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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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9 hours ago, jl08 said:

Chill, guys. :)

Suggest we post lots of encouragement to SHK and spam positive views about DOTs and DOTs 2 etc in her SNS. Don't think she'll be comfortable to see a fan war at her ig. I'm for SHK all the way but I hope these exchanges will not affect SHK and SJK relationship in any way. 

Just my thoughts, much as I'm against those fans for their immature attack. We SS fans are definitely on a much higher level right? SHK would be happy to see loving msgs from us. Let's spam lots of encouragement.

Peace. :)


I so agree on this :)

No matter how the other shippers attack us, we're on a higher probability to be real (or already real since last year, lol).

Thanks to @Bambiina for pointing out uri Goddess IG posts. Trollers bashed her on her IG and she just posts 2 DOTS pics, one of it was of her and her SJK. She knows how to fight back in a classy but effective way. 

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I decided to do some reminisicin' before logging-out..

While browsing through the feed of Song Hye Kyo I saw this pic posted 3 weeks ago…but the pic on the phone caught me….Look closely ...WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH..







[Maybe I missed a page or two since I haven't seen someone posted these, but if ever someone did, sorry for the double-post.]

Since the picture posted by SHK was inverted so the one on the phone is too… but it’s still the “fistbump” pic of them…I’m not sure if it’s a phone’s wallpaper (I highly doubt it) or they were discussing what pictures to post since Song Joong Ki got no IG but YEAAAH. 

SongSong Couple feels~~


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8 hours ago, ilovesjk said:

@joongkyo Water babies? You just sent my mind straight to the gutter. kekeke. 

@angieknows Geez SHK is so sexy! Indeed SJK likes himself a sexy one. Honestly PBY refusing to answer about SJK and saying she has no rights to come in between SongSong is already revealing enough. At this rate, SJK is crazy entrusting anything else with PBY since she seems to have spilled his secrets more than once LOL. 


Hahahah. Maybe SJK already told PBY he's dating SHK, so PBY doesn't want to even be linked to idea of disturbing them. Just because of this I'm starting to like PBY. Maybe I should try watching some of her works :3

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37 minutes ago, hclover96 said:

Here's a sexy SJK pic for the pervs fans who like his neck (you know who you are, lol)


HAHAHA You beat me to posting the pic! Gosh when I saw it next door I thought of the countless times I'd watched his Adam's Apple bob. Well, if one can't view the back of the neck....

The Adam couple indeed. :D

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Need to post before going to work for my shipping sanity lol. 

SHK has the best squad in the world haha. All of her friends are really protective and a couple proved it today. Something that we would want for our goddess! I guess 2 of them removed pictures that they posted and sorry not sorry lol, fans caught it especially the "tagged" names on it! Waaaaah. No getting to speculations about SJK coming to Thailand early, we will just do the thinking. Teehee. We can't afford to tarnish our OTP's chance on that Baeksang!!! Gaaaaah! Pictures and thoughts are running on my mind and are giving me the giggles! Salute to SHK's friend! Lol. All of her friends were on a ship... We will sail and ship along with them, pun intended! Hahaha! Gaaaaaaaah!

BTw, these trolls have just nothing productive going on in their lives or whoever they are shipping with SJK. Jealousy is an incurable disease. It's hard to find the antidote for that. If you happen to find it, good for you but if not, get well soon, trolls!!! Gaaaaaah. 


Pictures posted by SHK are an "in your face" kind of post! To her bashers, sorry, she probably has a ton of those "moments" with SJK, with or without pics! She just looks beautiful! Love that captured moment of them! Oh, the feels!!!!

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1 hour ago, ladylia257 said:

I like that their surname is Song. No need to change her name after they marry :)

Actually in Korea women doesn't change their surname when they got married...they will be really unique couple if ever they will..its uncommon to have same surname between married people hehehe

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Song2 being nicknamed "Adam couple" is soooo cute! Smaller built couple is cute kekekeke. Thank you @joongkyo for the cute info!

