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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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Honestly are the reporters also team junghwan? Otherwise why there are so many comments showing the pro-JH reactions where they are bashing the writer saying the ending was done hastily or giving comments like the husband is TK,but the hero is JH.This is so ridiculous.I feel like posting our master posts somewhere so people would stop saying harsh things about the drama.Take a look at these comments:

"Pann: Come if you supported Junghwan on Reply

1. [+817, -270] The reason why the writer has to get criticized for this Reply series is not because Taek is the husband. Why do you think people said, "the husband is Ryu Jun Yeol for sure"? The writer portrayed Junghwan as if he's the husband. The female leads in other Reply series weren't like Deoksun who likes all of Sunwoo, Junghwan, and Taek. The male leads were clear in other series and there were clear relationships between the male and female leads. But this Reply series is only fooling the viewers. They kept dragging the drama and ended the emotions at once. Only a kiss was needed for the female lead to make up her mind? Lacking desperation? Because it's 19th episode? No one would've cared if they convinced enough that Taek would be the husband. The staff enjoyed husband hunting too much and forgot about the probabilities. There's a reason why this Reply series is controversial unlike previous ones.

2. [+395, -418] People hate on the writer way too much ㅋㅋ

3. [+316, -18] I supported Junghwan but I'm not mad at him not being the husband. I hate how they made him a loser. In the beginning, everybody was sure that he was the husband and he was so popular. But then he built a wall and didn't even confess because of his friendship with Taek. I'm just so mad at how his character is someone pitiful. Are other Junghwan fans mad because he's not the husband? I thought they were mad for the same reason...

4. [+182, -26] The husband is Taek and the male lead is Junghwan

5. [+153, -157] I'm so pissed off. Junghwan fans are being mad because he's not the husband. So they want him to die if he's not the husband? They should stop"

Quoted from this link:



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just finished watch ep 19 and 20 with the eng sub. I've been avoiding timeline and this forum since last sunday so i won't get any spoiler, and OMG finally our ship's sailing stong~ i can't be happier :") 

oh know i feel empty i miss Park Bo Geum already aaaaak what happened to me now :"


anyway thank you so much for all of you who have given such a great thoughts and analysis  about DS-TS.  I'm so happy to be part of you guys! aaak now i would like to see the BTS between Park Bo Geum and  Hyeri~~~ aaaak

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13 hours ago, 13infamyss said:

On to the viewers’ idea that Duk Seon sees Taek as her younger brother. There are quite a few scenes I saw that somehow contradict this idea. that she would like the idea of Taek as her son-in-law. Duk Seon suggested to her mother that she should just seduce and marry him – problem solved




. Hopefully you guys are still up for discussions regarding Duk Seon and Taek’s moments as there’s just so many to analyze and talk about. One of them is whether Duk Seon has ever seen Taek as a brother – and given the arguments I listed, I conclude no. What do you guys think about it?

Ok, here's how I see it. Both TK & JH love DS. It's hard to say who loves her more or who loves her less. What I can say is what kind of love that DS needs.

In the first few episodes,  the focus was DS's issue with being the 2nd child. She feels mom's favourite is BR, dad's favourite is NE, thus she had no significant importance in the family... this example shown to us when escaping from carbon monoxide,  mom save BR, dad save NE, while DS was left on her own. Given to a more serious situation,  its like she was left to die. She also feels she's not appreciated by her family. It's not helping that BR is jealous of her too & treat her like stepsister. Thus she develops a low self esteem & insecurity. 

Bickering couples are cute, given if both partners have high confidence level & self assurance, which is not in DS's case. Calling her ugly & stupid made her confidence drop even more especially on being loved. And JH did this often, up until before his confession in 1994, that she yell at him to give her a break. Thus it cud be cute for some but for others like DS, it can tiring.

However in contrast, TK doted on DS, play needy to her, let her fuss abt him, made her feels needed & appreciated. Though he teased her too with the rest, he never made fun of her looks & capability. He made her feel she is his top priority. He is clingy & needy towards DS isn't because he is incapable but because he understands her so well. He wants her to feel her existence is important in his life, that he is incomplete without her. This is Taek love for DS. As for DS, she is happy Taek gives her the sense of belonging,  she's the only one who can order him around & even when she's angry at him he'lll still comes to her because he needs her. Of cos its not helping too since he loves her pampering him. 

