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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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OH.MY.GOODNESS.......THIS VIDEO JUST MADE MY SHIPPER HEART SOOOO GIDDILY HAPPY~~~~~~~~ that I thought I MUST SHARE IT HERE! I hope it makes all of you awesome shippers feel the same too~~! :heart::heart::heart::blush::blush::blush:

 (I'll be translating only the HIGHLIGHT -- what he said about his ideal type and the choices he made when given 2 options by the MC on how his ideal type should be....I'm actually trembling a little as I type this because I'm just so over the moon by his answersssss~~~ :lol::lol::P:P)

Song Joong Ki say about his ideal type - Fan Meeting In Shenzhen, China


(Credits to the video owner)

Translations (from around 2:45 - 5:00)

MC: What is exactly your ideal type? You have switched between long and short hair previously.Please answer truthfully.

SJK: I guess my earlier replies are dependent on my condition, haha. My ideal type? Well, the most important thing is that she has to be KIND HEARTED

MC: Okay...now I will give you 2 options. And you will need to choose 1 for your ideal type. 

SJK: Okay....

MC: Let me ask, which do you actually like - long hair or short hair?


MC: Do you like an older or younger lady?

SJK: OLDER!.....*laughs and stands up due to fan reaction* Are there many fans here who are older than me? 

MC: All of you [fans] are "old wives".....next question, do you like the pure/innocent type or sexy type?


MC: They are all the pure/innocent type today [referring to fans]. Okay.....do you prefer the model type or small sized type?

SJK: SMALL SIZED TYPE...*nodsssss*

MC: Last question, do you like the type who looks pretty when she smiles or the type who looks pretty when she eats?



Just.GOSH. Every answer, and let me repeat, EVERY ANSWER points to SHK! :w00t::w00t::w00t::wub::wub::wub:

I AM ON CLOUD NINE NOW~~~ I think I'll be staying there for a very very very very long timeeee~~~~~~ OH MY SHIPPER HEARTTT~~ :heart::heart::heart:


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19 minutes ago, iamemilykay said:

OH.MY.GOODNESS.......THIS VIDEO JUST MADE MY SHIPPER HEART SOOOO GIDDILY HAPPY~~~~~~~~ that I thought I MUST SHARE IT HERE! I hope it makes all of you awesome shippers feel the same too~~! :heart::heart::heart::blush::blush::blush:

 (I'll be translating only the HIGHLIGHT -- what he said about his ideal type and the choices he made when given 2 options by the MC on how his ideal type should be....I'm actually trembling a little as I type this because I'm just so over the moon by his answersssss~~~ :lol::lol::P:P)

Song Joong Ki say about his ideal type - Fan Meeting In Shenzhen, China


(Credits to the video owner)

Translations (from around 2:45 - 5:00)

MC: What is exactly your ideal type? You have switched between long and short hair previously.Please answer truthfully.

SJK: I guess my earlier replies are dependent on my condition, haha. My ideal type? Well, the most important thing is that she has to be KIND HEARTED

MC: Okay...now I will give you 2 options. And you will need to choose 1 for your ideal type. 

SJK: Okay....

MC: Let me ask, which do you actually like - long hair or short hair?


MC: Do you like an older or younger lady?

SJK: OLDER!.....*laughs and stands up due to fan reaction* Are there many fans here who are older than me? 

MC: All of you [fans] are "old wives".....next question, do you like the pure/innocent type or sexy type?


MC: They are all the pure/innocent type today [referring to fans]. Okay.....do you prefer the model type or small sized type?

SJK: SMALL SIZED TYPE...*nodsssss*

MC: Last question, do you like the type who looks pretty when she smiles or the type who looks pretty when she eats?



Just.GOSH. Every answer, and let me repeat, EVERY ANSWER points to SHK! :w00t::w00t::w00t::wub::wub::wub:

I AM ON CLOUD NINE NOW~~~ I think I'll be staying there for a very very very very long timeeee~~~~~~ OH MY SHIPPER HEARTTT~~ :heart::heart::heart:


I already dance right know. Everyone let's dance and party. This ship is sealing and this couple always interested to wait to be married couple soon 


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@joongkyo Myung Hwa's taking me there on the 2nd! Woohoo! LOL.

By the way, thank you to all of you shippers who sent out those messages (over 70 of them) to KiKyo! You guys are great even if most of you can't follow directions! LOL. The lot of you wrote not a 2 to 4-line message, but the length of a one-page letter! :crazy: LOL. Do you guys not want me to go to Korea? It was quite a task to edit that I asked myself why I accepted to take on this project. LOL. I'm sorry I had to cut down some of the messages because each one goes on a 5 inch by 5 inch panel. Whining aside, it was a joy to read each message, and I am sure both SJK and SHK will be moved by so much love and support from all of you! If I felt proud, then, imagine how they'll feel as the messages are for them :wub: Thank you!

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1 minute ago, stargazer187 said:


if shes really coming there  for a date... her must be... I hope it's him. my delulu is going so active... haa...