6 minutes ago, cristapark said:

Actually in Korea women doesn't change their surname when they got married...they will be really unique couple if ever they will..its uncommon to have same surname between married people hehehe



Well, even so, the same surname is already a great start. Like they're meant to be. 

Just my feels :)


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7 hours ago, khxy said:

A few weeks ago, i posted an article written by Cha Xiao Xin, a well known and experienced Hong Kong entertainment journalist. Yesterday, she posted another article about DOTS with a title " Why are they using tying shoelace scene as the official poster"

After she posted the article on weibo, netizens are guessing whether she is also a SS shipper and some even wonder whether she is talking about YSJ&KMY or SJK&SHK.

Let me share a bit about the article's content

"SJK attended the Dior Homme event last week.He stayed less than 24 hours, posed 7 minutes for the media and answered a total of 3 questions before entering the hall"

The official poster is classic.Soldier SJK bending down to help Doctor SHK to tie her shoelace, with earthquake aftermath as the background. Why are they not using sunken ship island as the poster? or the scene when the 2 leads are pulling our heartstrings with their sweet kissing scenes?how about when SS share the same bed? or the critical moment where SHK was trying to save the injured SJK after he was shot?

And they just had to use a scene where we can only see their profiles, not being able to see directly the handsome and beautiful face of the leads plus the rubble at the background. 

SJK tied SHK shoelace with so much attentiveness. In the midst of the relief effort,he still noticed and took care of his lover's shoelace.He made sure that he tied the shoelace tightly so that she wouldn't stumble. Thereafter, one went to do rescue effort and the other became the strong backing by taking care of the injured, both working side by side in the midst of adversities.

Woman no longer need a man to shelter her from ' wind and rain',she is professional, independent and confident. Just like the declaration of gender equality,in the poster, we can see that both are squatting but they are of the same height. Men,nowadays, do not necessarily enjoy being a male chauvinist.It is too tiring to take care of their girlfriend 24/7, they do not need a princess, on the contrary, they like a woman who can communicate well,has their own opinions and a partner that shares the same values.That's the reason why there are increasing number of Noona-Dongsaeng relationships.

A man bending down to tie a woman's shoelace,this moment is more endearing and heartwarming than any hugs and kisses.How can one not be bewitched.

SHK was wearing a short and she's willing to let a man to get close to her leg without any reservation.This in fact guarantees his position in her heart.


Info from Baidu, Baeksang awards will be held on 3rd June



I translate the poster of DOTS - the shoelace-tying one - as "Even if the whole world is ending, I'll always have time for you. My heart will first reach out to you, my eyes will seek you first and if I could, I'll try to ease your pain before all the others that need me. Because you're the most important for me, the one and only, and the reason why I'm going to fight this fight. Be safe and take care of yourself, then comeback to me".

* a romantic English teacher here, who tend romanticize everything, haha*

Thank you for posting this article. I love it!

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2 hours ago, Ohsh said:

http (re: pg 578) 

Something we already know but still feels good to see it "in the flesh". Just to cheer some of us up. No maliciousness intended.


Thanks for making my day. I really enjoyed SJK's frank answers (once and for all). He is honest and very tactful. I'm glad that they made a comparison of his answers between then and now, so that we could see his real feelings clearly. The difference is he did not nip Song Song couple in the bud.      :D

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6 hours ago, joongkyo said:

I can't find a YT link, in case someone has YT please upload it so that more people can see it. I only have a naver link 

송혜교, 동료배우들도 인정한 천사 여배우

Song Hye Kyo, an Angel Actress recognised by other actors.


Always considerate and always looking after others, SHK. She gets complimented by the two men in the video - the first said she is a kind and charming junior who is also a filial daughter who is always worrying about her mother and the other says that she's really pretty, her heart ...she's like a real life angel. Everything about her is like an angel.

 Lastly the reporter says she takes care of everyone around her and  interviews the owner of the restaurant, the owner said the number of people expected was around 7o but 120-130 people turned up and SHK personally went to each table taking care of everyone, pouring drinks for each table. The reporter asks,  "It was reported that SJK paid for the treat on the 1st?". The owner says," Half -half -  SHK paid half and SJK paid for the other half. Their managers made the payment on their behalf. "




SHK is indeed in an angel. SJK is an angel too. Saying this since I saw that clip of him carrying that stylist's suitcase for her. Angels Couple!