Brother? Son? DS already has a brother & she never take care of him even half the time she care for TK. Note: she took their only electric mattress & let her biological sister sleeps on the cold floor,  because she use it to warm Taek's bed in his luxury hotel room, so he can be extra comfort! Son? Didn't she joke over & over again that she'll marry him? What mother wud joke as such?

Someone mentioned DS & TK wedding most probably be like BR's wedding.  Well I would think their wedding is much bigger & grandeur because beside TK being a celebrity, he is already a rich man, who wants the best for DS...I bet TK would make DS's dream wedding comes true :)

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Lol those journalist must be so ashamed after releasing a bunch of articles saying JH is the husband. They thought they know it but the writer must be laughing her richard simmons off because they are all wrong in the end. I can see how the writer mocking those people in ep 20. I interpret it from the scene where noeul announce the dating news and just look at the parents reaction. Its just so funny. The writer be like "IN YOUR FACE!!!!" Poor teamh JH and those richard simmons journalist

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@nearsea lol i think the writer is those same media that sooooo sure JH is the main lead and spread bunch of click baited articles and spoiler that he definitely the husband and now they are butthurt and embarrassed being proved wrong

now they try to bring down the writer and doing the same freakin argument as pro-jh team and obviously only watching the drama through JH eyes and only looking at clues favoring JH only...those reporter just trashy unprofessional reporter that only desperate for attention and baiting the haters with stupid title

lol they say it a kiss that make her made up her mind?DS obviously already have feeling for Taek even before the kiss and the kiss just a confirmation their feeling is mutual..

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@salz It's just purely annoying to see these news everywhere..I mean a lot of people from our thread have already shared posts about the korean fans who love DS-TK as well,but these reporters are publicizing the ones that are favoring JH and  bashing TK till now..I wish the writer does not get disheartened by these kind of news and keep writing what she wants.This time the story was so refreshingly new and something done for the first time in Kdramas too.I would love to see more of these kinds.For once the bickering trope is not developed/materialized any further and we saw a loud and outgoing girl falling for a quiet/reserved boy.Sometimes kdrama gets limited in it's scopes because often the hero which comes first on screen have to be the one.But we got to see TK on the second episode and that too for a mere five minutes time span.So,by sixth episode everyone was cheering for JH as JH himself thought the thorns from his road to DS has been removed lol.So I wish writer again surprises us with something new and not fall the victim of public opinions.

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Hello friends! I'm happy to see Taek's Room is still alive! Is there room under the blanket for me? (I promise not to fart.)


After watching that video of the cast members saying goodbye and thank you, and seeing how everyone was a crying mess when they filmed the final scene (Bora's wedding) - I really think if they filmed Taek-DS wedding, everyone would just fall apart or something! It would wring every tear out of them and there would be nothing left but dry husks on the ground. Haha, we would be the same watching from our home.

This K-drama is officially the one that made me ugly-cry the most, ever.


I guess my final comment is about Hyeri. Before the series aired, I have read some complaints about her, and doubts that she would not be very good. (I have never seen her in anything before.) OMG, she was amazing! If there is anyone I've developed a crush on from this show, it's Duk-Sun.

I mean, she was so adorable, goofing around with Kim Sajang, wailing and crying after getting rejected by Sun-Woo, her goofy dancing, her bravery while handling dead rodents, her ghastly makeup skills, and her even more awesome fighting skills. She was like a colt with giant, limpid eyes. She really lit up the screen in every scene. Every time she said "when-yeol!" it put a smile on my face.

I'm sure many actresses could have done a great job. But it wouldn't have been the same. Hyeri brought Duk-Sun to life.


So what do we do now that there is no more R88 to look forward to?

- I tried watching "I Remember You" with Park Bogum. I don't know, I hear that it's pretty good but I just can't get into it. Maybe later.

