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[Mainland Variety Show 2016] We Are In Love Season 2 我们相爱吧2


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2 hours ago, miri13 said:

Argghhh soompi got rid of my long post about the universe couple!  Breath. Breathe out. Ok.

I find these two refreshing. They are so honest in their own way. His expression at discovering her age is priceless. Her displeasure and nervousness at the picture taking at her birthday party wss painful to watch but so raw. His surprise and hurt at being left alone was honest. It was so real to hear them talk through thoughts of quitting the show. I found all these endearing and refreshing. I mean not all first dates turn out well, and certainly not blind dates. I like that they don't force it and fake it, like it so often is the case on we got married.

What I would love your opinion on is does she have a crush on him? I can't tell if she just really admires him as a senior in the industry or she had a crush on him from his movies. She is a hard nut to read. Her actions thus far seem a little too apprehensive or serious if she didn't care at all 3v ven as a reserved person. She is an actress after all. So is it she is afraid to mess up as an actress or in addition afraid due to a crush? I feel like if I understood the Chinese then I could tell better.  So Help. What do you think? 


From what I am seeing from Dong Yue's interactions with uncle six, i feel that she is afraid to open up to him because she treats him as a senior that she has a crush on.  But at epi 3, shes slowing showing more of her emotions and not as restraining herself in front of him.  Hope she'll be more outgoing later on in the episodes :)

Also, for Wei Daxun and Li Qi, I thought they were pretty interesting to watch but after the zoo date they weren't as fun any more in my opinion.  Li Qi felt like the typical high demanding girl of wanting a 100% perfect boyfriend.  For example, whenever Daxun was scared of the animals she would complain, when he stated he don't peel the skin off the apples when he eats them, she complained.  She wants someone who is perfect in every way possible in her eyes.  Which is impossible lol even though she stated in the interview that it was a test for him to see how he does, it was a bit too much and unfair to him.  This test just proved that she and him are almost complete opposites in ways of doing things. Like Daxun said he is the type that as long as the outcome is alright and fine he'll take it while she requires perfection in every step of the way. 

Daxun seems like a cool laid back guy, but his fear of the cute harmless animals is a turn off to most girls lol!  especially when he was screaming louder than Li Qi in the car at the zoo lol!

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Argghh. Soompi double posted and I don't know Hout to delete a whole post. Sorry.

I liked this scene of them. I felt she was starting to open up. I thought he seemed nervous and self conscious so I thought that was cute. I also thought maybe he is getting interested here. Before it was just she is so young I need to take care of my little sister in the industry. But after the rail car ride, I thought he started seeing her slightly differently. Plus, it made me realize he is huge our she is tiny or both. It made me laugh. I think visually he looks protective and shy at the same time.

Cr. Owners.  I wonder what it says in Chinese.


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6 minutes ago, miri13 said:

Argghh. Soompi double posted and I don't know Hout to delete a whole post. Sorry.

I liked this scene of them. I felt she was starting to open up. I thought he seemed nervous and self conscious so I thought that was cute. I also thought maybe he is getting interested here. Before it was just she is so young I need to take care of my little sister in the industry. But after the rail car ride, I thought he started seeing her slightly differently. Plus, it made me realize he is huge our she is tiny or both. It made me laugh. I think visually he looks protective and shy at the same time.

Cr. Owners.  I wonder what it says in Chinese.


don't worry, i got rid of your double post :)

haha yeah he did look shy when they left the rail car!  He was probably afraid that the citizens will recognize him as a celebrity and swarm him for pictures and autographs.

I've been to hk and to the peak and I am surprised that they make hk seem not as crowded with people! lol it is super crowded everywhere!  Amazing they could book a movie theater just for them with nobody to film like that lol

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15 minutes ago, sugarplum892 said:

From what I am seeing from Dong Yue's interactions with uncle six, i feel that she is afraid to open up to him because she treats him as a senior that she has a crush on.  But at epi 3, shes slowing showing more of her emotions and not as restraining herself in front of him.  Hope she'll be more outgoing later on in the episodes :)


Thanks!. It's always nice when you feel like you are not talking  by yourself like a crazy person.:P

I am glad I am not alone in thinking she has a crush.

Woohoo. Page 2!

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13 minutes ago, miri13 said:


Thanks!. It's always nice when you feel like you are not talking  by yourself like a crazy person.:P

I am glad I am not alone in thinking she has a crush.

Woohoo. Page 2!

Yes!  hope more people will join us and discuss the three couples here :D

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Thanks moderator! 

I wondered that too. Did they like rope off people or something or have multiple bodyguards? Lots of people were taking pics of them and gawking so I wonder how they got people to restrain themselves. But then I really don't know how popular these two are. 

I felt like I was getting crushed in HK even more than other major Asian cities. I never went up to the peak though. I feel like I should now. It looks like a pretty ride up.


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5 minutes ago, miri13 said:

Thanks moderator! 

I wondered that too. Did they like rope off people or something or have multiple bodyguards? Lots of people were taking pics of them and gawking so I wonder how they got people to restrain themselves. But then I really don't know how popular these two are. 

