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Q: zz is the boss of the cat or cat is the boss of the zz.
(* Is a master or cat slave)
zz: Of course I'm a cat boss!




Q What if I only have 100 yuan in my lovers' section?

I ride the subway for 10 yuan. And I eat rice for 20 yuan.
Give the remaining money to a date person and tell them to do what they want.




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@clediver OMG :dizzy: 


To Oak
by Shu Ting
translated by idarklight

If I were to love you —
I would never be the vines of the morning glory,
borrowing your tall branches to flaunt myself
If I were to love you—
I would never imitate the infatuation of the birds,
repeating monotonous tunes for the green shades
Nor would I be the springs that only
incessantly bringing cool solace,
nor the cliffs that only
elevate your height, showcase your grandeur
Nor even the sun,
nor even the spring showers.
No, those are not enough!
I must be a red cotton tree by your side,
standing with you as a tree.
Our roots intertwine in the earth;
Our leaves flirt in the clouds;
With every breeze that passes by,
we salute to each other,
but no one else
understands our language
You have your branches of bronze and trunks of iron,
like swords, likes daggers, and like spears;
I have my brilliantly crimson blossoms,
like a deep, heavy sigh,
yet like a heroic flame,
We share the chills, the storms, and the lightnings ;
We share the fogs, the mists, and the rainbows.
As if we’re always distinct,
but forever together.
This is a love that is great,
Faith and fidelity is here
Love —
not only loving your majestic figure,
but also the stance you firmly hold,
the earth under your feet.



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41 minutes ago, afineline said:

@clediver OMG :dizzy: 

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To Oak
by Shu Ting
translated by idarklight

If I were to love you —
I would never be the vines of the morning glory,
borrowing your tall branches to flaunt myself
If I were to love you—
I would never imitate the infatuation of the birds,
repeating monotonous tunes for the green shades
Nor would I be the springs that only
incessantly bringing cool solace,
nor the cliffs that only
elevate your height, showcase your grandeur
Nor even the sun,
nor even the spring showers.
No, those are not enough!
I must be a red cotton tree by your side,
standing with you as a tree.
Our roots intertwine in the earth;
Our leaves flirt in the clouds;
With every breeze that passes by,
we salute to each other,
but no one else
understands our language
You have your branches of bronze and trunks of iron,
like swords, likes daggers, and like spears;
I have my brilliantly crimson blossoms,
like a deep, heavy sigh,
yet like a heroic flame,
We share the chills, the storms, and the lightnings ;
We share the fogs, the mists, and the rainbows.
As if we’re always distinct,
but forever together.
This is a love that is great,
Faith and fidelity is here
Love —
not only loving your majestic figure,
but also the stance you firmly hold,
the earth under your feet.



so touching and romantic

 love poem that paints love as two trees standing side-by-side, supporting each other while remaining individuals, a love that is based on a common faith and goal that is beyond the surface.  ......

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On 25/08/2017 at 0:35 PM, clediver said:

Then again, the phone case 


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Our Yu is 'hopelessly' in love with his beautiful Meow, that's why he's ALWAYS looking at his pics and posters whatever!  Remember, he's GuHai, he's 'addicted' to BaiLouYin~  'ShangYin' hasn't stopped, it's STILL CONTINUING in real life YuZhou world lol... To get JY's attention, fans just need to present JY with 'ANYTHING ZHOU' and you'll get it, no doubt lol... He's OUR YUZHOU CAPTAIN!  A VERY passionate one indeed! And Zhou is so blessed to have his love and attention! They are BOTH SO BLESSED to have each other!   ANYHOW, KEEP STREAMING ZHOU'S SONGS PEOPLE!!!;(()))... Thankyou, love you all!xx  

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From Timmy许魏洲_guitar_museum weibo

This is what in ZZ's weibo story. ZZ commented that his mom was the one who filmed it

This Meow really invested in his music career. Li Hao said it before too when he came to ZZ's house, he would find ZZ sitting and playing his guitar in the room. 