Umm...I didn't say that SHK is coming for a date. I said that the person who posted it is on a date at Itaewon. 

Lol..how would the person know if SHK was going on a date. :P

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Hello Comrades!

I'm still doing back reading at page 813, yeah i know i'm so far behind but i'm happy to see this thread sailing so fast!

Thanks thanks so much for those whose sharing all the photos, videos from SJK FM in Wuhan, Guangzhou and Shenzen.

And, yes, same like the rest of you, i die when reading his Q&A in his Shenzen FM about his ideal type of girl. Joong Ki, next time just please spill out her name ya :P. He looked so contented and happy when answering those questions, without hesitation at all. SJK, you really made me fly to the moon and back :wub:

@Chewy Hoe, i hope you'll get to attend the Taiwan FM!

@~*kYo*~, @angieknows, do have a safe flight to Seoul for the Baeksang Awards!

Happy sailing, Comrades. It's gonna be a long week ahead for me :sweatingbullets:

Keep spreading the :wub:

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JTBC(host Baeksang) has started to  advertise Baeksang by using jamak(caption) in its channel since a couple of days ago, saying SJK, SHK and YAI confirmed to attend Baeksang(SJK surely will attend it) and their ad slogan really focused on SS.

some tidbits from online daejeon(SJK's hometown) community site(most of them are innocent moms sharing info about baby stuff and so on) one commented that her mother in-law is a close friend of SJK's mom and SJK's mom has been doing volunteer work for a long time and a few years ago (after "a nice guy")when they had a meal together, SJK's mom's phone was beeping for messages so often, which was from SJK wiring big cash to his mom with message, so every her mother in- law friend around her really envied SJK's mom. SJK looks like his father a lot. SJK slept over in his parents' only one time since he was discharged from army. SJK's sister moved to SJK's house in seoul , so they live together lately. SJK's mom often goes to Seoul to clean up his house and give them mitbanchan(basic side dishes).

one commented that the prices of houses in her neighborhood have risen up to more than double thanks to SJK cause they live in the same neighborhood as SJK's in Dong Gu(east) district of daejeon. 

I saw one comment saying her friend was in DOTS pc(while airing dots), and her friend said to her that she couldn't forget SHK's gentle but overwhelming charisma and her dignified looking and her intelligent way of speaking in spite of her humble outfit.

Kim Yoon-Sik, a famous poet wrote poem titled Song Hye-Kyo many years ago(it's even introduced in the show). the poet said SHK's beauty reminded him of an edelweiss flower and inspired him to write a poem. I wish I could translate it with the poet's right emotions,  if any of you are interested in it, here's the link http://blog.naver.com/000sim2/80170199789

In gossip show a few days ago, one news reporter from The FACT(he was a formal dispatch reporter) said that dating rumor about YYS and Kim Jiwon could be real even though they strongly denied it, and their relationship has been quite long. and they mentioned that Jangko couple(jangdongkwon and Kosoyoung) co-starred in a moive (they are at the same age) and right after a movie, they spotted in LA, USA, but they denied their dating rumor, they insisted that they were the best friends. and even their agencies announced that they would sue people making the rumor at that time. and KSY was also a close friend of Jungwoosung (they co-starred in a movie too)who's Jangdongkwon's best friend, (as my memory KSY spotted with JWS more often) and after almost ten years they got married and have two kids now. (after marriage, in a show, KSY revealed that they had some feelings when shooting the movie and later they dated abroad)

sorry to bring out smoking issue again, from what I heard, SJK smoked on purpose at the beginning cause he didn't like his flower boy image and wanted to look like sangnamja and then he stopped smoking for a few years, he wasn't a smoker during army and DOTS and he didn't say he didn't smoke before, he said he stopped smoking which was true when being interviewed at that time. I guess 90 percent of actors here smoke and they are often spotted smoking in open places, which we don't care much about.

p.s:  @angieknows and @~*kYo*~ attend Baeksang? wow!! I really envy you cause I've never had a chance to see SHK in the flesh.  actually I saw SJK in chookryungsan woods very early in the morning a few years ago right before his army, he was there for shooting North Face CF. I and my friends never imagined to see a famous actor in the middle of woods, my first impression about him was round and white(I was not a fan of him at that time) haha and his height looked around 174- 175cm, as we had to pass through the trail where SJK stood, the shooting stopped for a moment and we were really right in front of his face, he was really handsome in an orange jacket, I asked him if we could shake hands and he said "Ah, ne! mullon(of course)" with his particularly nodding his head while his staffs were stopping us, I can't recall what it felt like when I grabbed his hand but he was very kind. when we went back in the afternoon, he was still there resting and sweating in a purple sleevless t-shirt while Lee yun-hee , his co-star in CF was shooting in the other side . anyway if you have some time in Seoul, please don't miss Bookchon Korean traditional house village, Insadong, Kyungbok palace and myungdong for shopping.

