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@joongkyo I agree that it is uncomfortable to watch that the anchors are trying to make SJK compliment and choose  the "beauty" of the female anchor, its kinda unprofessional.  Serves them right that SJK did not give them the satisfaction :D 

I have been lurking in this thread and finds the discussion here really enjoyable. I love DOTS and enjoys every episode.  I specially love SongSong couple's chemistry. :wub:

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17 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


yeah, but how irritating were the two anchors being!. Poor guy had to finally say something nice about that woman or else everyone would think that he's a jerk but seriously SJK, gets an A+ grade for not choosing that crazy female announcer just too make her feel good, nor did he call her a beauty until that mad male announcer basically forced him to say something about her looks. SongSong forever, thanks SJK!! :wub:


IKR...Talk about putting SJK on the spot but his answers kind of backfired at the news anchors....nyahahahaha! Oooohhhh SJK well done...that's what I call grace under pressure..indeed!

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That second part of the interview was seriously cringe worthy to watch.  These are supposed to be professionals,  and serious people of integrity..   What's wrong with them?  Not surprised they didn't show that on air.   The whole interview must have surprised SJK with the stupid questions.  

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15 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

@redwinecouple and @cait2014 IKR!. The anchors were irritating as hell, he literally guilted SJK into saying something about that woman. And what was that, "I guess we can never be a Min-Song couple" *yuck* . Also, if they're comparing beauty - just how does that woman even compare to SHK? :crazy::blink:

Tell me about it! My eyes were on auto roll like WTH?! I'd die of embarassment if I were that woman, I'd wish for the ground to open up and just swallow me. So cringe worthy!

Captain must be really afraid of that beauty watching him. Did you get a hug after that? 

I love his honesty and for sticking up and standing up for his lady

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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:

@2cents Sorry, I've got no idea - some reports saying restaurant and yet other saying restaurant. I think there's more chances of it being a restaurant, but it would have to be a pretty big venue to house so many people. And some place where people flock to drink, since you're there maybe you'd know better which restaurant in Gangnam fits the bill. Also, I believe that Dispatch might be at the venue this time (so maybe look out for paparazzi?*) since the news of this party was shared by the media unlike the earlier wrap part on the 30th Dec and 25th March.

Thanks for the information, I presume that SongSong will be in first class together and their restive staff will be on the plane flying either business or economy. I can only imagine the crowd gathering at the airport. Plus, it's a weekend so many more people will be able to go and now that we know which hotel they're going to be staying at. Probably many fans will camp out.


@xyzebra and @2cents any news of a photo shoot with Elle Hong Kong on any of the Chinese portals?



The news anchor lady trying so hard to flirt with him on that question of who he would save amongst them - "beauties, children and elderly". I'm glad he was witty enough to say he'd save himself and the bit about breaking up SongSong couple!!!!. SJK, you're the boss!


@joongkyo OMG! Hands down, you are the best! What a great find! I would never thought there will be a complete video of this nor will they allow to broadcast it but then again, DOTS is popular, they may have to.

These are some snooty news anchors! Haha. The lady seems to be too overzealous and obviously fangirling on SJK, she seriously about to swallow him whole with her crazed stares! 

Let me just say, OMG!!!! Another concrete validation! He could've teased and flirted away with this crazed anchorwoman and just chose her but nooooo! He chose to save both! See, he wouldn't just let her girl suffer and die from drowning! HA! Even if the question was directed for YSJ, the anchor man tried to be mischievous and threw Song Hye Kyo's name there - the actual person! He was overwhelmed at this point. Sheez, who wouldn't be? Now's the time that he has to think more carefully and watch what comes out of his mouth. He even agreed with anchorman when he (SJK) said that he couldn't break up the song-song couple and said yes to it! He could've just said SHK but that's a dead give away! If he chose that anchorwoman, someone will get "sulky". Me thinks, he said the anchor woman's name along with SHK's to make it more discreet so he won't get caught! HA! We know what you're doing SJK! You maybe smart and slick but, we are delusional and we do read in between the lines! We know! LOL! He sure knows how to be witty and charming at the same time. One thing for sure, he made one lucky girl happy that night' *sigh*

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Ok.. the extended interview. . If I ever had any doubts about sjk in the past.. ( sorry , I'm slow to trust ) .. now I'm truly convinced SJK is really one solid guy and any girl who is with him is blessed.  

