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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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23 minutes ago, ladylia257 said:

A gift to all Song2 shippers here. A story of finding love and opening hearts.

How long has he loved her? Will she be brave enough to forget her pain caused by men from her past? Could there be romance in their famous, scrutinized life?


Oh my! Thank you! I am going to read your fanfic before go to sleep so that I can dream of them :wub::wub::wub:

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This thread is getting depressing!

The facts: No.2 female have 5 VB from Korea and China no less. And human voting just makes up 9% of the votes.

other countries are NOT voting much for no 2

For SHK: I have 3 VB for SHK worth 4800 of votes from the very first day in the first 3 hours of voting(people who chat with me know that) to secure No.1 first 

and I sent 2 VB worth 3100 votes today after minus loss of votes through VB BUT it is not enough to counter 5 VB from No. 2 female because it came in suddenly!! 

The truth is the fans of human voting for SHK is not doing much. There are a lot of votes for SHK only from Korea and China Everyday and Korea consisting of as much as 30% of the human voting!  But not so much from other countries! 

Talk is cheap if you don't act! I have done my part for SHK and like I said before this is for Song Song! They have to win this together!! I have wasted too much time and money on this so they have to nail this together 


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Finally got it works on Iphone, this Baeksang Award,  I never give a damn about it before, but because of DOTS, and SJK, SHK, I set getting SJK,SHK 1st place as one of my daily target along with my works :blink: the nearest time I did sth like this was for SuJu (4ever bias) :sweatingbullets:

my life changed completely when DOTS aired in Feb, followed it 'till April 14, then re-watch, go back and forth from DOTS main thread to here, not only because of shipping , but because aside from shipping this is the one place aside DOTS thread that everyone has same love, love for both of them :wub::wub::wub:

as soon as I get the stupid Android app let me buy points, I will use Android for SJK, ios for SHK :wub:

Keep voting! I just love to see them and DOTS win, because it's May 2016, and the only drama until now I watch is DOTS, none Cdrama, Kdrama, Jodrama, and I think it will be the only one drama I watch for the entire 2016 :D 

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Oh I totally forgot to say something important 

To the Korean fandom of SHK that is reading Soompi

Kudos to you people! I mean it from the Bottom of my heart!! Everyday the massive amount of support just from Korea alone is keeping her at no. 1!! 

You have followed and believe in her and is calm and never lose faith in her just the way she wanted her fans to be!! 

Every Kyo fan here should learn from the Korean fans!! They use actions not words!! 

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@hclover96 just to answer your curiousity on his expression in that clip..it's a shoelace tied scene not a truck kiss one ...and the cute gif was before he took 1st break, he's told to say the same dialogue which he said to KMY "since i cant be with you,pls take good care of yourself, and dont get hurt" after finished he's cute at that gif :) 

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1 hour ago, sscraze said:

Am I the only one here who feel bad to watch SJK reenacting some famous scenes with fans? I know SJK is a very kind person who does not mind doing all these things but it looks almost like he is being exploited too much. I wouldn't want him to be doing all kinds of stuff like this even to me. I am happy as long as he is having a happy successful life with his love. I am pretty sure that is what most of us want to see from him here. If I have to watch a reenactment, I would rather watch him with SHK. (Maybe my shipper mind can't handle to see him with any woman right now.) 

Hm, that's a very fanmeet thing to do.  I'm sure he's got full control over what he does and doesn't do.   Every celeb does it.  Like if they had a popular hug or moment in drama, they do it with fans or one lucky fan. It's nothing serious.   I get not wanting to see him with other women (curse the horrible ice cream CF), but we also have to realize it's his job to do things like this.   Same thing with her. 

And if she really does a CF with LKS... lol someone post the 2019 costar prediction picture. I can't find it. :( 

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Okay now i see it. Song He Kyo's vote percentage is dropping real quick. Okay let's get her back to even higher percentage.. I can’t afford not see her on Baeksang Awards. It won't be fun if only SJK goes there. Casts your votes on her guys.

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I hate to be spamming this thread with rallies for support for our Songs, but it is much needed. 

First of all, this isn't a SJK vs. SHK thing. When we're trying to shore up more votes for SHK, it doesn't mean we're abandoning SJK. But right now, a chance of a win for both of them means the much needed survival of one. This isn't a wedge issue, and it shouldn't be. If the situation were reversed, and it was last week, then, we'd be voting like crazy for SJK. If we get pitted against each other, then, the antis would have won! We're all Song Song shippers, and a support for one is a support for the other. So, let's stay solid!

Also, don't think for a minute that it's only fans of the other actress(es) voting for her, but also antis against SHK and Song Song driving the current numbers! And we know there are plenty extreme ones out there. 

The following message is from a lurking and a very loyal, trusted Song Song fan who just PMed me and wishes not to be identified ... Please read it! Absorb it! This is a very sincere and wise message to every devoted Song Song fan here.




