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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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@wizengamot @papulichan OMG me too. I haven't even started to watch other dramas. I read Cheese in the Trap and was so excited about the drama, but I had no desire to check it out before Reply 1988 end.

5 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


yes me too. before, i thought it'll be okay because YJ and SW of R97 ignored each other and time jump avoiding each other but i think its more depressing part of them, JH and DS, avoiding each other or no resolution for the triangle before the time jump plus families moving out = MAJOR HEARTBREAK. i can't really T_T 

yes, i see/read hot hot scenes happening on the jeep car and as i've told you, it LITERALLY made me gulp like omg!!! hahahahaha!!! 


Ugh, that's why I want them JH and DS started dating before 1989 end, so the gang will be together forever :P

LOL it was only half a page, but I wrote and rewrote it for hours. If something even close to that really happen in the drama, I can die a happy fan girl


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Guest wizengamot
7 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

I'll be around too. I am working this week, helping with Orientation at my old University. But I took Friday off, as it is going to be a slow day and also because of R1988 ;) Ha ha! So I'll be around and might do recaps in the main thread...

Speaking of which , I am strying to revive it a bit!!


yeah. the main thread is barely moving. but by Friday it'll be filled with people i think.

@fictionista he must be really skyrocketing now. anyway, i sometimes think about their kisses to be PG13 although i never brought it up, but yeah i had that kind of thought for some reason. because SW and YJ already had their kiss on ep 1 or 2 and i think i read that NJ and TR kiss around halfway of the series. But that thought is always overpowered by my optimistic Reply kissing scene views hahaha!!!


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11 minutes ago, fictionista said:


Since most of my post sounds negative, here's a cheerier tidbit about uri Gaejungpal. Towards the middle of November, Ryu Joon Yeol's cousin who lives in Canada tweeted about his rising popularity in Korea and I commented on his tweet (He didn't reply to my comment because it didn't require one and also there was a significant time gap between both tweets). You have to be pretty damn popular in your home country for your distant cousin in Canada (who doesn't seem like much of a Kdrama fan or viewer) to take note of it and even tweet about it. :glasses:



UWAAAA...... Seems like RJY's popularity is skyrocketing throughout the K-drama world and beyond..... I think RJY is one of the best REPLY discoveries....even among all three installments... 

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History seems to be repeating it's self here. I remember Jeong and Chilbong also going to the movies and getting no Oppa-ya for a while so I was just like "I wish I could fast forward you (I mean I could since I was watching online but not the point) and where is my oppa, writers stop playing with me". I think I'm going to feel the same way these last few episodes. I hope they show a lot of the Taek and Deok Sun scenes all happen in one episode so that we can move on to the cute, fluffy and fun scenes involving Deok Sun and Junghwan. I'm starting to think...What if they never even kiss!!! I legit would breakdown and cry if that happens.

Ugh, not reading spoilers is worse than reading spoilers because you guys drop things here and there and I'm so lost in all and them I let my imagination run wild and.....CAN WE PLEASE JUST HAVE THE FINAL 4 EPISODES NOW PLEASE AND THANK YOU! I swear the last stretch of the run is always the worst for me because even though I know, the end is when I allow myself to doubt a lot and get all negative Nancy. I know but I don't really know do I? Junghwan may never smile again. Perhaps Taek did get into an accident. Woke up with no memories of who he was. Saw Junghwan, liked what he saw, and decided to adopt his persona and personality which is why future KJH is Taek. Then future Junghwan is like...like...some scientist in Antarctica studying the melting ice caps. Every once in a while he still takes out his wallet and looks at the picture of '89(?) concert and has pangs of regrets of what could have been, if onlys...he's like a depressed none smiling man who talks to the penguins, and hasn't really spoken to the squad (cell phone reception suck in the artic) since their last hurrah at their old high school.

These wild thoughts are what is running through my head right now and I just need to watch episode 17 because I know no matter what comes out of that, it will clear my vision again...when did I switch positions with some of you LOL. You guys are all happy, spazzy, pervy, and I'm here going all Toni Braxton unbreak my heart....

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25 minutes ago, Vannyah M said:


I loved how they met again unexpectedly and in elevator and not on plane. Emotions were on point i could feel every single one, sadness, anger, love. Its very realistic that gang separated and everyone went their on ways, that actually happens irl. And damn that last part I was like




15 minutes ago, ihate0ni0ns said:

@hailaft I'm gasping for some air reading your fanfic. Literally need some fresh air because I felt like the temperature in my room suddenly rising. Totally could imagine their 1st kiss now chingu-ya. I'm convinced XD 

Thank you so much for sharing it with us, pour souls that thirst for some "action" between them XD, It's so beautifully written :wub:

*shooting finger hearts to you* <3


Thank you, you guys :wub: Yeah, for years, I avoided a guy who used to by my friends after we broke up so I know how it feels. I experienced all that first hand, so I guess I wrote my own story LOL :phew: That last scene isn't really realistic though. That's just my thirst talking.