Caption from the weibo story: "Loner stays home on Qixi (Chinese Valentines Day)" - yeah his boyfriend is oversea. Sigh :(

This professional microphone is used to the record in studio





This is electric drum monitor according to the post, it means ZZ plays drums at home





Oh one more thing in that weibo story is the Chinese manga called 今日头条都是他. My friend said its about 2 bands - one is more famous and one is a newbie. 

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I thought this has been thrown away in the bin a long time already but seems like JY really loves this shoes. He's still using it like his Walk Slowly shoes


Cr boss_meiiiii


Cr nunong555

Hes so adorable ahhhh!!!!





Cr itsmxmol



This one, JY took these from Thai fan






Cr firstlovejyzz




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YZ by DTT大婷婷




JY and ZZ interviews

Cr 脾气不好容易挨揍. Translated by 北辰星拱008

P1 JY: don't hide in the quilt and cry. (JY said this at the end of his video IIRC) 

P2 Zz: I seldom cry, the level that can make my tears dropping is very high (I think she means very hard to make him cry).

Host: Your reply is too official,we wanna hear more details. Zz: What you want to hear...a date that I hide in the quilt and cry, right?





着调music weibo update

From 北辰星拱008

170315 ZheDiao Interview, the media said it looked like seeing doctor, asked a lot but only got simple reply, very official and no details [笑cry] Zz said his income was managed by mom, the expensive thing he had bought was computer.











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Some random points my friend told me ZZ interview with GoGoboi

GGB asked ZZ if his gf takes a long time to doll herself up before heading out, will he be annoyed or ask her to be quicker?

ZZ: I don't know..I probably will ask her to be quicker, because my character is quite hasty

GGB: so how long do you take before heading out

ZZ: half an hour, I'm quite slow before heading out

GGB: and you still ask others to be quicker?

ZZ: usually half an hour, including shower, applying things on my face

GGB: oh, then that's pretty alright if you includes shower

**JY won't have a problem with this. He wears the same pants for a month, just need to change his top and wear a hat hah**


GGB asked if ZZ will dress up nicely when going out to clear the rubbish etc,

ZZ: no, I'm quite unkempt

GGB: no photos of you? (in those situations)

ZZ: because they can't recognize me!


GGB: what if your gf likes to apply black lipstick and purple eyeshadow

ZZ: then she won't become my gf

GGB: so you can't accept this

ZZ: it's too exaggerating

ZZ: are you this kind of person?

GGB: I can if you do the make up for me

GGB: what if originally she wasn't like this, but as time pass you find out that sometimes she will try this style, and one day while you guys went out on the streets, you bump into your parents. Black lips, punk style

ZZ: even bump into my parents?

GGB: yes, bump into your parents

ZZ: actually my parents' acceptance level is quite high

GGB: oh, they have a higher level of acceptance than you?

ZZ: yes, I'll probably...dislike it

**they accepted JY right ZZ!!!! haha**


GGB: do you have more fast-frozen food or fresh food in your fridge?

ZZ: fresh food, because my parents are at home

GGB: oh you don't cook/prepare it yourself, your mom cook/prepare it for you?

ZZ: yes

**this is why JY has to learn cooking LOL**


GGB: what happens when you falls out of love? will you stay at home and binge-eat and drink? or will you go out to sing Karaoke

ZZ: if I fall out of love, I'll self-digest it myself

ZZ: why are you talking about falling out of love on a touching day like qixi??

**yesh, why are you asking something like this to a boy who's in love??? How can he answer it???!?? LOL**

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So after watching this show now im super depressed after hearing about the show being banned and apparently them being blocked from being seen together, so do people really think they had something or just super close friends.

Since the show was banned have they spoke about the series or shown support for each other etc..


hey seem to drop hints here and there that they are still in touch with one another in the past 70 days. Whether that is genuine, staged, a marketing ploy, no one really knows... But personally, from ZZ's Seoul concert two days ago, we know how much he treasures the Addicted Web Series that he is willing to take the risk of further bans to sing the two Addicted related songs. He held a postcard of him and JY outwards in Thailand, oblivious of repercussions. JY hesitated when asked about his current love life. As a person who says he won't lie about his relationship status, that seems to suggest that he is with someone now. While he had liked a hot European female model on instagram, he seemed to be rather reserved towards Fan Bing Bing (China's most beautiful actress) or Xu Lu (a really pretty actress). 


