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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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6 hours ago, applegirl2 said:

Posting an update from baidu - baidu  SS shippers from WUHAN  are great :wub: they passed Ms lee the hairstylist a poster for ki at the hotel.. look at how she's holding it.. she's so sweet 


I do believe Ms. Lee is fully aware that SongSong shippers know how she is connected to both SJK & SHK and glad she's taking time to accept gifts from fans for the couple which is rare to be done by stylists or other staff. She is such a warm-hearted lady :) 

10 hours ago, joongkyo said:




Article basically says SHK and SJK signed with different Duty Free companies.


OMO! If they were both endorsing the same company, I think I won't be able to breathe. LOL. But it would've been good...just imagine the campaign full of chemistry, feels, and awesome aura of our two faves! Even though they have different companies, I bet both will still have their sales "skyrocketing" ;)

12 hours ago, thepixies said:


Hi @angelicXD & @pgaltr

Are you referring to the Baeksang poster featuring SS that can be seen on Baidu and Weibo? This one >>It is actually an advertisement by a Beijing travel firm. They offer a tour package to the film locations of DotS plus a Baeksang attendance ticket, but there is no promise that customers will be able to see or sit near SS or that SS will be attending together. 



When I saw the poster, I thought it was confirmed that our SS couple will attend the Awards...I was misled. Thanks for the info! I was in daydreaming land when I read the "no promise that customers will be able to see or sit near SS or that SS will be attending together"

Being able to sit near SS?? HAHA...I could just imagine...If there was a lucky ticket that I can have and will be able to sit beside them..that would be good..but being a shipper just seeing them together on-screen during the Baeksang awards is ....<3 


I've been backreading for a long time, I haven't posted for the longest time too but I've been scrolling through all of your updates. I've been late with all the happenings since I'm so busy with work and I appreciate everything! to the new shippers, WELCOME! Let us ship happily~ Welcome back to those who have been in hiatus~ We missed you <3

Again, thank youuuuu to all the updates! With all the shippers' post, it uplifts my mood. It seems like I've been in contact with my SS ship. Thank you! Kamsahamnida!!!


and to those from other planets or whatsoever continually bashing or giving out negative vibes to our ship....and telling us to stop shipping?!?!?!



Lemme say....The SongSong couple...Our fave artists, Song Hye Kyo & Song Joong Ki..LOOK~



Look at their chemistry~ Obviously, there is no reason to stop shipping! Let's stay in our lanes, 'kaaaay?

Because WE...I...I+regret+nothing.gif

(c) beautyandthebigboss (tumblr) for the DOTS screenshots 


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58 minutes ago, YS_pnockio said:

uri beauty @kyo1122 just updated her Instagram! and today bigboss landed to Wuhan  China! Coincident as always ;)


Another coincidence?  I don't think so, :)

SJK flew to China and SHK updates her IG again...

is this some sort of code from SHK to SJK...hahaha...

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This scene looked so real, I couldn't figure out if I was watching YSJ-KMY or SJK-SHK!


the way he looks at her and those secret smiles they share :wub: 
the harder they try to look like "best friends" the more they look like a real couple! :P 

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Thanks everyone for the updates, especially to @khxy and @sigangfor your wonderful translations :)  Still in the process of backreading, but just want to post these additional pics of Kyo in the atStar1 magazine.  Hopefully we'll get higher quality ones soon.







cr to baidu

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35 minutes ago, bliss7 said:

This scene looked so real, I couldn't figure out if I was watching YSJ-KMY or SJK-SHK!

the way he looks at her and those secret smiles they share :wub: 
the harder they try to look like "best friends" the more they look like a real couple! :P 


Ikr. Agreed with you. Actually there's a lot of scene that makes me wondering if its just YSJ-KMY or its real them. The way he look at her, its just soo intense. And SHK is soo beautiful. Its no wonder if SJK cant stop looking at her :wub:

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1 hour ago, mulder9999 said:


Another coincidence?  I don't think so, :)

SJK flew to China and SHK updates her IG again...

is this some sort of code from SHK to SJK...hahaha...