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Guest wizengamot

getting too deep into this series made me fail any 2016 goals or resolutions lol. i'm not and my life is not functioning quite normally ever since this series. And i think it'll be only after this series when i could actually feel that indeed it's a new year, new life, new me (?) hahahaha!!! like when i say exercise in the morning, i thought who has time for that i'm gonna rewatch episode or spazz at soompi meh -_-


i'll be off now guys, everyone here is sleeping (the people in my house) and my mom is supposed to wake me up 3 hours from now. and i need to be asleep first in order for her to wake me up. so yeah good luck to me and my 3 hours of sleep hahahaha!!!



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@sheza hahaha same same I do it sometimes too!! Ayeeee nothing to be sorry about~~~

@MrsSoJiSub thank you!!! Hehehe :D 

@wizengamot HAHAHA thank you for pulling me back. So touched /wipes tears/ I feel welcomed :w00t:

@mojobobo yes I need DS senpai to dance and pull me back

@Kelly86 Thank you!!!! glad you found me funny huehuehue :P


THANKS FOR THE WELCOME GUYS I don't feel so awkward now and i'm not floating away anymore. But i'm really floating away now---- to sleep. It's 3am KST omg

and boy does this thread move really fast or what?!! :joy:

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2 hours ago, lalilaa said:

Hi All, first time to post here also. I usually go to the MT, TK-DS thread, and this thread everyday. But now everyone rarely post on MT and it's getting way more and MORE hard for me to accepting the idea on TK-DS thread, so i usually just camp here reading on every single post (plus laughing very hard sometimes -thanks to you all).

Actually i'm okay even TK is the husband, because i also adore his character so much. I also feels so sad seeing him conflicted knowing JH likes DS. But i don't think he is the one.

I can't deeply analze every single scene and just simply intepret the 16 episodes as it shown to me, and until now i still think JH is the husband.

Anyway, I'll continue lurking here. Thanks for all great posts that keeps me happyly waiting for ep 17 :blush: you dont know how your posts give such a pleasure to a silent lurker like me.

Welcome! And yea come and join us! I also love taeki but I I love JH more and believe he is the husband, I'm just hoping they will justify the r1988 characters don't mess it up please. 

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Guest wizengamot
28 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

MT ;)

Sorry I could not help myself. Again, criticism against being biased... wait just criticism against JH/DS bias...


oh i see.


remember what @Nurul Choerunnisa said yesterday about that person. she said that this person is going to post again on the main thread so let's keep calm. if we're gonna rant come here. keep your cool guys. Nurul said that her friend recommended her another kdrama and when she come to that kdrama thread, she also saw that girl and her long post. so point is she really likes going around doing that!!! KEEP CALM GUYS!!! also tituyphing saw her with her long post in different dramas around 2014-2015 so yeah. 

but if you can't really contain feels. go ahead. we'll still be here and the thread!!! :D


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@papulichan I think RJY is the best discovery out of the three Reply dramas as well. I couldn't really root for Oppa in 1994 because something about those opening 2 episodes were too icky for my tastes. Na Jeong took off Oppa's clothes while he was sleeping for god's sake. Euuuuuugh. That was so cringe-worthy and my mind kept screaming 'incest incest' even after it was revealed that they weren't blood-related.

@hailaft Chingu, your fanfic is outstanding as always. That scene is so hot.



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Guest nchoerunnisa

Welcome to this thread @sheza

I love your post. I keep nodding while reading it. LOL to verbal diarrhea :D

Another case that I always find with some TK shippers they'll always take TK's interesting character development as a hint that he is the husband. Every times someone says that JH is the husband they'll take it as ignorance to TK's character development.

But the question is: Is TK's character development equal to TK being the husband?

We all agree that TK's character development is such a brilliant craftsmanship of the writernim. It's kinda funny when I try to remember the way I saw TK for the first time and the way I see him now. It's changed a lot really. I barely noticed him at earlier episodes and now I'm a fan of him. I even start imagining that someday TK will have his own series which will tell a story about his journey in his baduk career. That would be epic! You know, like Hikaru no Go only it will be so much quieter :D.

However, no matter how much his character has been developed... It doesn't feel like it has much to do with DS. His character development is felt like his separate own story. His interaction with Papa Bear, the teacher and journalists, the scene when he asked a favor to help Kim Sajang, etc sure are great... but do they bring him any closer to DS's heart?

Even the ones that were related to DS didn't seem affecting DS that much. China scene had a huge potential to change the way DS sees TK. She saw a completely different side of TK there. But the moment she took a picture with TK in a casual way I knew that this girl will never see him as a man. In her eyes, TK is still TK that she always knows... the absent-minded TK who couldn't even recognize his own sweater. Well, compare it when she took a picture with JH, she looked... I don't know... nervous... flustered?

