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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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27 minutes ago, Eessttaa said:

Anyone know if taek read manhwa too? I can't recall it *maybe I too focus on JH. JH read comic several times tho.

future DS said to husband not to read manhwa right?anyone trans this?

I think he did. It's on eps 16. You can see it in dramabeans recap. It's the last image. Sorry, I haven't figure out how to attach picture. 



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Guest wizengamot
4 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

@wizengamot @carolinedl I started thinking, well why didn't any of these three idiots, especially the next door neighbors set time aside to talk and confess and such. like miss a practice, find sometime to talk, but then again the same can be said for junghwan so yeah screw all three of them LOL.

Throughout the series we have seen Junghwan reading comics many times. His favorite often read ones is Dragon Ball Z (which my oppa-ya also loved to read). Also I believe in ep 17 we see him going to return comic late at night and his mom "mom" him and tell him to be careful on his walk home. As for Taek I legit can't remember seeing him reading a comics. However we have seen Deok Sun ask him to get her comics, and we've also seen Deok Sun sitting his room reading comics. He also has comic books in his room.

But if we are looking or these types of clues here are my reassurances. The feather falling into Junghwan's room, the kdrama slowmo of fate (every time two people pass by one another in that manner they shall finally meet or meet again and are tied to one another in one way or another), the fact that Junghwan made it to the concert but not quick enough and he got to see Taek get there just right before him, the cat dog painting sitting behind adult deok sun as she answers some interview questions, and the confession. Oh the green and yellow gum package she puts on her table, and the return of the dolls. they looked like this  blue.....yellow...green (someone take a closer look) but for the brief second I saw it green and yellow while distant still looked a bit closer than blue, yellow but maybe my eyes are biased so I don't know.



yes, it's not like everytime DS comes home, TK is having a match overseas. Six years?! i'm sure on those times there's at least one or two free time that all three of them are together (yes JH you are not excused), and they could have just sit and talked it out as adults and save all the viewers the hair-pulling frustrations. But then again, just because it's the easiest solution to think doesn't mean it's the easiest solution to do. Chickening out over a confession is not only teenagers' problem. It's like a worldwide problem. 

When YJ confess to SW at R97, he was like "i'm saying all this to you now coz i've no intention of seeing you again in the future.". But R88 showed that their silence is what kept the gang intact, well, at least on the outward it looks okay, because it's pretty obvious there's some subtle awkwardness going on. 

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Was a lurker but the latest episode just had to make me crawl out of my little cave. What an episode!! This really came out of the left field and 확! all these feels just came creeping up and caused some wateriness in my eyes. The song choice didn't help either!! The song that JH put on when the squad was sleeping post Taek's party was so sad! It's called An Empty Heart by Lee Seung Hwan literally described (or foreshadowed) what JH was feeling during the confession. 



The song goes (rough translation)
With no regrets, I've sent you away from my heart.
I don't know why it felt so empty today.
When I opened my eyes,
this bright sunshine, those past memories (of you) by my side
suddenly just crumpled.
Your smile, called out to my heart and revived it.
My little heart pounded, though you never caught on.

When I opened my eyes,
this bright sunshine, those past memories (of you) by my side
suddenly just crumpled.
Your smile, called out to my heart and revived it
In my empty heart, there was you ( or literal trans: I feel you).

So sad!! 


Edited by misshoggy
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1 hour ago, Eessttaa said:

Me too,lol wondering who is he lol, buttt he really something RJY thanks to reply I found him, so it doesn't matter now who will be the husband as long as I will see JH. Smiled is enough for me. He always hah sad from early episodes dammit writternim...in 94 trash oppa really have his way dating na jeong, if trash oppa not be the husband, at leaast he ever in relationship with his beloved. But JH???? If really writternim just cut JH, I really mad how they make JH really suffer a lot..A LOT!! Sigh 

I enjoyed this drama bcoz Kim family tho, if there no Kim family in this reply, I will not attracted into this phase of crazy lol.