SJK is oversee so she have time to update IG..:P when he is in Korea, he will find time to meet her so she has no time to update IG. Heehee 

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Hong Jang Hyun was the photographer for China (Elle) and Korea (Elle).


One of the stylists is joking on that post wondering why SHK is wearing the Dior Autumn collection when the article is talking about Summer.

All I see is DIOR!

Actress Naomie Harris (From the Jame Bond franchise ) wore this at the Dior Show during Fashion Week.


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Hey you guys, make sure to vote here.  10 votes a day.  You can do it all at once. 


Seems like a group of fans of another artist are trying to make a play for most popular female actresses.  Before SHK didn't have much competition, but the #2 votes are growing rapidly suddenly. Right now, he seems to have a lead that isn't changing much so might be the time to support her a bit more.  I've been giving all my votes to him, but I'm going to start splitting now. 


And ETA:  Baeksang awards are the same as always and everything is good and steady.  He maintains a 60% lead while she maintains a 71% lead with 10 days to go.  I don't want to get too complacent, but so far so good. 

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Popularity award's update:



Iqiyi update:

SJK - 2029072 vs #2 - 607505Screenshot_2016-05-21-00-28-26-1_zpscilz



Iqiyi update:

SHK - 1626244 vs #2 - 202564


More screencap from SHK Laneige CF



Credit: https://youtu.be/t0XzP-lzV8k

@melissala thanks for the updates chingu. Yup I notice that too #2 are gaining a lots of votes last time I check she has only around 30K+ votes.


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(Credit as labelled)

Finally this picture without the countdown day watermark is out, I love it so so so much. Needless to say, her bright smile, his happy smile, their body language, her hand slightly puts towards him, he looks like the happiest man in this world and as if the joyfulness could be delivered through the screen. They are making my soul softer and emotions burst out for real :tears:


Well regarding the news Ruby Lin and Wallace Huo announcing their relationship, I have read an article on my local e-newspaper whose information source is from weibo and found interesting resemblances with our couple (kindly let me know whether it is appropriate for our thread, if not then I will edit it out :) ). These are some short translations into English, sorry in advance for my broken English: 

  • Ruby Lin, 40 years old and Wallace Huo, 36 years old ~ Their age difference is about 4 years old. (Information from wikipedia)
  • In the BTS of a movie, they continuously teased each other, laughed out loud and do cute actions. They were also very considerate and take care of each other off screen. Their chemistry was so strong that people couldn't help but thinking they were dating and they were received many blessing wishes from fans.
  • Their agencies denied dating rumor to the public and stated that they were only close friends.
  • [This part is not exactly resemble but I find it so cute: In an event, Ruby Lin stated about the rumor that: "It is impossible. There is no chance a friendship can develop into love". And in another event, when people ask her about their relationship, Lin averred: "No way! We are only good friends. Maybe people are misunderstanding!" and in a show that Wallace Huo participated in, Ruby Lin sent a short video message to the show, reproached Huo for not denying when there were dating rumors flying around and expressed her pent-up resentment for being the only one who clarify the rumor - that should have been done by the man.
  • Despite of his tight schedule, on Ruby Lin's birthday, Wallace Huo made all the way to the airport, picked the earliest flight and went to Lin's birthday party. They also took a selfie in which Ruby Lin looked sooooo happy.
  • This April in an award, Lin repeated that she and Huo are only close friends and revealed that his true color is not like the impression that most  of people have. 
  • And on 20.05.2016 - confession day (as the date is pronounced similarly to "I like you" in their native language), they officially announced their relationship.

Source: Here

Ruby Lin always leaves good impression on me and somehow I feel her vibe similar with our Kyo at the point that they're working really hard and let the outcome speaks, no media play, they just focus on what they love and stay humble at their best. :) 

I'm so excited and can't wait for more information from our namja's FM :lol: 

And don't forget to vote on Baeksang and iQiyi. ^^~

Good night chingus from the other side of the world. ^_^

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Greetings Everyone! Salute!

