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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@Prentiss She's not the endorser for Aino_Aino, it's a brand owned by one of her best friends so she just promotes and supports it.


This made me feel a little better, some love for Kyo from Korea.

It says 송혜교 존예다 which means Song Hye Kyo is Very Beautiful/Very Hot. The person who posted it said that it's on the School/University's bulletin board. The word used to describe SHK - 존예다 is a shortened/slang version of 존나 예쁘다 (jonna yeppuda). Someone actually drew this and posted it on the school bulletin board...daebak!




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@Bambiina awww you are too sweet to be saying that with those eyes of mine. I just wanted to prove that this is what the crying from dots withdrawal symptoms did to me sigh 

@angieknows sorry I just realised you mention me and ya I didn't know you are unnie lol...I am probably still older than you cos I am older than Kyo lol 

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SHK's weibo fan page has posted a summarization of the events regarding the J.Estina lawsuit in chronological order:

1.  Contract with J.Estina has already expired in January 2016.  After J.Estina's illegal use of SHK's images, SHK's side proceeded with a lawsuit.

2.  If SHK wins, J.Estina would have to give payment as a compensation.  SHK would donate the full payment to a jewelry design learning institute, funding young people with a design dream.

3.  J.Estina said, "there is no infringement of images rights", expressed disappointment towards SHK's agency's public media play.

4.  NEW (DotS production company) personnel said, "never agreed to J.Estina using pictures and videos as advertising, find their behavior as infringement, and has warned them repeatedly.

A Chinese Kyo fan also added this at the comments section (the most-liked comment):

"As a large well-known company, instead of using facts and evidences for a reasonable rebuttal, they actual exploited the actor's weaknesses by using personal attacks and confuse the public opinion.  Really inferior and shameless play.  UAA has wanted to keep a low profile to resolve the matter, but decided to stick with the fight in the end and made a claim of 300 million won for compensation."

One of the admins at Kyo's baidu bar has urged fans to not go on J.Estina's SNS and post negative comments.  It only gives them more publicity and it will make Kyo and her fans look bad.  The best way we can support Kyo now is by going to her Instagram and leave supportive comments.  Hope every Kyonatic can comply with this :)

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@joongkyo @angieknows  have been busy with work and life (which in fact gets in the way of my shipper hobby)  and just on stealth mode lately --- but that post just scared me.  What the heck is going on....  my heart can't take it ... I can't even enjoy my lunch right now ... 

Do I need to beat someone up? Im ready......

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Wow ... that jewellery Co is really hitting way below the belt. And they ought to fire the person who handles their PR image. A wrong done is a wrong done. They should make good of a wrong done to SHK. My understanding is once a contract ends, the company has no right to use SHK image to promote their products unless there is a clause in the contract that says all rights to image of SHK with products belongs to the property of the company and the co has the right to use this images at their disposal and discretion even after contract ends. Since SHK Co is suing them, I guess they didn't have that clause in contract. So SHK by right has the right to sue the jewelry Co for infringement of copyright of SHK photos. 

Since SHK brought huge sales volume to their revenue due to DOTS. A smart move by the co should be:

- show gratefulness to the star and drama

- have a special short term contract drawn up immediately to get SHK approval to continue use of her image for their products

- re-negotiate the commission to be paid out to SHK for the sales volume transacted

- come out with a new design and get Song Song couple to do a photo shoot and promote it ... thereby cashing in on their DOTS & songsong fever.

Now this is what a smart marketing director should do.

By being greedy, they ruin their public image and also next Halluyu Stars will be weary when doing a CF with them. It shows that this Co has no long term foresight.  They only greedy for what's in front of them. REALLY STUPID!

Hope SHK Co wins the lawsuit and SS shippers, do shout out to SHK IG that we support her all the way.

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On 4/27/2016 at 5:38 AM, joongkyo said:


You're very correct.

Each contract will have an exit clause for both parties, especially in a scenario where one party feels that the existing contract is no longer beneficial to them. Which is why this argument of J.Estina will not stand in a court of law. The judge will simply ask them why they continued their contractual relationship with SHK and further, why they designed an entirely new range of jewellery just for her to promote in the drama if as stated by them that she bought no value to the company and brand.

Which is why I said that this is just a tactic to brainwash public sentiment. Majority of the public who is reminded of her "tax issues" may choose to be unsympathetic towards her.

Also, sadly under Korean advertising regulations - it seems consent of stars isn't taken by many companies, long time fans of SHK will remember something similar happened in 2013 after the completion and success of TWTWB. Many internet malls and companies in S.Korea started to use SHK's image to sell their products, UAA sewed all of them and the court sided with the companies. They said the there was no way to "Ascertain whether or not SHK had suffered any financial losses" by having her image used by these companies.

So sadly, I don't have much hope for the case itself...I see it more as SHK making a point to J.Estina that she will not take this quietly. To me, this makes her even more admirable!. She has lost a case on similar grounds but she still has faith in the justice system and wants to set a precedence in the Korean legal system, this will benefit ALL CELEBRITIES.

But, sadly it could mean no awards for SHK. I really admire her strength and courage in everything she does!. SHK <3



After a week of haitus because of some urgent family matter these type of news will greet me. :(

Sad news it is, but I know that Kyo has a lot of good and loyal friends that will back her up on her fight

against that jewelry company. I just hope that amidst all those detrimental accusation against Kyo,

people of Korea will side on her on this and the Korean Govt. should atleast give the justice and fairness

that Kyo deserves.

And ofcourse to us, my fellow KiKyo shippers, we should give our 100% moral support to her now.





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So many negativity to deal with in one day. But I guess since Baeksang award is approaching near, it's unavoidable for the knifes and merciless underhand tactics to be thrown left and right at our Goddess. 

However, I believe she will be strong and can bear the pressure, especially when she has her special someone by her side hehe

I wish we can see this kind of smile from her again soon :heart:




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