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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Marie claire for June edition arrived today (earlier than they said).


In his interview, the last question is "Are you happy, these days?"- Yes, I'm happy. I used to have a good guy complex before, so I kind of  couldn't reject well. But now I express my thoughts more frankly than before. And above all, I like that I've learned to enjoy myself in life. 

Will DOTS be not shameful drama to you?   It's not rather shameful... How can I express it better?.. I'll be sorry when I recall DOTS in distant future. It's ture that I did my best as it was my first drama after Army, but something that I feel sorry about is that I couldn't do more because of my injury while filming it. 

It's tremendous reaction(about dots) as much as it's called syndrom. wondering what's the feeling like when getting lots of cheers from many people?- To be honest with you, I'm very pleased. these days, I'm experiencing what I've never gone through before, things that are very joyful are countinually happening and I feel myself growing(improving) gradually at the same time. It's the feeling  that a callus has formed. As getting more attention, it happened that  my family and very personal things were opened. That's what I have to endure, but It's strenous whenever it happens. and then I come across the thought that I won't hurt other people like 'Ah, as this is hurting me, I shouldn't hurt others like this'. I came to know what's hurting me, so I don't want to hurt others, Let's say, when feeling one's shoulders painful and sore, people can give a better shoulder massage  to others. In that sense, it seems that I'm growing(developing). I live  a very joyful life but things happen the other way around. But that doesn't mean I'm under tremendous stress, feels like that a callus is forming thinker.

The picture of old SJK can't be drawn(imagined)?  my fans are also worried about that, my face seems no charming when I'm old. (laugh), so I want to act much better. It's true that appearance is very important for actors. that's why I want to act well,which makes me able to go downhill very slowly.

What was your life in twenties like? - I lived  entusiastically, so it's satisfactory. although I feel sorry that I couldn't enjoy it that much, I have no regrets because I lived with pleasure.. In my thirties, I'm trying to enjoy more. Within either shooting or other matters, there's time when unexpected conflicts happen, and now I want to live with a less frowned face.

Is now the moment  that is shining the most in your life? It seems so. that can be the reasons that many people like me, and I live myself with joy now. Although acting is getting harder and harder, it's more fun with the reason.

Do you who arouse people to enthusiasm  have any complex? Of course, I'm shorter compared to Kwangsoo, but I don't want to be that tall (laugh) EDIT

what are things that you couldn't challenge(miss) while hesitating? It could be dating or Army. I joined Army late with hesitation.

you're a model for outdoor brand. you're walking around the city in CF. Do you like walking? I like walking. when traveling abroad, I take a car after as much as I walk. when traveling in Japan, I've walked many hours from Sibuya to Rotppon.

Then, you can't walk as much as you can in Seoul.- even so, there's a trail I like. I like Hyehwadong when I was in the university, and prefer a quiet neighborhood like seongbukdong and spots around Blue house. when walking around Seongbookdong,  I run into the elderly. and I can take a laid-back walk, greeting them.

Have you been courageous without hesitation while traveling? All of a sudden I wanted to travel at 11 p.m and took off to Japan  when it was one week before shooting "a nice guy".  no one accompanied, all by myself. In fact, it's not easy for actors to travel alone, but I  tried. All I did was reading the scripts there and came back but it was fun though. I could finish " a nice guy" with that energy.

wonder what you're doing when not acting? talk to Kwangsoo, play games and have a drink (laugh). we don't see often after Kwangsoo became "Asia prince". these days it's always like this. "where are you?" "Malaysia" "where are you?" "Thailand" so, I've decided to revenge. when he asks me where I am, I'll answer I'm abroad(laugh)

this year especially must be memorable to you? On top of that, it 's the year that I did my filial duty for my parents. News is the absolute being for parents who live in the local area. They were really happy when their son was in that news. I thought it was good enough.(there's nothing I wanted more). I'll be in the news again if I'm asked to (laugh)

P.s: the Korea Mint Corporation announced it in news  today that they will make and sell limited Songsong couple commemorate  medals on which their faces are engraved  and made of Gold both in china and korea. (SS become a national couple now in korea, haha) 

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50 minutes ago, superbigcat said:

Dae to the bak :w00t:, I can't stop laughing when reading your sharing @applegirl2, Ms. Lee and Wu Han SongSong shippers are so cool and I'm imagining the journey of the poster:

  • Ms. Lee carefully hands over the poster to Joong Ki: "This is from your fans"
  • Joong Ki opens the posters, be surprised and laugh out loud (as we do)
  • Then he immediately takes a picture of it and sends to our Beauty
  • Then Ms. Beauty posts the picture on her private IG, or Mr. Song will reveal it at his FM and winks: "I know what you're doing, my shippers"
  • And they have us faint and cry rainbow.

