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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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oh GOD... when joongkyo'post said she's leaving...for the 1st time i can't click " like button "
i don't want she's leaving but dealing with troll, bully... haish....i respect ur decision. 
i don't want to tag you but joongkyo thank you soooo much, what have you done with this thread beyond amazing ( still don't want you to leave and i hope someday you change ur mind.... that's my selfish me writing  )

but people seriously... cyber bullying over shipping ????  in this soompi thread 
i think u have a looot free time in real life to do that.....:rolleyes:
Shipping is for fun... and absolutely we got different meaning of fun ( dear bulliers,trolls )


@lovely_skham_stv  thank you for ur effort, really appreciated, can't wait for tomorrow :grin:

let's unite



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Good Morning fellow shippers, in a few hours this thread has taken for the worse. It's sad that the person who contributed so much has to suffer the worst of all. To those who are responsible for it, just remember what goes around, comes around. To @joongkyo I have nothing but the utmost gratitude and respect for all you've done dor this thread. Stay well and healthy.

And a big shoutout for all the other shippers who's maintaning the positivity of this thread. Like I said let's just focus on positivity here. Also a gentle reminder to all shippers pls pls continue voting for our OTP, SJK has dropped down below 70%.Have a nice day everyone:)

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34 minutes ago, lovumuchhyekyo said:


I rarely post in this thread and there are comments here that I agree and disagree with but I choose to read it and respect everybody’s opinion. For Joongkyo, my personal message for you is:

 “Never hate people who are jealous of you, but respect their jealousy because they’re the ones who think you’re better than them and keep your head high and smile, because there are people who will kill to see you fall."

"Chances are that when someone is hating on you, it’s not about you at all. It’s about them. It’s their fear, their jealously, their boredom, and their insecurity."

 "Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.  It’s sad how some people are so jealous and intimidated by you that they only have negative things to say when they know absolutely nothing about you."

 My message to everybody:

“An old Cherokee told his grandson: “My son, there’s a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It’s anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It’s joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness & truth.” The boy thought about it, and asked: “Grandfather, which wolf wins?” The old man quietly replied: “The one you feed.” Ignore these people as they are not worth your time and effort.

Happy Song/Song Sailing!!! 

We should love them whether they are together or not. It is  not because they are celebrities but because they are good genuine people.


Source : coolnsmart.com



your personal message was awesome!! 


J, somehow my morning is not the same without you! Without you coming in to our PM and shouting Unnie is just not starting my day right! 

J, I miss you already!!! 


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Guys i read some news about our queen now she is also queen of real estate in Korea she is so wise and smart and she know were to spend her money wisely im proud of our queen and our Capt they are working hard for there future non ending work for Capt and Doctor Kang,

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15 minutes ago, gigivillaceran said:

Guys i read some news about our queen now she is also queen of real estate in Korea she is so wise and smart and she know were to spend her money wisely im proud of our queen and our Capt they are working hard for there future non ending work for Capt and Doctor Kang,

Does anyone know how to share the article in this thread?

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Dear @joongkyo

I don’t want to use PM though this is more appropriate address in pm … the reason I am making this public is to let everyone know too.

I understand you perfectly but to delete your account would be admitting defeat ..  it’s like you are giving up and you will kill at least 50% of the mood in this thread. How can we continue happily when you are the main engine of this ship … I know you are willing to cut your nose to spite your face .. huhu .. don’t It’s your face and you will be hurt too … continue to share info through pm with those you trust :D … and just leave your account there for people like me to occasionally drop you a few words of encouragement and appreciation .. I have to admit there were times I don’t agree (truck kiss fiasco .. :D) but most of the time you were spot on … I know this is too much but – I have to say anyway … Why bend to only 1 or 2 people when they 100 or may be thousands that like you and look up to you.