YEAH! its like he won the LOTTERY!!

have you seen the compare video before and after he appear in R88 when he come to the movie premiere?! Totally DAEBAKKK :blush::heart:

Actually i alrdy saw him in many news about "Glory Day" movie (cast along suho, ji soo and kim hee chan) but i never fully have my attention to him. And now i really waiting for that movie to come out just to see RJY!! :heart::heart::heart:

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Taek didn't read manhwa at the earlier episode, and he went to manhwa room (library) and borrowed it for DS, because she asked. It's not his manhwa :))

But for the book at the hotel room, I'm not sure. Maybe it's manhwa but maybe it's not. I mentioned this before, that in epi 18, the writer throwing everything clues for both contenders, after 1 clue for taek, then 1 clue for JH.. And it is really confusing to follow. 

Actually I give up clues hunting and husband hunt, I just wish no more hurtful scenes like 18... Uuugh.. 

@snowy21 @leekyuphii so I'm not the only one thinking the same... I think I messed my daily life bec of this drama. And I cried for that reason too. Coz feeling silly of myself.

I believe uri RJY is safe and sound in real life, might jokes around being happy virus like he always does , but I got so emotional bec of his character in a drama. Ouh my life really... 

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29 minutes ago, junghwana said:

Good news guys! I feel way better after going out for a much needed walk and of course with the positive vibes in here.

1. As @papulichan previously mentioned(with clues), I too think that DS liked JH all through her childhood. Borrowing that manhwa, chocolate scene are somehow tied with JH. I can't tell you how many times I watched that Chocolate scene but I just couldn't see any definitive way she could have put that chocolate in JHs bag...perhaps it wasn't visible to us viewers. Having said that, I still believe the Chocolate was for JH. Hopefully we will get some clarification on that.

2. Because JH and DS always bickered like Tom and Jerry and the fact that she was young she didn't consider her feelings of affections for him as romantic. She loved him, she always did...cared for him more than any other friend and I think this because remember when her friends told her SW likes her her reaction to that and her reaction to JH possibly liking her was SO DIFFERENT. She asked her friends what she should do if JH liked her back because she liked the idea but was scared.



NOW, question is...has she held on to those feelings? Has she been waiting for him? Or did Taek with his apparent impeccable timing win again? During the confession with her smile and everything it certainly felt like she was touched and reminiscing all those beautiful moments :tears: BUT WAS THE CONFESSION TOO LATE? The POV could show us that she loved JH and then also how she moved on??? And another HORRIFIC THOUGHT occurred to me if TKxDS get married...perhaps the writer to satisfy JH shippers may decide to make DSx Tk daughter HYeri and JHs son RJY a couple? Remember the film THE CLASSIC (I loved that film though)? 

I am writing this horrendous idea because just in case ...just in case...the writers linger around our thread may read this and decide not to go ahead with this horror. Because really it's not RJYx HYeri that we particularly ship (well some may) but it's JH x DS that we want in the end!




DS could have been restless during the whole restaurant/DOOR/ confession scenario because she was waiting on some sort of news with regards to her Dad? Throughout the ep it seemed like her dad wasn't doing particularly well right? 

Also, I like the idea of another time jump to 1997 ..maybe during those years JH dated?

I also like the idea of that plan crash thing and DS running into JHz arms :wub:...(I leave the rest to ur imagination). That reminds me @hailaft I love your fanfic and @MrsSoJiSub your imagination is extraordinary. Always manages to make me laugh.


TBH I am afraid to think anything positive just because feel like I will JINX it all.

Touch wood? Lols


I also think DS like JH through her childhood. I think DS is NOT dense. She is simply much more careful of JH advances towards her because she love him(like how she can't easily choose between JH and SW because she love JH ).

We know that JH date around while he still love DS and this is most likely the same for DS. Assuming DS love JH before ep1, isn't DS crush on SW the same as JH and DS dating around(while still in love with DS and JH respectively) in the past few years?

I think Taek did confess to DS in the past 5years. DS probably date him for a while but eventually realize it's different from her love towards JH. 


