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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Maybe I am too biased   ( lol) .....but I believe the chocolate was meant for JH.

JiJoo ( how cute is this girl ) was sitting  on top of JH bag but DS could see one corner of his bag so she thought the bag where she putted the chocolate was JH.

Bora knew that DS gave a chocolate to the boy she likes otherwise as other posters said she would not moved on with SW if she knew her sister likes him.

Thus SW is definitely out from the husband hunting

Taek is  out of question to be the receiver of the chocolate because he did not go to school and he had no school bag in the first place to begin with.

How can adult DS say to Taek ( let s say he is the husband) that she gave the chocolate to him when it s very clear he never was a student with a backbag.

We have two more candidates then who according the chocolate incident could be the future husband.

JungHwan uri boy and Dong -Ryong/.

Dong -Ryong 's bag was white ( only white bag) and was directly on front of her .if she wanted she could just put the choco there.

Future husband throws the phrase he is going for a smoke to confuse us.

Anw, you can start that bad habit in any age and I do believe SW lied to his mom when he said JH is not smoking. He said it in a defensive way. 

it s a human behavior to get defensive or more aggressive when we want to hide something.

Like at the end of episode 2 when ONLY JH gets kind of annoyed  with his friends when they said DS lately got prettier.

Another indication that he had feelings for her before the alley scene .

therefore he proves that his feelings are much deeper than lust .

But some will see what they want to see and the way that is more convenient to them.

chingus sorry, I should wrote that post 200 pages earlier but I told you my busy schedule does not allow me to follow the thread every day.




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Good morning from my part of the world!

I'm happy that we're starting the week with great mood (so much optimisim regarding the chocolate theory!). I do agree with @kiklaminHo. Awesome observation and deduction of the scenes, bravo!

I've been missing @alleverything countdown, and there we have it :wub:  not a long way to go to episode 17 guys and girls!!! 

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Guest nchoerunnisa

@MrsSoJiSubAnd don't forget when JH asked TK to teach him how to solve Rubik's Cube because he wanted to be able to teach JB :wub:. That was really unexpected for me. I thought he just tolerated JB when he's helping JB with stopwatch. You know... like MR Omma who's actually really frustrated seeing JB being obsessed with his weird hobbies but never tried to stop him either and give him money whenever he asks. But no... JH is not just tolerating JB. He cares about JB's hobbies. It's important thing for JB so JH considers it as important thing too.

Actually, I have no problem when some people don't like JH. Well, I like JH. I think he's such a great character. I got you guys here who like him like I do. That's enough for me.

I understand that sometimes we just value things differently. Things that I find appealing, like-able, heart fluttering, awesome probably wouldn't appear so for other people. I have my own moment with BR. Her rude behavior towards her parent just didn't seem right for me. I felt like I wouldn't ever be able to like her wholeheartedly before she fixed her attitude towards her parents. And I needed to see it with my own eyes, not only just assumed it. No matter how much her fans tried to defend her and reason her action... It just didn't reach me. Well I grew up in a such a conservative environment where I was taught to respect and treat our parents nicely. Being parents is not easy and we have to be grateful to our parents for loving and raising us well. So seeing her raised her voice and yelled "Are you crazy?" to her parents was something I watched in horror though it's still tolerable and understandable for other people.

However, I do have problem when people judge any characters with double standards.

For example, I remember exactly there were some people who criticized JH for backing off after TK's confession. They said that his uncertainty is not fair for DS, is not fair for TK, and is not even fair for JH himself. At that time, I wasn't even mad. I thought these dudes have some point (though I didn't agree with them) and it's their opinion anyway. But then a few episodes later TK did the exact same thing for JH. And they said "I'm so proud of TK". What???!!! It's so funny because I have the same exact reaction for both guys.

"The DS's gift discussion" didn't make any sense to me at all. I mean, what makes DS's method to buy pink shirt for JH and TK's method to buy pink gloves for Papa Bear different? Oh that mean she's not sincere, she doesn't know JH well. Then what about TK? No one accused him for not being sincere or not knowing his father well. I know... their point was: DS doesn't like JH. Well I don't have problem if they see it that way, but try to find a better prove honey... because this one is so ridiculous.

