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@dziwna I'm going to do this the lazy way and just 'copy/paste' a previous post to answer your question about why they can't be seen together.  

"The link on the first page is, quite honestly, about as good as it gets in explaining the ban. The ban of 'Addicted' is an official action by the governmental agency (we call it sparft, as there is power in names and we refuse to give them power by saying the name correctly). The 'ban' on YuZhou is a speculated, unofficial ban, but the evidence is very compelling to support the theory.

Even after the official ban of 'Addicted' in February, JY & ZZ appeared quite often together throughout March in photo shoots and interviews, went to the French Excellence event together, etc. They recorded Happy Camp and Run For Time 2 together. They posted messages on each others' weibo, were seen leaving events and work situations together, etc. There was no reason to believe they were being 'banned' for anything other than that related specifically to 'Addicted'. 

The beginning of April, everything suddenly changed, though. A sparft 'directive' was leaked, stating that none of the actors from Addicted were to be invited to TV shows or shown on TV. (The directive wasn't an official ban, but more like a warning to producers and networks that they would be in trouble if they showed any of the four.) This happened just days before the episode of HC was to be aired, and it never was shown (RFT2 was so severely edited that the most we could see of either JY or ZZ was their backs, an elbow, a leg...). That same weekend, both JY & ZZ attended an awards show, but were very publicly separated. Two people who had worked together, even up to just days before, who had publicly stated they were very good friends, were unable to acknowledge each other, much less talk to each other. There are some wonderful fancams of them trying to glance at each other, but that is it. This was the first indication of a 'YuZhou ban'.

The closest thing to official confirmation of a YuZhou ban comes from the MC of the Addicted ThaiFM. After the FM, he gave an interview and explained that word had "come from China" that if the 2 actors even appeared on stage together, one of them would face "serious consequences" when he got back to China. That was why JY appeared separately from the others in the FM.

Again, that is about as good as it gets. There has never been any official confirmation of a YuZhou ban from sparft, CJD, JY or ZZ (and there probably never will be). JY & ZZ have not appeared together publicly since Thai FM. No photo shoots, no interviews, no public events of any kind. Even if there is an event, such as a magazine they have both appeared in has an award show that both could be part of, only one of them is there. Neither of them have made any specific public mention of the other since April. For two people who worked and associated with each other so closely for months to suddenly disconnect this way is highly suspect.

The idea that this was all in regards to separating themselves from the ban on Addicted, though reasonable, is highly questionable as well. If it was all about the ban on Addicted and not associating with anyone or anything Addicted related, then why would ZZ include the 2 OST's on his album and perform them in his concerts in Seoul and Bangkok? Why would either JY or ZZ record bday messages for FS's birthday party? If it was all about disassociating from Addicted, why do FS & CW post comments on JY & ZZ's weibo accounts? And JY & ZZ post comments on FS & CW's accounts? But JY & ZZ don't post comments on each other's accounts? FS & CW are often seen together, even have a FM together, but JY & ZZ are publicly strangers? Logic says that there is something more than just the ban on Addicted happening here. 

If you have a chance to back read, I think it is around page 430 or so when the rumors of the unofficial ban started coming out. (There's a lot of good analysis of the HC fancams as well.) Hope this helps."

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5 hours ago, dziwna said:

How? How you see any similarities in their attire? xD I can't see nothing xD Exept ugly (meh) bag XD And only color of their shirt match xD White shirts are common xD Hahaha fans see what they want to see <3

But I want to know, especally about why them? Why only they can't showing up together in public etc... It's interesting! There was a lot of bl series but only they can not be on staige together xD I know the series came out in the time when china was changing the law but still...

Awww my previous post is full of language errors, and this one propably to xD My english, soo good xDDDD

Similarities in attire are not definately not concrete evidences...But, hey,  we are enjoy these "candies" or u call them "coincidences" based on the fact that Yuzhou are real....We are not trying to figure out whether they are real based on "coincidences".....see the difference?

3 hours ago, bearology said:

XWZ fanclub weibo update

ZZ did his rehearsal for today event after he landed in Shanghai (after 1am). Awww, poor Meow. Rest well both of you! 



1 AM...poor ZZ  

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why them, because their popularity suddenly boom! & sparta wondered, why? how? 

cos, they joined entertainment industry to become real talent, especially xwz, pursue as a singer(as well as actor as thats what he learned in his school as his major, supposedly but i didn't say it was at first, as the first time you see him with guitar you know what comes in mind), big dream and, so sure he needed to brush off his bl image. moreover you know where his origin (this also explains many things). Maybe unexpected to xwz cos he's that first male young idol to have tour in korea bla bla bla that didn't take year for him to do so unlike any other talents. two factor in here, xwz's decision himself and government.

but before this event though, sparta suspected something between these two, as obvious as it influenced society etc like real addiction (it does, really) as continues at auntie's description up there.

besides that, you can laugh at this but jingyu cannot control his eyes when he looks at xwz and we know that. not to mention, xwz's too but he's so good at doing it sneakily. and what we expect our reaction would be. i may think this isn't a problem but it is, in public eyes that don't really know about them.