Well if you ask me about the voting, then shippers will just have to be more vigilant of the situation on the whole. The voting will continue to be unpredictable like this so we can't stick to one strategy.

We shouldn't be thinking of it as supporting SJK at the expense of SHK or supporting SHK at the expense of SJK. Look at the person who is in position number 2 - that's the competition not each other.

Earlier we saw that the number 2 in the male category started gaining a lot of ground on SJK and though we haven't been able to push him back to the 80th percentile. We have to some extent worn out the competition with our earlier strategy of concentrating our votes for him

Also, people ought to know and realise by how that our forum is an open source of information for other fandoms too. When SHK antis see that we've strategised to vote more for SJK, they probably saw this as a perfect opportunity to vote for someone who we wouldn't even consider competition.

I'm sorry but it makes no sense that the person in second position gained almost 30 percent today and she's got 9% of the total votes of the three days. That's more than all the other actresses combined in that list. If she can get 30% in one day then tomorrow SHK may not even be in the the 1st rank at all. 

The overall goal of the shippers should be to see that Song Song continue to be ranked 1 on a daily basis!. Especially until the last week of May, after that *maybe* we can afford to relax depending on the margin of votes in our favor. Until then, every day is another challenge ... and everyone is just going to have to be much smarter.

Strategies should keep changing depending on the present situation, sticking to only one plan has gotten us in this situation.




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Aigooo I tried several times with the app but it doesnt seem to care to send me the authentication code :tears: So annoying T_T I even changed my password couple times. Really cant stand seeing her percentage drops anymore. What should I do now, so frustrating :bawling:

And thank you guys so much for the updates. Kudos to everyone :wub: I have the feeling that Joongki-ssi is taking all these fanmeetings as his advantage to drop hints and he is enjoying it :blush: which is a good sign for us to keep believing and happily sailing!!

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If this thread keeps going into that direction of how depressing Kyo votes is with no solution to the problem it will become very stressful to the members seriously. When people get stressed they just choose to do nothing and look away!! 

All these talk transcends to nothing if no figures or solution is discussed to counter Attack 

You people from the same countries should band together to discuss voting together and help each other 

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22 minutes ago, FunFun7 said:

Hi All! I'm in the US but the Baeksang app is in Korean... Did you guys whose live in the states have the same issues? I have the iPhone as well. Please help. Thanks mucho!


Here is the apk if you need it. The app on the play store should be in English though. Mine is.


And voting is going well right now and she's no longer dropping.  One thing we don't want people to do is get discouraged!  There is plenty of time to come back even stronger. We did it once, we can do it again.  This is a marathon, not a sprint.  

And I wish I could answer how to get the text code to work, but I just randomly used a phone number (search for free sms numbers on google) that worked for me.  I could never get my phone account to work.   Here is a link to try



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It's not my intention to bring negative vibes but posting this here as some sort of wakeup call to each of us and i need to address it here. Now i kinda have an idea why Kyo's percentage is dropping real quick because some of her antis were rooting for the other actresses. Some(those some they were actually quite many) fans hate Kyo. How i know because a while ago i've encountered some fight with them on twitter. They were bashing Kyo so of course i've defended Kyo. And they really have become immature because they also are already hating on SJK now i guess with all this DOTS hype. Now i've understood what melissa were  trying to say. I already have used all my votes today for SJK! Will casts my votes on SHK tomorrow until she's stable again.  Antis will do everything that they can not see them both on Baeksang and let's do all the bestest we can to see them both on that big day.

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I know that everyone is worried about SHK's position right now so let's all calm down and think of a good strategy to help increase her votes. This is an open forum which have some drawbacks since everyone can see when we are letting our guards down that's why they know all our actions/strategy. I suggest to do a mass voting schedule where most of the SongSong shippers are online. Mass voting schedules always help increase votes. Yes we need to always vote at all times but setting a specific time for everyone to vote can increase the percentage by a good amount. Also, if the other SongSong shippers know about the mass voting schedule then they will join as well. The more SongSong shippers that knows about the mass voting schedule the better. This is just my piece of suggestion since I've seen how mass voting schedule can help increase a vote. 

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So many people are having the issue with their phone and I'm not sure exactly how to fix it.  I have two accounts, one on my phone and bluestacks on my computer and I could only get one to work.

I know some people said to add zeros to the phone numbers, but that doesn't work for me either.  I either get the unexpected error or it says to enter my # despite having done so.

Are there any other suggestions from people who got it to work?  How many digits did the phone number you use have?  What country code?  etc...  

For me, the one I got to work I used a UK number and it worked fine.  This is is seriously so annoying. 

@luvforever  Mass voting happens at midnight SK time from what I've seen.  Is that when votes reset I guess?  So people can get ahead? It doesn't always last long either. 

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