The most recent one... Some people accuse JH for being so slow... too embarrassed and prideful to confess... But then they insist that TK is the first and longest one who likes DS and JH has just liked DS recently after the alley scene. OK I'm confused here. Let's say that we all agree to that theory. But doesn't it mean that TK is the slower one here? What took him so long to confess? At least JH showed his affection to DS right away after he realized he likes DS. See the timeline! He tried to get close to DS just in a couple weeks. Well, the bus scenes, the umbrella scene, the christmas present scene, the asking for a movie date scene, the almost asking to go to LMS's concert scene, the McD scene, the stalking scene are all happened in a very short period times. Then what makes people say that JH is so slow? If JH had not stopped to get close to DS, I wouldn't even surprise to see JH has already confessed to DS now... seeing how fast his progress was before he stopped. I'm not saying TK is the one to be blame here. Oh I love TK. And It makes my heart ache whenever anyone misunderstood him. Because I always know that TK is as nice as JH. But come on... If they could tolerate TK for needing so much time to gather his courage and not accuse him for being way too embarrassed to confess... why they couldn't do the same for JH? Why JH is treated differently here?

I'm really having a hard time following those people logic. *sigh*

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How fast this thread moves, i just leave for sleep an then must read 3 or 4 page.. 

@Howlongwillthisfandomlast wow.....that picture parallels gives me goosebumps in this early morning...i love it...how beautiful they editing those scenes to be this parallelism.

2 hours ago, ihate0ni0ns said:

Have you guys seen full bts? I swear my mind just keep playing some tricks on me.

PBG is wearing RED hat with letter 'T' on it??

Hyeri is using YELLOW pencil??

There is a GREEN bottle near RJY?? And is he using YELLOW pen/highlighter?? XD

Someone please help me to stop noticing this red-yellow-green things....

ps: are uri couple wearing couple shirts? :wub: 

(okay, gotta stop being delulu...nope... I don't think I can...:sweatingbullets:)

wah wah wah....never notice it. i just notice PBG red hat when see that BTS episode, and i thought ah you are red bogum ssi? i never notice that green bottle and yellow pencil, Hahahahahahahahaha. (failed to notice it but fortunately so i dont get too delulu) but your post awakening my delulu side..arggggghhhhhhh....

1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Seriously I couldn't resist how good RJY looks in that pictorial plus he's such a good actor and seems like a chill person I'ld like to hangout with (and his squad. Especially my Byun Jo Han -who will bring Yoo Ah In who will bring Song Joong Ki lol- and Ji Soo and our very own Dong Ryeong).

yeah...RJY looks so good in that pictorial. I love all his pictures there. For me, its hard to stand a certain actor, but him...RJY successful to makes me awe in his 1st project that i watch. Usually i need to see 2 or 3 project to stand on one actor (YYS, i watch many of his project before reply 94 but reply 94 that makes me stand on him, PSJ i watch KMHM but i dont stand him there, but in SWP he makes me cant help to standing him, and RJY i fall for him for the 1st time i see him in this project..its a rare case for me). and his amazing squad that id like to hangout too.. Jisoo (ah you steal this noona heart ji soo yaaaa), byun yo han (gosssssshhhhh, he is so hot...i scream loudly every time see BYH with his sword in SFD.) my heart torn between this two same-age friend RJY and BYH. both of them debut in late age but they are so awesome and have a great acting skills. LOL i forget byun yo han can bring yoo ah in who can bring song joong ki (yoo ah in and song joongki....best male-male couple ever...hahahahahaha.i never forget their expression when get that couple award..hahahahahha), and never forget about dong ryeong  too in his squad (plus suho that will bring his kyu line too..ah my other kpop obsession meet my drama obsession)

ps: how great some of you can comment by phone. For me its uncomfortable because i usually use my laptop to comment. so i can easily delete unwanted spoiler easily with that delete button. if i use my phone, it will take 2 times longer (and makes myself almost explode because think too hard) to just makes one short comment..hahahahahahaha.(LOL my brain really dont want to think hard and my experience tell me its better to write via PC). i just use my phone to read the comment when i am away from my laptop or PC.