as for jingyu, in life in general we have many roads to overcome to success so did jingyu, but now, i think he's at advantage and super lucky cos he got many offer to act in drama/movies after addicted , thanks to his wide connection now or maybe i should say thanks to sunfei sis, she seemed to have wide connection around her? when you see in events, sunfei seemed to be conversing with people around her, important ones so she's there not to guard jingyu like zheng ge does(anyway but first, don't forget how struggle zz was as well), he also didn't expect this coming(based on interview he didn't know what he wanted to do) but he found it and good for him.

about the jingyu hugging fans etc, we don't expect people to be fixed right, we do want to change as we grow older. people or environment can be the factor. well personally i would say that this is why i love to see jingyu overseas than in his country because he feels more freedom and none can control/restrict him, you can see how different his expression in here and there. 

I read about that why fans were separated, i don't have answer to this but someone is right, right there not all hjt or baizhou are poisons. If only i could ask them personally why they prefer only because everything they know, the persons, coming from addicted, where else?. We all here know we are cpf, but one MORE into jingyu and one MORE into ZZ, don't deny this it's true but that doesn't make us only, we're here to support both individually, we want both of them success, then that parallel path will be crossed. I am too, actually wanted to know the real reasons why, when it started, I thought of maybe that april incident (as in A betrayed B , one hurt another in fans view? Idk). Again, if only it's easy to ask them personally.

merely my mind speaking, it's lacking you can ignore. 


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7 hours ago, sohocomo said:

The closest thing to official confirmation of a YuZhou ban comes from the MC of the Addicted ThaiFM. After the FM, he gave an interview and explained that word had "come from China" that if the 2 actors even appeared on stage together, one of them would face "serious consequences" when he got back to China. That was why JY appeared separately from the others in the FM.


Another thing close to official confirmation of a Yuzhou ban is here: 16th Top Chinese Music Award ( the one that JY and ZZ both won but got separated) , There was a " Best Webseries CP Award" voting and Yuzhou took the lead. But later the organizer advised the fans not to focus on this award because they would be unable to get the award together.

Regarding the ban ,the TV stations..... I have so much to say..lol.....generally agree with what sohocomo posted....later I will add something to it....just leaving things here..

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LIvestream link for ZZ Music Radio event today. 7pm Beijing time



ZZ's studio weibo update

#许魏洲路易威登之旅#  感谢@路易威登  的邀请,@许魏洲ZZ  将于今晚出发,飞往巴黎参加 Louis  Vuitton2018春夏男装秀。#许魏洲巴黎时装周# 




ZZ - Beijing to Shanghai 200617

Cr PussyCat




JY - Shanghai to Beijing 200617

Cr DTT大婷婷






The MC from NetEase event (190617) updated his weibo

Cr 李佳念Jonathan








Cr 黄景瑜_小甜果个站











Big Film Movie IG, they posted parts ZZ dubbed Koi in Red Whale <- Feel so good typing this name omo :lol:



Sally's fanart




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Sina Fashion weibo update

Omo, LV Fashion Show is on the 22nd??? and ZZ will only be flying to Paris tonight after the event!!! Is he going straight to this Fashion Show from the airport or what :( Poor Meow, he has no break sada_org.gif Fighting ZZ!!

Full link here 





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JY today - he's recording interview at CCTV6 

Cr ushhxdksj






Cr 宋潇

关注@Johnny黄景瑜 的最新电影,关注电影频道@光影星播客   2北京·CCTV6电影频道 




ZZ today - Radio Music Show 

If I'm not wrong, ZZ will be performing Fun at 7:30pm Beijing timeMeow looks good!!! Fighting ZZ!!!

Cr 2myblacksmile敏后会有期














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14 hours ago, sohocomo said:

@dziwna I'm going to do this the lazy way and just 'copy/paste' a previous post to answer your question about why they can't be seen together.  

"The link on the first page is, quite honestly, about as good as it gets in explaining the ban. The ban of 'Addicted' is an official action by the governmental agency (we call it sparft, as there is power in names and we refuse to give them power by saying the name correctly). The 'ban' on YuZhou is a speculated, unofficial ban, but the evidence is very compelling to support the theory.

Even after the official ban of 'Addicted' in February, JY & ZZ appeared quite often together throughout March in photo shoots and interviews, went to the French Excellence event together, etc. They recorded Happy Camp and Run For Time 2 together. They posted messages on each others' weibo, were seen leaving events and work situations together, etc. There was no reason to believe they were being 'banned' for anything other than that related specifically to 'Addicted'. 

The beginning of April, everything suddenly changed, though. A sparft 'directive' was leaked, stating that none of the actors from Addicted were to be invited to TV shows or shown on TV. (The directive wasn't an official ban, but more like a warning to producers and networks that they would be in trouble if they showed any of the four.) This happened just days before the episode of HC was to be aired, and it never was shown (RFT2 was so severely edited that the most we could see of either JY or ZZ was their backs, an elbow, a leg...). That same weekend, both JY & ZZ attended an awards show, but were very publicly separated. Two people who had worked together, even up to just days before, who had publicly stated they were very good friends, were unable to acknowledge each other, much less talk to each other. There are some wonderful fancams of them trying to glance at each other, but that is it. This was the first indication of a 'YuZhou ban'.

