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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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11 hours ago, carolinedl said:

I also think that JH was a big focus on R1988. And I love that his focus is on losing one's first love. When you think about it, it is even more realistic, no? So I think that even though it is heartbreaking, a lot of people can relate to that sentiment. Hence his story is really touching people. I am definitely biased here but I think that's the greatest thing about R1988. It adds to the series' authenticity.

@carolinedl I so agree - the heartbreak was real! For JH and for all of us here. It was heartbreak and loss. Truly realistic, I agree. I don't know if you or anyone else noticed the dead silence when he paused (maybe after one or 2 pauses) after his confession-- not sure  if that was just me (?!) but it seemed symbolic of time standing still. That scene was done so well! The confession scene is where, imo, both RJY and Hyeri really showed their amazing acting chops. I was sad and mesmerized at the same time (don't know if that made any sense). The only other time when I felt like this was in the movie Love Actually - when Emma Thompson's character discovered her husband cheating and she was in their bedroom - alone in her grief and difficult-to-swallow tears! That was some serious acting - - this is how I felt watching that confession scene.

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They will be my forever ever favorited couple  , a beautiful fiction couple for me. I told myself that after the end of R88 I will not hold any more feelings to Jh and DS and will focus more on the real individual activities, but when I got here because of curiousity after the thread shut down, my oh my everything's just came back, I love all the fan fiction. How I wish it happened. 


Then I forced myself to watch again the confession, and I realize that if DS never turn her head on the door like waiting for someone maybe JH will tell everyone that it's not a joke. But that's JH clue why he think he would stop. Aaaaaaa how I really wish they will act together again soon. Or even just in the upcoming concert, please let have them a closure. 

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6 hours ago, lc85 said:

@carolinedl I so agree - the heartbreak was real! For JH and for all of us here. It was heartbreak and loss. Truly realistic, I agree. I don't know if you or anyone else noticed the dead silence when he paused (maybe after one or 2 pauses) after his confession-- not sure  if that was just me (?!) but it seemed symbolic of time standing still. That scene was done so well! The confession scene is where, imo, both RJY and Hyeri really showed their amazing acting chops. I was sad and mesmerized at the same time (don't know if that made any sense). The only other time when I felt like this was in the movie Love Actually - when Emma Thompson's character discovered her husband cheating and she was in their bedroom - alone in her grief and difficult-to-swallow tears! That was some serious acting - - this is how I felt watching that confession scene.


I can't forget all the squeeling, the hope, the feelings and the tears that stream down my eyes watching the confenssion scene.

RJY really deliver the scene briliantly. I was livestreaming, ddin't really understand what he was saying but I understand all the meaning through his face expression and his eyes. That was one of the best confession scene ever.



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11 hours ago, cheetah_omma said:

Guys, i just got Official OST Reply 1988 Special Edition!! Sooo happyyyyy :wub:

will share what inside this tv box soon ^^

I will wait your share first omma.. is CDs covered with JHxDS more or the other POV? i need buy the CDs whice one have more photos of our POV :w00t: 

pls share asap yah omma... :heart:

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Hi guys, i finished my latest fanfic. You can check the previous parts in here. Thank you!


Deok Sun woke up early in the morning and Jung Hwan was holding her in his arms. She smiled to herself, leaned her head against his chest.

“You’re awake?” Jung Hwan whispered to her, tightened his hug. Deok Sun raised her head to look at him and he planted a kiss on her lips. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” she smiled.

They didn’t say anything for a while, just snuggling comfortably. He stroked her hair gently, while she making circles on his arms, perfectly happy even when doing nothing. She smiled when she saw the ring on her finger. Jung Hwan noticed that and nudged her forehead.

“Are you that happy?” he asked.

“Of course. Aren’t you?” she asked him back.

“I’m happy as long as you are,” Jung Hwan lowered his eyes to look at her clearly and she thought he never looked more handsome. They looked at each other and leaned closer at the same time, clasping each other cheeks when they lips met.

Jung Hwan rolled on top of her, pushed the blanket away. She smiled to herself. Thank God they didn’t bother to put on some clothes last night.  

They spent another hour in the bed before finally got up to get ready for their trip to Bangyo.

Deok Sun only needed an hour before she was ready and Jung Hwan didn’t complain once when he had to eat bread and cereal for breakfast. They didn’t bicker at all the whole morning, their longest record yet.

They got on the road not long after breakfast, listening to Lee Moon Sae’s as usual. Deok Sun fell asleep even before they left Seoul and Jung Hwan let her sleep for almost half the trip. Deok Sun insisted to drive after that, but Jung Hwan didn’t sleep to keep her company.