Or compare the volley ball scene and umbrella scene. Both are heart-fluttering moments. But at the volley ball scene DS wasn't even flustered... she said "oooh so you're a man too" but then right away told TK to take off his shoes if he considers himself as a man. At umbrella scene, she needed such a very long time to recover from JH's action. Even after JH went back to his house first, she just stood there like a statue :wub: (or am I just imagining things here?). And that had happened before DS's friends told her that JH likes her.

When they said JH's character has been underdeveloped lately and his life only revolves around DS, they didn't realize that they were actually pinpointing to a sign showing JH is actually the husband. PD niim and writerniim have been investing a lot of time and effort for JH-DS relationship development that I see they haven't done much so far with TK-DS relationship. They even had given us a hint that DS's house would need renovation since episode... I forget... 2? 3?... only to create a situation that would make "the JH-DS bed scene" in episode 11 possible.

So many people take the obviousness of result of the husband hunting, which are pinpointing to JH, as a possible troll from PD nimm and Writernimm. But even there are clues being involved here... in the end this is just story about romance... not mystery or thriller. If they're waiting for any shocking twist... they're watching the wrong show. Even if there will be any twist, it'll be so obvious... Like SW's case. Come on who didn't realize that he doesn't like DS and likes someone else instead in episode 3/4?

OK I need to stop myself before my post is getting longer and longer and I bored you guys to death.


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6 minutes ago, Nurul Choerunnisa said:

Welcome to this thread @sheza

I love your post. I keep nodding while reading it. LOL to verbal diarrhea :D

Another case that I always find with some TK shippers they'll always take TK's interesting character development as a hint that he is the husband. Every times someone says that JH is the husband they'll take it as ignorance to TK's character development.

But the question is: Is TK's character development equal to TK being the husband?

We all agree that TK's character development is such a brilliant craftsmanship of the writernim. It's kinda funny when I try to remember the way I saw TK for the first time and the way I see him now. It's changed a lot really. I barely noticed him at earlier episodes and now I'm a fan of him. I even start imagining that someday TK will have his own series which will tell a story about his journey in his baduk career. That would be epic! You know, like Hikaru no Go only it will be so much quieter :D.

However, no matter how much his character has been developed... It doesn't feel like it has much to do with DS. His character development is felt like his separate own story. His interaction with Papa Bear, the teacher and journalists, the scene when he asked a favor to help Kim Sajang, etc sure are great... but do they bring him any closer to DS's heart?

Even the ones that were related to DS didn't seem affecting DS that much. China scene had a huge potential to change the way DS sees TK. She saw a completely different side of TK there. But the moment she took a picture with TK in a casual way I knew that this girl will never see him as a man. In her eyes, TK is still TK that she always knows... the absent-minded TK who couldn't even recognize his own sweater. Well, compare it when she took a picture with JH, she looked... I don't know... nervous... flustered?

Or compare the volley ball scene and umbrella scene. Both are heart-fluttering moments. But at the volley ball scene DS wasn't even flustered... she said "oooh so you're a man too" but then right away told TK to take off his shoes if he considers himself as a man. At umbrella scene, she needed such a very long time to recover from JH's action. Even after JH went back to his house first, she just stood there like a statue :wub: (or am I just imagining things here?). And that had happened before DS's friends told her that JH likes her.

When they said JH's character has been underdeveloped lately and his life is only revolves around DS, they didn't realize that they were actually pinpointing to a sign showing JH is actually the husband. PD niim and writerniim have been investing a lot of time and effort for JH-DS relationship development that I see they haven't done much so far with TK-DS relationship. They even had given us a hint that DS's house would need renovation since episode... I forget... 2? 3?... only to create a situation that would make "the JH-DS bed scene" in episode 11 possible.

So many people take the obviousness of result of the husband hunting, which are pinpointing to JH, as a possible troll from PD nimm and Writernimm. But even there are clues being involved here... in the end this is just story about romance... not mystery or thriller. If they're waiting for any shocking twist... they're watching the wrong show. Even if there will be any twist, it'll be so obvious... Like SW's case. Come on who didn't realize that he doesn't like DS and likes someone else instead in episode 3/4?

OK I need to stop myself before my post is getting longer and longer and I bored you guys to death.



I so love your post. Every last word of it. *claps ecstatically*

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Guest wizengamot
6 minutes ago, shunklunk said:

meh, guys do you guys have any yawn gifs like, right now. lol



i was yawning when i was looking for these gifs hahaha

also what i've noticed in her last long post before this one today is that she really mentions about the shippers who look into her profile (that's why despite my habit on checking on people's profile, i did not go to hers) saying i see you guys checking my profile or following me around. Wow! hahaha


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