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Hi!, everyone, I have several questions, so I come in case any person can clear, I am new to all this, just a couple of months ago that I know “addicted",  So you excuse my ignorance.
 1.— Why does zz fanclub use of the green color?
 Is There a special reason?

2.— Other thing, I thought a video of zz' show thai that the dates on your asian tour,  There was a comedian that made me feeling uncomfortable.I made some jokes that did not seem right, maybe I exaggerate but they did not make me laugh when they traducian even with zhouzhou.The mood is like that of Thailand fans or did complain about the deal?

Thanks for that answer.
P.d. I thought would never soompi, would not let me in with my tie fb bill. But it is a pleasure to be here again.


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ZZ - YOHO Mag BTS clip





Cr 鲸鱼爱吃喵









Cr 有的是青春_沒的是時間







Cr 瑜洲cp么么哒




Cr Lydia_hin精分

JY's reaction to above BTS :lol:


Cr 瑜洲表情包图博站


JY - I'm not sure when XD


Cr _yzjt



JY in Thailand in December last year B)







Fanart by 有的是青春_沒的是時間





Fanart by MY张三疯



YZ manip


Cr YuZhouStudio19520



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On 02/04/2017 at 3:35 AM, Oline Oline said:

it's been months since the last time I showed up here, I bet noone know me hahaha

btw, zz finally appeared at CCTV Channel, We are so happy to see our idol in TV and zz is so adorable there with his hat :tongue:

ps: I still love yuzhou but I am more active in IG n twitter now :rolleyes:



Welcome back @Oline Oline :) Your posts still seem fresh to me since i have been back reading lol. 


On 03/04/2017 at 3:37 AM, bearology said:

When they released this clip ZZ doing rehearsal for a show, which will be aired on TV, I didn't dare to put my hope up. Not only because if was April Fool LMAO but I was still traumatised with ZZ previous incident with Avenue of Star with CCTV3


Yeah that occurred to me too, i was like wait, it's april fools.. Don't let this just disappear after lol. X___X I am already suffering from withdrawal after seeing him on that show.. It's getting greedy i know, first seeing ZZ on the awards event in shanghai and then a couple days later on the music show.. But still, more events please lol.


6 hours ago, Maliyi Figueroa said:

2.— Other thing, I thought a video of zz' show thai that the dates on your asian tour,  There was a comedian that made me feeling uncomfortable.I made some jokes that did not seem right, maybe I exaggerate but they did not make me laugh when they traducian even with zhouzhou.The mood is like that of Thailand fans or did complain about the deal?


Hi @Maliyi Figueroa, i'm not sure which video you're talking about.. I don't think i've ever seen it before? If the comedian was speaking thai we probably wouldn't know the kind of jokes he was making unless it was translated really well.. 

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On 01/04/2017 at 1:14 PM, psychology92 said:


Full show of CCTV15, if anyone interested to see

  Reveal hidden contents



Ok i'm going to try something that i've never tried before, translate some of the this music show with my very limited mandarin/chinese lol. Please let me know if there's anything wrong or if someone has already subbed (omg so i know if i needed to do this in the first place), if there is something i don't understand i'll mention i'm not sure with dashes. The stuff in parenthesis () is me lol. The asterisks * are for actions.

I know i shouldn't quote the video, but it seems more convenient to have it here lol..

Part 1:



Starting from 3:42

Host: Thank you all for giving us such a splendid performance. -Something- world music, the world is listening. Hi everyone, welcome to world music -something billboard-. Happy weekend! Please have a seat.

Alright our -billboard thing- is now starting, right now all our performing guests and our polled guests are already on stage, welcome to you all. Of course we also have to welcome our three -judges/critics, introduces them-. Of course during the live broadcast our judges will also -judge/evaluate/vote for?- our performers.

Also, on the -billboard thing- live broadcast, we have started our cellphone live broadcast, you can watch by using your cellphone and see our BTS footage and clips of the preparation work done by our staff including what goes on in the makeup room. All can be seen through our cellphone live broadcast -section-. *Lists sites where it is available

We also have our colleague, Meng Shin (i don't know pinyin lol so i don't know the exact spelling of names), let's see where she is. MS where are you?

MS: Right now i am still by myself in the make up room, waiting with our other working staff. -Something about how there will be dancers and performers walking past while they are waiting.- If you want to see more of our broadcast you can use your cellphone to send us a message to tell us what you want to see etc.

Host: Yes, you can leave messages telling us what you would like to see. -In a while- we will show what it is like in the makeup room etc. Welcome to everyone for participating in this activity. Also, our voting/polling platform has officially started in the live stream, we invite you to vote for the singer that you like. Ten minutes before the end of the show the voting platform will end, so please take advantage of the voting period. Ok let's have a look at the voting for the past week and see the results, the top 10 singers.

*Video footage of the top 10 singers and their songs plus the different ways you can vote

Host: Welcome everyone to the -billboard thing- show, 4 different ways you can vote, please make good use of the time available for voting to vote for your favourite singer.

Now our -billboard thing- show has officially started and we bring you a performance from singer Bei Bei, who is an old friend of ours since she has come many times to our show to participate in the vote/polling. And during her best performance she was able to be ranked number 2 on the chart. -Definitely does not lack in effort?-

Now lets warm up with her song, it is a song that we are all very familiar with, it is __(no idea the name)__. Please welcome BB!