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@lala14 hi lala!!!!! thank you for your support for Ryu Jun Yeol MWAHAHAHAHA don't even try to deny it.. you fell for him, though through his Junghwan role at first, I hope your love will be deeper and love him for his other roles and personality as well <3

yeah, EoR maybe posting updates about r88 and junghwan.. but we hope people can get past that once the drama is finished <3

let's support him and the rest of the cast as well as they move on to other projects, though I'm sure these r88 characters we grew to love for 20 episodes will forever remain in our hearts <3


anyways, I am just thinking, since Taek and Junghwan definitely have parallelisms in the series--

what do you think about their cars and their driving skills?

is it significant? is it a clue?

Taek not knowing how to park properly.. it might just be a comic relief, or telling us that he's still the same--
yet we didn't see Dongryong still enjoying dancing in ep18? (or did i miss it...)

While Junghwan drives a really manly jeep and even drifts and swerves during his driving scene--

but don't you think there is something there..?

these are just to keep things interesting here! ofc i want your biased opinions n_________n <3

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1 hour ago, Eessttaa said:

Hi everyone, first time comment since before I always be silent reader lol

i got positive energy from you all thanks,it is really nice to read all you comments...

i always believe since ep 1 that junghwan is the husband, honestly my fav is GKP from before reply started, I rooted him..but when I watched first ep, I thought why the focus more on JH, is he the husband?tbh I'm worried bcoz I root for SW...but I got this vibe from JH...so I give up watched the series on ep 3 but I tried to watch it again and found something attracted me...RJY, oh okay idk why but he really catched my heart so I abandoned SW lol..same when I reallllyyy deeply falling in love with trash oppa. 


Right, I think many of us started this series for diff. reasons! My reasoning was that I loved 97, so I must try this one out too & out of the entire 88 cast I only knew Bogum lol so obviously I was rooting for him! But slowly and on the sly JH snuck his way INTO MY HEART...this is an actor I had no idea about.

I still recall the first few moments JH made my heart squeal. 

1. When he threw the punch for SW, bc I was seriously getting mad thinking are you serious "all these guy will just stand around and take this crap" I was getting mad for them & then wham JH, threw that punch I seriously didn't see coming and he scored points in my heart.

2. How he noticed his parents moods and did everything he could just to change it.

3. No matter, how much of an odd ball his hyung was that even his friends picked on him. JH stood strong that he "likes" his hyung. So I saw he wasn't easily influence though he carries the "cool" image.

4. He has the most $ out of them not counting Taek. He usually treats his friends even when he puts up the I don't want to act.

* I'll stop here because I can go on and on haha and in this thread I'm sure we all feel the same that's why we're all here one big JH family. 

Waiting on: Till, I can watch 18 without crying sigh....

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17 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Sorry. I used/use that term. In every kdrama ever. When two people have some sort of destined to be or detined to meet fate. When they pass by each other, the scene slows down and we see them sllllooooowwwwllllyyy pass one another in like 3000 different takes just to drive home the point. You see the slowmo of fate when Junghwan is driving his car and Deok Sun is walking somewhere. He's looking ahead to where he's driving, she's checking the time on her watch and as they pass but do not see one another, it slooowwwssss down. That scene can be found at least once in any and all dramas especially weekend family dramas, daily dramas, and dramatic drama dramas. 

LOL! I got your point!

it's very depressed to saw scene like that! HULLLL!

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Guest wizengamot

to all the new chingus


@ioneeee @fleshwithoutblood @misshoggy

@lala14 yes, that's what we've been advicing everyone. to just follow the flow of the story. Pointing out clues, and making up theories is all part of the fun but as always, the biggest give away we can have to assure JH is 100% the husband is by the story itself and how it is presented. :)





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ya ya ya chingudeul ahh~

I don't know if this thing was mentioned before or not.

but I just watch the interview at cafe scene, adult DS told her husband to just go home but the husband said that he like interview and I think that the way the husband said that is the same way JH said that he like his hyung in eps 6 where DR and DS competed for a pizza by telling sad story.