“Jung Hwan-ah,“ Deok Sun stole a glance at him. He looked sleepy. They both didn’t get much sleep last night, but at least she got to sleep for two more hours. “Just sleep. It’s okay.”

“No,” he smiled at her. “I’ll just sleep at home.”

Deok Sun sighed and let him be. Jung Hwan never listened to her for things like this.

“Jung Hwan-ah, did you talk to you parents before you proposed?” she asked him. Jung Hwan shook his head.

“I want to talk to our parents together,” he told them. “That’s why I’m taking you to Bangyo.”

“Didn’t you ask my parents for the picture? You didn’t tell them?” she thought about their childhood pictures Jung Hwan hung on the wall.  

“No,” Jung Hwan laughed. “There are a lot of your pictures in my family album too. I don’t have to ask your parents.”

“Ah, really?” she laughed.

“Yah, let’s talk about how to talk to our parents first,” Jung Hwan’s expression suddenly became serious again. Deok Sun shrugged her shoulders.

“Just tell them. It’s not like they will oppose it, right?” Deok Sun answered. “I mean, they’ll be ecstatic to be in-laws.”

Jung Hwan smiled. “I know. I’m just a bit nervous talking to your dad.”

“He’ll just be his usual self. You’ll be fine,” Deok Sun laughed, remembering how her dad treated him the first couple of months he found out they were dating. He kept picking on Jung Hwan until Jung Hwan’s mom put a stop on it. Deok Sun knew he was still nervous everytime he talked to her dad.

“Ahjussi’s always nice to Sun Woo, why he only picked on me?” Jung Hwan wondered out loud and Deok Sun laughed again.

“Aigoo, uri Jung Palie,” she patted his head and he moved his head to avoid her, frowning. She patted his arms instead, tried to comfort him. “It’ll be fine. My dad even asked me when we’re going to marry a few times.”

“Really?” he lightened up a bit.

“We’ve been dating for three years, of course he’s bound to ask at some point,” she answered.

He didn’t say another word, only nodded and smiled a little. Deok Sun laughed when she saw his smile. It was easy to annoy him, but it was even easier to make him happy.

Jung Hwan and Deok Sun’s parents bought a land together and built their house next to each other, which is pretty sweet considering they were going to be in-laws soon.  

They spent a lot of their time taking care of their small and vegetable garden in front of their house. The food in their houses tasted even better now, all organic and healthy. Deok Sun reminded herself not to eat too much during her stay.

Deok Sun parked the car in front of her parents’ house and they got out of the car. Jung Hwan walked to his house right away, couldn’t wait to sleep. Deok Sun checked her parents’ house but no one was home.

Sometime she wondered why they even bother built two houses when her parents spent so much time in The Kims’ house.

Jung Hwan’s mom was still kissing his cheek when she walked in. She laughed and greeted her. His dad got up immediately when he saw her.

“Aigoo, Sung sajang!”

Deok Sun loved that he never changed. They’ve been doing this silly greeting for a decade now and she never got bored of it.

“Aigoo, Kim sajang!” she answered right away.

Jung Hwan didn’t even bother to watch them now. He went on to greet her parents, being extra polite to her dad. He only got a reluctant smile from her dad, but her mom laughed and patted his back. Thankfully, her mom was fond of him and it was enough to make up for her husband’s tough love.

His own parents adored Deok Sun, of course. They always did, especially his dad. They pretty much threw a party when they found out he was dating her. Sometimes, they even seemed to love her more than himself, but he didn’t mind. She was going to be their daughter anyway.

Jung Hwan sat on the couch with the dads while the moms went to the kitchen to prepare some food. Deok Sun stepped closer to help them but they chased her away from the kitchen. Deok Sun sat beside him, making eye contact, asking something silently.

“When are we going to tell them?” she whispered to him when he didn’t understand.

“After lunch,” he answered softly while paying attention to both of their dads. They were watching television, didn’t seem to care what they were talking about.

“I forgot to take off my ring, what if they noticed before that?” she asked him.

“Ring, what ring?” Jung Hwan’s dad looked at them, smiling.

Deok Sun looked at Jung Hwan nervously, expecting him to come up with some lie. He held her hand instead, as if trying to find strength. She squeezed his hands to respond and he smiled a little.

“Appa, ahjussi, we want to talk to you about something,” he held his head up high and look straight at both of them. He called the moms too and insisted they didn’t need food right now.

The parents sat down on the sofa and they both sat on the floor, facing them. Jung Hwan held her hand the whole time and she didn’t take her eyes off him.