I suspect if it was in the past and he is not 'attached ', he would just have gone with the flow and juSt chosen  the anchor woman and praise her beauty  ( seriously, WTH  is with that.. surely respectable news anchor people don't actually act so giddy and star struck , fishing for compliments on the news ) but thks to them.. I understand sjk more now 

.. read he used to engage in a fair bit of media play in promos for  Wolf boy and nice guy. Flirting and complimenting his co-stars. . . even his Wolf boy costar said that after cameras stop filming. . He doesn't really keep in touch with her .. but now.. he RESOLUTELY refused to play the game .. really.. all my  respect to this young man for standing his  ground. . 

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Even if this is all delusional... how can anyome think he is not the guy for SHK ..  that guy is totally head over heels ... smitten .. :D  I hope more people come in and join the fun . . Lets pray for their future ..  

I bet he is in 'auto pilot mode'  ..  normally actor would just give in and 'saved' both desprate anchor man and anchor lady ... it is embarasing ... haiyo .. 

Served them right for asking stupid question. 

@ilovesjk where are youuu yuhuuuu.. please watch the interview .. pleaseee yuhuuu where are youuuu

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11 minutes ago, Bambiina said:

Even if this is all delusional... how can anyome think he is not the guy for SHK ..  that guy is totally head over heels ... smitten .. :D  I hope more people come in and join the fun . . Lets pray for their future ..  

I bet he is in 'auto pilot mode'  ..  normally actor would just give in and 'saved' both desprate anchor man and anchor lady ... it is embarasing ... haiyo .. 

Served them right for asking stupid question. 


@Bambiina He is indeed smitten!!! Even if I am not at all religious, I will the do the rosary, pray the novena pray to all Gods, Buddha and Allah to grant our desire, to make them a real couple! Bwahhaha! 

Disclaimer: No pun intended to all religions. This is purely a joke, please do not take offense! :D

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As expected from SJK, well done !!

Also yesterday, I read that KBS is currently trying to figure out the best way to show its thankfulness to cast and crew. A gift like a trip or something like that. 

I should have taken a screen cap but I can't find the post anymore, is that legit ? 

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1 minute ago, BlossomFlowers22 said:

As expected from SJK, well done !!

Also yesterday, I read that KBS is currently trying to figure out the best way to show its thankfulness to cast and crew. A gift like a trip or something like that. 

I should have taken a screen cap but I can't find the post anymore, is that legit ? 

I saw something like that on Naver about KBS giving the cast/crew something.  Not sure what, but seems legit.


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OMG. . The cnetz in baidu song couple forum are adorable. . They are camping out at a thread for the dinner tonight. .

AND they uncovered an IG post.. there's some confusion over whether it's a flower garland FOR the song couple or FROM the song couple 

Some say it's for a shop opening and our dearest couple sent a flower garland to congratulate owner on its  opening .. why would merexpect colleagues do that TOGETHER???;)


Hope link works. . 

Someone interpret the IG post please 

Edit - 

Sorry all.. it's a tasteless April fools' joke .. bah ...


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13 minutes ago, missandrea said:


@Bambiina He is indeed smitten!!! Even if I am not at all religious, I will the do the rosary, pray the novena pray to all Gods, Buddha and Allah to grant our desire, to make them a real couple! Bwahhaha! 


SHK ... she's been through a lot ... I wish all the happiness for her ... I believe in God and karma..  it's her time to find someone that will stick with her through thick and thin .. I hope Joongki is the one ... 

Please let it end up with marriage ... yeah I may be dreaming too much ... If JJH can still be successful even though she's married and if won bin .. lbh can get married and still be as popular as before .. so why not Joongki and kyo?


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Actually, I'm totally disappointed with both the news presenters. This is suppose to highlight the achievements of SJK and DOTs and should be conducted professionally. Since when did the emphasis go to the female presenter? Why is the male presenter pushing her to SJK? Much as I want to be partial to them, I do not agree with how they both conducted the interview. I wonder what was their purpose of pushing the female presenter to SJK? Is it that she has a crush on him and is making use of this national opportunity to force SJK to choose her? To force him to say that he'll save her because she falls into the beauty category?

Shouldn't a praise comes sincerely from the heart and SJK should not be forced to praise her because she was asking/begging for it through the male presenter's persistent irrelevant questions? I mean, look, SJK is handsome and tremendously popular now. That is the reason for him being on the program - to thank people and to enlighten on SJK and his goals and thoughts. It is also fine to ask questions relating to DOTS and its characters.

