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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Just now, Vannyah M said:

"Reply series's PD and writers are very famous in Korea.
because they constantly use trivial foreshadowing.
There is a lot of foreshadowing.
ex)JH's diary(partly seen next page, mother's a meaning word),
rain-TV program(It's freaking awesome),
fiance ring (Air force's man/female ring are different in size),
Forrest Gump' feather (Amazingly, it appeared since a long time ago<ep13>),
movie ticket and chewing gum,
pillow(at the taek's birthday party),
the position of the mirror, dolls, etc. there are countless foreshadowing."

This is a comment from Korean viewer, i had to share it here. So feather appeared on ep 13? Someone saw that? I dont care about other foreshadowings or clues I`m just interasted in  feather .


I totally am going to check ep 13 for the feather, but lord, don't tell me this is the time when I need to bust out the magnifying glasses. 

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Timeline of ep 18, thanks to @saturn. in the MT :) 

Ep18, 1994 Time summary

Oct/8 (Sat) Taek's birthday : Deoksun said she would watch movie the next day.

Oct/9 (Sun) Deoksun watches movie Forrest Gump.
Oct/10~14 One day in weekdays. 5 friends meet at Dong Ryong's restaurant over 10pm.

Oct/16 (Sun) Lee Seung Hwan's concert

Oct/24 (Sun) Taek & Sunwoo at breakfast.
            Taek's father suggests Sunwoo to play catchball, Sunwoo answers he wants to sleep more.
            At night, Junghwan confesses.

Oct/25 (Mon) Early morning, Junghwan will go back to the camp.

We don't know what happened between Oct/16 and Oct/24. Let's wait for ep19. :)

cr: http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=reply1988&no=601495&page=4&exception_mode=recommend

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9 minutes ago, ricenamja said:

RJY's new post on weibo: "Those who have not answer, please answer."



I'm just wondering if he wrote the Chinese phrase himself ahhahaha cos it looks short of 1 letter. Oppa is really too funny! What would we do if we met him in person?


By the way, has anyone seen any theory yet on why DS is being interviewed? I mean we had a lot of guesses but I'm just wondering what the K-netizens are saying. (Also, are we not going to be shown the parents in 2015???:()


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 Episode 17 are like two episodes in one.  The first hour is so much different than the second half.  I think we're going to see the aftermath of the kiss.  I honestly thought it was a dream at first  but after watching it with subs.   It's definitely real.   DS's reaction the next morning is puzzling. Also Mi Ran says that the only thing JH takes after his dad is his bloody nose.  I remember his dad smoking so that kills the theory that JH can't smoke because of his bloody nose issues.  Such a beautiful moment with BR and DS.  The two sisters bonding.  JH and JH...OMG  :tears:  I love how JB calls JH dongseng.

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1 hour ago, balladblue said:

Timeline of ep 18, thanks to @saturn. in the MT :) 

Ep18, 1994 Time summary

Oct/8 (Sat) Taek's birthday : Deoksun said she would watch movie the next day.

Oct/9 (Sun) Deoksun watches movie Forrest Gump.
Oct/10~14 One day in weekdays. 5 friends meet at Dong Ryong's restaurant over 10pm.

Oct/16 (Sun) Lee Seung Hwan's concert

Oct/24 (Sun) Taek & Sunwoo at breakfast.
            Taek's father suggests Sunwoo to play catchball, Sunwoo answers he wants to sleep more.
            At night, Junghwan confesses.

Oct/25 (Mon) Early morning, Junghwan will go back to the camp.

We don't know what happened between Oct/16 and Oct/24. Let's wait for ep19. :)

cr: http://gall.dcinside.com/board/view/?id=reply1988&no=601495&page=4&exception_mode=recommend

Seeing this time line and knowing that Junghwan confessed confirms for me even more so that he is that husband and whatever the reason Deok Sun kept looking at the ringing door (maybe the bell just distracted her) may or may not have had to do with Taek, but it doesn't really matter. It's a whole week since the concert date that Junghwan confesses. Knowing how Junghwan was ready and willing to keep things in and let Sunwoo and Deok Sun be together when he though the feeling mutual. Unless they are secretly dating (which I doubt) and Junghwan as well as the squad just don't know about it. I just can't see Junghwan confessing to Deok Sun if he saw or knew that Deok Sun and Taek were dating and or that their feelings for one another was mutual. It just doesn't fit with what we have seen of his character and what we know about him. Seeing this time line, it fits well with his car crying and realization that it was him, hisself and not time or fate that has kept them apart. So I guess it took him a week to finally get the courage to confess and let it out before going back to base and he like us, is waiting for a reply, an "answer me" (see what i did there ;) LOL).