Nice to see the party they hosted and paid together got mentioned again. 


At this point, I'm jealous of everyone who has seen them!!! HOW LUCKY!!! AND WHEN WILL I??? 


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1 hour ago, sigang said:

sorry if this has been posted

In GotTV, the cinematographer said that right after kiss scenes, SS laughed out of shy and awkward moments, especially in the truck kiss scene, they laughed so hard, and  on their way back in the truck ,staffs teased SScouple, asking " who looked more skillful at kissing?" and "I think that one is more skillful", which was just to break the awkward mood.(two MCs in GotTV kept telling him that their kiss was real and the male MC said he was sure that they really dated, but the director was very defensive of SS)

In the Bazaar interview, he said he would probably watch the last episode of DOTS at home  and as feeling a surge of something, he'd be likely to cry(laugh). SJK reminisced about the day of his discharging the Army, adding that the writer, the director and lead roles(in Entertainment news, there was only KES, the writer)  came all the way to Gosung city and he drank daylight booze a lot with them and right after two days he attended the script reading and after ten days he had the first shoot. he said" there was the time when I was much busier than now . I couldn't remember what I was doing at that time and had no time to feel the pleasure in spite of a bit of cash was piled up in my saving account. so when having the same cycle(moment), I would never let the moment fade away without  making it mine. I thankfully got lots of results from DOTS , so I won't forget important things. Do I sound like an oldie?(laugh)"

he said the truck kiss scene meant a lot cause it was the first day when YSJ and KMY made up  their mind to date. But when filming the scene, they really hurried to film it within one and half hour because of the sunset. the truck was so rattled that they bumped their faces.

p.s :SHK posted the bts cut today cause lots of k-followers asked her to show the picture (which was briefly shown at the end of DOTS special3) and SHK has a good relationship with Dispatch(one of the top staffs is very close to her, and as my memory SHK told SJK to look at number 3 camera(assuming dispatch camera) wave his hand to Dispatch in Hongkong promotion.


Thank you so much for your translation. The part "they laughed out of loud and awkward moments" makes me giggle so hard :lol:, oh please are they a high school couple? He - had been known well for passionates kisses and she - a professional actress who had kiss scene with a number of level A actors, now become shy and awkward? You too really know how to make us never less surprised and make me feel so lucky to become your shipper. It's not about why don't be rush and come out to the public, do significant skinship in real life to make fan-service as others tend to do etc, just a significant body language or look in the eyes of SongSong are enough to make my heart flutter. I treasure those moments so much, and see how happiness sparks in your eyes, I know you two also treasure those as much as I do.

And I'm glad we - the DOTS lovers in general and KiKyo shippers in particular are not the only side who are in deep DOTS withdrawal syndrome, enjoy the moment at its best and let it become unforgettable memory, I can see how the reality proves it through the strong bond of the crew. More than a drama, more than a work, I believe DOTS has brought so many uncountable values the the crew and the viewers. I learn from the drama itself and learn from SHK and SJK themselves, just words can not describe how grateful I am to know about DOTS and to be a part of this fandom.

Don't even remember how many times I've said this, after a long day, I go to this thread and find myself at the highest level of peace and enthusiasm as a shipper thanks to the calmness, maturity, energy that you guys have been creating. ^_^

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2 hours ago, hclover96 said:

Sorry if I cut your post :) 

@Chewy Hoe, thanks also for tagging me regarding my translations.  I really don't mind if it's being posted somewhere else as long as it's kept within Soompi.  Hoping that you'll be able to get the tickets to SJK's Bangkok fan meeting.  Good luck!



Well, Im here in Bangkok. Im dying to see SJK's Fan meeting here. Unfortunately, I was too late to purchase his FM ticket. Sold out in less than a week! Gosh, Thai people are also going gaga with songsong couple. Now, im still hoping to get a ticket. Haha

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