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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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17 minutes ago, janeadelaine said:

yay it's opened :D

I wanted to share more RMR interview abt JH-DS on RJY thread but I think it's more appropriate to post it here.
RMR was asked how Kim family doing after leaving Ssangmundong and she said Kim Sung Kyun character is good at predicting things not like Sung Dong Il character (lol) so probably Kim fam is living in a big street in Pangyo (they're doing well). she said JB is probably still with Minji, but JH ending was sad, she's also curious how JH doing..since Kim & Sung family live together in Pangyo so JH will probably see DS face very often.
She said if later 'Miran' the character find out how her son felt, she probably would confront DS and asked her why she did that to her son, why did you dumped him. HAHA love her

yes ra miran eomma yes!! another fact that lwj is a cruel writer ever : she put kim and sung families' houses near with each other again. like really? jh could see ds anytime he's back at home. or even worse, jh back home and see tk with ds, that's even worser!!!!!

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This is really the most exciting time for me to be on soompi ( after the DBSK winning all the awards in 2006).
I've been here for a reeallllly long time. Since the beginning my liking to Jaejoong of DBSK ( that was in the end of 2005).

But Reply 1988 spesifically Junghwan was the only one that make me come out of my cave to write somethings...to discuss..to debating... (can not be bother before)

I'm laughing while typing here. What have I become ? some keyboard warrior ???

Junghwannnnnnnn, what have you done to me ?? 

I need to learn on how to post pic or video :blush:


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Chinguuuu :) i will not say that i miss you because we have our chatroom xD however i'm glad that our thread is back! :heart:

I realized that i will never be over this drama: one minute i'm ok and the minute after i'm angry about the ending ahah 

In the future i hope we will talk about beautiful alternative scenarios  and about how perfect is uri OTP in real life.

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1 minute ago, cheetah_omma said:


Oh Deoksun! We're right there with you, girl! We knew it. The way you were with each other brought the feels of 1988-89 (of my childhood for me). I was in 8th grade going to 9th grade (haha, there I just revealed my age). 

I remember their conversation after their McD's date - how he grabbed her face with both hands and told her to "think" about why he showed up there. I love that scene. I always knew: Taek is the guy you date. JungHwan is the guy you marry. 

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3 minutes ago, minyeonhan said:

yes ra miran eomma yes!! another fact that lwj is a cruel writer ever : she put kim and sung families' houses near with each other again. like really? jh could see ds anytime he's back at home. or even worse, jh back home and see tk with ds, that's even worser!!!!!

The writer is really cruel. Why did she do that? As if the Lee Miyeon's thing is not enough. Why do she make the Kims and Sungs as neighbour. She's indeed abusive. 

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I feel the same way... it's said that writers probably shouldn't be that attached to a story but I've never been one of them. 

Jung Hwan and Deok Sun should have ended together. I especially love that while they have both obviously grown up, that they're still the characters that we know and love. 


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9 minutes ago, parkangel said:

The writer is really cruel. Why did she do that? As if the Lee Miyeon's thing is not enough. Why do she make the Kims and Sungs as neighbour. She's indeed abusive. 

ikr-_-  lwj is, like i said again, cruel writer ever in the world because she made junghwan seems like a reallly distant person for ds in 2016 (she didn't even mention her eternal partner, dongryong, and neighborhood, junghwan!) even when their parents are neighbors again

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46 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I read the interview and thank lawds our girl is smart enough to give a diplomatic answer in the end about who she would choose. All of fandom would come down on her one way or another if she had chosen one of the boys over the other. Wow so she knew since ep 16, aww but then she still cried so hard and was confused by it all in ep 18. Wae writers, what did we do to deserve this *cries and sniffles* Whatever. I enjoy watching youtube vids of all the moments they shared together. It's really kind of sad the amount of times I spend watching vids and imagining the relationship they could have had LOL. I don't even want to know what was done to get things closed but I really hope we can all get over this already. It's all really starting to taint my memory of the show and making me kind of wish I never watched it. Seriously fandom it's done with nearly a month now and we still fighting over these things the show has given us it's answer on...it's hard, it hurts, but accept it. Also why are we arguing leads and second leads and things like that. It changes nothing of the story given, the ending given, or the success both actors have found *smh at all this need to be right that is causing so much unneeded tension* anyways tis good to be back here and I look forward to someone hopefully posting some more scenarios and fanfiction soon.

I really agree with the highlighted part. it still hurts every time someone mentioned JunghwanI can cry again if I watch E18 now, even when I'm watching a new drama (One More Happy Ending) and the guy I'm rooting for missed his timing, the first thing came into my mind was Junghwan, that's how much I can't move on from his character and especially his ending. but on the other hand, I'm really tired of the shipping war. there's always this tension between the shippers in every comment sections of R88 article and it REALLY tires me out. even when I went to naver, knetz are doing the same thing. some people even drag the real actors. lots of PBG fans became RJY haters, and RJY fans became PBG haters. fans of an actor would downvote any supporting comments for the other actor. I swear it doesnt even make sense anymore lol idk what are we fighting for actually. I really hope by the time YOF airs this war thing will died down..