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1 hour ago, ryujunghwan said:

Some said that in January 1995, there was an air force accident which has 4 victims and 2 of the victims' surnamea is Kim. 

Guys... Please help me. I've been crying a river for almost 2 days straight now. :(((

I'm worried :( Remember the Kim's Mom seems like she's pregnant.

But writer can't be this harsh to our precious Junghwan.

Btw, I watched lastest ep, and the husband still seems like Junghwan to me.

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been a silent lurker for a while now as well ...annyeong chingu deul 

so, i have a lot to say about this drama. first off all,  as someone who has been watching korean/chinese/taiwanese/japanese dramas for more than 10years ( + years of being a filmmaker myself ) i decided to put my input in:

#1) in the world of film, the main protagonist (which I argue is junghwan) must go through a progression of more and more obstacles in order for the final catharsis to be that much more impactful. 

and all i can say is that it is clear that the script writer is building up the story to a final climax that ends with the catharsis that will be our main leads finding each other despite cruel fate or better yet,  "timing" 

#2) unless the writer decides to abandon EVERY rule in film, EVERY RULE in writing.... then there is no way that our protagonist will not have a well deserved pay-off. 

Can't you see that Taek is actually the antagonist to our protagonist? and therefore, it makes no logical sense to give the antagonist a pay-off by the conclusion of this drama. Not to say that our antagonist is necessarily evil per se, but that his ultimate purpose is an obstacle to our protagonist. 

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Omg I couldn't stop crying when SW showed his scholarship to his mom.  Such a mess right now.  Anyone notice the green and yellow ducks in the Sung/Kim basement?

JH in uniform!  WOW.  We need to see him in uniform again.  One episode is not enough.  The Kim's family welcoming him home was so lovely.  Did Papa Kim just wipe Jh's face with toilet paper?  I hope he wasn't using it.   

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21 minutes ago, rameennoodles said:

long post warning (this is probably the longest post i've ever written on a soompi thread but ugh this drama and specifically these two give me so many feelings i had to vent somehow)



hey guys. i noticed some of you are feeling down after watching episode 17. i thought i'd share my own anecdote from my life and how it might maybe cheer you up. it's a little personal and i was hesitant about sharing it bc it's probably too soon for me to talk about it but the drama is literally getting me so upset every time i think about so i imagine some of you are feeling the same way. this is relevant to the jhxds couple trust me and just read through to the end lol.

so when i was in grade school i knew this one guy who would without fail bother me to no end. you know how they say at that age guys annoy the girls that they like? anyway after we got past that whole stage we eventually became friends (not like best friends or anything but good friends) we drifted apart during high school and at one point we stopped talking altogether bc our conversations became more stilted and not as natural anymore. it took his absence for me to realize my feelings for him that had developed during the time we were friends but every time i thought of confessing the timing didn't feel right and eventually he started dating one of our classmates who was a friend of mine. at that point i kind of just forgot about him but i always harboured a tiny little crush on him.

you still with me? I'M ALMOST DONE I PROMISE. flash forward a couple of years later. we're both in university, he lives on campus in another city while i chose to stay home and attend a local uni in my area. we ran into each other at the bus stop in our neighborhood a couple of weeks ago. (he was back for winter break) and it turned out we were both taking the same bus (I KNOW IT SOUNDS SO MADE UP BUT GUYS IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED EVEN AS I TYPE IT I CAN'T BELIEVE BUT ITS 100% TRUE) so we sat in seats next to each other on and started reminiscing about old times. i don't know what made me do this but after talking with him after such a long time and realizing i had to tell him so i could move on, i confessed my feelings for him as casually as i could. i had prepared myself for the worse and was afraid that if i was too forward we wouldn't be able to talk like this ever again. AND GUYS GUESS WHAT HAPPENED?