I felt like I was getting crushed in HK even more than other major Asian cities. I never went up to the peak though. I feel like I should now. It looks like a pretty ride up.


You're welcome!

I don't know how popular dong yue is in mainland but she is not that well known in hong kong...my family is from hk so we grew up following the hk showbiz/entertainment :)

However, I believe that uncle six is quite popular in hk as he is a successful movie star now that has ventured out to mainland also.

The peak is a nice experience and you should def go when you have time!

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He also needs a new stylist. What is that? 

Did they also go to some amusement park? 

Credit owners.


One more from the same date based on clothes. It is funny she seems to be wearing platform sneakers. And it does seem they use ropes to give them breathing space. Cr. Owners.


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45 minutes ago, miri13 said:

He also needs a new stylist. What is that? 

Did they also go to some amusement park? 


Credit owners.



One more from the same date based on clothes. It is funny she seems to be wearing platform sneakers. And it does seem they use ropes to give them breathing space. Cr. Owners.



Looks like disney land in Hong Kong!

Wow in these pics they def look closer together! but i agree...what is he wearing?! is he trying to dress younger? haha

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Ha Ha, him trying to look younger!  She has a classic sense in clothes, like Audrey Hepurn esque with that red coat and slightly bell bottomed pants. 

What did he write here in Chinese that she said he was a romantic for whom she should learn? Cr. JSTV and universe couple trans


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Hiya guys! One thing I've really liked about we are in love is that it seems more real than the other wgm series. I think it's because chinese audience really likes to see a real side, and they like to see the real personalities of celebrities. The government also cracked down on the show, and made them put in a non-celeb couple so that the show would be more real. Korean shows and celebrities, are a little more scripted and for show, imo. Korean audience doesn't want to see the private sides of celebrities, and want to see happy and fun atmospheres. So actually, I have a hard time seeing Siwon and Jihyo on this show because it feels like they still maintain some of their barricade up to separate their broadcast selves and how they might really feel. Also, korean wgm is more a platform for up and coming stars to get more broadcast time, chinese wgm has been able to land some big stars who don't really need this type of dating show to get more popular. So it feels like they're joining the show because they're genuinely interested in trying it out and finding someone. Just my 2 cents.

That said, it's not like I completely fall for everything that happens on the show and think that it's 100% real. It's still a show and they'll make it interesting to watch even if they don't actually feel attraction to the other party. I like Universe Couple because I like both of their personalities and find them to be relatable. I'm with you guys, it's hard to tell, I think from both sides, how much they actually like each other in a romantic way. Dongyu is really cute when she gets tongue-tied though, lol. I think their actions have touched the other party, but not sure if it's sparked real romantic interest. I'm excited  to see how the rest of the season unfolds for them!

I think both of Dongyu and Shawn are pretty popular and successful. They each have close to 9mil followers on weibo, if that helps give you an idea. Bolin has a little more than 9mil. And it seems that as a couple, they're relatively popular on the show too, at least I see a good amount of comments on the youtube videos being about them. OJ too. Li Qin-Da Xun are less popular, lot of hate for Li Qin after ep 2.

@miri13That postcard just says their names at the top. I think it was more the gesture that was romantic rather than what he wrote. He prepared a small surprise for her in such a short amount of time, she completely didn't expect it. 

As far as the 3rd couple, the 2nd ep at the zoo completely turned me off because of how strong of a personality Li Qing had. She had such high expectations for him, and their interactions didn't feel like a 2 way street. It was so awkward by the end of the episode. The 3rd ep was better though because they flipped the tables and made her do whatever he asked. They seem like they want completely different things, so I'm not sure how matched they are either. But I have a better feeling towards them after ep 3. And I also like that their clashing personalities led to tension and conversations about their deeper feelings.

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11 hours ago, miri13 said:

Argghhh soompi got rid of my long post about the universe couple!  Breath. Breathe out. Ok.

I find these two refreshing. They are so honest in their own way. His expression at discovering her age is priceless. Her displeasure and nervousness at the picture taking at her birthday party wss painful to watch but so raw. His surprise and hurt at being left alone was honest. It was so real to hear them talk through thoughts of quitting the show. I found all these endearing and refreshing. I mean not all first dates turn out well, and certainly not blind dates. I like that they don't force it and fake it, like it so often is the case on we got married.

What I would love your opinion on is does she have a crush on him? I can't tell if she just really admires him as a senior in the industry or she had a crush on him from his movies. She is a hard nut to read. Her actions thus far seem a little too apprehensive or serious if she didn't care at all 3v ven as a reserved person. She is an actress after all. So is it she is afraid to mess up as an actress or in addition afraid due to a crush? I feel like if I understood the Chinese then I could tell better.  So Help. What do you think? 


I finally find the source for universe couple. Thank you to @jhuang92 . Cant wait to see their interaction off screen.

