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17 minutes ago, angieknows_11 said:

Are we sure that's Snoopy's mom? Per this article on Soompi, that's Jin Goo's mom. Not that it makes a difference since the images only prove that Joong Ki and Hye Kyo do hang out.


Pretty much, that's all that matters! A good solid proof and coming from a very good source that indeed, SHK and SJK hung out!!! If anything, I'd say.... it's DAEBAK IN TAEBAEK!!!! Gaaaaaaaahhhh!!!

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27 minutes ago, angieknows_11 said:

Are we sure that's Snoopy's mom? Per this article on Soompi, that's Jin Goo's mom. Not that it makes a difference since the images only prove that Joong Ki and Hye Kyo do hang out.



I think that was Snoopy's mom? Because I might have read the translation of the tweet in one of the previous posts here that Jin Goo was saying that the mother has a picture of them together on her wall but not with her son? HAHAHAHA JinGoo bullying Snoopy LOL

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@Chewy Hoe....thank you...thank you....:wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

I think this Camera Ahjussi need eye check....how come the eating lip kiss turn to stuck together....hahaha

if I got kiss hundred time by hot guys...I will never comeback alive...my soul will fly away......:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


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I just got back from reading news about SJK's fanmeet. So he has a picture of the scenery in greece as his background picture? Is there somesort of significance? Or maybe because Beauty is also part of the gorgeous scenery?? Hehehe. MY TAKE ON IT! :D

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16 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

Now for positively and happiness, in Weibo I saw this translation by Drama Can't Stop and I will translate from Chinese to English here. All Chinese texts credit to Drama Can't Stop and the commentors

【《#太阳的后裔#》摄影导演:#宋仲基# #宋慧乔# 的吻戏 拍了大概100遍!】18号播出的《GOT TV》邀请到《太阳的后裔》摄影导演金时亨,观众提问:“宋慧乔和宋仲基两人谁NG的更多?”导演表示:“感觉宋仲基NG更多一次,但宋慧乔说‘再来一次’的话好像更多。”而谈到两人的吻戏NG,导演表示:“本来就是要多角度去拍摄,一拍就像拍了100多遍的感觉。因为拍很多,到后来感觉不是在拍吻戏,就是两个嘴唇贴在一起。”

My translation to English: The camera director says due to kissing scenes NG, due to the needs of filming in different angles, it felt like its being filmed a hundred times and because of the many shots, it didn't felt like kissing scenes anymore, more like their lips were stuck together!! 

Wah just knowing how Long their lips need to be stuck together for that many angles of filming that felt like a hundred times makes me happy!

And the comments below from the Chinese netizens that I have picked in response to the camera director are so fun that I just had to translate and share it here! 

@JoongKi_倩児:[拜拜][拜拜][拜拜]  嘴唇都要烂了,还说没什么。谁信!!

(Please please please, their lips are going to tear already and you still say they are nothing? Who would believe!!) 



(the balcony kiss scene if filmed more than a hundred times and you bloody hell give me one Long shot scene??) 


(excuse me but how is it possible to be walking at the beach Everyday in Greece and kissing so much and yet only just comradeship??) 

@乔我是宋仲基啊:就是这个摄影导演  [doge] 麻烦您老在说“两人不是恋爱关系”的时候把你那一脸褶子的蜜汁微笑收一收   [微笑]我们都是金刚心名侦探  分分钟识破你[doge][笑cry][笑cry][笑cry][笑cry]

this is the funniest!! (This director, please when you are saying they are not lovers, keep that honey  laden smile away from your face! We are all steel investigators and will see through you every minute!!) Omg, thanks for pointing out its true he had that smile on his face when he said that statement!! 


(after a hundred times and still cannot kiss out this thing called love, it's not scientific!!) 


lol this is cute (SJK why you always NG? Because SHK will always say 'one more time' ! With this feeling how can you stop?) 


Now this is translated strictly for the shippers here for positively and happiness so please do not take this out. 

What a great way to start my day with this much hearty laughter


Hahahaha... OMG.. @Chewy Hoethe commentators are so funny LMAO :D:D:D

I feel that i can still hear a lot of people SCREAMING i mean literally SCREAMING when the balcony kiss suddenly pans out to become the Kiss taken from Mars... hahaha.. 