we went on our first date that weekend :)

anyway what i'm trying to say is, eventually if you and another person are meant to have something happen between you it will happen. not everything works out (like ds and jh's relationship WILL i refuse to believe otherwise), i don't know how my story with this guy will end bc it's barely even started, but when i saw jh's confession i realized that it doesn't matter what might happen. if you don't even attempt to make something happen out of the fear that it won't work out, there is literally nothing worse in the world. even if after hearing jh's confession ds has to let him down, i still don't see how jh loses out on anything. he finally gets this huge weight off his chest that he's been carrying around for 7 years, possibly longer and if ds by chance doesn't feel the same way at least he gets the closure he needs to move on. 

bottom line is guys please cheer up. i've seen posts (not anywhere in particular by the way just in general) about how it is unrealistic for jh or ds to hold on to feelings for a specific person for such a long time and not act upon them and maybe what happened with me was outside of the norm but if there's a possibility of it happening in real life, it definitely can and will happen between jh and ds if they are meant to be together. 

when i watched last week's episode i was really shocked to see something like this occur bc when i watched jh confess it was literally like watching me do the same thing and in that moment i realized that there is no way the writers would be cruel enough to do this to him and not have his feelings be reciprocated. granted i'm not disregarding deok sun's feelings at all in this situation bc maybe she doesn't feel the same way but i don't think that's likely at this point in the narrative. above all i want both of the characters i ended up falling in love with to end up happy and if it means them not ending up together i won't be okay with it at first (no like seriously my heart will need several days to recover) but hopefully i'll end up accepting it. it's so funny how a simple tv series and the lives of these lovable fictional characters have managed to make us so emotionally worn out and distressed.

THANK YOU GUYS IF YOU MADE IT ALL THE WAY TO THE END. i hope this helped brighten your spirits and even if it didn't don't worry! there are only a couple of days left until the finale and hopefully our torture will end prematurely with the reveal of the preview (doubt it lol) or the second last episode!



I enjoyed reading your longest post! I also believe believe and believe that if JH and DS are meant to be together, they will just at some point meet at the right time, at the right moment and finally end up together. If in real life it is up to the Almighty to reunite two people, in this case it is up to Lee Woo Jung Writer-nim. I'm obviously not saying she is God lol, but from what I believe, God is always fair and I also think the same way for LWJ writer, she will be fair and I believe she will give the best possible outcome and "fate" for the two.

On a side note: I hope everything goes well for you two! Hwaiting! hehehe :D

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35 minutes ago, rameennoodles said:


bottom line is guys please cheer up. i've seen posts (not anywhere in particular by the way just in general) about how it is unrealistic for jh or ds to hold on to feelings for a specific person for such a long time and not act upon them and maybe what happened with me was outside of the norm but if there's a possibility of it happening in real life, it definitely can and will happen between jh and ds if they are meant to be together. 



Sorry to cut your post but thank you for your sharing!!! I super agree with the red bolded part hahahaha because I've liked someone for more than 4 years before and not did not do anything because it wasn't gonna work out :sweatingbullets: So I just wanted to say that it's not unrealistic to actually like someone for a long long time and never really move on. Perhaps our gripe is really that this drama is too realistic ahahahah.


By the way, anyone a fan of snoopy? I was looking through Baidu and found a fan asking about the Snoopy cross stitch in Taek's room so I was wondering if there was any meaning to it:



cr 阿布爱悠悠 @   韩版请回答1988吧


@balladblue I must say, you have eagle eyes for spotting that haha!!! :heart:


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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:


At first I thought the kiss was a dream, then I watched it again and I think it did happen. Then I realized that if it did happen, it's not a good thing for the other side. Even if it's a dream, it's not a good thing for the other side. He kissed her, she most definitely kissed him back....and then the next day she denied it....and then for 6 six years they never talked about it. There is just no way writers no explanation they can give that I find plausible or believable that Deok Sun and Taek kissed. Deok Sun felt something more than friendship in that kiss and then for 6 years Deok Sun did nothing, nothing, nooothhiing about those feelings!!! She lied and told Taek it was a dream, she held those feelings in for 6 years and now with the reappearance of Junghwan, the kiss with Taek and the feelings of that upon seeing Junghwan it all comes back to her *beats chest like she sees kdrama characters do* WHAT THE richard simmons!?! YOU HAVE GOT TO richard simmons KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW That is the weakest richard simmons I have ever seen/read and oh my lord if things go that way. I will write a letter a day from here in the US, spend as much money as needed everyday to mail it until I get a response, and in my letter I will demand an explanation. She is going to have to explain to me (along with Deok Sun going momentarily blind and believing my Jung Bong and Junghwan are the same size) in what universe richard simmons like this happens!?! I will be like Shiwon's mom who constantly called that writer to change the end of the drama. A letter a day woman until you give me my explanation, a letter a day.