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I can't promise anything but I do know I have plans to print out "Goodbye, Hello" and maybe bulk it up for the ebook and printed version. 

I don't know how I will get it distributed yet but I did it for my other fics so there's no reason I shouldn't be able to for this one. 



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This is one of the reason Why I still believe that one week break was her time to make new plot and change the endgame :tears:

33 minutes ago, parkangel said:

The writer is really cruel. Why did she do that? As if the Lee Miyeon's thing is not enough. Why do she make the Kims and Sungs as neighbour. She's indeed abusive. 


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Annyeong guys!! Drop by to post my last fanfic. It's the third part and you can read the first one here and the second part here. Enjoy :)


“Sun Woo-yah, are you done?”

“Fifteen more minutes.”

“I got it.”

Bo Ra, Deok Sun and No Eul’s girlfriend, Jae Hee, were watching Independence Day while Sun Woo and Jung Hwan cooked lunch. Apparently, Bo Ra refused to cook during her pregnancy and Sun Woo had nothing to say against it. He made Jung Hwan and No Eul helped him so the ladies can laze around in the living room.

Deok Sun stole a glance at Jae Hee. She wasn’t pretty but she got this cool girl aura around her. Her hair was shoulder length and slightly brunette. She wore a cute denim dress that Deok Sun wanted to buy immediately. She didn’t talk much, maybe too nervous to meet his boyfriend’s noonas. 

“So you’re a guitarist, right?” Bo Ra asked Jae Hee. Jae Hee nodded right away, seemed nervous talking to Bo Ra. No Eul must’ve warned her about Bo Ra’s temperament. “You’re younger than me, so it’s okay to use banmal, right?”

“Ah, yes. It’s okay.”

“How old are you?”

“I’m a year older than No Eul,” she smiled shyly.

“Oh, then we’re the same age,” Deok Sun laughed. “Sun Woo and Jung Hwan are both 26 too.”

Jae Hee nodded again, seemed a bit more at ease. Bo Ra asked her about a possible record deal that No Eul mentioned before and she said the band already met the head of the record company. They planned to sign the deal next week.

No Eul gave Deok Sun one of their demo tape and she was impressed by their music. It wasn’t the kind of music that made her dance, but the kind of music that will calm her in her hectic days.

“I’m hungry. When will you be done?” Deok Sun stood up and joined the men in the kitchen.

“Yah, stay away. The kitchen is not big enough for four people,” Jung Hwan told her to leave immediately. She ignored him, of course. He was stirring the kimchi soup and she took a spoonful to taste it.

“How is it?” he asked. She nodded and clapped for him.

“It’s great,” she told him. Jung Hwan laughed and turned off the stove. He left the kitchen to put the pot on the table.

“Deok Sun-ah, taste this too,” Sun Woo gave her a piece of beef. She frowned the second it touched her tongue.

“Yah, it’s too salty!” Deok Sun whined. His cooking skill was just like his mother. Maybe he needed to go to cooking school too.

“Really?” Sun Woo panicked and add more sweet soy sauce to the pan. He let Deok Sun tasted it again and she nodded. It wasn’t great but it was edible, at least.

She helped No Eul setting the table and Jae Hee rushed to the dining room to lend them a hand. Deok Sun then left the two of them and continued to watch the film until Jung Hwan called them to eat.

Jung Hwan’s kimchi soup was a hit, but everyone complained about Sun Woo’s beef stew. They finished everything anyway, even the side dishes. Jung Hwan then left to see his friends and Bo Ra sent Sun Woo with him to buy ice cream because she felt like eating some. Deok Sun admired him for not complaining even once.

They all continued watching Independence Day in the living room after Jung Hwan and Sun Woo left. No Eul who already watched it kept spoiling it for his sister. He finally stopped when Jae Hee told him to. She earned another point from Bo Ra and Deok Sun who both loved her already.

“Yah, is Jung Hwan going to Bangyo before he left?” Bo Ra asked Deok Sun.

“Of course. His mom would kill him if he doesn’t,” Deok Sun answered her. “We’ll both go tomorrow.”

“Bring us some kimchi when you get back to Seoul. We’re running out,” Bo Ra told her and Deok Sun nodded.

She hung around in Bo Ra’s apartment for another hour. She stopped by the supermarket to buy some groceries for dinner. She called Jung Hwan’s cellphone to ask what he wanted to eat.

“Yes?” Jung Hwan sounded like he was out of breath.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. “Are you running?”

“No, it’s nothing,” he answered right away. “When will you be back home?”

“Oh I’m buying groceries now and I’ll go home after this. What do you want to eat for dinner?” she asked.

“I bought some food for dinner. Just buy something for breakfast,” he answered.

“Okay, I got it.”

Deok Sun bought cereal, milk and bread for breakfast since she didn’t feel like cooking before their trip to Bangyo. Jung Hwan would throw a fit for driving without eating some rice but she didn’t care.