I have been there and I have done that and because of that, I understand what you are going through (esp when Mods don’t agree with us – But try to understand them – they are not shipper, they don’t read every comment, they are not here from the beginning they don’t feel what we feel,  so they will treat everyone equally. As long as people comment ‘nicely’ be it troll they can’t do anything. It’s not really against soompi rules. There is no such rules as – negative opinion cannot be discussed (only bashing not allowed)  So they have to be ‘fair in that aspect’. These trolls knew this .. as long as they appear ‘civilized’ and their post contain no ‘harsh words’ they are safe – negative comments are not against the rule they play by the rule .. But we the shipper (those passionate ones), we are able to differentiate between negative comment without malicious intention or negative comment with the sole intention to spite us  ..  

I have been warned/flagged/bashed/bullied … before … and like you I gave up .. I left the thread …. Went hiatus for a few years .. and until today I never went back to that thread … I quarreled with mod before (I was one of the main contributor in that thread and I was warned for my outspoken nature and those trolls were left unscratched) … I left the thread but it’s not the troll that faced the consequences .. it’s the fans and friends (though just virtually) …. And me … it took away my fun … it’s not fun spazzing alone.

There is no way to stop troll .. whether we ignore or engage in debate with them .. they will be around and as for STEALER (I hate this the MOST .. people who take credit for other ppl’s works and dare to watermark as theirs .. OMG you people … don’t you have any shame????? .. Do you know how hard it is to come up with something original be it analysis, gif, MV .. wallpaper etc etc and how could you steal someone’s else hardwork … dammm you . CREDIT the owner!!! .. you low life cyber robber …

Those trolls and cyber robber pig … will never learn .. If you go away .. they will steal others work .. it will be an endless cycle … So I suggest be around help to fight off trolls with your ‘gift’ .. you are true genius .. your ability to remember event/faces/names is awesome and mind blowing .. it’s a gift. Your ability to detect things/clue just amazing …

We need you the ship need you … don’t leave us and your true loyal friend because of some ungrateful people .. just share with your close circle (though I am not in it :D .. it’s okay .. Like geronemooo said – There are reasons you are not included in the first round .. :D .. as long as you are here and continue to keep the thread in check .. I am happy ..



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Happy Together


When I created this thread, I really didn't expect that "Descendants of the Sun" would be this successful, Song-Song/KiKyo would receive this much support and the thread would be this popular.

"Descendants of the Sun"', Song-Song/KiKyo and this thread in particular have all exceeded my expectation. And I have to again thank each and every member of the thread  for her or his positive contribution to bringing such a pleasant surprise. I trust that Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo would also be happy and thankful to know that there is a group of people who love them so much and, despite various challenges, remain so dedicated, mature and loyal to the love that they share.

I wrote in this thread some time ago that it is really hard to find a place with so many hearts where people come together because of love and share their love in a very lively, lovely, sometimes innocent and most of the time very respectful manner. I strongly believe that this statement is still correct as of today.

Yes, there are some negative posts, but in my observation, the vast majority of posts in this thread are positive, full of love and humor, sometimes creative (in a good way) and never go too far.

Yes, there are some negative moments, but they don't really bother me that much because they are obviously in the minority and they would and should easily go unnoticed.

Yes, there are some disagreements and debates, but that is totally expected since there are disagreements and debates even within family.

I am sincere when I say that your posts indeed bring a lot more smiles to me than sadness, much more excitement than disappointment, and much more love than hatred.

And as I hope to continue to see that spirit in this thread, I also have one big favor to ask from all of you. Of course I will respect your decision if you don't agree to grant me the favor. The favor is that, when you see a post that you deem having bad intention in the thread, please try to ignore it to the extent that you can. I understand your feelings when seeing such a post, but if that post is really created with the bad intention to destroy the thread and we pay attention to them, then somehow the objective of the poster is reached. Your love, your time and your energy are too precious to be dragged down by such a post. So if it is possible, please try to ignore it and let it be overshadowed by the more general positive atmosphere that the thread brings.

Everyone of us has her or his own personality and it should be acceptable when she or he expresses her or his love to the couple or each actor in a different way. Whatever differences you have, I hope that we will continue to stay happy together as we have one common thread which has helped to connect us: our love and/or for Song Hye Kyo and/or Song Joong Ki individual and as a couple onscreen and offscreen.  