This will be my very 1st post on SS/KiKyo thread but definitely not the last, i've been silently lurking this thread since the beginning of Dots but finally decided i can't stay quite anymore i have to voice out my excitement that i've been suppressing this passed few months, specially after the Dots have ended..i'm one of you that having a( very hard time)/ withdrawal syndrome, you probably can't imagine how many times i've re watched the dots..including all the fanmade videos on Youtube that has Song's couple on it from old to latest..plus all the daily post on IG's. ( the brave move/ act of captain SJK last FM in Beijing sharing his personal photos with dear Kyosii  make's me realize it's time for me to jump/on board this ship.. SALUTE to Captain SJK, hats off for your bravery, truly it will take an Extra Ordinary Man to make our dear Kyossii to open up her heart again. one of my innermost desire for my Kyossii to finally find the man who will find ways and proudly says to the world that she's mine..(the one and common reason for us to be in this ship, although i wont have much to contribute, but still while reading every post in this thread makes my heart skip a bit,  it makes me smile and been a source of my happiness and been part of my daily routine the passed weeks.

I'm a big fan of SHK, by thought and by heart..(since AIMH)... i've watched her all her drama, movies not only twice including cf's and tv interviews. news about and everything's that talked or discuss about her that's brought me to SOOMPI..that's the only thing that i can do as one of  her (international) fan to keep me updated.. after the news of final castings of Dots more than a year ago, I was one of you who patiently waited for it's premier date, that's gave us a year of waiting right?

My first experience of watching SJK on a drama was during his time as a junior doctor on (Obstethics and Genecology), then the Dots came I was able to read about most of the related news about it, and have seen hundreds of comments from Fans/ N.tizens  about the Song- Song couple, mostly was saying that it will looked like/ be a Noona- daesang/ b'coz of their 4 yrs age gap, saying Kyo is already Ahjumma add to that is that there's  a lot who do not believe for the onscreen chemistry between the 2 main lead, that's makes my heart hurts a little bit as a fan of Kyossii, ( but thanks God, when i saw the 1st preview of Dots last december 2015  during KBS year end drama awards night, those concerns are already gone and convince myself sure that (the SOng's couple can prove to them that they we're wrong)  and as always SHK never fails to amaze me whoever/whomever she will be partnered in drama or movie there will always a chance that they are perfectly match on screen,,that's Kyo's natural charm right? her hidden card/ inner power/ unique charisma that is so rare in Korean showbiz industry. 

looking back, while waiting for dots updates. i took time to search all SJK previous drama the last one I have watched was The Innocent/ nice Guy..i can say that SJK had been to a great transformation and transition on his career and personality base on his previous drama character's. He deserved all the phantom and love from all over the world, bco'z he'd worked hard and persevere to become what he is now. A man with good looks and kind heart.. one common and similarities i personally found to Song's couple.

Dots and  with a fresh experience on his time in the military YSJ is perfectly suited to SJK, i'm 100% agree with SHK that she could not imagine any other actor that could possibly played YSJ other than Bigboss itself. 

Dots was a perfect project for both SHK and SJK  comeback drama, perfect timing and  it's a God's will that the 2 Song's crossed  paths I/we can call it (Destiny of the Song's) hahaha. now we have this ship...

with our captain Bigboss and 1st class steward Beauty herself leading us,  surely one day, if we wait patiently, on it's God's perfect time we will reach our final destination.. so keep sailing let's keep our paddle slowly but steady, no need to hurry..let's take 1 push at a time, even it takes a little bit more time be patient, and keep praying that this 2 Souls will stay stronger, faithful, and loving to each other as the time goes by.. let's give them time, respect their privacy and be grateful enough to what they already shared to us.. 



I personally don't want them to admit that they are dating publicly now or sooner ( if they become officially dating couple)...all i want and looking for is that when the day comes, when they want the public to know about their real relationship is also be the day that they already decided to settle down and get married, co'z i don't want them to undergone such inappropriate ordeal of public scrutiny for dating revelation., for now i want them to enjoy their precious time together, even as a good friend ( best friends as stated by KMS) while building the foundation of better and long term relationships. Only God knows what's in store for them in the future..all i can do is to keep them in my prayers...

looking forward for another updates and news tomorrow...today i'll end my day with a smile...




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