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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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9 hours ago, joongkyo said:


No, I mean SHK but I think SJK was there too....let's wait and see the "next picture" to see a confirmation of SJK...hehe

BTW, SONG HYE KYO IS IN PHUKET. There was a source saying she flew out to Phuket, looks like her latest IG pictures is proof that she's really in Thailand! :) 


Doesn't this remind you all of how SHK went to HK a week before their trip to HK on 4th April?!

Oh thank you for the info....BTW why she fly to phuket? For work or jz travelling?

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My husband  is 10 years older than me i dont see anything wrong its only the number. the important thing is the love that you felt for each other and if its true that they are dating well fine becoz they deserve each other and i see them the best couple in Korea and i hope they end up forever. i love Kyo so much and i want her to marry a guy like SJK she only deserve him and i dont see anyone who end up with my baby girl i know SJK is a kind and responsible man,im praying hard to god that he and she are real couple pls god grant us our wish pls.....

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Rewatching episode 16 where KMY was saying to YSJ "You suffered a lot" and "I miss you" after he came back from the dead keeps alluding to their real life! Like how she called him that she knows he's struggling and he neednt worry about things and just heal. In the episode he said "he's the one who should feel sorry", it's so him feeling sorry about his injuries. Lol

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SHK your latest IG photo. Could you be more obvious. 

I love it when the most private, risk-averse people start to drop hints. There's really something that cannot be contained about a heady, passionate romance 

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Start the beautiful Sunday morning with these 2 beautiful creations and my flutter heart after watching the BTS. 

I'm always impressed by the way Joong Ki looks at Hye Kyo, sometimes feels like he's staring at her :lol: but thanks to the BTS, I realize that he's not the only one here. From the quick interview KMS, it's appearant that our Beauty has quick look at Joong Ki, sometimes in unnceccesary cases such as when both of 2 babos ask the meaning of "Tsudenre" word, I suppose it's KMS who you should look at to find the answer instead of Joong Ki, unnie :phew:


And my favorite moment when Kyo leaves because of thinking that KMS comments she's cold, then we have 3 hints here:

  • Joong Ki: Immediately looks at Kyo to check her reaction 
  • KMS, after seeing Kyo's reaction, immediately heads toward Joong Ki and I guess he thought that "Now what should I do with Joong Ki hyung? I've just teased his women I'm going to die..."
  • Nurse Na: I'm getting used to this scene kkk~


And at this scene, when Joong Ki put his arm toward Kyo so near that I have a strong feeling he was going to grab her arm, but then the clever editor doesn't let us see what happened then and instead skipping to the below one.


And I laugh my butt off of what happened after that, instead of speaking something smart and humor as usual, Joong Ki talks about Mo Yeon (instead of Kyo) must raising cows out of the blue and I guess Jin Goo couldn't help but laughing at his bro suddenly went insane after seeing his "small one" (he wasn't laughing at your story Ki ahjushi!):


And the legendary kiss truck, once again I met the full of meaning eyes of our Goddess, and look at the 1st and 3rd photo, as if she thought "Pali pali PD-nim, stop your long instruction, I want to kiss him right now!", while the 2nd photo brings me the feeling of "happy Lee Hyori" :lol: because I witnessed Hyori in Family Outing time and I recognize the similar expression when she's at the utmost relax and comfortable mode, this time I have that feeling :)


And at this scene, seriously you two have developed a specific code of your own? :blink: Can someone please explain this action :huh:


(edited by me)



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@angelicXD agree...for me everything they said in ep. 16 after JK injured...is like SJK n SHK convo. I don't even can't diff. If that YSJ x KMY or SJK x SHK....my mind keep twisted....

Looking at JK airport pic. With less smile but still handsome and manly....make me wonder if he know his love one is on vacation...that's why he look like man with lack oxygen coz his oxygen is far away...:D <~~my speculation only....:P

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@stargazer187 that explains his interview in viu tv in hong Kong that he's jealous about the soldiers running naked...hehehehe coz hye gyo seems to like that scene so well and our captain was really jealous base on his reaction on bts 

@chilis actually that's a trend in Korea these days..younger men celebrities prefer to have a relationship or marry someone older than them..Han hye Jin is 7years older than her husband and some celebrities 9 other are ten years apart.. 


Seriously these days I cannot see any Korean celebrities on their 20s that can act well like The 30s actresses when they were younger...that's the reason maybe so many dramas casT older women tHan younger ones because They can act well plus 30s actresses in Korea look better ang younger ..even those married to older women said that their wife even though older than them have aegyo too and very caring


@superbigcat that's the bts of one of the scene where captain yoo should get the gun and kang mo yeon drive backwards..but as we can see the one driving looks like a stuntman..the driver doesn't look like hye gyo...captain was trying to get the gun but his hand was almost hit by the car good thing he got it quickly that explain his reaction..he was surely surprise too.even the staff said that the driver drive fast..