To the members who have decided to leave the thread (you know who you are): I am really sorry to see you go, but I understand and respect your decisions. Of course everyone comes and leaves voluntarily and no one can or should be forced to stay if she or he does not want to. But I hope that you will leave the thread with more good memories than bad and I also hope to see you back in the thread in the future. Again, please accept my sincere thanks for your contributions so far.

For now, let us treasure the moment of seeing Song Joong Ky and Song Hye Kyo happy together and of us being happy together. Let us enjoy the moment while we can and as long as we can.

Credit of photo: photo owner

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10 minutes ago, lovumuchhyekyo said:

Does anyone know how to share the article in this thread?

if you want visit song hye gyo thread sorry guys i promise that i wont post any news or piicture of them because of my mistake hope you will understand thank you i read it in her thread

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Another Singlish to those who cause disputes in this forum.Why do things that are not beneficial to yourself and people around you??

Image result for stupiak

 Its called "STUP**' and a 'PIAK' at your face.

The rest of the true shippers will continue to 

Image result for protect what we love

What another nice day to sail...



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i've pm'ed joongkyo. but i guess i need to make this public.

dear joongkyo, i don't know how to express myself because of my limited vocubalary. but i hope by giving you this spammed of gif will cheer you up!

you got this:




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Just read this article. How can SHK didn't choke up :tears: even i cry on the first 5 minutes when i saw that mummy cried :bawling: i didn't understand a single word she said but i can really feel her sadness


What a beautiful heart uri Goddes has :heart:

ps : my fellow shipper, lets stand our ground, keep this postivity in this thread

I hope one day uri Captain will come back to the land where she's belong

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43 minutes ago, twtwb said:

Happy Together

When I created this thread, I really didn't expect that "Descendants of the Sun" would be this successful, Song-Song/KiKyo would receive this much support and the thread would be this popular.

"Descendants of the Sun"', Song-Song/KiKyo and this thread in particular have all exceeded my expectation. And I have to again thank each and every member of the thread  for her or his positive contribution to bringing such a pleasant surprise. I trust that Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo would also be happy and thankful to know that there is a group of people who love them so much and, despite various challenges, remain so dedicated, mature and loyal to the love that they share.

I wrote in this thread some time ago that it is really hard to find a place with so many hearts where people come together because of love and share their love in a very lively, lovely, sometimes innocent and most of the time very respectful manner. I strongly believe that this statement is still correct as of today.

Yes, there are some negative posts, but in my observation, the vast majority of posts in this thread are positive, full of love and humor, sometimes creative (in a good way) and never go too far.

Yes, there are some negative moments, but they don't really bother me that much because they are obviously in the minority and they would and should easily go unnoticed.

Yes, there are some disagreements and debates, but that is totally expected since there are disagreements and debates even within family.

I am sincere when I say that your posts indeed bring a lot more smiles to me than sadness, much more excitement than disappointment, and much more love than hatred.

And as I hope to continue to see that spirit in this thread, I also have one big favor to ask from all of you. Of course I will respect your decision if you don't agree to grant me the favor. The favor is that, when you see a post that you deem having bad intention in the thread, please try to ignore it to the extent that you can. I understand your feelings when seeing such a post, but if that post is really created with the bad intention to destroy the thread and we pay attention to them, then somehow the objective of the poster is reached. Your love, your time and your energy are too precious to be dragged down by such a post. So if it is possible, please try to ignore it and let it be overshadowed by the more general positive atmosphere that the thread brings.

Everyone of us has her or his own personality and it should be acceptable when she or he expresses her or his love to the couple or each actor in a different way. Whatever differences you have, I hope that we will continue to stay happy together as we have one common thread which has helped to connect us: our love and/or for Song Hye Kyo and/or Song Joong Ki individual and as a couple onscreen and offscreen.  

To the members who have decided to leave the thread (you know who you are): I am really sorry to see you go, but I understand and respect your decisions. Of course everyone comes and leaves voluntarily and no one can or should be forced to stay if she or he does not want to. But I hope that you will leave the thread with more good memories than bad and I also hope to see you back in the thread in the future. Again, please accept my sincere thanks for your contributions so far.