BB: Get your passion ready! (lol) *sings 

Host: Thank you BB for bringing us this song. *turns to ZZ* Do you have a feeling of being smashed by BB's -music/sound-?

ZZ: I have already been smacked back into the sofa by BB's -music note/sound-.

Host: Yes, you have already been -pushed behind/back-, is that right?

ZZ: Yes, -pushed back onto the sofa-.

*Host turns to other guy

Host: Have you noticed while she was performing, beside her there was a small icon that was moving the entire time? That is BB's vote count increasing the whole time online. BB probably did not notice herself, is that right?

BB: Yes, i couldn't see it.

Host: Is that right? Let me tell you that your voting score has been increasing online the whole time.

BB: Wah, thank you.

Host: Right now is a -statistic?- time, let's use this -statistic- time to analyze the votes. 

BB: Sounds good.

Host: Let us see, right now the voting has already surpassed 700000 votes. This number has been growing steadily online. The area with the most number of votes is Hebeishan (just spelling based on the sound no idea the name of the place). It already has more than 30000 people voting. *To audience. You guys have been voting as well haven't you?

BB: Oh the audience members can vote as well?

Host: Yes, yes. Let's look at the -something-, the male to female percentage: males 53%, females 47%. Ah it seems like there are quite a few boys/men that like you.

BB: Thank you, thank you.

Host: Let me see the analysis of the ages. Age 0-20 has a percentage of 31%, ahh it seems like there are many young people that like you.

BB: That's wonderful, thank you.

Host: I hope that everyone can use the 4 available voting methods and the time for voting to vote for the singer that you like. On this -billboard thing- show we encourage original creations and encourage everyone to sing some new songs. That's why there are some song writers that will come to our show and our next polled singer is the song writer Ding Yu. It isn't DY's first time on this show, right?

DY: Right.

Host: Your best ranking, if i remember correctly is number 1 on the -something- ah?

DY: Hmm.

Host: DY is a very impressive song writer. Bringing us songs like __something__, __something__.

BB: Ohh.

Host: Those are all DY's creations.

BB: Impressive, impressive.

Host: This time for polling, he is bringing us his newest song, Lisa.

DY: That is correct.

Host: A very beautiful name, it is a girl's name isn't it?

DY: Right, a girl, a girl's name. Also, -something about how it's about a spiritual partner from a memory or a dream (lol)- 

Host: Ah, a girl as beautiful as a dream?

DY: -Something- a girlfriend from outer space/a different planet (LOL).

Host: From outer space?

BB: Wah, very special/unique.

Host: Very special, really looking forward to hearing this song. Alright, next we give the stage to DY, let's all look forward to Lisa. Voting live.

*DY sings

I will finish the next couple of parts after i come back, didn't think it was going to be so long or need to be in multiple parts lol. X___X There's more ZZ after this lol.

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51 minutes ago, crystalclear18 said:

I will finish the next couple of parts after i come back, didn't think it was going to be so long or need to be in multiple parts lol. X___X There's more ZZ

OMG thank you, I'm going to read it when I get home too but thank youuuuuu XOXO

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Not sure if posted before....someone made this clip starring Jingyu, Weizhou...and also Zhang Binbin and Delireba...using footage from their dramas and variety shows.

There are 2 storylines running in parallel....1st one is in the past with Zhang Binbin plotting to usurp the throne of Jingyu by 1st removing his fav general (also hinted lover) Weizhou (no appearance bcos he never acted in old costume drama, but can guess bcos same sounding name) with help from his secret lover Deliriba....then in the present, Weizhou is a writer who suddenly remembered some stuff from previous life and wrote a story...to submit to Delireba who is his editor. It seems like at the end of ep 1...the past Jingyu might have soul-travel to the present one....mmm...so ep2 will show them meeting...guess that will have alot of footage to use. 

Most dialogue are dubbed. No eng sub yet. Ep2 not yet out.


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Ok i'm back lol. Same as before, please let me know if there's anything wrong with my translation. If there is something i don't understand i'll mention i'm not sure with hyphens(?) - -. The stuff in parenthesis () is me. The asterisks * are for actions.

Part 2:



Starting from 18:45

Host: Thank you DY. What we heard just now was DY's live polling song, Lisa. If you guys like this song then please quickly vote for him through -something-. Wow, just now as DY was singing this song, BB was saying the whole time "i like this part the most, at the end when he is calling Lisa", is that right?

BB: Yes, yes, at the time that he was repeatedly saying Lisa, i felt that he was -something- me.

DY: -Something- you?

Host: So you feel like you are Lisa?

BB: Yes, i feel that i am Lisa.

DY: Is your english name Lisa?

BB: Yes, from now on my name will be Lisa.

DY: Wah..

Host: Because of you she is now calling herself Lisa. Let me ask XWZ, what are your feelings after you listened to the song?

ZZ: After listening to the song, i feel that it was very dreamlike and full of fantasies about this Lisa, but then BB said she was Lisa.

BB: And then your fantasy was broken.

ZZ: No, no it hasn't, should be about the same as what i was imagining.

BB: Oh that's too wonderful, thank you.

Host: *Turns to ZZ. -That's quite some flattery/sweet talking(?), that is quite alright.- So that's what you guys felt after listening to the song. Now let's listen to what our three judges felt after listening to the song and see what kind of comments they might have.