*Pardon my delulu mode :P*

I'm not gonna pardon your delulu mode because i'm also in delulu mode right now, everyday actually. LOL! I hope beauty will post it on her public ig then SJK will reveal it on his FM.. I can only wish. I hope his next fanmeetings will be as fun as the Thailand fanmeeting and will be as revealing as the Beijing fanmeeting, even more revealing please. I'll literally be spazzing then if that happens.:blush:

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I'm sorry have we already posted this yet? It's the brief recap on the interview from W Korea.

Cr: allkpop

'Descendants of the Sun' heroine Song Hye Kyo went all out for her recent photoshoot with 'W Korea' and reflected on her character Kang Mo Yeon's personality.

Continue in spoiler


The interviewer naturally asked about Song Hye Kyo's role in the hit drama, and the actress relayed, "When I first received the script, the character hadn't been as developed yet. The writer and I went out drinking a few times, where she changed the character positively for me. When you're drunk, you get a little braver, so I think I demanded more from her. I think she enjoyed seeing that from me."

About receiving a lot of love from female viewers for Kang Mo Yeon's outgoing, opinionated personality, Song Hye Kyo reflected, "Females usually like me better. During the drama was when I learned about the term 'Cider' (Someone who speaks their mind, straightforward, like the refreshing taste of cider), and I liked that the female character had such a clear voice of her own instead of being dragged along by the male character. Even some female characters like that can become passive when they're in love, but Mo Yeon was always certain about her worth and her style. It took a long time for her to realistically accept the fear surrounding the other person's situation and background, and so she did end up being scolded by some viewers who fell for Yoo Si Jin right away (laughter). I thought that how she was strongly inclined to her work, how she was realistic, and how she loved but didn't fall prey to love were the attractive parts of her. There were a few unlikable things here and there, of course (laughter)."

It sounds like Song Hye Kyo really delved deep into Kang Mo Yeon's character during her drama! More of the actress' photos and interview questions can be found in the June issue of 'W Korea'!


and we have all the photos showing in previous posts already so I will not be reposting this time :)

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@khxy@sigang @hclover96

Thanks, chingus, for bringing SS news, GIFs and all the translations and updates. It's not easy and I truly appreciate it. You guys are awesome!

This ship thrives best under Positive vibes and we're getting all the good aura surrounding our couple. I believe that SJK and SHK truly treasures each other after all the emotional support given for nearly a year since DOTs filming started till now. Both have awesome personality and in SJK's words, they complement each other outside filming too. I'm pretty sure by now they know the strengths and areas for improvement for each other and this paves the way for a good marriage in future. Besides, SHK did say that they have similar traits so they'll have stuff in common to enhance their partnership. SJK brings out the cute, innocent side of SHK while she brings out the manly and protective side of SJK. This is awesome and makes a great couple. Their photos in the magazines screamed beauty, cool and sexiness. Yes, I can see that even that, they complement each other completely. 

Visually, the beauty of this couple is outside the realm of earth. Together, they're like a wisp of fresh air rejuvenating our tired souls. It looks like Korea will have to standby its nation of citizens for the nuptial of this beautiful couple, and the flights to Korea will be sold out because everyone wants to experience the first-hand happiness of witnessing a fairy-tale wedding - the day when our cool Captain Song propose to Beauty, cheered on by his Alpha team, her Medical crew and DOTs staff, and entertained by LKS and his RM team.  :)

Meanwhile, let's keep our fingers crossed for Song Song gracing the red carpet hand in hand, for the coming Baeksang Awards Ceremony.

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Just seen a news that Taiwanese artist Ruby Lin, 40 and Wallace Huo, 36 announced that they are dating. How I wish the news is about SHK and SJk, Ruby Lin is 4 years older than Wallace Huo, age is just a number. Hope our SS couple will b brave enough to announce too!

Sorry that if my post is consider not relevant and need to delete please let me know.