Their parents didn’t say anything, but they seemed to know what they would talk about. Both of their moms looked giddy with anticipation, wide smiles were planted on their faces. They took half the burden from Jung Hwan’s mind and he was grateful for it. His dad smiled too, but he’s a lot calmer than the moms. Her dad’s face was straight and Jung Hwan couldn’t guess what he was thinking.

“Omma, appa, ahjussi, ahjumma,” Jung Hwan’s hand felt cold and she patted it lightly to calm him down. “I proposed to Deok Sun last night. We’re going to get married and we want to ask for your blessing.”

Always straight forward, she thought to herself and smiled a little. She looked at the four faces in front of them and knew they were going to give their blessing right away.

“Aigoo, took you long enough,” his mom answered right away, laughing.

“Sunim, I thought they were going to get married last year, but they just asked for our blessing this year,” her mom laughed along with her.

“Of course, we’ll give you our blessing, Jung Hwan-ah, Deok Sun-ah,” his dad smiled, looking at him directly as if to assure him it would be alright. Jung Hwan finally smiled back, relieved.

Her dad looked straight at him and he wouldn’t back down. He couldn’t back down. He sat straighter and looked back at him as respectfully as he could.

“You’re going to the US soon, when do you plan to get married?” he asked him.

“Aigoo, Bora appa, why are you being so serious?” his dad trying to lighten up the mood but he ignored him.

“I’ll be back after six months and we’ll start preparing for the wedding then,” Jung Hwan answered.

“Where are you going to live after you get married? One of you have move, right?” he asked again.  

Jung Hwan hesitated. He hadn’t even talked about it with Deok Sun. He couldn’t ask for reassignment and she knew that, but he can’t tell her dad she would move to Sacheon without asking her opinion.

“I’ll move to Sacheon, appa. I can ask to be assigned in the domestic flights,” she answered for him and he was so thankful for that. Her dad considered this for awhile and finally nodded at them.

“Jung Hwan-ah, you’ll take a good care of her, right?” he asked again. Jung Hwan nodded rigt away.

“Of course, ahjussi,” he answered.

“It’s abeonim, imma,” he corrected Jung Hwan and he couldn’t help grinning at that. Everyone laughed, the mood changed instantly. The moms decided to cook a feast to celebrate and the dads opened their precious red ginseng alcohol even before lunch.

Jung Hwan remained silence for awhile, couldn’t believe her dad gave his permission so easily. Deok Sun stayed with him, still holding his hand.

“What’s wrong?’ she asked him.

Jung Hwan looked at her, overwhelmed with his affection for her. Deok Sun looked worried but he smiled to calm her down.

“Nothing,” he answered.

Deok Sun smiled at him. That sunny smile that can always cheer him up, no matter what. God, he’s going to miss her so bad during his six months training. He missed the eighties, when she lived below his house and he can see her everyday. It was almost a decade later and he felt everything had changed.

Deok Sun finally got up to help in the kitchen and he followed her. Soon after his mom made him washing the piling dirty dishes in the kitchen, just like what he always did in high school. He was glad at least this thing never changed.


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On 1/31/2016 at 5:13 AM, b020 said:


“Where did you guys honeymoon?”

“Right there, at the Kim house. We wanted to spend as much time together as possible but I knew he wanted to spend time with his family too.”

But nothing compared to the first honeymoon. They had spent 10 glorious days giddy, in love, and full of family.

I have been thinking what they will do in some of these 10(9)days.

For the 1st day, maybe he wouldn't be able to sleep well cause he will be staring at her the entire night. He fell asleep much later and on the 2nd day, she probably wake up in the noon. After she woke up, she wash up and eat the lunch Miran has prepared for the Kim family. After that she sat right beside him on his/their bed while staring at him and a while later she started to read a manga while waiting for him to wake up. He will probably wake up at 3pm+. When he woke up, she put her manga on her lap while they smile at each other lovingly for a few moments. Right before he left his room to wash up, he hold her hands and they have a quick kiss. After that, she sat on the sofa in the living room watching TV with his Dad while waiting for him. After he finish washing up, he sat right beside her. They hold their hands while she lean her head onto his shoulders. 

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Hello chingus! It's been a while and so sad about members getting banned and the thread getting suspended. Shipping wars at its finest. I tried visiting too the MT to check out but then I feel like it's becoming more of TK-DS shipping thread more than anything else. SMH on their long posts.