Judge 1: Aiya, when i saw DY's name on the list of performers i felt quite a bit of anticipation. I was wondering what kind of new/exciting thing he was going to show us. This time he brought us a novel kind of music, music that is -something-, also i felt that his skill in singing compared to the last two times is different, also this time he used falsetto. He's matured/grown! It's especially good. Also, I have always thought that DY's music, including his songs, is especially intricate. The lyrics were also especially intricate, i really hope that there will be a day that everyone will be singing your song. Really it's great.

JY: Aiya, thank you, thank you. I am very grateful for your words.

Judge 2: This, well I feel that DY's songs have always had this sense of being free, in the musical sense there is a high degree of freedom. This kind of feeling. I especially like your sense of freedom. I -have known- DY since, it should be 2007.

DY: 2006, -dreams/wish of China-

Judge 2: 2006 from -dreams/wish of China-, ah yes. -Something something-. At the time, DY also had a very good ranking, my deepest impression of you was that you have this -star here(not sure)- *points to head

DY: Yes, yes.

Judge 2: On your head. That is your trademark/distinguishing feature isn't it? (There's some kind of star shaved into the back of his head i think.) -In the opening theme song that i wrote, like today, i know that behind it there were a lot of -something- that you were able to complete (no idea what he is talking about).- It was very good. I really like your creations in the musical realm. Now this song Lisa, it makes me think, i knew this girl from Canada named Lisa. She taught me French, if i had your song and sang it, -maybe there would be a very proud (talk show) host that would come to find you. She might have married this host. A very intelligent host. (Lost.. does he mean he would have already gotten together with that girl if he sang that song? Lol..)- Just joking.

Now the song that BB just sang, has made me think of the -something- in the 80's. In the early 80's, there was an -extended play/EP(?)- like rock band -something heibo?- This song was their most distinguished/representative work. Now, i have always thought that this kind of rock is something that only men are able to carry out well. Today, your -momentum/force?- has surpassed/pushed pass my -thoughts- from back then. Very good. If it could be even better, it would be if you could add your own unique style to it. That would be even better. It was very good.

BB: Thank you teacher.

Judge 1: Can i add a word? I feel that BB ah, when i saw you and DY, my heart was especially looking forward (to the performance). Especially BB's -ability to broadcast her voice/hold a note for a long time- including -something, something, rock.- Now the song from just now, if you could add some other elements to it, it would be especially -something(good i think)-. In short, i am full of all types of anticipation for you.

BB: Thank you, thank you teacher, thank you.

Judge 1: Also, there are the two people from the opening, the two with the song -dong chi lai (aaron kwok song i think)-. The performers. Initally i thought it was their original song, actually it was that they added rap especially well into the song. It really was able to -surprise- me. Thank you.

Judge 2?: -Teacher Ke?- has been speaking for half the day.

Judge 3: Oh no, it's because -some kind of joke about judge 1 being cold or lazy or something so it takes him longer to say whatever it is-. DY, the song is called Lisa right? -Something- There are a lot of english songs with girls names as their title. And a lot of them got famous, Linda, Annie, Monica, -Lydia- and so on. Ah Laura too. 

DY: So -hoping that by that token- to,,

Judge 3: I feel that for Lisa, it is not at the level of any of those songs. It has a lot of emotion but becomes a very -hot blooded, ambitious- song. I feel that amongst chinese songs there isn't a song like it. It reminds me of a very classic, -english?- -something- rock song(?). It has a really creative flavour, i feel that it is not like any other chinese -song? Lyrics? (Not sure).- I feel that it was written especially well and has surpassed what i know of you.

DY: Thank you Teacher -Ka??-.

Judge 3: Keep it up.

Host: Alright, thank you, thank you to our three -judges/ciritics.- Just now we had our song writer DY perform his song for us. Our -billboard something- show has always pushed original creations, pushed new songs, but at the same time we will bring to everyone some very beautiful, classic songs. Next, we will bring a song called __something__. Wow, i believe everyone would be very familiar with this song/lyrics(?). *Turns to ZZ. I wonder XWZ, when you hear the name of this song, which line of the song you would think of?

ZZ: I can think of -something, something-

Host: *Continues on from ZZ's line

ZZ: Yes, *repeats what she says

Host: I understand you, yes. Actually the inspiration for this song comes from a poem, the __something__. That's right,-something about using the ancient language from the poem to describe modern people's emotions/passions.-Back then when the song was first introduced it was very well received by -everyone-. Also, it was performed on the stage of the -spring night(?big performance for chinese festival)-. Next we have -Le Jia Ling- bringing us __something__.

*LJL sings

Omg......... My richard simmons hurts from sitting for so long. This is really long, there is a lot of talking. And my computer was lagging so much it was close to freezing. Not even half way. :wacko:

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2 hours ago, 1blankstare said:

trans: one of the best things in the world!! Where else could it be/can be found? (Not sure this part) In my stomach. 

Ryo translated this caption: 

"One of the tastiest food in the world! There is one more, where is it? It's in my stomach"


This is what happened to the last one :lol:


Cr 宇宙无敌村花酱


YOHO BTS screencaps


Cr 宇宙第一无敌小心肝儿










Cr 瑜洲的胃药







Random YZ


Cr Joeychika滑板姐姐


Fanart by 有的是青春_沒的是時間





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Hehehe. Thanks for the correction. @bearology @ryokise  

Seeing ZZ doing push ups, makes me think of JY doing the same thing. I can see them being an exercise partner. Doing push-ups and sit ups together. And among other things. 

ZZ telling me to exercise. I should start heading out to gym then. >_< And him commenting about the food, it  doesn't look like meat. Time to research it. 