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@angieknows and @ ~*kYo*~, have a  safe trip and lots of luck for the success of yours' (and our) mission...we'll be waiting for your newsfeed with great anticipation...enjoy and have fun!!:wub::)

...and oh @sigang it's a nice read and about the poem, am very curious to know the content of that poem especially if it's written by a well known poet...maybe our Captain Joongkyo could help if she have the time...hope to read more news about SS coming from you :heart:

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19 hours ago, koneechan said:


It seems that the length of SJK's ideal girl's hair  will depend on SHK's hair length


Hi, koneechan, this is for you and everyone here

I remember there's 1 fan meet where he said short hair and that's not SHK hair length as she is growing it out Long again...that's why I am tired of him being asked about the ideal type and him just giving random answers he cannot even remember. Having referred back to all his ideal types when being asked though the years, his ideal types keep changing that's why I say I am confused and wanted a name instead. 

The only true one will only be revealed if seen together with him when cameras are being shoved right at their faces. That's when he might reveal. SJK is a private person and he will not reveal his true ideal type in a fan meet or interviews. He is feeding answers that's scripted, required of, or of general consensus. Everyone is aware that every fan meet has to be rehearsed prior and there is a script to follow to. 

His ideal type answers are to be taken at face value seriously since he is only given limited options to choose from so it can only go either way. 

Instead, pay attention to his actions, his body languages instead of what he says because actions speaks louder than words 



@sigang sorry I need to cut your post to clarify this part of what you wrote. You saidfrom what I heard, SJK smoked on purpose at the beginning cause he didn't like his flower boy image and wanted to look like sangnamja and then he stopped smoking for a few years, he wasn't a smoker during army and DOTS and he didn't say he didn't smoke before, he said he stopped smoking which was true when being interviewed at that time. I guess 90 percent of actors here smoke and they are often spotted smoking in open places, which we don't care much about. ~End~

I say: sorry but he started social smoking in Sungkyunkwan Scandal only because at that time YAI and PYC were smoking so they were known as the smoking buddies then. Nothing to do with him wanting to look more sangnamja and he didn't continue after shooting ended. 

Also what you said about him not saying he didn't smoke before is absolutely true! I don't know how those websites can have this news since 2012 that he said he doesn't smoke Nor drink and cause people to be upset when they found out otherwise. Totally misleading. 


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@sigang As usual, you're awesome for giving us all this info! And I hope I will be as lucky as you are and be able to meet SJK face-to-face and shake his hand! :D I hope that'll be the time when we hand him our thread's gift! Haha. I wonder if he'll oblige us (there'll be four of us shippers) with a group hug ... And I'll be sure to visit Bukchon Hanok Village :D 

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43 minutes ago, cabi03 said:

Me too, never noticed it before. She was like giddy with whatever she saw/heard between SJK & SHK

I guess all of us will have same reaction as KJW did. Hahaha! I watched that presscon again and I also noticed that she kept on looking to KiKyo couple. Maybe those looks very sweet at the time. We just can't see it because of the way the cameraman focuses their cameras.

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8 hours ago, angieknows said:

@joongkyo Myung Hwa's taking me there on the 2nd! Woohoo! LOL.

By the way, thank you to all of you shippers who sent out those messages (over 70 of them) to KiKyo! You guys are great even if most of you can't follow directions! LOL. The lot of you wrote not a 2 to 4-line message, but the length of a one-page letter! :crazy: LOL. Do you guys not want me to go to Korea? It was quite a task to edit that I asked myself why I accepted to take on this project. LOL. I'm sorry I had to cut down some of the messages because each one goes in a 5 inch by 5 inch panel. Whining aside, it was a joy to read each message, and I am sure both SJK and SHK will be moved by so much love and support from all of you! If I felt proud, then, imagine how they'll feel as the messages are for them :wub: Thank you!

hahaha...i guess all of us shippers are excited that there will be our 'voice representatives'at baeksang....

Although i am not among the 70 shippers who sent messages to this project..but i'm pretty sure whatever the other shippers says here is pretty much my voice too..hahahaha... 

Btw...enjoy ur time there angie. Hope that you can get selfie with both of our song song. 

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Has this video been shared here? Just WOW! His skin is so flawless and he's so so freaking cute. Watching the video feels like we are having some facetime with him. Hahaha.. I can't even dare to look at him for such a long time. My shipper's heart can no longer take it. I will surely melt at his gazes and stares. #SongHeKyoFeels :blush::heart:


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If Song Joong-ki and Lee Gwang-soo fell for the same woman? Love or friendship?


Actor Song Joong-ki chose love over friendship.

Song Joong-ki attended a fan meeting at the Guangzhou sports arena. Fans welcomed their 'national husband' with open arms.

According to the local media, Song Joong-ki drew pictures of his fans and had a good time with them.

When he was asked what he would do if he fell for the same girl as his best friend Lee Gwang-soo, he said, "I would choose love".

Then he was asked if would allow his sister to date Lee Gwang-soo and he replied, "No, no, no" 3 times and said, "He is my good friend but he's too tall".


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