Any Videos of ZZ singing and holding that postcard?? 


Also this youtube comment mentions this interview where can i find that

Follow closely the off-script scenes, behind the scenes clips, and the ways they act towards each other on stage....they are in love...on stage and off. GH blurts out, in one interview, how could I kiss BLY if I wasn't attracted to him? and BLY describes GH as the equivalent of his acting idol, and how he was attractd to GH the first momet of meeting as a very masculine, muscular guy he admired and liked that very much. The emotional and physical intensity between them was so obvious that the Chinese govt insisted they could not appear in public together. One can speculate if their relationship was ever sexualized, no matter: the intimacy, public and private, is so obvious, their bond so pure, ZZ's jealousy, when some guy comes on stage and touches GH and ZZ steps between them and scolds the guy not to touch, was so spontaneous and sincere if that ain't love, I don't know what is.
Edited by Callum Traynor
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On 27.08.2017 at 6:22 PM, bearology said:

JY landed in Thailand

Cr Chacha_World62

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I really like his clothes here <3 Except the bag ;/ He looks simple and at the same time stunning :D And I like how he doesn't iron his shirt (I know it's probably fabric which is easy to crumple  and he wearing it for quite a time but still xD) Hahah I want that shirt tho... it's nice :D

And ZZ cat sleepers <3 Hahahah:D


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3 hours ago, Callum Traynor said:


Also this youtube comment mentions this interview where can i find that

Follow closely the off-script scenes, behind the scenes clips, and the ways they act towards each other on stage....they are in love...on stage and off. GH blurts out, in one interview, how could I kiss BLY if I wasn't attracted to him? and BLY describes GH as the equivalent of his acting idol, and how he was attractd to GH the first momet of meeting as a very masculine, muscular guy he admired and liked that very much. The emotional and physical intensity befalls ween them was so obvious that the Chinese govt insisted they could not appear in public together. One can speculate if their relationship was ever sexualized, no matter: the intimacy, public and private, is so obvious, their bond so pure, ZZ's jealousy, when some guy comes on stage and touches GH and ZZ steps between them and scolds the guy not to touch, was so spontaneous and sincere if that ain't love, I don't know what is.

this from 2 differents interviews and a fan meeting, 

open youtube watch all their interviews and BTS rehearsals and judge for your self

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JY yesterday


Cr Pamytoon







Thai fan said when JY made this face, he was looking at this phone case 




Tomorrow, ZZ will attend S.M.A.R.T Chase Movie Press Conference. Omo, he will be in the same frame with JayChou's wife hahaha. JayChou's wife is in this movie.




Weibo Fan Festival interview - JY and ZZ cuts





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4 hours ago, Callum Traynor said:

hey seem to drop hints here and there that they are still in touch with one another in the past 70 days. Whether that is genuine, staged, a marketing ploy, no one really knows... But personally, from ZZ's Seoul concert two days ago, we know how much he treasures the Addicted Web Series that he is willing to take the risk of further bans to sing the two Addicted related songs. He held a postcard of him and JY outwards in Thailand, oblivious of repercussions. JY hesitated when asked about his current love life. As a person who says he won't lie about his relationship status, that seems to suggest that he is with someone now. While he had liked a hot European female model on instagram, he seemed to be rather reserved towards Fan Bing Bing (China's most beautiful actress) or Xu Lu (a really pretty actress). 


Any Videos of ZZ singing and holding that postcard?? 

Did you copy this from an old post? :lol: If you read it again, it says ZZ sang the 2 songs in Seoul Concert (Korea) and he held the postcard of JY and himself outwards in Thailand (it was at the airport after a fan gave it to him). ZZ didn't hold their photo singing the 2 songs :lol: Videos of ZZ signing these 2 songs have been posted for quite a number of times here. You can go back to pages on the 25th June last year and the 30th July last year to see videos. Or easier, youtube it. Photo of ZZ holding that photo should be posted around 31st July last year too.

By jjseason



JY today

Cr Gyoza



I cant remember if I posted this or not lol but ZZ BTS during filming Leave me alone. Posted by XWZ Fanclub 





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