@alleverything finally....just need to wait 4 more days......

(exicted, worry, anxious, curious....ahhh can i get the preview?will i get it tomorrow?huhuhuhu..okay, i'm wrong when said i prefer they dont give me any preview because it will be troll preview again and again, but i really need that preview now..........why i miss being trolled by that short preview?huhuhuhuhu)

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4 hours ago, carolinedl said:

Super complicated... For me, when I put my mouse on the box, a little square with 4 arrows appear on the upper corner on the left. I press on it and press delete on my keyboard and it disappears. Doesn't it also appear for you all?


I do the same with you .But i think it s a new feature of soompi or I discovered it now.


@Nurul Choerunnisa

I agree with your post and especially the Bora part.

I can not stand violence and I give no excuse to a 19 y -20 y girl behaving in this way to her sister /parents.

As a mom I can not understand how the parents can play favorites among their kids.

Giving the fried egg to Bora /Noeul ?

I can not imagine myself to do that to my kids.

If I have one piece of chocolate nobody will have chocolate until we ll have enough pieces of chocolate for all kids to have equally.

And that scene with the carbon monoxide leak ....

I am so sad every time I am thinking of this scene when parents saved Bora/Noeul but forgot DS.

They thought about her After....can you imagine ? After they went out they remember they are 5 members in the family.

So sad the moment you realize you are being left out from your own parents.




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7 minutes ago, Nurul Choerunnisa said:

@MrsSoJiSubAnd don't forget when JH asked TK to teach him how to solve Rubik's Cube because he wanted to be able to teach JB :wub:. That was really unexpected for me. I thought he just tolerated JB when he's helping JB with stopwatch. You know... like MR Omma who's actually really frustrated seeing JB being obsessed with his weird hobbies but never tried to stop him either and give him money whenever he asks. But no... JH is not just tolerating JB. He cares about JB's hobbies. It's important thing for JB so JH considers it as important thing too.

Actually, I have no problem when some people don't like JH. Well, I like JH. I think he's such a great character. I got you guys here who like him like I do. That's enough for me.

I understand that sometimes we just value things differently. Things that I find appealing, like-able, heart fluttering, awesome probably wouldn't appear so for other people. I have my own moment with BR. I felt like I wouldn't ever be able to like her wholeheartedly before she fixed her attitude towards her parents. And I needed to see it with my own eyes, not only just assumed it. No matter how much her fans tried to defend her and reason her action... It just didn't reach me. Well I grown up in a such a conservative environment where I was taught to respect and treat our parents nicely. Being parents is not easy and we have to be grateful to our parents for loving and raising us well. So seeing her raised her voice and yelled "Are you crazy?" to her parents was something I watched in horror though it's still tolerable and understandable for other people.

However, I do have problem when people judge any characters with double standards.

For example, I remember exactly there were some people who criticized JH for backing off after TK's confession. They said that his uncertainty is not fair for DS, is not fair for TK, and is not even fair for JH himself. At that time, I wasn't even mad. I thought this dude has some point (though I don't agree with them) and it's their opinion anyway. But then a few episodes later TK did the exact same thing for JH. And they said "I'm so proud of TK". What???!!! It's so funny because I have the same exact reaction for both guys.

"The DS's gift discussion" didn't make any sense to me at all. I mean, what makes DS's method to buy pink shirt for JH and TK's method to buy pink gloves for Papa Bear different? Oh that's mean she's not sincere, she doesn't know JH well. Then what about TK? No one accused him for not being sincere or not knowing his father well. I know... their point was: DS doesn't like JH. Well I don't have problem if they see it that way, but try to find a better prove honey... because this one is so ridiculous.