But where does the female presenter fits into his plans and thoughts? It's ridiculous to even compare her with SHK and asking who SJK would save. SHK is a good colleague and friend and now maybe even lover. Who is that female presenter that SJK had to be forced to make a choice? I'm glad that he said both so as not to be too obvious. I'm glad that he said he had to save himself first to avoid categorising the 2 idiotic presenters into beauty, elderly and children. So that was what they were aiming for - for SJK to categorize her under beauty. Cheap thrill seriously.

And how is it that they even have the nerve to say that she can't break up the Song-Song couple? Is she even near there? And what rubbish Min-Song couple. Dream on.

There, I promised not to get upset. Please forgive my ranting. I can't help seeing the stupidity of the direction that the news is heading. The presenters are taking it wrongly and self-glorifying on national tv. I'm glad that SJK stood his ground not to be led into an irrelevant discussion.

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On Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 0:34 PM, mianabelle said:


Chingu, sorry for quoting you. I just can't seem to find a way to unquote. Perhaps Soompi is too smart for a slowpoke like me. 

Anyway back to the topic everyone's discussing now. I haven't watched the extended vers.of the interview yet but judging from all of your comments..I guess it's not a pleasant thing. I wonder if SJK felt a slight regret guesting on the show. I mean if you're a news anchor, please act like one. This is not some kind of variety shows where you can carelessly ask questions and make your guest uncomfortable. Smh..


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@joongkyo I was super annoyed to say the least... I was ready to go into my screen and end that anchorwoman if she tried to be touchy :angry::angry::angry: All for the sake of protecting Song Song Couple! (Slightly kidding about ending her)

I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND why KBS didn't air that version. I felt like I was watching a bad blind date. Girl ur pretty an all but damn forcing a man to give you attention on national television if that doesn't scream desperate I don't know was desperate is. and her co-anchor my god.... Completely unprofessional to continue that desperate charade of trying to play matchmaker. Utter Fail!!!!

I APPLAUD SJK for all his tireless efforts to remain professional and unwavering in his LOYALTY to SHK cause the one thing I know that SHK treasures is LOYALTY. Besides for me if they are in the first stages of "meeting well" SJK has done one fine job at remaining the humble, kind and a gentleman  we know he is. Sure he said she was very beautiful but come one he didn't say that on his own accord. I feel he had a sense of responsibility to give respect to the KBS news anchors and that's it nothing more nothing less. 


1) That slight smile/smirk when the male anchorman said the word "date" (he thinks he knows something we don't know but boy songsong shippers are onto you)

2) The anchorwoman reaction to him addressing the dating rumors lol priceless! Nope he DID NOT DENY but AFFIRMED THEY HAVE DRINKS AND TALK ABOUT IT AND ENJOY IT :wub::wub::wub:

3) OF COURSE he would CHOOSE KMY HES YSJ FOR HEAVEN SAKES But the BEST PART "Someone would get sulky" (Now only a man who's interested in a girl would come out on NATIONAL TV and admit he cares wether SHK is jealous/mad or not) SCREAMS BF MATERIAL. 

4) TOUCHDOWN!!!! Yes SJK you go and save yourself vs ANYONE there and yes I mean that anchorwoman because your BEAUTY is home waiting for you to watch her fill the bath tub lol

5) YSJ would save BOTH. But this is how he will save both... He will go and save his beauty first with HIS OWN HANDS but for you he will call one of the alpha members to go and save you... Lol that's how he's going to save BOTH lol. SJK definitely played it safe a) if he admitted he would save SHK well he just CAUGHT and if b.) he said he save the anchorwoman well BEAUTY would get sulky/mad and he can't have that. That's why his answer is PERFECT!!!!

6) SONGSONG couple isn't breaking up Well at least not because of a so-called KBS anchorwoman. Despite countless efforts. The only thing that the male anchor did right was call it out saying yup she can't breakup SongSong

Lastly and I'm sorry for such a long post but I wanted to leave this as good for thought: 

SJK = YSJ (minus the expert fighting skills) 

YSJ WOULD NEVER LEAVE KMY EVER WHICH MEANS SJK WOULD NOT CHOOSE ANYONE OTHER THAN KMY AND KMY = SHK ( No one can be KMY other than the one and only Goddess SHK ) They are their respected roles. With leaves me with this 




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