That kiss must have been HOT HOT HOT.. i mean even without the closeup we can definitely feel the zing... the opening of ep 13 can definitely attest to that... well tbh all their kiss and hugging scene is very very beautiful,, not just because of the hotness but because there are so much sincerity there that really touched our heart.... 

Right now if some one posted the balcony kiss gif... it will be very much welcomed :love: 

Now joking aside, it really amuse me when there are still some people who came here and questioning about this ship. I'm trying to say this as gentle as possible, because if you are still in doubt then please do not post your doubts... all of us here are trying to keep the thread as a FUN and POSITIVE place so please try to understand our request....

@Bambiina haha... i love your post. 

Enjoy your holiday btw..



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Hi all!  Wow I didn’t have time to drop by here for the past 3 days and suddenly we’ve got so many comments by shippers! Thanks to everybody for your time and effort and I’ll definitely spend some time going through every page (although I did read some posts here and there).  It’s actually a bit surprised to know that there are people freaking out due to the type of words / sentences used by DOTS crew or by SJK himself during interviews that somehow sounds like ‘dismissing their relationship’ and people are making a fuss out of it…

This is totally understandable but hope people can stay calm instead of bombarding this thread all kinds of doubting questions. All of us are here because of our lovely couple and deep in heart we wish they can marry one day. That is our hope and our ultimate goal for them.  But like what many had said, ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS, and I myself strongly believe that.

Many interviews were translated from Korean to English, and I believe the translator has done his/her best to make the whole content sound similar to the original. But sometimes a different word or sentence used may also change the ‘feel’ even though the meaning is the same. Therefore I’m grateful to those who provide 1st hand info (especially translated ones) to keep us updated, but also urge people not to use these to doubt their relationship, since basically all of us know that DOTS fever is not yet over and no one, especially the leads themselves, will admit anything (well, at least for now).

As mentioned earlier, I believe both are way beyond close colleagues due to their ACTIONS, and I have listed the 3 most ‘obvious’ ones:

1. Hong Kong PC and interview

2. Dating rumors not denied

3. Their explosive chemistry onscreen and offscreen

Needless for me to further elaborate, I think you guys will understand after watching the HK press con and interview.  This year I have come across 2 other dating rumors and both actors have stood up to deny, one even taking legal actions.  So the fact that SJK didn’t deny, isn’t it very obvious already???

I have been watching thousands of dramas for the past 20 years and so far I have only shipped 3 OTPs (song2 will be my 4th).  I am proud to say that I am accurate in my guesses, as they (except song2 w/o confirmation yet) used to be / are really in relationships and 2 pairs even got married and have kids. So this round I also stand firm on my intuition. Let us all be calm, sensible and tough shippers, just like what our leads are currently now and don’t let our minds got wavered so easily!

P/S: I forgot to add in another reason why I think song2 are in a relationship…cos the other 3 OTPs that I shipped earlier, the actors have almost the same behavior like our SJK in DOTS! This is undeniable! It's the feel! SJK is bad in hiding emotions...but I can't blame him!




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Hello guys! 

I wanted to translate some more articles about our favorite couple :wub:

DOTS Director speaks out about SS couple and 100 takes for the kiss scene


A lot people are complaining in the comments about the article bc the reporter said that during the kiss scene SJK had a lot of NGs and SHK wanted to take another try implying that they wanted to kiss each other more and people are going to drag SHK... but they know better and blaming the reporter for spreading false information. 


(+1599,-216) Of course they had a scandal if there was 100 takes to make a kiss scene  If you guys start dating I'll congratulate you 


(+303,-84) Why did you waste a perfectly good kiss scene that took 100 takes with drones and full shots?(LOL A LOT of DOTS fans are so upset over this kiss scene on the clock tower) They shot it 100 times... There is nothing between them? These SS are true actors~~~~  (sarcasm)


(+1218, -84) It would be weird if they felt nothing towards each other~~ ^^


(+405,-8) Report did you not watch the broadcast and wrote this article? What I saw was when they were filming SJK had more NGs and SHK wanted to try more one take. Also the kiss scene was filmed in a various of ways that's why it took 100 takes. Stop fishing with false information 