The closest thing to official confirmation of a YuZhou ban comes from the MC of the Addicted ThaiFM. After the FM, he gave an interview and explained that word had "come from China" that if the 2 actors even appeared on stage together, one of them would face "serious consequences" when he got back to China. That was why JY appeared separately from the others in the FM.

Again, that is about as good as it gets. There has never been any official confirmation of a YuZhou ban from sparft, CJD, JY or ZZ (and there probably never will be). JY & ZZ have not appeared together publicly since Thai FM. No photo shoots, no interviews, no public events of any kind. Even if there is an event, such as a magazine they have both appeared in has an award show that both could be part of, only one of them is there. Neither of them have made any specific public mention of the other since April. For two people who worked and associated with each other so closely for months to suddenly disconnect this way is highly suspect.

The idea that this was all in regards to separating themselves from the ban on Addicted, though reasonable, is highly questionable as well. If it was all about the ban on Addicted and not associating with anyone or anything Addicted related, then why would ZZ include the 2 OST's on his album and perform them in his concerts in Seoul and Bangkok? Why would either JY or ZZ record bday messages for FS's birthday party? If it was all about disassociating from Addicted, why do FS & CW post comments on JY & ZZ's weibo accounts? And JY & ZZ post comments on FS & CW's accounts? But JY & ZZ don't post comments on each other's accounts? FS & CW are often seen together, even have a FM together, but JY & ZZ are publicly strangers? Logic says that there is something more than just the ban on Addicted happening here. 

If you have a chance to back read, I think it is around page 430 or so when the rumors of the unofficial ban started coming out. (There's a lot of good analysis of the HC fancams as well.) Hope this helps."


Thank you! There's more that 1,5 k paiges so it's hard go through all of them xD And I don't have time for that... And the informations abut that in first post doesn't work, at least for me,,, 

But still I can't understand why them, why this series etc xDDD Ban as ban but why that ends up that bad is what i don't undestand xDDD

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9 minutes ago, dziwna said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Thank you! There's more that 1,5 k paiges so it's hard go through all of them xD And I don't have time for that... And the informations abut that in first post doesn't work, at least for me,,, 

But still I can't understand why them, why this series etc xDDD Ban as ban but why that ends up that bad is what i don't undestand xDDD


Among all of the BL series addicted/heroin was a big hit

XWZ and JY became popular overnight

as simple as that. I hope that ends your curiosity :lol:

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I'm back just finished backreading the lost months and OMG were already on 1619 pages full of our medicine YuZhou.

@bearology can i give you a big hug for keeping all of us up to date and all the others to that helps with the translating subs etc. i'm totaly lost without you guys really apriciate it from the bottom of my heart Thank you.

I had to laugh cople of pages back when i saw a picture were Li Hao wore a tshirt with Santa on it hahaha middle june LOL that guy has humor i think it's the Coca Cola Santa but anyway i had to laugh.

It always surpriced me how buzy there shedules are there working so hard.

Timmy only 60kg erm and hes how tall 1,85 or something (i can only dream of a wight like that but i'm not in the 20ties any more lol) hes the kind of guy that can eat and eat and never gain a kg hahaha and still looks so handsome.

When does Johnny filming again for Red Sea or is it finished now?

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26 minutes ago, tazmania said:


Among all of the BL series addicted/heroin was a big hit

XWZ and JY became popular overnight

as simple as that. I hope that ends your curiosity :lol:

Hahah I know that but still... xD

Ohh, and thanks you all the people who try to explain some things to me :D I missed your post earlier ;(

And yes, I'm support both of them as individual  <3 Love ZZ voice! Hope for more songs in near future! And never understand why fans are always divided... If someone like your fav idol that's a good thing, I think XD So why be angry and jealous? XD

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ZZ is Best new artist of Music Radio Top Music Award! Congrats !

Music Radio Top Music Award is an official and professional award from China National Radio!

HAHAHA his speech...he said he had to catch a flight after performance...why r u so honest ? XD




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8 minutes ago, Kim Kruisbessie said:

When does Johnny filming again for Red Sea or is it finished now?

Bow to you Kim. I noticed you've been backreading everything since April and I'm glad that you are back!!!! AFAIK, Red Sea finished all the scenes in Morocco and will continue filming other small scenes in China sometimes in July. 


ZZ ah....just...what...are...you...doing...:lol:

Cr 洲坑里的狮子




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5 minutes ago, bjwinter2015 said:

ZZ is Best new artist of Music Radio Top Music Award! Congrats !

Music Radio Top Music Award is an official and professional award from China National Radio!

@bjwinter2015 i just wanted to ask what he had won but you already answered my question thank you.

Congrats Timmy i'm so proud of you.

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