shown me his total respect to  the privacy of the Song couple.

Furthermore, it does not make sense that during the KBS interview and HK Press Conference he address her as Hye Kyo. Both are public domain/platform. Are they doing it for publicity especially SJK? Do they need publicity in the middle of the success of the drama?  Would SJK risk a backlash of media date rumour with his choice of words that will likely hurt SHK??. I will leave the SJK fans to answer those questions. Something is fishy!! Hopefully, the BTS disclose/uncover/divulge something that will make us all happy. 

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