(+403,-34) Wow 

they filmed it 100 times 

but to have no feelings 

is weirder 

you guys match so well 


(+331,-20) Even for an average person to shoot a kiss scene 100 times there some be some feelings... are these two acting geniuses? ㅋㅋ The more we see them the more confused I get... They deserve the best acting award ㅋㅋ 

The SS kiss scene at the deserted island looked like it was from a storybook so beautiful 


(+366,-59) SS please date... ㅎㅎ


(+144,-10) Are these beautiful and handsome people rocks? to have no feelings even while filming a kiss scene... 


(+143,-11) Even if they just look at each other they would fall in love it's getting weird that these two aren't dating ^-^ you guys would make a pretty couple~


(+163,-29) I'm still going to support SS couple heart heat 

Once feeling arises the senior can become a wife in a second~^^

Lovely SS couple fighting~^^ heart heart 


(+157,-11) SS couple is really a comrade 


I'm almost done with another article brb 


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8 hours ago, joongkyo said:


Somehow the fact that it's for China HB gives me more hope for a SS shoot because y'know they can just makes some excuses for doing the shoot and say that it's for promotion - blah blah..lol! 

Also did you notice, Yeong Jun Kim is the SAME PHOTOGRAPHER (https://www.instagram.com/photokyj80/ ) who we discussed has those connections with Kyo- he's following her private instagram + Ellen Park's instagram+ plus the whole crew. In fact he only recently started following her *Private Instagram* + her entire crew - he was following her public instagram from way back. He's probably one of those 5 lucky people along with the  KMS+ABY+Onew who made it on her list of people allowed to view her profile.  KYJ also did SJK's recent Kolon Sport Shoots.

Another co-incidence.

I don't think that trip is happening, no word about it and I doubt SJK can go anywhere now. Also, isn't he supposed to shave his head and do some insane weight loss for the movie? Probably why he's looking like he's been losing weight.



@joongkyo you know i can really see this happening haha.. SHK and SJK is such a NINJA... :phew: it wouldn't have come as a surprise.

but then again, who knows right?, :D We'll just have to wait and see.....

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Hi everyone! This is my first post on the KiKyo thread, but I've been lurking around since yesterday :) No matter how many times the show's directors, producers, writers or whoever, deny the dating rumors between SJK and SHK, at the end of the day, it is only the both of them who know what really is going on.

Though based on my observation, they're more of colleagues at the moment, I feel like if they were given more time to spend with one another, there would be a very high chance of their relationship blossoming. They just need to know each other outside of work and they need to get rid of the noona-dongsaeng/sunbae-hoobae kind of relationship. Seriously, SJK, you're sunbae/noona-zoning, SHK.

I just hope that even after DOTS they can still manage to hang out every once in a while. I hear that the entire cast and crew of DOTS are really close after all :) Maybe our boy Jin Goo can play cupid ahahahahahahahaha

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Good morning everyone.

This forum has increased 3 pages since I last read it.

SJK has a week off. 


Somebody please put CCTV on their apartments because I'm sure we'll get to see lots of private Song2 moments, thank you.


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12 minutes ago, bluedolphin81 said:

I am proud to say that I am accurate in my guesses, as all (except song2 w/o confirmation yet) are really in relationships and 2 pairs even got married and have kids. So this round I also stand firm on my intuition. Let us all be calm, sensible and tough shippers, just like what our leads are currently now and don’t let our minds got wavered so easily!



@bluedolphin81 really! one lucky shipper!!!! this time our otp will not fail us! B)

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Hmm, from my understanding, they do not take 100 times of kissing scene but because it took from different angles, for them, it seems like 100 times already. 

Or am I wrong? hmmm. but i still love the fact that ACTIONS DO SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. Those eyes contact, those 'hand' gestures, those 'giggles' in between and ofcourse those interactions !

But anyway, thanks to those who make effort on putting a STOP sign to some of the posts. If you get what i meant.

I still love everyone of you here. 

LET'S JUST GET READY FOR THE SPECIAL EPISODES ! where we can see the lovey-dovey scene of SS !

