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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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28 minutes ago, msbae81 said:

I just want to add @melissalavery helpful tips in accumulating points.

Below are 2 games that are easy to accomplish with high reward points:

Dragon soul - 1,700 points - need to reach level 7 - very easy. took me only half hr and I'm an adjumma who hates games.

Summoners War - 1,000 points - just follow tutorial - very easy. Took me about 10 mins.

Pls Vote Vote Vote for SS couple! 

Yeah, I did both of those.  Summoners War's was especially easy. 

I also just found 6 issues of Bon Appetit for 6 dollars. It was 4,500 points I think.  Good deal.  You can cancel at any time as well for a refund.  There's also 6 issues of Vogue for 6 dollars for 4.4k points.  And 6 issues of Wired for 5 dollars for 4.5k and 6 issues of Teen Vogue for 6 dollars for the same... lots of good magazine subs.  These can also be gift subscriptions and you can give them to friends/relatives.  Early Christmas shopping. :P 

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9 minutes ago, melissala said:

Yeah, I did both of those.  Summoners War's was especially easy. 

I also just found 6 issues of Bon Appetit for 6 dollars. It was 4,500 points I think.  Good deal.  You can cancel at any time as well for a refund.  There's also 6 issues of Vogue for 6 dollars for 4.4k points.  And 6 issues of Wired for 5 dollars for 4.5k and 6 issues of Teen Vogue for 6 dollars for the same... lots of good magazine subs.  These can also be gift subscriptions and you can give them to friends/relatives.  Early Christmas shopping. :P 

i wish i could have all these magazine subscriptions :tears: its really hard to collect points.

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Oh, I've been sharing my votes for SJK and SHK evenly, so it's not the right strategy? I'm so confused with this voting, SHK's percentage drop drastically yesterday it scares me, and where the heck did the #2 came from. 

And the games are not helping at all, can we just buy the app? I got so frustrated everytime they asked me to play web games. urrgh.

Btw, where to find Dragon soul or Summoners war? They are not on the list, I'm using my iPhone now and the list of app are different with the ones on the android. This is driving me nuts. 



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1 minute ago, kristy86 said:

Oh, I've been sharing my votes for SJK and SHK evenly, so it's not the right strategy? I'm so confused with this voting, SHK's percentage drop drastically yesterday it scares me, and where the heck did the #2 came from. 

And the games are not helping at all, can we just buy the app? I got so frustrated everytime they asked me to play web games. urrgh.

Btw, where to find Dragon soul or Summoners war? They are not on the list, I'm using my iPhone now and the list of app are different with the ones on the android. This is driving me nuts. 



Always split unless something drastic happens.  Right now, she's doing much better than yesterday.  We'll see how today/tonight goes.  You also don't have to evenly split if you feel one needs more votes. 

But don't worry about his % being lower since he's doing fine despite that.  Just tougher competition.  While she only is competing against one person. 

And it's really hit or miss with what apps.  I WISH we could just pay lol.  I'm not doing games anymore, but paying for other things.  Much easier. 

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@finickyfray i'm feeling your pain too..

In my region ( indonesia ) the only points i can get right now if i played the games.. which i'm not very good at ... only one payed subscription offer so far, and its already gone. I wish i can just purchase the points too...

Right now, this is the only mission left for me.... 






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question! Are the apps to get points different across regions yes? Cos I don't have all the gift cards and such like some of you have. Or the games y'all have have really high points offered. So far seems like the only 2 with the most no of points in my region (Singapore) are just the videostripe and magzster apps, with a total of 11000 points otherwise the games apps are too time consuming with rly little points. Anyone from this region if y'all discover more apps that offer lots of points or games that can be completed with as less hassle as possible, do share! :) 

/waiting for 12am kst again! 

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1 hour ago, thepixies said:

@Chewy Hoe ENORMOUS BEAR HUGS to you for setting the foundation of SHK's lead in the voting polls.

International SS and Kyo fans will just have to do their part now.

Yes ! Huge thanks to Chewy Hoe for all your dedication and hard work to our shippers' cause of seeing our 2 together  on June 3rd.  She's been very busy tracking the voting stats for SHK and SJK every single day. 

Also a shout out to everyone else who's been sharing Abt how to download the app ( the mental gymnastics we have to undergo .. lol) eg @finickyfray, @melissala..  and anyone else I may have missed.. and also sharing abt  all the missions to maximise our points. Maybe we can state where we are from when sharing,  so others in the same region can look out for those missions .