I buy that in episode 17 Deok Sun sees Taek as a man. I buy that he kissed her and she kissed him back. I do not for one second buy that if she felt something she would not tell Taek and lie that it was a dream. NO, I can actually buy that in that moment she lied for various reasons. But if she felt something more than friendship...I DO NOT BUY FOR ONE MILI-SECOND THAT FOR 6 YEARS, 6 DANG YEARS SHE DID NOTHING ABOUT IT!!!  Unless the plane she was stewarding for crashed in the remotest corner of the Sahara dessert, for years no one could find her, and upon being found she had lost her memory of that one moment and that is why in all these years that kiss has never been brought up; then and only then would I buy that Deok Sun felt something and has kept it from Taek all these years. But since this is not what happened to Deok Sun, bull***t. A letter a day woman if you pull that richard simmons (but she won't because that's just crazy). 

If the kiss had not  been filmed the way that it was (which has left many questioning was it real? Was it a dream?) If it had not happened before the time skip but instead happened after, then I would buy that yes she feels something for Taek and has been keeping it to herself for varying reasons these few weeks and after the movie date his showing up sparked a memory and feeling the same as when their lips met and now they will get married and live happily ever after. That is plausible. That is acceptable. If that had happened (and we did not get the confession, hell even if we got the confession) I would be heart broken, but I could eventually accept it. But not the situation we are in right now. That richard simmons just don't fly. It doesn't all come together. It doesn't make sense. Just...WHAT THE richard simmons!!

I actually think that Taek and Deok Sun in the span of sometime during the 6 years may have tried at a secret relationship and it just didn't work out. And or he confessed (even before Junghwan and her came back) and she let him down gently. I know Taek ran to the concert and got there on time. But I think he did that because he obviously still harbors feelings for her and like a Chilbong who couldn't let go even after 100000 years, neither is Taek able to. He's her friend and she's the girl (who for now) he just can't get over but plays the friends game because she has already let him know that is all they will ever be. Nothing in the scene once they got into the concert venue gave any hints of a girl harboring feelings for the guy in front of her, and a kiss they once shared. She was just talking to a friend and begging him not to let the others know (someone made a nice comparison of that scene and the bathroom flasher scene and the talk where her main concern was not letting Junghwan know that she cried) that she had been ditched (remember she told Junghwan -the group was there, but that declaration was directed at him- that she's popular). Someone posted it here and I am starting to agree, Taek may already know of Deok Sun's feelings for Junghwan (when he knew or how -was he told by her, did he too see "something in her eyes") and he knows Junghwan feels the same, but she doesn't, well didn't till episode 18. From their interactions in episode 18 it looks to me that Deok Sun and Taek are as friends as ever, and that's all they are going to remain. He was not the boy man she was thinking of in bed. I believe Deok Sun and Taek tried dating and it didn't work out, he let his feelings be known and she did not recuperate but he'll never let go, and or all that is forthcoming in ep 19 & 20. 

Kiss was real, kiss was not real. She may have felt something then. Twas six years ago and is a past not a present. 

*as always spelling and grammar is not the best, I shall edit when I am less lazy (the feeling of embarrassment I get when someone quotes me and I see all these errors. trust, i'm not as dumb as my internet writing makes me seem. i do know their, there, and they're LOL. i can spell too.

ETA: @honeywell sorry if it seemed like I am yelling at you or saying you're in the wrong. I'm just saying if the writers pull what you say the other ship is thinking, then imma go off on her LOL. I"m not lying about that letter a day.



LOL your posts cracked me up each time. I agree with you, it just not possible for TK and DS to not talk about it for 6 years. Unlike JH who went to academy outside Seoul, DS and TK stayed in Ssangmundong for most part. (if DS went to college in Seoul, that is. It's not like she became FA right away after high school, right?)  