Much love. :wub:

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Jingoo, SS couple and Alpha Team shows their friendship 


This is regarding Jingoo's latest post on instagram again only posted comments regarding the SS couple

(+644,-2) Looks good^^


(+537,-9) Looks so good please keep your friendship for a long time~^^


(+136,-8) It's so hard to see SScouple together.... The drama ended a couple of days ago but can't you guys show yourself more?.. For fan service...


(+132,-7) It's SS couple~~~~~ :heart:


(+128,-8) It's SS couple~~~ Want to see you~ 


(+121,-3) It's so nice to see SS couple with even a small picture~ 

For a drama that hit daebak there isn't any couple picture or interview 

HK please come back~ :heart:


(+104,-7) When I see SS couple ^^ SJK you really shine :heart::heart:


(+91) Good actors... Good people in the picture :) Looks so good!!


(+89,-20) I miss SScouple 

I wish SHK and SJK start dating and get married 


(+66) Jingoo keep rising. I'll support you. DOTS teamwork seems good. Hopefully you guys stay close. Thank you for delivering SS couple info~~


(+67,-4) They looks so good^^:heart:


(+64,-4) This is how we get to see SS couple.... Their chemistry was out of this world but after filming did they break contact? She could of come as a guest to his fan meeting Now we have to let them go 


(+41,-3) SHK 


the more we see of them 

they look so good 

please film a movie together 


(+46,-16) SJK.. SHK.. Wish they got married... have cute babies... please get married... you age... it's time to get married... you'll be 40 soon 


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Hello fellow shippers! I've been dying to post my insights since I'm a huge SongSong shipper (Soompi finally fixed my account!) :)

I really admire all your comments and updates, been reading your posts for a long time now and I must say that as a fangirl with tons of ships, we're in the right track. Most of my ships became REAL and I can tell that Song Joong Ki is dating right now (hopefully, it's Song Hye Kyo ;)) Me and my mom are huge fans of DOTS and my mom always asks me if they're already dating since we ship them so much. 

Please do allow me to post some photos/edits of the SongSong couple to share my feels with you guys too....and to the trolls, yes we are all entitled to our opinions but since this is a shipping thread, let's just spread some positivity. I'm always for TEAM REEL for all my ships because I don't want to expect that they would really end up for REAL. We can hope for the best but shipping is appreciating the chemistry and supporting the artists <3 


I'm hoping for a photoshoot too :) Look at this lovely couple ^^^


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And I saw this too...I can read Hangul but I can't understand most of it. Haha.

It says "SongSong Couple's SongSong Choco" 

Basically, even dal.komm ships them hard that they named these as "SongSong" and they didn't use the character names <3 This ship is definitely AWEZUM!!!



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24 minutes ago, thepixies said:

@annettegatuslao Actually, didn't you post the exact same thing before? This is deja vu. 

If you are skeptical, why post your skepticism? If you don't believe, why tell us? Just don't read our thread. Simple.

Please don't behave like Dr Kim:

Cr. Ockoala

@thepixies Hi! Actually, my post may've just been misunderstood. This is the first time that I've made a comment here on the KiKyo thread and I do apologize if ever I offended anyone. Just like any DOTS fan, I'm a very big KiKyo shipper, and I do believe that there is something blossoming between the both of them. I was just saying that I really hope they spend more time together even after DOTS has already ended. My sincere apologies to whoever I had hurt by the comment. I promise to be more responsible and to choose the right words next time. I truly am sorry :(

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3 minutes ago, annettegatuslao said:

@thepixies Hi! Actually, my post may've just been misunderstood. This is the first time that I've made a comment here on the KiKyo thread and I do apologize if ever I offended anyone. Just like any DOTS fan, I'm a very big KiKyo shipper, and I do believe that there is something blossoming between the both of them. I was just saying that I really hope they spend more time together even after DOTS has already ended. My sincere apologies to whoever I had hurt by the comment. I promise to be more responsible and to choose the right words next mind. I truly am sorry :(



Fine. Apologies if I came across a tad strong. 

But please remove images from quotes. ^ your post above

And if you back read, you will find that SJK and SHK have indeed spent quite a lot of time together after filming ended. This thread is worthwhile for SS Shippers. Please back read.


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