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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Well I hope that R88 will be more like R97 and focus on main OTP in the final episodes *at least 18,19,20* TW did gave up in ep 15 but we already had a lot of cute moments between SW and YJ since reunion. I wish for DS and JH to get together in ep 18

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7 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


how did you know? :w00t: but i more excited for ep 17 though hahahaha!!! thanks


You are on the forums page, on the right side! :) I could see RJY's face, he he!

@chloee34 I posted your music post on the MT, I hope you don't mind. I agree with all the tracks! They chose it well!!!

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I also hope reply 1988 goes the 1997 way.nobody gets chilbonged, and taek's(assuming he is the 2nd lead) story is properly shown like taewoong's. :sweatingbullets: hoping in tomorrow's episode, the triangle will progress !!! I  think there's more angst in store for junghwan tomorrow since he has to date many girls :bawling:

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Guest wizengamot

yeah i'm praying that it'll follow R97 last episodes. though let's not have DS pregnant before marriage hahahahaha!!! 

anyway, i just realized now that tomorrow is life irony part 2 and that so far the preview only showed the triangle. now it makes me thing that what if ep 17 tomorrow would be more about the other characters story (the parents and or the other love lines or characters) other than the triangle. ugh! i don't think i can handle that if that's the case.

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Let's boost our imagination on our couple hehehe

1. At what age will DS and JH get married?

2. Who proposed? and how does the person propose to the other?

3. What is/are the reaction(s) of the one who got proposed to?

4. What will they do right after the proposal got accepted?

5. What will their wedding be like? and who will sing at their wedding?

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I’m curious if R88 will be like R97 and have the last 2 episodes be about the husband/wife or have it be like R94 where they didn’t bring the couple back together until the finale.  I remember in R94, even though Na Jung was constantly with Chilbong, her mind was always with Trash.  It was like no matter how CB tried to keep NJ close to him, NJ’s heart/mind was always somewhere else.  Will this be the same for R1988?  Perhaps we’ll see JH and DS only once in episodes 18 and 19 to make TK realize where DS’s heart lies?

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1 hour ago, tesasonzzz said:

Gosh I'm waaayy too absorbed in this drama that I cant live my life properly eversince I started watching it lol. I mean am I the only one here that has these sudden moments when you were fine the other minute but suddenly gets into fangirling fits after these sudden thoughts of JH-DS being together?? Am I the only one who stalks the IG of the actors/actresses to see if they've updated a photo of them and the fellow casts and also hourly refreshes the tags of "reply1988" and "응답하라1988" to see if there's any new pic updates related to the drama?? Am I the only one who gets all wild after seeing a spoiler pic or bts pic/vid of the cast?? Am the only one who forms stories and ideas for the loveline for uri OTP for the next episodes before it actually airs??  Am I the only one who is literally dying to see the main OTP kiss but is patiently waiting even after 16 episodes has aired ?? Am I the only one who listens to all this drama's OST before going to bed?? Really, AM I THE ONLY ONE?????? I REALLY HOPE NOT. There's more to this but i guess this will be enough for now lol:sweatingbullets:

Anyways, thank you everbody for the warm welcome! *virtually hugs everyone* 
U guys r d BEST:wub::wub:

 Haha we can turn this into "Am I the only one" poem. No YOUR NOT ALONE! sucks to say my life has changed too since I started watching reply 88....let's see confession time haha. Sleepless nights, dreaming about JH, stalking them on IG, always on here, watching and re watching episodes, watching my fav scenes or clips on yt "everyday" yeah pretty much, eating, living, and breathing reply 88/Jh till it ends. 


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Well, that'd be okay if the lovey dovey scenes this week goes to TK-DS but please let JungHwan has his own story line. I want to know everything about himmmm... dont let him brooding in the study room or his room or which ever room he's gonna be in. 

I need my daily dose of JungHwan after two weeks wait....

jjebballll PD nim...

tumblr_nzm0241rdE1uuyj6so2_400.gifcr: kdramastar tumblr

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25 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

You are on the forums page, on the right side! :) I could see RJY's face, he he!

@chloee34 I posted your music post on the MT, I hope you don't mind. I agree with all the tracks! They chose it well!!!


No i don't mind at all, you did well actually ;) because i rarely go to the main thread.... to me this place is my "answer me 1988 "thread in soompi land :D

AHHHH!!! why is today feel so long??...thinking about tomorrow yes we may have a dose of tk/ds scenes but can i ask for at least a happy jungpal i want to see him smile again so badly :wub:


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Guest wizengamot
4 minutes ago, namunamuyeppeo said:

Let's boost our imagination on our couple hehehe

1. At what age will DS and JH get married?

2. Who proposed? and how does the person propose to the other?

3. What is/are the reaction(s) of the one who got proposed to?

4. What will they do right after the proposal got accepted?

5. What will their wedding be like? and who will sing at their wedding?


i'm not really good with this kind of thing so bear with me haha

1. around the age of 25-27 for no particular reason hahaha!!!

