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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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I love DS and I think her character is very lovely.

I personally think that she still has something for JH. Maybe I'm a bit delu because it's 6am here I don't want to say she's WITH TK because it's only for a kiss, but i think she's with TK because she considered him an option, he responded and she went with it. Meanwhile, I believe you can still have feelings for someone else too and she is still figuring out her feelings in general. DS wants to be loved and TK gave her what she has been longing for. This isn't some middle school/high school love. Relationships are complicated and DS is just figuring out with whatever is laid in front of her.


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I don't know but honestly, I don't feel disappointed right now. Because there are still unanswered questions, so I feel TK is not the endgame yet. The postcards, the pictures..DID THE REAL HUSBAND SAID HE DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL? Or is there any other translation of what he said?

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hi I was a lurker and just made this account to share my feelings of tonight's episode. as u can see from my username I am dissapointed with this episode and where this drama is heading?!? so for the majority of the drama, it made it look like Junghwan was the husband and not only that but they had strong chemistry between them and just because of a kiss, now its taek and duksun? DA richard simmons? I don't understand?!?!?!?!?!??? I wanna ask a question. in reply 1994, wasn't it like this? where chilbong was given the majority of the scenes at the last episodes? and seem like he was endgame? or did they show lots of chilbong najung scenes but showed that trash still had hope to be the husband???

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we have a saying 


is it confirmed? Not really. I will not lose hope until they finally show it in the last episode
something is not right with this episode, even if they are showing TK in this ep I still think it will be JH. I will hope for the best even if i only have 0.00000001%

Let Jin Joo prediction be right

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why i just feel "it's not over until it's over"?

just reading the live recap, saying taek and deoksun kissing and dating, i just laugh.

Well, sw nim, not like what i'm dreaming about ep 19. but i already expect the episode will going about TK. 

but still, why i still think JH is the husband? 

i will not going to youtube or ig until tomorrow. i'm going read all of your reply thread. Getting laugh about TK and DS. and whatsoever.


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Reply 97 and 94 are such great dramas if you ship the right couple, unfortunatly 88 is not so good if you want the love line,(the best as a family drama)  all those JH-DS scenes, all those TK-DS scenes that got 'stepped on' just because JH feelings.....sorry TK husband and no husband  JH and SW are the leads for me they got soo many scenes. ( will prob watch tomorrows ep for SW-BR wedding and JB-MO scenes) 

I feel soo bad about TK-DS honestly if everything was reversed and TK had more scenes than JH with DS i would have shipped TK-DS. I only shipped JH-DS because of the story and the characters. I didnt really like RYJ (at 1st)  but his charms made me fall for him soooo badly, i cant wait for his 2nd drama and this time he HAS TO BE THE LEAD AND GET THE GIRL -_- 

I would love to hear the writer explain her choice and i hope it will be a darn good 1 for her sake.....anyone knows what baidu and koreans are saying ???

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I have a feeling that Writer-nim is determined to Jung-Hwan every R88 viewers out there. (Yes, I made it into a verb) 
Definition: to appear like you're the lead and you brood and be angsty all the time until you explode. Seems like you're going to win though. But no,once the said explosion is done, you just decide to make peace with yourself and give it up and hope the person you loved for almost 18 episodes get a happily ever after with someone who didn't know she wanted a pair of freaking gloves until much later!! Just being hopeful and waiting and you can't do nothing about it.

Then, what about the husband knowing DS liking SW? What about the college music festival? What about the grouchy 'ya!'? The HAIR!! THE HAIR!!! @MrsSoJiSub will have a lot to say about the hair. I know who the freaking husband is, okay? Just stop Junghwanning us! I'M VERY ANGRY!!!! And I'm not nice when I'm angry!!! And I don't want to brood like JH. DSXT shipper, you got what you want. I'm just numb now. 


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I just drop by to know how are you guys?What is this gloomy mood?! We still have one more episod. I want to recall @wizengamot to give us your positivity. I have been so sure that JH is the husband, this kind of scenes between TK and DS wont budge me even a little bit. I still believe JH is the husband. Those feather scene, missing each other scene, alley scene and bus scene are kind of difficult scene to shoot and I believe it, itself speaks for a reason.

Despite how sweet their interaction was and I kept say aww, but the feeling of Romanticism is not there. Unlike when JH confessed which touched my heart like no other confession, I felt TK DS the whole dating thing is quite empty. I dont know how to describe, but it feel kinda rushed. I never knew their growing relationship not until eps. 10 and even TK will confess we dont get any significant interaction between TK-DS. 

and @carolinedl, I feel like the producer wont keep his promise to see out OTP dating for at least 1 episode or he did keep his promise by giving us TK-DS dating but that would mean TK is the husband?

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Still pounding my chest,and having an overdose of deep sighing now....

Guys, if i'm DS now, i would feel very exhausted..that girl does everything for TK, always have to be a second child (not a priority), even she has to be an air stewardess for heaven's sake.. who always have to serve people. Sorry, but if she's smart enough, hope she will realize that in the end..she needs someone who could look after her, and love her to the fullest. That my friend, are all JH trait.. i'm gonna stay with this ship til the end, even i have to bleed and mourn, and sobbing tonight. Yes,bring it on Lee chaka! I'm not gonna give up til tomorrow!


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Guest wizengamot

i'm sorry guys, but i'm still watching tomorrow.

i'm not a masochist but, this story seems incomplete if it's gonna end like this?

their story seems too smooth... and easy...


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It really kinda feels weird....well, I was team yoonjae and team trash so I didn't really know the feeling of being disappointed in a Reply series. However, with today's episode, I felt frustrated and kinda pissed off (well, I am really pissed off)...can't really blame Taek coz Junghwan's the one who surrendered first. But I really still think it's Junghwan though...although it may seem late and overly rushed, I just want him to be aware that them meeting at the bus wasn't an accident, and the other times that deoksun actually tried to flirt with him but to no avail. 

The feeling really is kinda awkward and weird since it was like the series was mostly focused on junghwan's perspective, so I thought it was the husband telling the story in the interview plus, the 2 kisses between tk and ds had a gap of 5-6 yrs so we hadn't seen the development of deoksun's feelings at all...it was too sudden... 

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I have a question though, doesn't the date say 1994 september right after the first scene (which was future DS and husband)? Or I saw it wrong. I'm confused with the timeline

well. I don't even know what to say about this episode. I can't believe I would be so heartbroken to see DS smiling like that. But why does it feel like it's still not taek. And the episode didn't address anything AT ALL about JH-DS. JH seemed to give up in ep18 but how about DS? we still don't know what happened to her crush on JH. and the preview for ep20 doesn't feel like a finale episode at all. it seemed to be hinting at problems rather than conclusions, which is what the last episode is supposedly for.

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