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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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ohhh... I'm on my way now...

and the song in the car randomly playing Stevie Wonder - I just called to say I love you :wub:


Love is in the air,, 

I'm not the one in love, but why I suddenly feels like one!? ㅋㅋㅋ

Woke up in a blessing feel and heart beating fast, bcoz I dreamt abt me being Taek's gf.... Ohhh,,  I wish this dream will never end ㅋㅋ

Love you all people, hope you have a wonderful day ahead :wub:

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Phew finally caught up ^^ Let's music


@hafunohane. You have worked hard Chingu ^^ I was worried that you would be heartbroken about this ending because of Junghwan  but I'm glad that they've given him so much better ending than Chilbong tragedy right? Like blue explained PD-nim beautifully captured   Junghwan's own first love story  which was big part of his character growth. Sure thing reply universe fully explored Junghwan's considerate nature now I'm positive he will be fine in the future ^^ Together with our bliss Chingudeul this ending is all I could ask from respective writer-nim ^^ 

I made a list of SunTaek fan vids  but have no YouTube account lmao I can send it to anyone who wants to compile playlist ^^


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48 minutes ago, melissala said:

I think both are goodbyes?  My mistake. I read it on twitter without checking.   But JH was first and then TK.  TK's picture is more coupley to me tho...


In her pic with JH, 이제 안녕 means 'goodbye'

In her pic with Taek, 안녕 means 'hi/hello'

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Chingus! eudira! congrats!!!!! I am soooo happy for TK and DS! i just love the gate scene! i've been smiling like crazy since last night! hahahah

Thank you chingus! what a wonderful thread;)


TK :heart: DS and DS:heart: TK forever!;)


BTW, anyone who knows the ratings for last night? kamsahamnida!

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18 minutes ago, mellinadear said:


Ooohhh...where do I begin, where do I begin...??

I refuse to allow this be a goodbye speech..No way.


Its been an incredible journey with everyone here. We went through a lot didn't we? Who would have thought that this ship could go this far huh? 

We all came or had this ride together even with little hope. But here we are people, Here we are. 

I have met the most amazing ladies whom I have the privilege to call my sisters. You all have been amazing.

D-awwwwww thanks Mel.. It's been a bumpy yet courageous adventure for all of us. We had joy, we had fun, we had season in the sun :) Love you too. Pity that I joined Line very late. The things shared there are just beyond my wildest dream, lol. Had a great time with you and the girls.

Btw I posted something on the Main Thread. Hopefully it will not be deleted. Some disguised undercover  minimal jabs inserted just to tease JH shippers a bit.. LOL. Please read it here if you like.

Anyway, good night all. Thanks for today! I am counting on your live recap tomorrow as I will be in college early. Byee!!

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There's more cuteness in the episode too.  Her waiting for him after his match, and putting on a skirt to go out to dinner.  Only to be forced to go to dinner with other people. They were upset, but it worked out for the best since that led to the kiss! 

I also liked when her dad told her to eat, but Taekie was calling and that's all she could say.  Taekie~  It's too cute.  During the hug, they looked around a bit, but they weren't even trying to hide it at all.  They are gonna get caught. 

@taeksun   I love the missed hug!  Thanks for the gif.  Was waiting for that.   And I totally agree, a fight is a great thing.  DS will fight for her love.  


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13 minutes ago, melissala said:

There's more cuteness in the episode too.  Her waiting for him after his match, and putting on a skirt to go out to dinner.  Only to be forced to go to dinner with other people. They were upset, but it worked out for the best since that led to the kiss! 

I also liked when her dad told her to eat, but Taekie was calling and that's all she could say.  Taekie~  It's too cute.  During the hug, they looked around a bit, but they weren't even trying to hide it at all.  They are gonna get caught. 


In the preview we can see the parents stopping when they see something, like several scene like that, i wonder that's when our couple is busted? Cause Bora-Sunwoo is pretty secretive with their skinship, can't help but feel that our pabo couple will get caught easily. xD


On another topic, i'm so done with retaliating on MT. People just won't accept and i've no inclination to make them accept i guess. It's hard seeing them keep on bashing on nonsense development blahblahblah, but in the end it all doesn't matter to my life anyway so why care right? I believe there are far more people who are mature enough to understand the whole drama and enjoy what they get from it instead of being a kid throwing tantrum over something they don't get from it. 

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I realized something! Episode 19's china scenes parallel's episode 6(?). Both took place in a hotel in china, DS wears a pink sweater and TK wearing a more layered clothing, TK doesn't have the appetite to eat, DS caring for him in her own way, TK has a match there too, DS waiting for the match to end, DS catches TK smoking. There's probably more that I forgot to include but wow, this drama is really awesome. Also, I like the fact that they do show TK smoking like with a cigarette in his mouth, about to light it up, holding a burned cigarrete or at least holding a pack but never showed PBG actually taking a puff. :) unlike with Bora where she even does a trick with the smokes.

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Just copy-pasting what I wrote on MT:

One more clue just for fun! Pretty much confirms the theory of one of the neutral fan here. I read her post and REPLY 1988 is consistent in playing LSH songs. Noticed how they always emphasize Lee Moon Se-JH and Lee Seung Hwan-Taek. Featured in the background during future wife and the husband scene on episode 19 is LSH song "MY STORY."

Here's the link: http://dramacool.cc/reply-1988-episode-19.html

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Omg I just watched the episode, it was AMAZING!!!!

first of all let me just say a big thanks to our CSI team. When we were the underdogs you guys proved that we were right. With our taektanic that we would fear  that would sink, many gave us courage. Even when some of the JH shppers gave us critisism and mocked us for being the delusional we still held through!!! Their thread was twice the size of ours, but may I just say that our threads quality was the best I have seen so far. Thank you CSI team for making a part of our lives unforgettable!!

i am so happy that DS and Taek got together!! We always knew that it was the true answer!! Unfortunately there is a lot of hate from the threads. One thing I really want to say is that this drama wasn't just about the husband hunt. It was about the culture, warmth, and family of 1988. That was the true meaning! So don't critisism the writer for being biased. She did what she believed what was correct. I'm most worried about PBG cuz he might get critisism too. I felt like PBG deserved it. After all he has been an underdog for 4 years... The main point that I'm trying to get to was that this drama was not a game; it was a story of love, friendship, and family. So let's all enjoy the last episode tomorrow.:wub::wub::wub:

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4 minutes ago, lovelyrainy said:

I really want to record this drama to a DVD and keep it to rewatch years later. I wish the uncut DVDs have subs, it would have so much higher quality :

I really want to record this drama to a DVD and keep it to rewatch years later. I wish the uncut DVDs have subs, it would have so much higher quality :

Omg where can I get one?

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