Im not sure if this was posted but I found this. The guys was spot on most of it and even mentioned the universe too. He hasn't done any palm reading with ZZ. Someone should request for ZZ.




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Hello Soompiers/everyone,

We all know that JY and ZZ love travelling. However, not only because they have been very busy but also it's not likely that they can rock up at an airport and go for holiday together. We would like to do a project called "Huang Whale and Zhou Meow travelling the world with fans".

What is this project about?

The aim of this project is to take the fictional JY and ZZ characters to travel the world with us. Or let them have a chance to experience our cultures/food/festivals/lifestyles around the world.  

There will be 2 projects:

  1. We will pick and combine photos/clips you send to us to make a video "Huang Whale and Zhou Meow travelling around the world with fans". The aim of this video is to include as many cities and countries as possible! Due date to send us your photo/clip: 30 May 2017.
  2. This is a long term project. Please follow us! We created:

Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/huangwhaleandzhoumeow/

Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/HuangWhaleZhouMeow/

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/Whale_n_Meow

We will pick and post 1 photo/clip per day along with your message about your photo/clip. If you would like to post it at your personal account, feel free to hashtag us #huangwhaleandzhoumeow or #yuzhoutraveltheworld. We will pick and repost it too.

For the second project, we will try to post all of your photos/clips and there's no limit of how many photos or times you can send so please send as many as you would like to.

What you need?

Very easy, just 2 things!

  • Your phone or camera or anything that can take digital photos or film short clips.
  • Something relates to YZ:
    • Huhu's Huang Whale and Zhou Meow fans or plushies, Sally's postcards or slippers, anything YZ related things that you have.
    • If you don't have anything, don't worry! Our lovely artists have been very kind to draw for us Huang Whale and Zhou Meow with travelling theme so you can print it out and use them. You can locate all the drawings here
    • If one day you go out and forget to bring those above? YuZhou have got us covered. Just use 2 and 6 hand sign! See, very easy!

What kind of photos or short clips should I take or film?

We prefer outdoor photos or clips just so we can see your beautiful city or the place you visit but it can be anything really. From a recognisable scenery of where you live like the Opera House for Sydney to a train station that you take everyday or a cinema/theme park/festival/concert/zoo that you are going to.

Pretty much if you think you would like to share this special place/experience with JY, ZZ and all of us, take a photo or film a short clip (less than 1 minute) when you are there with YZ related things listed above.

How to join?

Please send through your photos or clips to this email address huangwhaleandzhoumeow@gmail.com

If your photo or clip is too big, you can WeTransfer (WeTransfer.com) to us, drag and drop your file to the page, enter your email address and our email address with you message and hit send. Max: 2GB (please don't send anything that's more than 50mb haha)Don't forget to include a short message about your photo or clip. For example introducing what/where this place is. Where are you from or what you enjoy about this festival. We won't be able to include this in the video but we will definitely share it in our social media accounts.

A few things to note:

  • Please do not take photos at places which you are not allowed to photograph.
  • Please do not take photos at other people's resident properties if you don't have permission.
  • For privacy purposes since we are going to share your photo publicly, please do not send through selfies.
  • No offensive photos and languages.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to pm me or email us and I'll make sure I get back to you ASAP.

Last but not least, spread the word and let's show the power of YuZhou love. I hope we can fill up the world map with all lovely memories together with YuZhou!





Some examples






:heart: :heart: :heart:

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On 01/04/2017 at 1:16 PM, bearology said:

OMG how much I want to spam now but can only copy this here. ZZ is on TV!!!! CCTV15 Channel. Is that the channel that edited him out for that Avenue of Stars?? Anyway, looks like the ban for both JY and ZZ to appear on TV has been lifted! YAY!!!!!! Congrats YZ!!! You two have worked very hard for it!!!! 

But ZZ ahhh! What are you wearing lmao. I can't!!! He looks like a real kitten being asked to appear on TV hahaha! His top, warning adults only LOL

ZZ will perform later



Oh heavens singing for our boys lol... How 'thrilled' they can be on TV now! Hey, we should make it an 'international YuZhoufans' holiday' for this lol.. for the celebration of 'bans lifted' from our boys.. it's something 'definitely' worth celebrating for!  But, do we know if all the bans lifted/just with the TV one? (excited anyway!).   Awwh, when they can 'appear together' again, it's a 'global' celebration!! Soon soon, everyone!lol.. happyyyyy..;)))...good day soompi family~..

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JY's studio weibo update

@Johnny黄景瑜 一起只为更好的自己,谢谢每一位用步数投票的护鲸团们[爱你]一起动起来吧@微博运动 

Translated by 北辰星拱008: Being with HJY to bring out the best in you, thanks every voter, let's do sport together.



Not long ago, ZZ also won the same award B)


Cr 瑜洲的胃药





ZZ weibo update



This lucky fan received JY's hat from that charity event


Cr 影子 20160226





JY - Red Sea Operation. So handsome ahhh!!!


Cr kylinny




Cr 小喵鲸


Fanart by mhmp135



Fanart by 沫色惜年



Fanart by 呼呼花-. Omo so cute! I die!



Fanart by Hako缺魚粥



Fanart by Addikted



YZ manip


Cr YuZhouStudio19520



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FIC TIME!! Part 2 - Ready for a rollercoaster? I'm warning you now! But it's a fun ride...if I do say so myself.