- I also tried watching "Seonam Girls High School Investigators." It stars Hyeri and Lee Min-Ji (Mi-Ok) Anyone watch this? It looks cute but I can't get into this, either.

Basically, R88 has ruined me for other K-dramas, at least for a while.

- I've also been watching Girl's Day videos. It's so weird to see a blonde Duk-Sunny. And I know I will sound like a total prude, but I am shocked by how sexual these videos are! I'm like, "Duk-Sun, cover yourself up! Stop gyrating so much!"

Ha ha, I guess I don't watch many girl group videos - apparently it is all about butts these days.

- Anyway, whatever you do, I would NOT recommend the movie "Chinatown," which stars Bogum and Go Kyung-Pyo (Sun-Woo). OMG, it was seriously dark and violent. I watched it before the finale aired because I was having R88 withdrawal, and it was like a shock to my system! I'm not saying it's terrible and you should never watch it - just wait until your R88 fever has cooled.


They're making another Reply series? I am SO there! I wonder if Sung Dong-Il and Lee Il-Hwa will play the parents again. It just wouldn't be the same without them. I would not mind all the parents from R88 to be a part of the cast, too - haha, would that be too weird?


Thank you @Meliere for all the delicious ramen + dduk-boki! Your amazing analysis really elevated the discussion for me. You are so smart and incisive!

As much as I enjoyed this show, I especially love that it somehow brought me to this lovely thread and got to hang out with all of you.

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3 minutes ago, chickfactor said:

Basically, R88 has ruined me for other K-dramas, at least for a while.

Argh me too.I can't watch any other drama,for now at least.I also tried to see hyeri in something else,watched parts of real men.She sure had it coming with all the aegyos lol.I am sure Shin PD took her after doing a little research on her on YT .And surprising fact is Ra Mi Ran was also part of real men =S.

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2 hours ago, hoaho said:

Hi~ all. After watching this drama, I am starting to read a lot of analysis in dc. I’m really impressed so want to share some with you.

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DeoksunxTaek’s love is Storge. 


Storge love -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storge

Some may say there are other ways to love one in storge form. But this is between married couples, who are committed, and plan to have a long relationship together, particularly as a fundamental relational foundation post-limerance. Another interpretation for storge is to be used to describe a sexual relationship between two people that gradually grew out of a friendship—storgic lovers sometimes cannot pinpoint the moment that friendship turned to love. 

Storgic lovers are friends first, and the friendship, and the storge, can endure even beyond the breakup of the sexual relationship. They want their significant others to also be their best friends, and will choose their mates based on similar goals and interests –homogamy.

Storgic lovers place much importance on commitment, and find that their motivation to avoid committinginfidelity is to preserve the trust between the two partners. Children and marriage are seen as legitimate longterm aims for their bond, while passionate sexual intensity is of lesser importance than in other love styles.

Advantages of storgic love may be the level of how one loves their family and understands each other. In addition, two people that are deeply devoted to one another can feel the intimacy that they share. The main disadvantage of storgic love may be the large time investment and fallout should the two people change enough to lose their friendship.


TK: Who asked who to date first, you're asking?
TK: um....
DS: We started sinabro(시나브로)

시나브로. Sinabro.
TK/DS said their love is 시나브로(Sinabro) . 시나브로 is famous pure Korean word. It means little by little, bit by bit, slowly but surely by degrees. It’s really pretty word. Storge love is like sinabro falling in love. 

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TK was husband from the first.

Hint in ep1
only TK has period in self-introduction
택. (period= dot= 點= 落點= 合格= pass= husband)


Green- JH / red- TK


1. I dumped him first!!!!! (Green socks)
2. waiting teak (read socks)

ep6- Teak start  


it’s baduk rule. strong person have a hadicap 6 for weak person.


focus on DS's face . 



청실홍실 (Blue thread red threads/ 靑紅絲)   Blue thread red threads is a folk tale and it means a match made in heaven. PD shows many scenes about that.




This drama is like beautiful poem.  Every single scene and line has their own meaning. The more you know, the more you like it. my eng is not good so it’s rough. but I hope it help you to understand more this drama.