The most recent one... Some people accuse JH for being so slow... too embarrassed and prideful to confessed... But then they insists that TK is the first and longest one who likes DS and JH has just liked DS recently after the alley scene. OK I'm confused here. Let's say that we all agree to that theory. But doesn't it mean that TK is the slower one here? What took him so long to confess? At least JH shows his affection to DS right away after he realized he likes DS. See the timeline! He tried to get close to DS just in a couple weeks. Well, the bus scenes, the umbrella scene, the asking for a movie date scene, the almost asking to LMS's concert scene, the stalking scene are all happened in a very short period times. Then what makes people say that JH is so slow? If JH had not stopped to get close to DS, I wouldn't even surprise to see JH has already confessed to DS now... seeing how fast his progress was before he stopped. I'm not saying TK is the one to be blame here. Oh I love TK. And It makes my heart ache whenever anyone misunderstood him. Because I always know that TK is as nice as JH. But come on... If they could tolerate TK for needing so much time to gather his courage and don't accuse him for being way too embarrassed to confess... why they. couldn't do the same for JH? Why JH is treated differently here?

I'm really having a hard time following those people logic. *sigh*

About BR i kinda agree with you, i hate her rude behavior towards her parent and didnt seems right for me (NEVER). and her yell 'are you crazy' to her parents was too much and i cant and never forgive it. That line and yell isnt something that a daughter did to her parents, no matter how bad her parents.

i am nodding at every words at your comment. Ialso having a hard time following those people logic. I tried it many time to can follow their logic. forget about my biased mind, forget about how i love JH, i wanna see how can they have these kind of things when see a certain scenes. But yeah, i failed i failed. I dont even expect that TK will be the real contender. That drink milk scene in ep 2 doesnt even makes me think that TK like DS from before. i thought TK story will be like his journey to become more human that can stand in his own feet and did everything on his own, but yeah now the writer makes he is as contender. Seriously, i will fine TK being a husband if after ep 10 the drama give his development to makes DS see him as a man, so it will be fair to JH action too at earlier episode, but they dont give it (okay they give it but its still not enough to me).

Yeah, its funny to me too when read about backing off things. How different reaction when this two boys did the exact same thing. I even mad at JH when he is backing off, but its really fit his character (though i now it will hurt DS more and hurt himself too,but really he cant help but do it). I mad at TK too why he must backing off too? but yeah, it still fit his character too, same with JH, he will think friendship before love too. and about the gift problem, waenyol waenyol. i dont even think that some people have that kind of things about a simple gift. like must we think about choosing gift with the help from other people means we didnt know him well or didnt have sincere when give that gift? i am speechless when read that comment, how can we measure a people sincere just by a gift? like this gift more sincere because i choose myself and this not sincere because i choose it with my friends help.Gift is still a gift, there will be a sincere heart from people who gave it to people who receive it no matter what method this gift was chosen.

i always laugh at myself whenever i remember read that long long post on main thread. I got trolled for many times by that kind of posts. when i see that post and in the beginning said she said that she is not JH-ds shippers or TK-DS shippers, i got exicted to see a neutral perspective from her posts, but it turn out that how her post more like TK-DS shippers, i regret read it and yeah i got trolled too. And i did the same thing again, got trolled when read someone that ship with scriptwriter or ah i forgot what she ship on her post. Like wah she got to see that i cant see when watching this drama, but then the more i read it, it turns out to be too over analyzing and my head got hurt too by reading it (and ofc her tone is every one problem too). and camera angle analysis, it will be a great analysis if she did the same analysis with JH too. but yeah it just another post from other shippers. I love to read that analyzing long posts but i just regret to think too much over that kind of posts. I must read again and again to understand what she means and it took longer time to read but in the end, she turns out write something that i dislike and this is that what i regret when read that posts.


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@kiklaminHo you may be right about the chocolate thing. Perform tvN's official clips they do the Ghana (my country :)) chocolate show of Deok Sun putting the chocolate in the bag. Now I always assumed that bag was Sunwoo's but upon closer look it looks like the edge of a bag poking out and sitting on top of Sunwoo's bag a bit. They are the same color and such so I can't tell if it's one bag looking folded or I'd it's a bag on top of a bag. Or maybe you out that in my head and now I'm seeing what you want me to see (inception :mellow:). Someone go play an official '88 clip and pay attention to the bag the chocolate is on and let us know pls....