In case anyone doesn't know, I have my own rating system for the fics I write: NR - plain sugary sweetness, 16+ - some innuendo, kissing, mainly sugary sweetness, 18+ - kissing, petting, smut lite, 18++ - oral and a bit more graphic descriptions, 18+++ - smut, pure smut, and more smut

18+ (the final part will be 18+++...promise)




<Call me when you can. Whatever time.>


JingYu took a couple of deep breaths. And then a couple more. WeiZhou was awake. He could call him, talk to him. A giddy excitement welled up in JingYu’s chest at the thought, but he didn’t move. It was still the middle of the night back home. WeiZhou had been busy lately - flying here and there, performing, interviews, appearances - if he was awake right now, JingYu couldn’t help but think that something wasn’t right. That small tinge of worry creeped among his happiness, but JingYu chose to ignore it. If there was something wrong with WeiZhou, that was all the more reason for them to talk. JingYu was glad for any reason to hear WeiZhou’s voice right now. Sitting up, a grin spread wider and wider on JingYu’s lips with each number he tapped on his phone.


<I miss you>


WeiZhou grimaced the moment he hit ‘send’ and the message flew through the ethers to JingYu. It wasn’t as though he had lied. He did miss JingYu. It wasn’t that he felt weak in admitting it either. It was just, in his current state of mind, it somehow seemed almost dangerous to send that message to JingYu. It was unlike him to send a message like that so blatantly. WeiZhou would rather say things like ‘I miss you’, ‘I want to see you’, ‘I love you’ with his own voice and not by text. JingYu knew this, and that second message would certainly make him wonder. If JingYu were to call him, before he could calm his inner spoiled brat child, WeiZhou was afraid of what he might say. Again staring at the clock on the screen of his phone, WeiZhou felt a small relief in the fact that it should be at least an hour or so before JingYu would call.


WeiZhou yelped, his phone flopping between his hands, when the ringtone shrilled through the silence. His head popped off of the pillow and he sat up. JingYu was calling him already? WeiZhou cleared his throat and tried to calm his breathing. He wasn’t ready yet, but he wasn’t about to ignore the call either. He quickly swiped his finger across the face of his phone.


“Hey, Zhou.”

A momentary pause of silence allowed the other’s voice to sink into each of their ears, and wiggle around into their hearts.

“You surprised me. It’s too early for you to be up, isn’t it?”

WeiZhou could hear JingYu trying to hide the concern in his voice.

“Just a little trouble sleeping tonight. Not a big deal,” WeiZhou said, trying his best to keep his voice even and calm. “What about you? Are you already done for the day?”

“Yeah. Filming went pretty smooth today. We got done earlier than expected, so I just came back to the hotel to chill for the evening.”

“Have you eaten?”

JingYu felt himself relaxing with the normalcy of the conversation. This felt so good to him.

“Not yet,” he admitted. He quickly continued as he heard WeiZhou click his tongue in protest. “I just got out of the shower, was going to order a sandwich or something from room service in a little bit. Don’t scold me.”

JingYu shivered at the tickle of WeiZhou’s chuckle.

“I’m not going to scold you. Like it would do any good even if I did,” WeiZhou laughed. He had felt himself calming down the moment he had heard JingYu’s voice. He felt better than he had in days. This moment, this connection, was more perfect than he could have imagined and hoped. “So what did you film today? Anything exciting?”

“Hmm, it’ll probably be exciting for the five minutes it’s on screen. Rolling around in the desert for eight hours filming it, not so much. Hey, did you know there’s a difference between desert sand and beach sand?”

“Really? How?”

JingYu could hear rustling in the background. His mind painted a picture of WeiZhou propping pillows against the wall behind the bed before leaning into them, a relaxed pose that invited JingYu to join him. So many evenings when they could be together were spent like this, just sitting in bed reading, watching a movie, or just talking. Thinking of this, JingYu followed suit and was soon reclining on one side of the bed.

“Desert sand is sharper,” he finally answered. “I had never thought about it before, but I guess it makes sense. Beach sand, even though it’s sand, has been in the water and is smoother. Desert sand is just rough. And let me tell you, when you get desert sand in certain places, you KNOW there’s sand in those places.”

WeiZhou laughed. He could imagine JingYu’s face screwed up in mock pain, his lips set in a firm line of disgust.

“That does sound pretty irritating.”

The emphasis WeiZhou put on the last word caused him to snicker, and JingYu to groan.

“Really, Zhou? Really?”

“Sorry. It was too good to pass up.”

“You’re so mean to me,” JingYu whined with a sigh, the contentment in his heart overtaking him. This playful banter was like medicine for him. “What about you, Zhou? I know you had a photo shoot yesterday. How’d that go?”

“It was okay, I guess. At least I didn’t hear any complaints.”

“Of course you didn’t hear any complaints. You fit yourself so well to any concept with hardly any effort.” JingYu knew WeiZhou’s unease with modelling, but he also knew what a hidden talent WeiZhou had for it. “What was it this time? Cute and sweet idol boy? Hard and sassy rock god? Don’t tell me it was a ‘hot and sexy, dear God I should be the only one able to see you like that’ concept.”

WeiZhou couldn’t stop the grin that came with the fake panic in JingYu’s voice. The small hints of jealousy JingYu expressed only registered as pure devotion to WeiZhou. Any other night, he might play with JingYu and poke at that jealousy, but he simply didn’t want to this night.

‘No, no,” WeiZhou said with a laugh, “nothing like that. It was a little different really. Cute and sweet rock god, maybe. Or hard and sassy idol boy, something along those lines. Kind of a mixed concept.”