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26 minutes ago, mojobobo said:



Sorry to cut your post but thank you for your sharing!!! I super agree with the red bolded part hahahaha because I've liked someone for more than 4 years before and not did not do anything because it wasn't gonna work out :sweatingbullets: So I just wanted to say that it's not unrealistic to actually like someone for a long long time and never really move on. Perhaps our gripe is really that this drama is too realistic ahahahah.


By the way, anyone a fan of snoopy? I was looking through Baidu and found a fan asking about the Snoopy cross stitch in Taek's room so I was wondering if there was any meaning to it:



cr 阿布爱悠悠 @   韩版请回答1988吧

I had to explore about snoopy , i`ve watched this as little but 20 years ago LOL. And i saw a few interasting matters. It looks like snoopy represents JH

"Snoopy is a loyal, innocent, imaginative and good-natured beagle who is prone to imagining fantasy lives, including being an author, a college student known as "Joe Cool" and a World War I flying ace. He is perhaps best known in this last alternate persona, wearing an aviator's helmet and goggles and a scarf while carrying a swagger stick.


Snoopy frequently tries to kiss Lucy on the cheek and/or nose, which Lucy, who is afraid of dog germs, thoroughly hates. These actions occasionally result in Lucy hurting Snoopy. Despite their rivalry toward each other, both seem to care for each other: in Snoopy, Come Home, she is sad to see him go and is (momentarily) glad when he comes back home"


@balladblue thanks   :)  but i LOLed at this pretty hard i knew that knetz are not a joke when it comes to things like this but this is so crazy and like u said  i`d noticed this only whit magnifying glasses. but there it is and that is whats important

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Talking about the ring.. actually it is a couple ring as I saw on DC.. what JH given was his own ring ( is he telling DS to accept him ??) , I suspect he keep the other one for his future proposal.. still I hope DS will get back his ring..and put on his finger..

I agree that DS and TK might dated after the concert because DS reaction after the confession.. I can't tell she is excited , sad but definitely caught in surprise perhaps regrettable that it is too late. During that time when JH confessed, I think she couldn't accept him and might have dated TK. She has the kind of "I don't know how to react after 6 freaking years and right now you're saying you love me"

edit: of course I don't know if their dating will last long so now I just have to wait for DS POV..

Someone posted on MT of that one week apart before they meet up for dinner (JH confession) therefore during that week we should see some flashback of their happenings..

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18 minutes ago, namunamuyeppeo said:

I enjoyed reading your longest post! I also believe believe and believe that if JH and DS are meant to be together, they will just at some point meet at the right time, at the right moment and finally end up together. If in real life it is up to the Almighty to reunite two people, in this case it is up to Lee Woo Jung Writer-nim. I'm obviously not saying she is God lol, but from what I believe, God is always fair and I also think the same way for LWJ writer, she will be fair and I believe she will give the best possible outcome and "fate" for the two.

On a side note: I hope everything goes well for you two! Hwaiting! hehehe :D

totally agree with everything you said! i guess you could LWJ is technically the god of the drama as she has all the control of the characters and the story lol. like you said i've noticed there's a reoccurring motif of fate in all of the reply series', specifically when it comes to the main couple so i definitely share your feelings about fate again playing a role in this season. 

and aw thank you so much! it means a lot to me <3 

18 minutes ago, mojobobo said:


Sorry to cut your post but thank you for your sharing!!! I super agree with the red bolded part hahahaha because I've liked someone for more than 4 years before and not did not do anything because it wasn't gonna work out :sweatingbullets: So I just wanted to say that it's not unrealistic to actually like someone for a long long time and never really move on. Perhaps our gripe is really that this drama is too realistic ahahahah.

no worries! i'm so glad that i'm not the only one whose gone through something like this. at least it helped us understand the situation jh and ds are in right now a little bit better if that's any consolation lol. you're on point with this drama being too realistic i think that's why it hurts even more to watch jh and ds in pain bc it is a reality that any one of us could be experiencing/have experienced 

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2 hours ago, parkangel said:

Lol... Writer nim must so confused. 

I am very sorry, but I think she needs to know that the unimportant umbrella scene is also shown in the Reply 1988 official calendar, along with bus scene. While they just put 1 picture of DS TK.a&gt;a&gt;


I know right, Writer-nim must misplaced her script somewhere in ep.18...

Then again, I don't mind the shippings and posts to defend shippings on either sides. But her posts are just beyond stretching and reaching.

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