The Hyeri interview says it all actually. She herself can't understand how suddenly DS got conflicted about him cancelling their date in 1989 before the time jump. Because it was the first time someone ask her formally for a date and not like Jung Hwan on his tsundere? I think show throw us the double noble idiocy bomb only they didn't know how to detonate it. Yes...it got stuck somewhere around ep. 13 with both of them backing off when I think we should have gotten a proper confession scene way earlier not in 1994 and a JH-DS kissing scene to balance. I mean include the girl in the triangle, confess both to her to let the girl sort out her feelings and invested more in TK-DS moments and not just DS waiting in hours for his match to end then suddenly she's conflicted with Taek. The Tokyo airplane incident of Taek wasn't even put in use for the romance aspect but for the Father and Son moment. That was supposedly a good chance for Deok Sun to show confliction for Taek but then Deok Sun got busy making her moves to Jung Hwan. LOL. I can't believe lot of things have gone into waste and left hanging when they had so much screen time and where in Reply 1997, up to the ending, we got suprising twist, little treats and whiplash that they were able to show within half the running time they had than Reply 1988. Sorry if I'm babbling the same things over again and being butthurt once again. From Reply 1988 then going back finishing Reply 1997 again indeed makes one think about how Reply 1988 could have the sweet ending like Reply 1997 and then you clearly still can't help to be bitter.

I really miss now Reply 1988, the OT5, the neighborhood and the DS-JH moments and would be willing to invest almost 30+ hours to watch the show again but then everytime I think about having to go through the ending again sooner or later (as I'm not a person who leave hanging the dramas I watch and prefer watching a show even a rewatch to finish till the end for closure), I still can't bring myself to. Gah. Maybe one day I'll be ready but not yet now.

Anyway, heard that RJY oppa is back today from Namibia and ticket for his FM got sold out in just 2 minutes, Wow. Lucky who were able to secure tickets and to those who'll be able to go to the OT5 fansigning too. Yes...HR-RJY awesome interactions, please? Wonder how will they interact and will get tease being the fansigning will be their first(?) public event together after the show ended with both of them got busy with their individual scheds and gave interviews and share their sentiments about the ending. Heh.

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On Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 1:19 AM, iloveenglishsubs said:


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Wait, at what scene After Love was played? (That performance of Ha Dong Qyn's is one of my favorite in IS) Also the song Ailee performed? (She's sooo good!)

When did IS have Lee Moonsae special?? I didnt know :blink: Homme also covered Standing in The Shade of Tree. Moon Myungjin's version is more RnB, theirs is orchestra version. It's so good that I shed tears when I first watched it :')




Not sure if someone already answer to this. After Love was played in the scene Bora unni broke up with her boyfriend

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@angeliesa Yeah, the plane crash - where was DS? and JH? I don't remember seeing them.

Oh I also like what you said about the "double noble idiocy bomb [that they didn't] know how to detonate" (quoting @angeliesa That was great and spot on.

(Apologies already to anyone who gets offended by the paragraph below. And also apologies for my very long posts)

Also - you mention that there should have been a kiss between JH and DS? I agree with you. But I also think the writer had enough good sense not to put one in. She would have had to contend with that GIGANTIC pink elephant in the room forever, so to speak. That would have been a HOT scene (fanning myself like Miran :)

And if they still continued on with their storyline that Taek is the husband, they would have had  to make DS look like an unfeeling robot to forget about that hot kiss. JH's lips (RJY) are made for kissing - we all know that. I mean Taek would have had to do something not allowed in kdramas for us to forget about that kiss. Taek's kisses would have looked like friendly pecks compared to the 1 JH and DS kiss.

Yeah, no - that would never have been allowed on R88. And yes - all that buildup between JH and DS - there SHOULD have been a kiss.

I wouldn't worry about the "other" forum - the party is here! And to all of you going to the fan signing event - I envy you all in the best way :) Please share any and every thing here from the event. I would be very grateful.


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12 hours ago, pi2tni4ng said:


I can't forget all the squeeling, the hope, the feelings and the tears that stream down my eyes watching the confenssion scene.

RJY really deliver the scene briliantly. I was livestreaming, ddin't really understand what he was saying but I understand all the meaning through his face expression and his eyes. That was one of the best confession scene ever.



OMG. Yes. That crying scene hit me real hard.

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3 hours ago, carolinedl said:

So nice to be seeing all those photos of RJY again. I also saw some of one of Hyeri's photoshoot (she posted them on Instagram). Now, I want to see photos of the two of them together!!




yup i saw too! instylekorea regram her pic, and when im scrolling down their IG post i found they also repost RJY pic too :,, D



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20 hours ago, fairy_pillow said:

I will wait your share first omma.. is CDs covered with JHxDS more or the other POV? i need buy the CDs whice one have more photos of our POV :w00t: 

pls share asap yah omma... :heart:

in the book all written with hangul huhuhu i cant understand. For photos, we got equal for all casts. will share it tonite! ;)

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