For now, let us treasure the moment of seeing Song Joong Ky and Song Hye Kyo happy together and of us being happy together. Let us enjoy the moment while we can and as long as we can.

Credit of photo: photo owner

I really appreciate for your love in Kikyo couple. You event created the thread before the film was aired. It has shown how much you love them. My english is not good, I don't know how to express my feeling. But I truly hope that, the thread will be better, love and positive spreads everywhere. Keep our ship sailing. 


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1 hour ago, lovumuchhyekyo said:


I rarely post in this thread and there are comments here that I agree and disagree with but I choose to read it and respect everybody’s opinion. For Joongkyo, my personal message for you is:

 “Never hate people who are jealous of you, but respect their jealousy because they’re the ones who think you’re better than them and keep your head high and smile, because there are people who will kill to see you fall."

"Chances are that when someone is hating on you, it’s not about you at all. It’s about them. It’s their fear, their jealously, their boredom, and their insecurity."

 "Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.  It’s sad how some people are so jealous and intimidated by you that they only have negative things to say when they know absolutely nothing about you."

 My message to everybody:

“An old Cherokee told his grandson: “My son, there’s a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It’s anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It’s joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness & truth.” The boy thought about it, and asked: “Grandfather, which wolf wins?” The old man quietly replied: “The one you feed.” Ignore these people as they are not worth your time and effort.

Happy Song/Song Sailing!!! 

We should love them whether they are together or not. It is  not because they are celebrities but because they are good genuine people.


Source : coolnsmart.com


Wow,  I did not post anything in this thread. Because I feel that I have nothing to contribute. I choose to read silently and enjoy your interesting posts here. Thank you all!

But reading your above post. I'd like to say that: wow, I like it! Very insightful thought! I like it very much! I did not expect to meet such a soul like you here!

And now I appreciate people in this thread more.

Have a nice day all!

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Good day songsong devotees!

It's been a while since I last posted here. I have been very busy with my board review and family events but despite that I make sure to read everything you guys are sharing.

It's sad how some negative people are trying to sink our ship by commenting, pretending, and acting like a "rational" shipper. No matter how they fabricate themselves, I know for sure that most of us can still identify if they are being genuine or not. Just like what our captain joongkyo and other main contributors suggestion, just let them be. As much as possible let's not response to it and if we will do so, let's do it with grace and sophistication.

Right now the two songs are so privy with their relationship. Hyekyo & Joongki are the ones who know, truly know the details, intimacies, and emotion : the passion, desires, longings and love they share and have for each other (especially these busy times). And as true shipper, we must protect them. I don't know what's your definition of protection, but stay true to it and do so. 

This forum was amazing and I hope it continue to be. I could feel the excitement in my heart whenever any songsong hints, images, gifts were posted. Unwanted negativity visits from time to time, but that didn't remove the magic of Songs' gazes to each other, their undeniably natural hugs, the passion for their kisses on screen and their big smiles and knowing looks off screen. So haters thanks for trying, but No. You can't destroy something as real as that.

Lastly, thank you to main contributors, contributors, readers, likers and everyone else who are sincere in shipping. Fist bump to you all! Let's work harder in voting! <3


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I wake up this morning and news the captain @joongkyois leaving :(

i've been a Soompi member since Full House days and never posted before.....that's 12 years ago....

DOTS came around and triggered me to engage and post in Soompi the various DOTS threads. The power of DOTS. :)

Never shipped before but noticed the intense chemistry between SHK and SJK in DOTS and hence found this thread and to my

surprise , other DOTS fans share the same feelings.

Its been a joy to come this thread to see how members piece together the actions of SHK and SJK ,

hats off to. @joongkyo  with her detective skills.....I will miss her investigative insights with SongSong couple.

i hope this thread doesn't die off now....  Without our captain the shipping fun is not the same :(

anyway I hope @joongkyo you realise you will be missed and brought a lot of positive vibes to us shippers..

you are welcome to come back, don't let the haters get to you...

i will still be on this ship and hope for happy news from SongSong couple...



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