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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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Focus on the 99% again. 

Clearly, the father is VERY drunk as to find NoEul cute.  It’s reminded me of the saying: A face that only a mother could love. In this case, Noeul has a face that only a drunken father could love.

But I like that he still had the wits about him to hide that encyclopedia set.  That's gonna hurt if the Missus throws it at him. 

BTW, where IS their bathroom? Can you tell by the layout of the area? 

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3 minutes ago, packmule3 said:


Mwuah, @tiendoank. Can you join us, please? 

Hey, kudos to you, too! We wouldn't have done so well in round 3 without the concerted efforts of everyone on team SunTaek. Every single vote counts. 


hehehe. I've been saving that one for you... 


Yes, I'll join you guys. Cooooz it's Saturday niiight in my place!!!! hehehehhehhe.... Time to relax and have fun.

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3 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

Focus on the 99% again. 

Clearly, the father is VERY drunk as to find NoEul cute.  It’s reminded me of the saying: A face that only a mother could love. In this case, Noeul has a face that only a drunken father could love.

But I like that he still had the wits about him to hide that encyclopedia set.  That's gonna hurt if the Missus throws it at him. 

BTW, where IS their bathroom? Can you tell by the layout of the area? 

It's outside their house. 

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8 minutes ago, tiendoank said:

@packmule3, do you know.......


That pic in your sig is one of my favoritest SunTaek moments. The way Deoksun's hair spread way up (right when the song entered the chorus), the ear-to-ear smiles, the gorgeous sunset...



Same here!!!! I love the hair! It looked like something out of the Korean FAN dance. You know when the girls snap open their fans... It's weird how little details like that get me. 

Also, did you notice that TK wasn't holding HOLDING her hand?  He was doing "mannerly" hands with her. Awww... He's grown up enough to know not to treat her like a childhood friend, but as a woman.  

88 203

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Bora is doing so many things that are out of her character in this episode... even DS and mom thought ithe world is about to end... hehehehe... she's so smitten with SW... so cute...

DS still has her little crush with JW here huh? I don't get it why JH tries so hard to contain his laughter when DS was being funny

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Sun Woo is such a good big brother. I know from experience that teaching someone that age isn't easy and he clearly does it often.

Side note: I need that program Jin Joo is learning from. Lol!


6 minutes ago, cooleet said:

I don't get it why JH tries so hard to contain his laughter when DS was being funny

I don't get it either. Even his mom was smiling a bit at her antics, where's the need to hide it? It's not like someone is there who would see and give him grief about it later!

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Another proof that NoEul was the neighborhood's reporter. He was always sniffing around. :)

I found it funny whenever Bora ordered SW to "take care of it". I don’t know how it was said in Korean but the English translation has a double meaning.

The obvious one is to handle the problem, deal with it, make it go away.
But there’s also another meaning. To “take care of it” is a euphemism associated with gangsters. When the mob boss ordered his minion to “take care of it,” he meant DISPOSE of somebody, i.e., kill that person so he would no longer be a pest in their criminal activity or a witness to a crime.  
For me, when Bora said “take care of it,” she looked menacing, like a gangsta’. lol. 

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2 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

I found it funny whenever Bora ordered SW to "take care of it". I don’t know how it was said in Korean but the English translation has a double meaning.

That line always runs through my head twice. Once as Bora, once as Al Capone. Lol! They're not too far from the Han River either, are they? Maybe it's a good thing Bora is such an avid political activist, she could have easily made a good mob boss. 

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14 minutes ago, tiendoank said:

Lol... was JH's dad cuddling Cheetah omma or strangling her??


Sleeping with the enemy. I too thought he was strangling her.  Besides, who sleeps like that.

Admission here: I cringe everything this couple have their "sexy" scenes. It's a weird reaction. I find it revoltingly cheesy but I laugh anyway. 


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Taek is so protective. He wanted to cancel the dinner as soon as he found out that the burberry man goes to that restaurant... I believe this is the same reason he followed DS when she first went out of the restaurant to do her business. It was to prtect her and nothing else.

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