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19 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@kiklaminHo you may be right about the chocolate thing. Perform tvN's official clips they do the Ghana (my country :)) chocolate show of Deok Sun putting the chocolate in the bag. Now I always assumed that bag was Sunwoo's but upon closer look it looks like the edge of a bag poking out and sitting on top of Sunwoo's bag a bit. They are the same color and such so I can't tell if it's one bag looking folded or I'd it's a bag on top of a bag. Or maybe you out that in my head and now I'm seeing what you want me to see (inception :mellow:). Someone go play an official '88 clip and pay attention to the bag the chocolate is on and let us know pls....


hahaha we need that right?

on top of SW bag is a jacket ( probably his ). It covers the bag and it s easier to mix  up the bags.





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Hello hi...

This is my first post here. I used to be a silent reader, But i have question so im trying to join the discussion

For the secret santa part, junghwan was deokseon's secret santa, JH>TK, and TK>DS.

Let's say the pink shirt that DS gave to JH was her birthday as well as santa gift for him. Taek gave pink glove to DS. So i wonder what was JH gift for Taek?

Im on team junghwan. But im afraid if jungwan does something stupid, by giving up DS for his friend...

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10 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

But the thing is Junghwan isn't even the typical hero we get in dramas. Junghwan is actually nice and treats Deok Sun well. He could be the typical nice second lead we see in dramas. The one thing I've always loved about the reply series is that for all the heroes shortcomings (and Junghwan like any well written character has his) they are nice, decent, good guys, who love and respect our heroine from the get go. What I mean is they are not grabbing wrist, planning rape heist, treating her like dirt, or constantly invading her work, family, and general life. There is a huge difference between being a 'Darcy' male lead and being the 'not another teen movie frat boy a-hole that for some reason unknown to me, the girl's love "changes him" and they are together. 

Junghwan has not been changed into a "nice guy" by liking/falling in love with Deok Sun. He was always this good boy we continue to see. If you paid attention to his interactions with friends, family, and even Deok Sun, he's always been good and caring. He's never treated Deok Sun like s**t (playful friends stuff of pranking her by knocking her in the butt or not telling her she's pretty -he's never actually called her ugly, ugly or said something of the such to her face- doesn't count) and in fact he treats her the same as always (he's always noticed her coming and leaving a room and commented on it. He's always enjoyed and laughed at her dancing, etc) He's simply more attentive to her and showing her the softer, caring qualities of a boyfriend. Showing that he is capable of being more than a friend to her (and a good one at that). So no, he's not a tsundere imho (Deok Sun's "special snowflake love" hasn't turned him from the devil to her devoted Angel on earth) nor is he the typical "really I want to kick your richard simmons" bully of a male lead we get (I will never understand the love of Lee Min Ho in Boys Over Flowers, Hyun Bin in Secret Garden, or any of the It Started With A Kiss love. I loath those male leads and that trope with a burning. Too much a-hole, degrading the woman they will come to love for me to tolerate). Junghwan, Trash Oppa, and Yoonjae were nice to our heroine, to friends, to family, respectful towards strangers, good students, etc. I had/have no need to fall for the typically much more decent second male lead because they were even better. 

So the whole "So and so characters are actually nice" implying more deserving and that Junghwan is not nice, are invalid imho. All the boys are nice and deserving. However not all of them share the mutual feelings of attraction and growing like/love of wanting more than friendship with one another that Deok Sun and Junghwan share. So in summary: I love Junghwan and if others can't see and appreciate him, MORE FOR ME :) 

 this this this ! I love how you described junghwan's character. I too never really considered Junghwan as a tsundere-male lead, you explain things really well chingu :)


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57 minutes ago, dienummereins said:

so guys are you happen to know if there any recap of yesterday's BTS with eng subs? I already watch the raw and laugh like crazy but it'll be complete to watch it with english subs hehe.. sorry if I sound too demanding >,<

 I think eyesonryu on Youtube is gonna upload the eng subbed version soon. There is a mention of it on their latest upload (just mins ago) :) yay!

