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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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So many updates :D 

Just wanted to say @pgaltr, your method is working thank you :D lol. Let's keep voting guys, fighting!

I haven't comment on the footsie gif, thanks so much @hclover96 I bet they did it unconsciously, it shows how comfortable they are with each other. If they aren't they would have moved their foot as not to touch each others. This again reminds me of their awkwardness during the PC but turned out they met in NY for meal before hand. Who are they kidding?  

Oh, this pic catches my attention, thanks @ssnooow it's SJK right? Checking on his photos, this makes me wonder if in the future he would want to work behind the scene, maybe becoming a movie director. Just my wild guess :lol:006qMR9ngw1f3unt28cttj30hs0hs0tw.jpg

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I am back with another request.

If the people on this thread have been involved in the latest unpleasantness involving SHK's friend's post then please delete your comments. It is in bad taste for shippers to firstly presume things and then attack the person who is posting the pictures if you aren't happy with how the post turned out.

I have repeated this several times, please don't pass judgment on what her friends post or don't post. It's not our place to do so, these are her closest friends - even if you disagree with *how much* they choose to share or not to share. If a problem really does arise then it will be SHK or even SJK who will take it up with them. 

If you ask me, the friends have done nothing wrong. They've shared pictures from places or occasions in which they themselves have been present, if SS have been present on such occasions they have never outrightly tagged them. Yes,they tag SHK's private IG - but that was never a big secret to begin with. Everyone including fans knew that she keeps a private IG.

SHK knows that we know about her private IG, she just expects us to be mature enough to understand that what she shares there isn't private because she's hiding something from the rest of the world but because she is entitled to private moments with her close friends and family, just like any one of us. Which is why I am not happy when I see people tagging her private IG, as fans we are lucky enough that she reads our tags and comments on her public IG. To badger her on her private IG is extremely distasteful and furthermore she'd be disappointed that fans were taking such liberties with her and her friends.



Another clarification 

During SJK's interview in Beijing, he referred to SHK as SHK -sshi and not as noona, It has already been posted by the fansite that this was a mistake on the part of the translator. Therefore if people on this thread are re-posting *the said* translation on various fan-sites then please either use a different version of the translation or make a clarification in your posts. It is causing much confusion when there should be none.

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Thank you for all the translation and updates...

Looking forward to more NAME DROPPING of SHK and LKS today... :lol:

And has this video been shared yet? 

It was so funny looking at JK's shy reaction when the host says that the audience says that they are his wife :lol:

Just click the CC button for the English sub


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Lol this is the first time I wish members would take out the translation here instead 

even if with no understanding of any Chinese, one could hear very clearly he said in Korean"Song Hye Kyo sshi" in all the times he mentioned her name which the Chinese interpreter then said Song Hye Jiao Xiao Jie which is also Miss SHK 

i don't understand where the Noona came from 

anyway so far the translations here have been on point and reliable so do find yours here if in doubt. Also special thanks to @lov3kikyo who did the live translations while watching at the same time! Every contributor have their own style of translating so it's good to have more variation. I for one only felt the need to translate only the key points meant for my shipping heart because this is SS thread and it may not matter to everyone with trivals if he likes roast duck or not 

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I think I won't be able to watch the broadcast tonight, look forward for updates, pictures and gifs here. Thank you in advance chingus :D  The tread is slowing down lately I don't have many pages to back read as usual. So I end up watching the bts for the nth times, lol. I just can't get enough of them. 

I can't help not to laugh in this one, poor SJK, he can't even stand up :joy: 


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I agree with what everyone here is saying. There are many eyes in this thread right now.

So I want to address this message to the irresponsible IG and twitter that is fueling a lot of unnecessary rumor. Not just because they are taking information left and right from soompi and our OTP's friends, what I am worrying is that what they are doing is also unhealthy to the fans that are too easy to be influenced , especially because if there is no one to correct the fans. And it can cause a snowballed effect to SS.

Case in point : every time an info on IG is shared, the friend of our OTPs are then bombarded with comments about SS.. 

It is normal if you are curious, but you surely can differentiate what is real and what is not, what is needed to be said and what is not... I mean we are talking about real life and real people here.....

Please ship with respect and mature, that is how we show our support to SS.

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Yups please friend hear what @joongkyo say. Don't tag shk private IG or also shk public IG. I notice that also so many IG still tag or mantion shk IG. 

We are shipper but we must respect with the people we ship in there so be smart friend and don't play like a child must be tag or mantion her IG.

Thanks you happy Saturday  and I'm waiting to watch Beijing fans meeting and also waiting the translation here. Hope we get a good news today 

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Ok, gals and guys. I've just completed chapter one of my fanfic on SS amidst my deadlines for thesis and research papers. I'm going thru' it for editing before posting. The prologue is up and you can find the link below:


Do leave comments - good or bad are welcomed. :P

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1 hour ago, lov3kikyo said:

I will be watching the Beijing Fan meet too. :) will try my best to translate what I can. 

I'm not a professional translator.. :) hehe.

Looking  fwd to the translation  as I won't be able to watch it..having a bbq party tonite but I wld rather b glued to the hanpphone to watch for any mention of SHK...

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Hi guys, I want to share some interesting information that Vietnamese shippers found while waiting for SJK Fan meeting.

There is a flower which is called KIKYO - a symbol of endless love in Japanese culture. Its meaning is: silent love, honesty, loyalty, ... and never change. There are 2 types of KIKYO, white and purple. White KIKYO symbolizes loyalty and mysterious soul. Purple KIKYO symbolizes purity.

People can visit KIKYO homeland in Kokusho pagoda (Kameoka city, Kyoto), Kosho pagoda (Shuchi city, Fukuoka)

Our shippers knew that both of them like travelling to Japan, I don't know if our couple know that there is a flower which name after their names :))

Source: facebook xxx (from Vietnamese SS couple shippers

(Sorry for my poor English and I don't know how to post image!!!)

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 :D thank you for the reminder chingu :) 

Anyways, the competition for Baeksang is tough, I pray all the best for SHK. I hope she will get some major awards this year.

I found her most beautiful in this scene, I don't know why... with the tears glistening in her eyes, so beautiful... 


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