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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:

Dispatch posted their article about SHK's PC (20th April) today, interestingly the content of this article is written slightly different than other articles. For one, there IS NO mention of SJK and SHK's rumoured relationship. The one time that his name comes up is when the reporter praises SHK's performance for being in perfect tandem with SJK's performance

Sneaky Dispatch what are you upto? and why did you choose to release the interview today (24th) which is 4 days after all other news agencies posted their content.




My guess is either Dispatch is paid by Blossom to stay quiet, or they just love Song2 so much that they're a big part of SPS - that is, Song2 Protection Squad.

53 minutes ago, angelicXD said:

Rewatching episode 16 where KMY was saying to YSJ "You suffered a lot" and "I miss you" after he came back from the dead keeps alluding to their real life! Like how she called him that she knows he's struggling and he neednt worry about things and just heal. In the episode he said "he's the one who should feel sorry", it's so him feeling sorry about his injuries. Lol


Which scene was this exactly? You make me feel the need to rewatch. 

Btw, the more I think about it, the more I can't stop wondering about the way SJK rubbed his head on her shoulder during their first scriptreading. It looked a bit edited to me, so do you think it's possible that the head-rub was because they were reading the dialogue for tent scene? But it was just cut out so we couldn't hear/see the dialogue?

Even so, WHY did he need to rub his head there for like 3-4 times?

It's something I can't move on from. Too - goddammit I'm so in love with you - gesture.

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2 hours ago, cutiechaser18 said:
I know it's not the same shirt but what if....hahahhaha delulu mind: ON:wub:


Why do you think it's not the same? It looks the same one to me and I don't think I'm in the delulu mod because it really looks the same, unless you or someone else would please show the differences.

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@ladylia257 It's the scene right before the medical crew thought they were seeing Captain's ghost. Ahhaha She went right in for a hug and his arms are like press against her boobs. 

Rewatching the scene right before the coffee hug and the coffee hug. SHK's eyes and tears are like crystal clear. Sheesh. And omg SJK looks so freaken handsome and good looking in both of those scenes. He has on like the saddest heattbreaking expression. 

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23 minutes ago, lovely_skham_stv said:


Photo taken April 20th, I wonder.... If the original owner could verify if SJK was there..... Source:Baidu


Honestly, if he were there we'd know already.  Someone would have taken a picture.  He's not one to hide away from people.  The fact that she publicly announced she was there means he wasn't.  

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3 minutes ago, melissala said:

Honestly, if he were there we'd know already.  Someone would have taken a picture.  He's not one to hide away from people.  The fact that she publicly announced she was there means he wasn't.  


Yeah, that makes sense, but my delusional side is HOPING NOT. Either way, I'm glad to see her happy and getting some quality time with her "newly" gained friends. 

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16 minutes ago, angelicXD said:

@ladylia257 It's the scene right before the medical crew thought they were seeing Captain's ghost. Ahhaha She went right in for a hug and his arms are like press against her boobs. 


Just rewatched, thank you. You're right. It makes me feel it's SJK apologizing for being injured so she has to shoot her scenes alone. 

And her dialogue caught my mind too. "I really miss your jokes". SHK to SJK after being left shooting for two weeks? They were always together for the shooting right? For months? Must missed him too. 

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2 hours ago, jonahviea24 said:

-Highly agreed! Age doesn’t matter at all. And it's not even obvious that she's older than him. They just look like they're on same age.



Older does not make one any wiser!  nono



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3 hours ago, joongkyo said:

Sneaky Dispatch what are you upto? and why did you choose to release the interview today (24th) which is 4 days after all other news agencies posted their content.




This Dispatch is just "weird" for me LOL I rmb during HK PC, they released article about SS late different than other news outlets :phew:

And everyone already knows how Dispatch "adores" SHK much, isn't that obvious that they should write an article about her PC faster than the others?!! Ahahaha In this matter, I agree with you, I wonder a lot what's Dispatch upto with this? :lol:


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4 hours ago, SusanC said:



Older does not make one any wiser!  nono



I wish everyone, fans included,  would stop mentioning age because if he were older nobody would even care or have anything to say about it.  At all. Even in the drama people brought up the fact that she was older, or "too old for SJK",  while ignoring the decade age difference between the 2nd OTP.  It's sexism and ageism pure and simple that people use it against SHK.  It's only because the woman is older that people feel they have to either defend it or mention it as something negative.  They are both over 30. Once you reach that age there really isn't much different in maturity levels or anything else.  It's not a factor or anything that should even be discussed. 

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