2. In R97 SW said that she'd kill YJ if she propose in a grand kdrama way and so he propose there and then. But even though, SW and DS are the main leads in their respective Reply series, i think DS is the kind of girl who likes to be proposed in a special way. And JH is not the kind to actually do grand gestures in public. So i'd really like it if JH would go as far as proposing in public just because hahaha!!! (he needs to mention something like "proposing to the most beautiful girl")

3. DS will make JH repeat the beautiful girl part by pretending she can't hear properly (and they are still in front of many people)

4. DS gonna say yes and JH will die of happiness thus they were not able to marry after all kiss her

5. they aint gonna marry coz JH died A simple wedding with their friends and neighbors. DR will sing at their wedding. or maybe JH, after going through the grand proposal also, asked to have Lee Moon Sae sing at their wedding. 

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Guest wizengamot

@hailaft about what you posted...

so uri Jung Hwannie is gonna make his Top Gun dream come true. no problem with me. especially if he's looking that fine on the jeep car. So maybe, the triangle is gonna be solve before time jump or at least no sad feelings since it seems like the squad will be all on the theater. if DR is there with DS and TK it's fine for me. I think this one's gonna happen like R97. Where the squad was busy with college/work then in R97 they got a reunion because of Yoo Jung's dad funeral. so here they're maybe gonna be doing a reunion on the theater.

could it be the one DS calling on the phone is JH and she ask him to pick her up. plus, if the squad is gonna be in the theater. no TK-DS moments like NJ-CB moments in R94. yeah, bogummy is a kind kid, it's hard for him to curse even when filming and of course, he's not used to lie on that many people so it probably show in his face that TK is not the husband but he can't tell as per order.


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Morning peeps!

I woke up at 6.30am and first thing I do is read this thread. Call me crazy. I've been here for 1.5 hrs backtracking ROFL. And I need to react to a few things to release some spazzing energy ;)

There are people to tag to some of these comments but sorry brain only partially functioning in the morning so apologies...

1. Junghwaned: if JH indeedd doesn't turn out to be the husband, 'Chilbonged' should move out of the way cos Junghwaned imo would represent a bigger disappointment and heartbreak. (Keyword: imo)

2. For the love of Deoksun, I sure as hell hope that we won't be using the monkey-tossing-laptop gif to react to ep17

3. #jungasm. Take my money. Junghwan Byuntae Club membership for me. But the weird thing about me is I'm not byuntae for RJY. I'm byuntae on behalf of DS for JH. Am I making sense? Hahaha! So get me a JBC membership but not a RBC membership! Erm, do I get a discount?

4. I'm 99.9% sure JH is the hubby. I would not provide any additional evidence to support my claim except for the feeeeeeeels I'm getting from DSxJH. The 0.1% is put in there for the writer in case she suddenly goes bonkers and starts developing a beautifully written TKxDS loveline on steroids in the next 4 eps. Or if a freaking rich sponsor pays her money to write TK as husband. You never know.

5. And OMG this loveline is a long term investment. Seriously even my long term mutual funds are doing better than this and the economy is doing crap atm. The rate of return better be good. Writer Lee, be prepared for some table flipping.

6. Ugh. You lucky ppl living in Asia! Getting possible fanmeets and stuff. Why why why did we immigrate here? Hahaha! Now I'm just hoping RJY would visit his cousin. Better chance for a run in.

Even my mom (who gives me crazy eyes when I squeal for the OTP) asked me yesterday if there was a new episode. She said that it feels weird to not have anything to get excited about on tv last week. She watches for the ahjummas and literally has zero(!!!) interest in the main loveline.

Ugh this show is the death of me. I think I need to have my head checked.

Edit: 7. Stalking actors IG account. I do that T.T and the hastags too. And I like lots of their photos. And because I'm a little embarrassed about my kdrama fangirling irl, I try to cover it up by also liking a bunch of food pics in case my friends check up on my activities on IG. I'm a somewhat closet kdrama fangirl T.T

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Hahaha imja you posted 4 times! @wizengamot

I'm with @grcevln, it's okay if SeonTaek have more scenes tomorrow but please, equal screen times for uri JH. 


1. At what age will DS and JH get married?

2. Who proposed? and how does the person propose to the other?

3. What is/are the reaction(s) of the one who got proposed to?

4. What will they do right after the proposal got accepted?

5. What will their wedding be like? and who will sing at their wedding

1. 24, it could also be earlier than that?

2. JH of course. I don't think he will do it romantically, probably just show her the ring box and acting tough like he always does

3. In tears, I can totally imagine Hye-ri's big, happy smile during the proposal

4. DS will hug him first, and they'll kiss like this (not sure who will initiate, Soo yeoi or JH??)


5. Grand wedding. No-eul!! NE will sing at the wedding since they can't afford to pay LMS and because Sung Dong-il appa didn't meet any celebrity randomly this time haha

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Guest wizengamot

if the theater scene is the basis of more TK-DS moments tomorrow, fret not guys. read what @hailaft got on MT. theater scene might include the whole squad or DR. i think they're gonna follow R97 here *praying*

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