She took a bus on the way home and it reminded her of her high school days. She smiled remembering how Jung Hwan used to protect her on the bus every morning. She was flattered and happy but too proud to show it. Both of them felt that, really.

She arrived at her apartment building half an hour after that. She saw a guy standing in the lobby that looked so much like Dong Ryong, she almost called him out loud. He got into the lift before she did though, so maybe she was wrong after all. She took another lift after him, fiddling with her keys when she got into her floor. She could see someone opened her door but closed it again.

That was odd. Maybe Jung Hwan got home already, she thought.

She opened her door and surprised to see her ceiling was filled with white and pink balloons. White rose flower petals were scattered on the floor, leading her to the living room. Jung Hwan was standing there, wearing the pink shirt she gave him on his eighteenth birthday. It still looked good on him, 9 years later. Mostly because he only wore it once every two years.

She saw pictures of the two of them, covering almost the whole wall behind him. They weren’t just pictures of them during their three years relationship, they covered all these years they had known each other. She could see pictures of them when they were kids, picture they took together when they went to Lee Moon Sae’s concert back in 1989, picture of her on her flight attendant attire and him in his uniform.

Her eyes got blurry with tears when she realized how much effort he put into this, to prove his love to her, as if she ever needed anymore proofs.

“Deok Sun-ah,” he smiled nervously when he took her hand. His hand trembled a little and she squeezed it to give him strength. Her heart began to beat really fast when she realized what he was going to say.

“Until three years ago, I still thought we were going to be just friends forever. When I confessed, I was ready to give up on you. I would’ve never guessed you would told me you love me. That day was probably the happiest day of my life.”

Jung Hwan looked more confident the longer he talked. He looked straight into her eyes and she can’t take her eyes off him. She knew right then she would say yes for whatever he asked her. She didn’t even doubt it for one second. She would gladly spend the rest of her life with him.

“Thank you for choosing me, even though I’m awkward and I can’t express my feelings well. Thank you for being with me even though I can’t stay by your side everyday. I’ve never loved anyone else but you and I’ll continue to do so for the rest of my life.”

He took a deep breath before saying, “You’re my first love and I want you to be my only love.”

That was the sweetest thing anyone ever said to her. Her tears were already falling before she even realized it. Jung Hwan got down on one knee and took a box from his pocket. He opened it for her, revealing a ring with a small diamond on top of it. Simple but gorgeous, true to his style.

“Sung Deok Sun, will you marry me?” he asked her.

“Of course,” she answered right away, crying and laughing at the same time. Jung Hwan smiled so wide, his eyes vanished into two lines. He stood up and put on the ring for her. She clasped both of his cheeks, pulled him closer and kissed him eagerly. He held her waist, responded with equal passion.

She saw someone opened the bedroom door and pulled away immediately. Dong Ryong and Taek went out from the bedroom, awkwardly looking away from them. She laughed, too happy to be embarrassed.

“I’m sorry. We’ll leave the two of you alone,” Dong Ryong nodded at them and walked to the door right away.

Taek followed him, grinning at the two of them before saying, “Congratulation, guys.”

“Yah, thank you for your help!” Jung Hwan shouted at them.

“Thank you guys!” Deok Sun laughed again. So that guy she saw before was Dong Ryong. How sweet of them to help Jung Hwan to prepare all of these for her. She noted to herself to buy them a meal sometime.

“Yes, you’re welcome,” Dong Ryong answered before they left.

“Sorry, you came too fast. They didn’t have time to leave,” Jung Hwan smiled apologetically.

“It’s okay,” she answered. She would forgive him for anything today, really. She stepped closer to see all the pictures that Jung Hwan hung on the wall. All her memories with him, put together beautifully by him. She smiled, touched the picture they took at the Lee Moon Sae’s concert. The one he still kept in his wallet.

“Ah, you were so cute back in high school, being so sweet secretly,” she laughed, reminiscing how he acted so nonchalantly when they took the picture.

“Am I not sweet now?” he asked.

“You are. You always are,” she answered, smiling.

He smiled back, staring at her like she was the most precious thing in the world. He touched her cheek and she closed her eyes, even before his lips touched hers. It was different than their kiss before. He took his time, did everything gently like it was their first kiss.

He pulled her to the sofa and soon he was on top of her. He was all over her, kissing her cheek, her neck and even lower again, the lowest he can manage without taking off her top. He pulled the hem of her top slightly, sliding his fingers against her bare skin. His touch made her skin tingled with anticipation but she didn’t want to rush him. He raised his head to look at her and kissed her lips again when she smiled.

“I love you,” she whispered to him.

“I know,” he smirked teasingly.

She played with his collar. He sighed everytime her fingers touched his neck. She started to unbutton his shirt, so he took it off right away. He took off her top next and they couldn’t hold back any longer.

She pulled him closer until their bare skin pressed against each other. She closed her eyes, losing her breath each time he touched her. She smiled to herself. She would never get enough of him.


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