Let's give one another a big virtual hug as we soldier on in our love for the SS couple and keep our eyes focused on the prize of seeing our 2 together on the Baeksang stage!! 

Vote vote vote everyone!! :lol:

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Could anyone please enlighten me,,so our point must higher than 200 points so we can still vote? Because when my point reach 200 it said i dont have much point to vote and i have to complete my mission again. TIA

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1 hour ago, melissala said:

Yeah, I did both of those.  Summoners War's was especially easy. 

I also just found 6 issues of Bon Appetit for 6 dollars. It was 4,500 points I think.  Good deal.  You can cancel at any time as well for a refund.  There's also 6 issues of Vogue for 6 dollars for 4.4k points.  And 6 issues of Wired for 5 dollars for 4.5k and 6 issues of Teen Vogue for 6 dollars for the same... lots of good magazine subs.  These can also be gift subscriptions and you can give them to friends/relatives.  Early Christmas shopping. :P 


There only mission to choose from.. there's no optiom to buy all those e magazine you listed... Where and how to buy those e mag?

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Tried @mssunshine link (thank you so so much dear) but all numbers are authenticated lol why the world has to be this cruel to me. I almost threw my phone to the wall out of frustration. Have been trying real hard and wont stop until it lets me vote :lol: thank you everyone for finding solutions. Imma make sure to try everything :lol:

My gawd did I top the page :blink: i will come back later with sth to share XD

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Good morning or good evening to my fellow shipmates!

i think I got it, just helped  one of our mates completed the process to vote via voice call. If anyone still having issues with getting authentification code with iPhone please pm me. I can help you via voice call step by step.

Let's get as many devices as we can to vote!

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Got teary-eyed watching this vid. My fanatic heart fall in love with him over and over again. I squeal and scream together with the Thai fans!! Gaaaah!! So proud of this man! He's so at lost for words! He himself couldn't believe that lots of fans attended his fanmeet. Yes SongJoongKi shii you are that well-loved by many. May God blesses him with even more tremendous success. May God blesses him with great future projects together with the Goddess of course, SongHeKyo herself, hopefully though. Whatever relationship they share right now[just friends,special friends], I can only hope and pray God will lead them into a relationship ending up in a communion of marriage. No, seriously! I'm not being delulu here. I'm really hoping and praying because i love them to bits!!! SJKshii and SHKshii fighting!!!


Let's keep voting!! SS shippers fighting!!!

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not joining the convo for a while coz i'm busy earning points but i make sure to get updates so i don't have to backread.

btw, i guess the missions list are not the same per region as i don't see the other games suggested. Those games are killing me but i am determined to earn points. Even those videos worth 1 or 2 points are watched coz EVERY POINT COUNTS!


gotta go back to earning points! 

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Thanks so much  @lovesshi @lovely_skham_stv @superbigcat @hyukgu and everyone here for the updates on SJK FM yesterday, just finished back reading. Your hard works in translating and posting the pics and videos are very much appreciated :D 

One thing, SJK should not wear white anymore, it's not good for my health, seriously. He looks so damn good in white.

@sta07 yep, we have discussed about the watch before, but I just can't remember the brand, lol, I have a very very bad memory :lol:  Thanks for reminding me :D 

@finickyfray ikr, when they looked at each other I was the one who's melting, lol. The way they stares at each other is just full of love and ones can't fake it to such level.

@angieknows no speculation for now. But can't help not to notice when a certain someone recommend Taebak for the good food and Jeju island, lol. Ok, I should stop. 

I shall now die in peace... 

He's eating her lips, and it's in such a gentle and sweet way unlike his kisses in other dramas :P The feeling is real!






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35 minutes ago, Han Ji Eun said:

I have downloaded the app but still I cannot vote due to insufficient points. What's that all about? Please somebody help me!!!!!

You click on "charge" at the bottom of the screen and then click on "mission." You can play games or buy things to get points. 


28 minutes ago, mummyof2 said:

Could anyone please enlighten me,,so our point must higher than 200 points so we can still vote? Because when my point reach 200 it said i dont have much point to vote and i have to complete my mission again. TIA

Yes! Each vote costs 200 points. You get 10 votes per day so you would need to earn 2000 points to use all of your votes for that day. So keep completing missions! 

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