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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@superbigcat That's coooooool! I envy you! 

@joongkyo Awww, she really is very admirable! :) Okay, yeah. I'm amending my top 3 favorite K-actresses. She now has the top spot :) 

I'm not trying to minimize the gravity of SHK's issue, and I support her! But we do need to be positive and what's a better way to get in the mood than with some picker-uppers. Too bad these aren't Hye Kyo, but it is her lifetime love Joong Ki :) 

Here's his first spread for Harper's Bazaar China :) 



And Kolon Sport has new visuals for its BEESTRONG 2016 campaign ... I feel like the campaign is meant to rally Hye Kyo right now ;) 



He needs to hike that shirt up HIGHER!



















Cr: Kolon Sport FB, Kolon Sport IG, DC Inside SJK, songjoongki Baidu


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@joongkyo I read about that case too. That is why I am not that optimistic. SHK if she wants to win, will have to prove the point she couldnt in previous lawsuit. And in this case, she has it particularly hard, since she has to distinguish between DOTS popularity and her own influence.

And the timing, where Drama ended only last week with BTS epilogue, it will be even harder to prove that in fact, it was a usage of SHK image outside of drama involvement as the reason for increase in popularity of J.Estina brand.  

When we take a look at past lawsuit and what law permits and what law forbids in S. Korea, it is also going against SHK. Since timing, law and even precedens in the past is againts SHK, I am really not seeing this very optimistically. 

However, this time, there is one big difference from before. She has a public support on her side. And therefore, just like you, I see it as more of a message to J.Estina that she will not tolerate this and she will send a message to public that morale, ethics, honor, trust and sincerity matter to her. And she will take a stand to defend her beliefs. 

It is a clear message to fans and it will depend on how J.Estina handles it and how public takes the stand. It could go both ways. It could lead to J.Estina having her image tainted by this as being unethical and immoral and decrease in sales. We already can see comments from fans whose responses are in favour of SHK. Saw some people saying they will not buy anything from J.Estina anymore. 

However, depending on J.Estina reactions, public can take opposite stand and it can lead to SHK losing a chance for awards and her own image being tainted. 

As I see it, it is more of an ethical and a moral problem, since law is not covering this. And I also applaud to SHK. She is brave and she is willing to do the right thing for the right reasons. And I will lend her my support any time. Be strong SHK and fight, we are with you ! 

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16 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


You're very correct.

Each contract will have an exit clause for both parties, especially in a scenario where one party feels that the existing contract is no longer beneficial to them. Which is why this argument of J.Estina will not stand in a court of law. The judge will simply ask them why they continued their contractual relationship with SHK and further, why they designed an entirely new range of jewellery just for her to promote in the drama if as stated by them that she bought no value to the company and brand.

Which is why I said that this is just a tactic to brainwash public sentiment. Majority of the public who is reminded of her "tax issues" may choose to be unsympathetic towards her.

Also, sadly under Korean advertising regulations - it seems consent of stars isn't taken by many companies, long time fans of SHK will remember something similar happened in 2013 after the completion and success of TWTWB. Many internet malls and companies in S.Korea started to use SHK's image to sell their products, UAA sewed all of them and the court sided with the companies. They said the there was no way to "Ascertain whether or not SHK had suffered any financial losses" by having her image used by these companies.

So sadly, I don't have much hope for the case itself...I see it more as SHK making a point to J.Estina that she will not take this quietly. To me, this makes her even more admirable!. She has lost a case on similar grounds but she still has faith in the justice system and wants to set a precedence in the Korean legal system, this will benefit ALL CELEBRITIES.

But, sadly it could mean no awards for SHK. I really admire her strength and courage in everything she does!. SHK <3



@joongkyo I agree with you, what she's doing is very admirable... she's doing things that a lot of celebrities are afraid of while trying to battle the unfairness of the situation that celebrities often had behind closed doors. 

it reminds a lot when she sued the netizens that make malicious rumors about her in 2013, and on the bright side SHE WON...

Although we can only guess what will happen on the case, as it is still on going.. i sincerely hope that it can be cleared out soon. 


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@joongkyo That place is already on my bucket list. It might take me a couple of years before I can visit Korea, but I plan to go there! Well, I plan to taste every chicken joint in Korea. Haha. The dramas make it seem like the country makes the best fried chicken ini the world :) Haha. Maybe we can meet up at Mapa! And maybe we can run into SHK and SJK ;) I don't drink alcohol, but I will with those two ... I'd like to see how they're like drunk. Haha ... Ah, to dream ...

@gangurhar Rather than focusing on the comments on an article, just send supportive messages to Hye Kyo :) 


This tickled me. :D


Cr. DC Inside SJK


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J.estina used SHK photo/image even after contract expired .. and esp if its on official website ... it does not matter whether the sale increase because of dots or shk influence .. bottom line they used her image .. its clearly violation of shk rights ... 

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@joongkyo read your post regarding the court, i just wish the best for SHK, i know she can win it..she's a strong damn girl lol and when i see your post about SJK's family photo lol!! Im curious about what his parents thinking after watch dots lol and of course after see the real chemistry between their son with the goddess :) 

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Learning smth new today from everyone's posts here on contract regulations and violations in light of all's that happened. we know and believe SHK is one heck of a tough cookie and everyday she adds on to my list of things to admire and love her for! Love that she's standing up for her honour and fighting for what's right regardless of the end result. we trust whatever her and UAA's decisions are that they've thought thru! (and sjk go be with your lady love!)

On a sidenote, coming home from work feels empty today cos there's no dots to catch up with! Can't believe my life for the past 2 months has been actively watching dots after work on weds and thurs and now it's gonna take a while for my life to adjust back without dots :( the rarity of watching kdramas for me and this one drama sets the highest bar that I don't think I'll enjoy another kdrama as much as this, or another couple for that matter. And the bonus part from the experience of dots is the real life shipping of SS couple with everyone here that'll keep me going and smiling! 
And cries thank you @angieknows for lightening the mood up with Mr Song's gorgeousness as usual! 
Is it just me but I can already picture how perfectly SHK fits into SJK's happy family picture from @joongkyo's sharing! Oh I want it to be real so bad!
Off to drop some love at kyo's ig! 
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i hope Kyo is doing fine and i hope she is surrounding by her good friends and her Capt,.im hoping that the knetz did not bringing up that tax issue im quite worried about the comment of this knetz she is always the center of that topic and its better if they settled soon,

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as much as i enjoyed other kdrama. i can't help feeling deprived of DOTS. i miss songsongcouple. i miss nurse jae ah and dr song. miss sergeant choi aka snoppy (yup i have a crush on lovely choi)

i dont miss jingoo and kjw because they'll be appearing in running man..

possibility of kyo winning is 60:40 but it depends on how her lawyer to present the case.

(in malaysia theres one case wardina vs. mydin for unauthorized used of picture/image)

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DOTS withdrawal hits hard! I am glad that SHK show her strong stances against this issue. I hope the k-net understand her as this is for a good cause *this is just my hope since i cannot read korean so i don't know how they react to the issue*. I wish people would stop bringing the 2014 misunderstanding up. So relieved to know that she's with her friends. They would support and cheer her up. I wish SJK would support her too and hopefully his agency is okay with it. Let's show the lady some love through her insta. she needed it most. :)

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