“Hmm, interesting. If anybody could pull it off it would be you, Zhou. I can’t wait to see it.”

A comfortable silence settled between the two men. The urgency each felt before they heard the other’s voice had quieted in them, and just knowing the other was listening to the silence with him was enough for each. A soft groan from JingYu finally broke the stillness.

“You okay, JingYu? What are you doing?”

“I’m just going to the fridge to get something to drink. It was too comfortable on the bed, I didn’t want to get up.”

WeiZhou wiggled into the comfort of his pillows, and then realized he was thirsty as well.

“That sounds good, actually. Your fridge is in the same room with you at least. I have to go into the kitchen.”

“Turn on the lights so you don’t run into anything.”

“Yes, yes. You’re as fussy as a mother hen,” WeiZhou teased, even has he held his phone near the light switch so JingYu could hear it click when he turned it on.

“No, I’m as fussy as a man who doesn’t want to hear his boyfriend crashing into walls or furniture when I’m not there to tend to his bruises...AAH, YES!”

WeiZhou froze, the refrigerator door half open, when JingYu exclaimed loudly.

“What the hell was that?”

“Oh, sorry I yelled in your ear. I had forgotten I had some leftovers in the refrigerator. I don’t have to worry about ordering room service now.”

WeiZhou grabbed a bottle of water and slowly made his way back to his bed as he listened to JingYu talk about the delicacy he had found in the refrigerator. Snuggling back down into his pillows, WeiZhou knew that it did not matter what JingYu talked about. Whether it was food or sand, demonic possession or UFO’s, as long as the words kept coming. Those words, any words, in JingYu’s voice were a cooling balm against the rash of anxiety that had covered WeiZhou only minutes before. If JingYu just kept talking, WeiZhou would be fine. He would get past this bout of melancholy and be able to keep his sanity for the coming weeks.

“Everybody went crazy for it,” JingYu was saying. “One of the sound crew made it his personal mission to get the recipe from the old lady. He went back every day for a week, but it finally paid off. Turns out, it’s so simple even I should be able to make it, no problem. I can’t wait to fix it for you when I get home. I know you’ll really like it, too.”

WeiZhou repeated, “when you get home,” his lips moving as his chest tightened slightly. The seconds of quiet between them made him wonder if JingYu had heard him, even though he had used no voice, no air, and his chest tightened even more.

“Zhou?” JingYu’s voice was suddenly soft, and much too gentle, in WeiZhou’s ear. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” WeiZhou chirped, forcing his voice through his throat. Damn it. He was just finally beginning to feel somewhat normal again.

“Zhou,” JingYu sighed, “talk to me.”

The imploring tone in JingYu’s voice nudged at WeiZhou’s conscience.

“Nothing’s wrong, JingYu. I’m listening. I like hearing about what you’ve been doing.”


The use of his full name made WeiZhou shudder. The only time JingYu called him WeiZhou was when he was in a super, incredibly serious mood. The last time had been when he explained about filming in Morocco.

“It’s barely 4 a.m. in Beijing, but you’re wide awake, even though your schedule has been packed the last couple of weeks and you’re exhausted. You send me a message, asking me to call, but you’re saying hardly anything.”

Damn it again. WeiZhou felt his control starting to slip. JingYu really did know him too well.

“What is it, Zhou? I can’t know if you don’t tell me.”

WeiZhou tightly pursed his lips over his teeth gnashing into the bottom one. He couldn’t say anything. He couldn’t. If he started now, he had no idea where it might end.

JingYu waited in the silence, his mind whirling with possibilities. He had originally thought there was something causing WeiZhou to have a sleepless night, but he had hoped he was just overreacting. Especially when their conversation had been so normal at first. The fact that WeiZhou now refused to utter a sound to him confirmed his initial thoughts, but WeiZhou was not the type to be reluctant to vent. Issues with work, fans, rumors, and attacks were easily expressed between them.

“Or is it,” JingYu began, thinking aloud, “is there something you want to say, but you think I’ll get upset if you say it, so you’re trying not to say anything at all?”

Unable to hold back anymore, WeiZhou responded with a simple and quick “Mmm.”

“Does it have to do with the second message you sent me?”

“Mmm,” WeiZhou grunted again. He mentally kicked himself for answering JingYu like this, but he didn’t trust his voice to try to deny it. He wished there was a way for him to quickly end this conversation, but he knew it was too late for that.

“I really want to be able to reach you right now. Though whether to hold you because you’re hurting, or to smack you a couple of times for being so stubborn, I’m not sure which.”

“Both,” WeiZhou finally found the courage to say. “I’d take either.”

JingYu half smiled, half grimaced. Normally an open book, WeiZhou could be difficult when he was emotionally conflicted. And he was more apt to take it out on himself than others. Taking a deep breath, JingYu pushed at his boyfriend one more time.

“ZhouZhou...I miss you, baobei.”

WeiZhou really did not like it when JingYu called him ‘baobei’. It was much too Gu Hai-ish, and brought up memories of a time when Xu WeiZhou and Huang JingYu were two confused, scared, and uncertain individuals. But this night, this long and draining night for WeiZhou, JingYu calling him baobei, in his warm and gentle voice, was the perfect key to unlock the floodgates of WeiZhou’s heart and mind.