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2 hours ago, airasara said:

Hello hi...

This is my first post here. I used to be a silent reader, But i have question so im trying to join the discussion

For the secret santa part, junghwan was deokseon's secret santa, JH>TK, and TK>DS.

Let's say the pink shirt that DS gave to JH was her birthday as well as santa gift for him. Taek gave pink glove to DS. So i wonder what was JH gift for Taek?

Im on team junghwan. But im afraid if jungwan does something stupid, by giving up DS for his friend...

anneyong chingu,

about your question did JH give any gift to TK,i don't think JH give anything to him because he knows TK was to busy with baduk competition and in a same time i think JH don't really interested to playing the secret santa games.

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Uri chingudeul... WE MADE IT !!...a week without the Reply episode airing... How good are we ?? Hahahha..... Besides the obvious JH-DS endgame... when Kim appa and omma comes to meet uri couple (2015) aigoooooo...what I really...oh so really want to see  is adult DS (LMY) and Kim Sajang greeting each other with their  "greeting gag" ,....rmLemI.gif   :lol::lol:

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13 hours ago, wizengamot said:

lol it makes me laugh when they say we're so sure of JH being the husband that they don't know what will happen to us when it turns out that he is not. then goes to say that unlike us, they're open to the idea that TK might not be the husband. lol they make it appear as if it is being open-minded when in fact the reason is because they could also feel and discern that JH could be the husband, they just want it to be TK. Unfortunately for us, we could see it coming so why would we doubt?


Obviously we're gonna fly to South Korea and cause a riot. We're the aggressive ones after all :P


11 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

But the thing is Junghwan isn't even the typical hero we get in dramas. Junghwan is actually nice and treats Deok Sun well. He could be the typical nice second lead we see in dramas. The one thing I've always loved about the reply series is that for all the heroes shortcomings (and Junghwan like any well written character has his) they are nice, decent, good guys, who love and respect our heroine from the get go. What I mean is they are not grabbing wrist, planning rape heist, treating her like dirt, or constantly invading her work, family, and general life. There is a huge difference between being a 'Darcy' male lead and being the 'not another teen movie frat boy a-hole that for some reason unknown to me, the girl's love "changes him" and they are together. 

Junghwan has not been changed into a "nice guy" by liking/falling in love with Deok Sun. He was always this good boy we continue to see. If you paid attention to his interactions with friends, family, and even Deok Sun, he's always been good and caring. He's never treated Deok Sun like s**t (playful friends stuff of pranking her by knocking her in the butt or not telling her she's pretty -he's never actually called her ugly, ugly or said something of the such to her face- doesn't count) and in fact he treats her the same as always (he's always noticed her coming and leaving a room and commented on it. He's always enjoyed and laughed at her dancing, etc) He's simply more attentive to her and showing her the softer, caring qualities of a boyfriend. Showing that he is capable of being more than a friend to her (and a good one at that). So no, he's not a tsundere imho (Deok Sun's "special snowflake love" hasn't turned him from the devil to her devoted Angel on earth) nor is he the typical "really I want to kick your richard simmons" bully of a male lead we get (I will never understand the love of Lee Min Ho in Boys Over Flowers, Hyun Bin in Secret Garden, or any of the It Started With A Kiss love. I loath those male leads and that trope with a burning. Too much a-hole, degrading the woman they will come to love for me to tolerate). Junghwan, Trash Oppa, and Yoonjae were nice to our heroine, to friends, to family, respectful towards strangers, good students, etc. I had/have no need to fall for the typically much more decent second male lead because they were even better. 