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Thank you @sigang looking forward for your translation. @khxy always loves reads all your translation thank you, and @ludadeer thank you for W magazine. 


So it is true that Chewy eoni said in few pages back that Ruby Lin in decade relationship with someone else which is Wallace Huo. And they just come out these days @luvshynsjk

So when will our SS come out then :blush:  Whatever their decission we will always be there for them. We will support them until the end.

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Hello..thank you all for the warm welcome. However, I have to confess that I have commented on this thread before , although not often and generally when I felt irritated by some other comments (probably just show up what an impatient and ill tempered old lady that  I am . My last comment was when I lost my grip and made a lame statement about my age.If my children ever know me as a shipper at my age will probably cause my embarrassed white hair to fall out ). I stayed and read all the comments almost every day, because I found you all so fun, in spite of some occasional ones who like to act like 'bearers of bad news' and cause the ire of many. I have learnt so many new words here e.g. 'pm' , which I googled but I have no idea how to pm @joongkyo  or @Chewy Hoe:). Oh! let's continue to have fun together..life is too short otherwise!

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1 hour ago, luvshynsjk said:

Just seen a news that Taiwanese artist Ruby Lin, 40 and Wallace Huo, 36 announced that they are dating. How I wish the news is about SHK and SJk, Ruby Lin is 4 years older than Wallace Huo, age is just a number. Hope our SS couple will b brave enough to announce too!

Sorry that if my post is consider not relevant and need to delete please let me know.


I just saw this report too, they were in underground relationship for 4 years before announcing they are dating publicly today...

they met via filming as well.

So for SongSong shippers, we need to be patient and have faith in them that they will announce good news to us in their due time.

Just be happy that SongSong couple are 'best friends' for now...eventually it will turn into Soulmates and marriage mates in the future..

so long as SJK and SHK are happy is what matters most.

salute comrades


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Maybe it was discussed before but i don't know what page already..is ms.lee exclusive for hye gyo only? I wonder now that he became joongki stylist too. I was just curious if she's also styling other actors except the two

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what's Song Hye Kyo's super power?
well I'd say being able to be
this (drop dead gorgeous) WNO5oTG.gif

this (super emotional) Song%2BHye%2BKyo%2BDescendants%2Bof%2Bth

this (super cute) song-hye-kyo-batting-eyelashes.gif

and this (sexiness overload) 2080757479_97e038de_8-2.gif

all at the same time :) 

 :heart: she's a goodness in every possible way!!!

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Hyun Jyu Ni interview (mention about Hye Kyo)

Q:How was it working with Song Hye Kyo?

It couldn't be better.There was no NG moments when we filmed together.There was one scene where Pyo Ji Soo and Kang Mo Yeon were drinking wine,that scene really depicts the friendships between two .When Kang Mo Yeon returned from Uruk and hugged Pyo Ji Soo,i really felt at ease so i wss holding back tears actually.Hye Kyo unnie also hugged me tightly.

Q:For Kang Mo Yeon, what Pyo Ji Soo means to her?

Like an insurance. We,women, also have the kind of loyalty and deep friendships that men have,but on screen,most of the time women are always shown to be jealous of each other.To be able to show the deep loyalty between women is really meaningful.In real life,i rely on Hye Kyo unnie a lot.

Q:It seems that Song Hye Kyo and you have a deep bonds,for you personally,what Song Hye Kyo means to you?

Whether i am sad or happy,Hye Kyo unnie is someone that i always want to look for.She is very easygoing towards actors and crew.She is pretty and has a good character during filming and in private.Nowadays,no matter where i go i will always say my favourite top star is Song Hye Kyo

Q:The pictures of DOTS' dinner gathering were making headlines.It seems that the casts get along really well.

Hye Kyo unnie often organize gatherings for Haesung hospital team.

Q:For you,DOTS is....

I am really thankful towards the people who believe in me and also i managed to act with actors whom i really wish to work with.For me,it is a blessing.Even though it is a little pity that my part is small but because of  i was acting alongside Hye Kyo unnie,the writer wrote me some trademark lines so it is a drama that i am very satisfied with.

Q: Do you wish to take part in reality show?

I want to.I want to go to Switzerland and Germany.If i can have a company,i would want to go with Hye Kyo unnie.I keep mentioning Song Hye Kyo from start to finish.Everyone please let me go with Hye Kyo unnie. (laugh)

Credit weibo

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