“I miss you! I miss you so much I think I’m going crazy. I want you to come home. I really want you to just pack up and come home right now. But I can’t say that. I can’t be so pathetic as to tell you to walk away in the middle of filming. I can’t be that big of an *ss, or that much of a coward. But I still want to do it.”

As he had feared, once he started WeiZhou couldn’t stop. The words kept spilling on their own as his voice rose in pitch and volume.

“There’s times I hate you for being there. I hate that you left me to go so far away. Then I hate myself for thinking that because I love you so much. I love you so much that I would happily tell you to go to the moon if that’s what you wanted to do. And I’m so proud of you, JingYu. I really am. To see you getting the recognition for your talent, I’m so happy for you. But why in the hell did you have to go to Morocco to get it?! Why couldn’t it have been closer to home?!”

WeiZhou was so worked up that he banged his head on the wall without noticing. JingYu had heard a loud thump amid WeiZhou’s raging, but was unable to ask about it. Both of them gripped their phones tightly, their free hands balled into fists, mirroring each other from across continents.

“We hardly get to see each other as it is, but then for you to be so far away for three months! Three months!!! I can’t even come visit you like last time. I feel like I’m dying without you. I can’t even get myself off properly. I thought I could do it. I thought that since we can’t be with each other every day, or even every week, I thought that three months wouldn’t be a big deal. But it is. It really is, JingYu. But how am I supposed to tell you that? How can I tell you that I’m sad and lonely, that I miss you and want you to come home? How can I say anything like that without being an absolute jerk and making you feel guilty? Because I know you’d feel guilty about it, I know you would. But I also know that this wasn’t something you could pass up, or that I could ask you to pass up. But even if you think I’m the biggest selfish idiot on the face of the planet…”

WeiZhou paused. Short huffing breaths filled JingYu’s ear, his own breath stuck in his chest, waiting.

“I want you to come home.”

This last trickle of WeiZhou’s thoughts were whispered on fleeting breath. It was out. He had said it. Now WeiZhou waited for JingYu’s response, his stomach churning with guilt and indignation for his own selfishness.

“I want to come home.”

Ever the more emotional of the two, JingYu’s voice cracked. His vision had become blurred and he thumped his chest with his fist to dislodge the breath stuck between his lungs and his throat. He knew WeiZhou missed him, just as much as he missed WeiZhou. That was not a surprise in the least, and it actually made JingYu a bit excited to hear it from WeiZhou’s own lips. It was the self-loathing and deprecation that was more than JingYu could handle.

“I’ve wanted to come home since the day I got here. Being away from you, so far away from you, is torture. It’s not only the distance that kills me, Zhou, but the fact that our times are so off. Do you have any idea how excited I was when you messaged me? Even though I knew you should be sleeping, and I worried about that, I was more excited at the idea that we could talk. And not just for a few minutes. Just to hear your voice, and listen to you tell me about your day, and be able to tell you about my day. Just being able to share ourselves with each other, just like we do when you’re in Beijing and I’m in Shanghai. Even when we can’t see each other for days or weeks at a time, we can tell each other “goodnight” at the same time, and “good morning, work hard, have a good day today” at the same time. Hearing you tell me to sleep well when I’m telling you to have a good day just makes the distance even bigger.”

JingYu scrubbed a hand over his face. He wanted to be careful with what he said, but he didn’t want to hide anything either.

“If you’re pathetic for wanting to tell me to come home, then what am I? Every day I’ve thought about quitting and coming home. I’ve even packed my bags a few times. You know what stopped me? The thought of how disappointed you would be in me. After everything we’ve been through, Zhou, even just thinking about walking away from this film makes me a selfish jerk. No matter how hard it is, no matter how much I miss you…”

WeiZhou wasn’t sure when he had started shaking, but his phone was bouncing against his ear. He gripped it with both hands to steady himself, not wanting to miss a single word JingYu said.

“I’ll be damned if I knowingly and willingly give you a reason to be disappointed in me.”

JingYu’s statement hovered in the silence between them. A sudden snort, then gale of laughter from WeiZhou made JingYu widen his eyes in shock.

“What the…?”

“We’re both selfish pathetic jerks,” WeiZhou nearly shouted gleefully.

Realizing what WeiZhou meant, JingYu laughed as well.

“Yeah, we are. We totally deserve each other.” JingYu settled back into the nest of pillows, his body relaxing in the same manner as the conversation. “Ahh, Zhou. I could never hate you, you know. To be honest, I kind of like it when you get childish and clingy and all that.”

“I know you do. That’s why I try not to do it too often.” WeiZhou hoped JingYu could hear his smile in his voice. “JingYu? Tell me honestly. If I had asked you to turn down your role and stay home, what would you have said?”


“Really? No discussion, no questions? Just right away ‘okay’?”

“Yeah. Because I know the very next thing you would say would be that I had to take it, and if I didn’t you’d beat me. It’s the same reason why I didn’t ask you to tell me not to take the role. As hard as it is, we both have our goals, our own ways of making our lives, and us, work. The fact that at the end of it all, I know you’ll be there waiting for me, well, I can live with that.”

WeiZhou sighed. The faith and trust JingYu had in him was sometimes overwhelming, but it certainly felt good as well.

“Me too. I’ve realized, there’s a difference between being lonely and being alone. I used to think that I could only be lonely if there was no one around, but that’s not true. I feel lonely when I’m with a lot of people. And I get lonely when I’m by myself. But I never feel alone, because I know I have you. I know you’re lonely too, but you’re not alone, JingYu. You have me, so you’re not alone.”