So the whole "So and so characters are actually nice" implying more deserving and that Junghwan is not nice, are invalid imho. All the boys are nice and deserving. However not all of them share the mutual feelings of attraction and growing like/love of wanting more than friendship with one another that Deok Sun and Junghwan share. So in summary: I love Junghwan and if others can't see and appreciate him, MORE FOR ME :) 


Agree that JH is far from being typical, but I still consider his character a bit of a tsundere in a way that he's tsun tsun - cold (not rude) on the outside towards people (ignoring his parents, refusing to admit that DS is pretty) but a complete dere dere - marshmallow on the inside. Now his relationship with JB is just another level, he's so blatantly adoring his hyung it's cute. Of course, he is a much more layered character than just a tsundere (as expected from any characters from Reply series) but I was just saying there's nothing wrong with him being cliche character, people still gonna love him anyway (this is to argue the people that say he's too cliche to be main character like it's a bad thing. I seriously don't understand that kind of logic). 

Personally, I don't consider those male leads you mentioned as tsundere, most of them are plain bullies who lacks social skills but get away with it because of their looks and wealth *facepalm*. I never understand the love for this type of characters, either. 

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43 minutes ago, papulichan said:

Uri chingudeul... WE MADE IT !!...a week without the Reply episode airing... How good are we ?? Hahahha..... Besides the obvious JH-DS endgame... when Kim appa and omma comes to meet uri couple (2015) aigoooooo...what I really...oh so really want to see  is adult DS (LMY) and Kim Sajang greeting each other with their  "greeting gag" ,....rmLemI.gif   :lol::lol:

Hiii! yes we did it!!! hahaha omg that would be one of the best ways to reveal the husband lol. 

By the way, may I know which episode the gif is from? hehehe

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11 minutes ago, namunamuyeppeo said:

Hiii! yes we did it!!! hahaha omg that would be one of the best ways to reveal the husband lol. 

By the way, may I know which episode the gif is from? hehehe


Hiya, chinguya.... the gag gif is from episode #2 - when they all meet up at JH's house to celebrate Taek's baduk victory....hehe..

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12 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

But the thing is Junghwan isn't even the typical hero we get in dramas. Junghwan is actually nice and treats Deok Sun well. He could be the typical nice second lead we see in dramas. The one thing I've always loved about the reply series is that for all the heroes shortcomings (and Junghwan like any well written character has his) they are nice, decent, good guys, who love and respect our heroine from the get go. What I mean is they are not grabbing wrist, planning rape heist, treating her like dirt, or constantly invading her work, family, and general life. There is a huge difference between being a 'Darcy' male lead and being the 'not another teen movie frat boy a-hole that for some reason unknown to me, the girl's love "changes him" and they are together. 

Junghwan has not been changed into a "nice guy" by liking/falling in love with Deok Sun. He was always this good boy we continue to see. If you paid attention to his interactions with friends, family, and even Deok Sun, he's always been good and caring. He's never treated Deok Sun like s**t (playful friends stuff of pranking her by knocking her in the butt or not telling her she's pretty -he's never actually called her ugly, ugly or said something of the such to her face- doesn't count) and in fact he treats her the same as always (he's always noticed her coming and leaving a room and commented on it. He's always enjoyed and laughed at her dancing, etc) He's simply more attentive to her and showing her the softer, caring qualities of a boyfriend. Showing that he is capable of being more than a friend to her (and a good one at that). So no, he's not a tsundere imho (Deok Sun's "special snowflake love" hasn't turned him from the devil to her devoted Angel on earth) nor is he the typical "really I want to kick your richard simmons" bully of a male lead we get (I will never understand the love of Lee Min Ho in Boys Over Flowers, Hyun Bin in Secret Garden, or any of the It Started With A Kiss love. I loath those male leads and that trope with a burning. Too much a-hole, degrading the woman they will come to love for me to tolerate). Junghwan, Trash Oppa, and Yoonjae were nice to our heroine, to friends, to family, respectful towards strangers, good students, etc. I had/have no need to fall for the typically much more decent second male lead because they were even better. 

So the whole "So and so characters are actually nice" implying more deserving and that Junghwan is not nice, are invalid imho. All the boys are nice and deserving. However not all of them share the mutual feelings of attraction and growing like/love of wanting more than friendship with one another that Deok Sun and Junghwan share. So in summary: I love Junghwan and if others can't see and appreciate him, MORE FOR ME :) 

i m so agree with you..


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