Edited by Awen Noet
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Oh, another incident tho reminds me when they were bickering inside the car as to what lee moonsae album the song playing is from, DS said 2nd album but was corrected by JH its the 3rd album. This exact moment reminds me of that scene in Ep 6 when adult DS and hubby were bickering about the College Music Festival in ’88, the hubby was wrong and DS reminds him that they all watched it together on TV that year, correctly remembering the winner and proceeds to dance to the song which embarrassed him (which is very jungpal of him, remember the crab dance? lol).

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You guys, ROCKKKKKSSSSS!!!!! :D:D

i'm playing catching up now. I have done many things today, but my mind keep thinking about Junghwan's confession. I feel pain in my chest, and feel broken heart...i've never been to this kind of pain since my last break up (and it's a loooooooong loooong time ago!) Wow, i really do admire the writer,...Lee chaka really do upgrade this kind of torture game, this husband-hunting game since R1997 & R1994.. She's upgrading the twist,..twisting our heart, our mind, and SHE LOVES IT!!!

Chingu, while i was watching video part of adult DS's interview..u know, the latest one in this episode,I realize about the paint behind her. If my eyes still normal, it's a cat&dog sketch!! Cat on the left side, dog on the right side. Please watch that scene again, chingu..just to make sure that i'm not hallucinating. But if it is true, i think Shin PD & Lee chaka have given us a sweet gesture / clue about our beloved "meow - gae" couple :D

I have already screenshot the scene, but apparently i can't attach to this thread :( Please..please..somebody here (our beloved detective of this group) can watch that scene, and tell me i'm not crazy!! :D

PS : I watched the raw of this episode, and i kept playing the scene where JH & DS in the car...God, i love their bickering :D I miss their bickering so much...

Keep your faith n spirit up, chingu...we're almost getting there :D OUR JUNGHWAN - DEOKSUN, FIGHTING!!


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Guest wizengamot
1 minute ago, carolinedl said:

 Is that woman we see at the academy a baduk player? I got what role she played in the whole thing (date, etc.) but who is she?


i think she is TK manager's gf. She's a stewardess too i think and that DS is supposed to be the one who let them meet that's why in return DS was set up to the guy she went with to watch Forrest Gump. at least that's how i read it in recaps yesterday or at DB. 

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Guest fleshwithoutblood

Lol I just got that feeling when you're taking a multiple choice test and the last two choices were C, but this one seems to be C too, and you start second-guessing yourself thinking that "there can't be three Cs in a row, it's a trap!" That The Classic theory is scary. Like suddenly she's gonna switch it up, no matter how much I've learned and trust blue's judgment and the production team's approach, I still get that scare that the writer might just throw in a real twist at the end.

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4 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

 Is that woman we see at the academy a baduk player? I got what role she played in the whole thing (date, etc.) but who is she?


Are you referring to TK's colleague's girlfriend? I think she is DS's fellow colleague?


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@EMM! I head that Taek is based on a real baduk player who also didn't know how to park his car? but  im not sure...

In my opinion it all comes down to their personalities,  Taek is this calm person, when he was young he didn't know how to do certain things, so him driving a car like some kind of professional driver kind of just kills of his character. I dont think he changed much in the past years, SW mum/ his new mum ^_^ also left him milk on the table for when he came back home....nice gesture but mind you he is 23/24 doesnt he know how to make a glass of warm milk?... In conclusion he didnt change much he is still 'baby' taek in peoples eyes people still want to take care of him. Im not saying that he did not grow up though just...barley, still we didnt see him much in this episode. Ps.I also think the scene is also for comic relief haha :) 

As for JH its kind of expected from him, he is in the airforce I wouldnt expect him to drive a mini miner  haha I also wouldnt expect  him to drive like an old granny or even worse Bora :P , the jeep suits him perfectly. He is portrayed as this 'manly' guy who probably went through loads of different training in the academy he went to become a pilot, he may have also learned how to drive that way there ? who knows hehe.


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