“Lonely, but not alone...I like that. I love you, Zhou.”

“I love you, too.”

The quiet between them returned. A short time of nothing but the surety that they were in the same moment together. Everything was right in the world again, because they were together.

“Zhou? There is something you said earlier that’s still kind of bothering me, though.”

WeiZhou felt his stomach clench again, a shred of anxiety lingering over his outpouring of emotion.

“What was that about not being able to get yourself off?”

The gasp in JingYu’s ear made him chuckle. He knew WeiZhou’s mind was racing to try to remember what he had said in the heat of the moment.

“I...I never said that,” WeiZhou sputtered. Had he really mentioned that? He couldn’t be sure.

“Oh, you most certainly did,” JingYu was trying not to sound like he was teasing WeiZhou, but he didn’t want to sound as worried as he was. “Is everything okay? Do you need to see a doctor or something?”

WeiZhou groaned knowing there was no way out of this new direction of conversation.

“It’s not like that, JingYu. There’s nothing wrong exactly, it’s just kind of annoying, is all.”

“But, Zhou…”

“It’s not that I can’t, JingYu. I can, just fine as always. Everything’s working okay.”

“Then…?” JingYu was getting a bit frustrated with WeiZhou’s short answers. Answers that really didn’t tell him anything at all. “You can’t expect me not to worry when you say something like that.”

Resigning himself to the need to reassure JingYu over a minor slip of his tongue, WeiZhou drew upon every ounce of masculinity he possessed to ignore his own embarrassment of actually talking about the subject.

“It’s not that I can’t do it. It’s just that even when I do, it’s no good.  It’s like, ‘Oh, I came. Yay.’ It’s just, I don’t know, blah.”

“So...you get relief, but not satisfaction?”

WeiZhou thought about that for a moment. “That’s a good way to put it, I guess.”

“Are you thinking about me?”

WeiZhou didn’t know if he should laugh or cry. “No, I’m thinking about Pikachu. Of course I’m thinking about you, you dork!”

JingYu only ‘hmph’-ed at WeiZhou’s attempted joke. WeiZhou really was uncomfortable with this conversation, but only because he knew JingYu was fretting over him.

“It’s just mental, I think. You spoiled me too much. I’m used to you. How you kiss me, how you touch me, how you push me to my limits. It’s not the same doing it to myself. There’s nothing in this world that satisfies any part of me the way you do.”

JingYu knew WeiZhou was trying to placate him, but his chest still swelled with pride. That one simple statement made JingYu feel powerful, when a moment before he had been worried he wasn’t good enough for his boyfriend. It gave him an idea.

“I understand, Zhou. There’s times when I get the same way. When physically it’s all good, but there’s just something missing that you know would make it better.”

“Exactly! I don’t know if it’s because it’s been so long since we could be together, or what. I just know that something important is missing.”

“You know, we haven’t even...talked...about it...since I’ve been gone.”

WeiZhou shuddered. The sudden low and husky change in JingYu’s voice glided along his nerves effortlessly.

“JingYu...” WeiZhou groaned with uncertainty. He knew exactly what JingYu was aiming for.

“Maybe some ‘auditory stimulation’ might help you out, hmm? What you think, baobei?”

“JingYu…” WeiZhou moaned, already anticipating.

“So sexy...what ya’ wearing?”


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13 hours ago, jingyuzhou said:
  Reveal hidden contents



Timmy commented on his post after he posted the picture:

timmyxu 肉松青团~ (meat what? brooks meat? google translate lol) 

cos fans was curious what he ate i guess XD


Meat floss is basically meat jerky but flayed, so that it becomes very thin, light and 'floss like' lol. It's usually salty and slightly sweet(?) (might have different seasonings i guess) and tastes pretty good. It can be used as a topping or filling for other foods. I think cantonese style its more used in savoury foods. I've never had 青团 before but it looks kind of like a mochi like dessert, which chinese people also have. And red bean and sesame/black (?) paste fillings are used too. It's a little bit weird to me that he is eating the 'meat floss' type and not a sweet type but that's just me lol.


7 hours ago, bearology said:

There will be 2 projects:

  1. We will pick and combine photos/clips you send to us to make a video "Huang Whale and Zhou Meow travelling around the world with fans". The aim of this video is to include as many cities and countries as possible! Due date to send us your photo/clip: 30 May 2017.
  2. This is a long term project. Please follow us! We created:

Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/huangwhaleandzhoumeow/

Facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/HuangWhaleZhouMeow/

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/Whale_n_Meow


Yay project. :) For the video clip should we have the artwork showing the whole time, part of the time, or does it not have to be shown in the clip? Maybe i should be less creepy and tell you guys that i'm actually ritsuka_kitty on ig lol.. Considering i have commented on @bearology's posts before already lol. :ph34r::lol:


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auntie auntie auntieeeee @sohocomo :(:(:(:( Less than a month to go ZZ ah!!!! Fighting!!!!! I wish you can visit JY in Morocco :( Timezones really suck! It pains my heart seeing you online so late sometimes too! Today I'm reading this chapter in bed but I am sure when its 18+++, it will be up when I'm using public transport again :lol:

@crystalclear18 Hahaha, it doesn't need to be showing the whole time, part of the time is good enough. Again if you don't have the artwork with you, even just 2 and 6 signs or anything that relates to YZ (writing "YZ" on your hand for example) should work too! We already have people sending us photos. So sweet!! and Please participate guys :tongue:

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