I recommend some of you who know Korean to read the analysis in dc.

analysis collections 


wow i wish the wonderful analysis from Korean fans gonna get translated..im sure lot of them understand more the meaning want to conveyed by the writer especially the baduk rules that many international fans don't understand

the writer really using Lee Chang Ho winning method by making the opponent(pro-jh audience) think they winning since beginning but actually Taek have been leading all along and just waiting for the perfect moment to make his move then game over...like Hyeri said goodbye Jungpal and hello Taek :P 

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@hoaho Thank you for sharing so many insightful posts! By now I wish I knew Korean,must have missed lots of in depth meaning that could be only grasped by native Koreans.I do wish any kind soul could translate the analyses for us...


Btw was there any inclusion of red thread-blue thread ? I don't remember any particular scene.That childhood picture,I thought the pillows were red and purple colored?

2 hours ago, hoaho said:

청실홍실 (Blue thread red threads/ 靑紅絲)   Blue thread red threads is a folk tale and it means a match made in heaven. PD shows many scenes about that.

Maybe @kilaalaa can give us a hand again? Sorry kilaalaa for bothering you so much..

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1 hour ago, nearsea said:

@salz It's just purely annoying to see these news everywhere..I mean a lot of people from our thread have already shared n posts about the korean fans who love DS-TK as well,but these reporters are publicizing the ones that are favoring JH and  bashing TK till now..I wish the writer does not get disheartened by these kind of news and keep writing what she wants.This time the story was so refreshingly new and something done for the first time in Kdramas too.I would love to see more of these kinds.For once the bickering trope is not developed/materialized any further and we saw a loud and outgoing girl falling for a quiet/reserved boy.Sometimes kdrama gets limited in it's scopes because often the hero which comes first on screen have to be the one.But we got to see TK on the second episode and that too for a mere five minutes time span.So,by sixth episode everyone was cheering for JH as JH himself thought the thorns from his road to DS has been removed lol.So I wish writer again surprises us with something new and not fall the victim of public opinions.

Forget abt the internet reporters, they're mostly losers who can't differenciate between news reporting & personal opinion.

Better to check out this clip from Arirang, a respectable Korean English entertainment tv news


This was aired in May 2015...This is a reliable news since this news can be watched worldwide....so check out, just exactly who did they say are the leading actors for Reply 1988!!! RJY my a$$ :crazy:

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Hi all, 

Been a silent lurker for forever but now that the drama has ended. Time to spazz a little bit. :)

Wasn't on any ship at all, but I do love that tiny detail glimpse the writer's gave us on TK's love for DS. Didn't post this anywhere for fear of prosecution. :P


On ep. 20, adult TK was asked what the best thing was going out with DS. He answered he stopped the sleeping pill completely.

Another tiny detail from SW's dialogue ep. 19 how he took some of TK's pill to sleep after he broke up with BR. 

I interpreted that TK feared so much of losing DS in his dream that he had to force himself to like sleeping is such a labourous exercise for him. After he went out with her, he was finally at ease. He got her

He wanted her so bad; just like JH said on ep. 18.

Love this writer: each dialogue tells leads us to actual story, not just pablum to keep the story going.


Guys, I recommend we all watch the drama again just to catch this kind of details. Apart from the husband hunting, the drama is beautiful on its own.



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2 hours ago, bluesteyes said:

Lol those journalist must be so ashamed after releasing a bunch of articles saying JH is the husband. They thought they know it but the writer must be laughing her richard simmons off because they are all wrong in the end. I can see how the writer mocking those people in ep 20. I interpret it from the scene where noeul announce the dating news and just look at the parents reaction. Its just so funny. The writer be like "IN YOUR FACE!!!!" Poor teamh JH and those richard simmons journalist

I see it that way too.Shin PD is and writer Lee getting annoyed with all those spoiler leak out. Another scene that come to mind reflecting real life jokes is when Naeul was speculating with his mother about who is the neighbourhood boys that is going out with Bora

NE: Then ....Dong Ryong...no it can't be him

DS Omma: Doesn't he have a girlfriend

NE: Right the tall and young one

Haha since when DR has a girlfriend in the story. They were talking his real life model girlfriend

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