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2 hours ago, jhuang92 said:

Hiya guys! One thing I've really liked about we are in love is that it seems more real than the other wgm series. I think it's because chinese audience really likes to see a real side, and they like to see the real personalities of celebrities. The government also cracked down on the show, and made them put in a non-celeb couple so that the show would be more real. Korean shows and celebrities, are a little more scripted and for show, imo. ...

 I like Universe Couple because I like both of their personalities and find them to be relatable. I'm with you guys, it's hard to tell, I think from both sides, how much they actually like each other in a romantic way. Dongyu is really cute when she gets tongue-tied though, lol. I think their actions have touched the other party, but not sure if it's sparked real romantic interest. I'm excited  to see how the rest of the season unfolds for them!


@miri13That postcard just says their names at the top. I think it was more the gesture that was romantic rather than what he wrote. He prepared a small surprise for her in such a short amount of time, she completely didn't expect it. 

As far as the 3rd couple, the 2nd ep at the zoo completely turned me off because of how strong of a personality Li Qing had. ...


@jhuang92 Welcome to this thread!  woohoo!  Now we have 5 to discuss the show!  A GROUP.

Sorry to cut your post but I wanted to focus on those parts.  

Super interesting what you wrote about what the Chinese audience wants and the government mandate for a real couple.  I have followed, off and on, the korean WGM since the first season and I agree it is more scripted and has become more "scripted" over time due to the participants' acting out in a certain way.  I really like WAIL, which is a bad acronym so maybe I will use WL instead.  I do like seeing their personalities; I don't know how real it is but it seems more genuine. It kind of reminds me of the first season of WGM when the participants let out their true personalities more.    

I agree the Universe Couple is relatable.  I find Dongyu just plain adorable.  She is shy, funny, and at times strangely very forward.  I think she really cares about others feelings.  Shawn is a little different on this show than I thought he was from articles and interaction with other HK actors.  I knew of him when he was really popular a few years back.  I had no idea Dongyu was so popular though since I had never heard of her.  But then, I don't follow mainland Chinese films, unlike HK stuff that comes to the States more often.  Thanks for translating the postcard; I thought I compared the characters to their names on their instagram sites and they looked different.  But then, I am bad with characters (I am learning Mandarin right now and it is hard and using this show as part of my education:D.)

I watched subbed version of the third couple and I found Li Qing annoying.  She reminds me of these super rich Chinese girls who have princess syndrome.  Based on your description of what transpired, I think I won't bother trying to follow that couple even if it continues to be subbed.

Lastly, I cannot forget about my favorite OJ couple.  I love the sassy SJH.  I always liked her and followed her.  Bolin Chen is a sweetheart.  What a gentleman and his expressions are a hoot.  I find myself grinning when I watch the two.  They are like cotton candy: sweet, fluffy and easy to eat.  But I feel like there is no substance there yet.

I have a feeling the Universe Couple may become my favorite to discuss because I find them super intriguing, while the OJ couple my favorite to watch.

Which couple is your favorite everyone @jhuang92 @sugarplum892 @ieja rashid @liddi @a15t3? And why?


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@miri13Chinese is a difficult language to pick up, props to you for your efforts! I don't think I could learn it if I hadn't heard it growing up. The words on the card are 冬雨 (Dong Yu) and 阿乐 (Ah Le). Ah Le is a nickname for Shawn because the last word of his name is 乐. You might not have recognized it because he wrote the simplified version, in traditional, Le is 樂. 

Also, I thought that song was really familiar too! I shazam'd it, and it's Yoon Mirae's song I Love You which was an OST for the drama It's Okay, That's Love. I knew I'd heard it before!

My favorite couple is Universe Couple! I really like to see the substance and I'm interested when they touch on deeper topics about themselves. I agree about OJ couple, I think because of the language barrier, it'll be harder to see them have similar types of conversations. I also like seeing the different layers of people, whereas OJ couple has so far only shown 1 side of themselves/their relationship. But OJ couple is really fun to watch, I was originally most excited about them because I know of and like both Song Jihyo and Chen Bolin. Didn't really know much about the other 4 people.

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New photos of universe couple! What are they saying? 


I don't know why the instagram post is cut off...


Thanks @jhuang92. I knew I heard that song before. I didn't think shazam could handle korean. Live and learn.  I listened to it and I realized the lyrics, at parts, are very a propos for this couple:

[not true of this couple yet] Because we spent so much time together, I became comfortable with you as a friend, I didn't even know this was love and that's how things were.  

If I don't see you, I miss you, you keep appearing in my dreams.  I can't sleep every night, I spent it in tears because i was afraid of your rejection.  I can't say those words again today, the words I prepared in front of your house.  Even in my dreams, at least in my dreams I want to confess those words as I look into your eyes.  Words I really want to say tomorrow.  Words I had no courage to say.  Because I am afraid, because I am so scared words I couldn't say for a long time...

That was the excerpt of the song played.  Of couse, the next part of the song is "I love you."  Let's see if that happens...

I am korean American so I grew up with some traditional Chinese characters. Simplified confuses me. Tones make Chinese difficult but at least mandarin is simpler than Cantonese that I tried to learn way back when.

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