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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Let's see 3 episodes left.  I don't see them showing us that JH dating around in 1994.  It's more like he dated around during the time jump.  The talk between JH and DS is long overdue.   It will be similar to the talk between YJ and SW in 1997.  SW rejects him after his confession and YJ pretty much decides to break their friendship and leave everything to SW to make things right.  The same thing happened  to Trash and NJ in 1994.  NJ confronts Trash on why their relationship broke apart.  She gives herself closure on their break up and Trash was the one who had to make the first move to make things right between them.  

I think this time around in 1988, JH will finally confess and apologize for being immature and that he will finally let her go so that he can finally move on.  JH will not outright say it was because of TK that he backed out but I think whatever JH says, DS will figure things out and realize why JH acted the way that he did.  When TK finally confesses DS will probably tell him that she knows.  DS will be the one who make things right between her and JH.

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Guest wizengamot
2 minutes ago, boranoona said:

@wizengamot and @papulichan i would hate it if the kiss was real bcz deoksun sort of kissed him back :vicx: 


actually someone on the main thread pointed that out. that it must be a dream since she kissed back because there's no romantic feelings or tension shown from DS to respond that way. plus also the lying down position someone pointed is weird. why would she lie down like that. not to mention DS reaction the morning after and even TK thinks it's a dream. but anyway, don;t let it get you down. think about the end game and all the possibilities when JH-DS are officially together 


who's HOT and POPULAR guys...


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Finally skipped trough the RAW and I still think the kiss may be true and probably DS is shocked and curious so she doesn't pull away immediately, but even if the thing actually did happen is not that positive for TKxDS progress. In fact I personally believe this scene (together with the bridal style carrying one) is meant for her to confirm TK is a man and TK likes her (also, to troll a little because why not?), but even experiencing these romantic gestures, she doesn't like him in the way he likes her. So she finally takes him in consideration, but understands immediately that her feelings for him are purely platonic (and this is totally different from the way she feels about JH). So she doesn't wanna embarass him or hurt him and acts as nothing ever happened (maybe during these years she also distances herself a bit from him so she won't have to reject him?) and decides to try to give up on JH too, because she understands too like the boys that their friendship is in danger.

That said, after the time jump, I think being adults they could just try and be sincere for once (also they could try to give TK a meaningful love life, different from pursuing DS until the last episode, still bitter about Chilbongie..), but I'm not sure about what to expect from the confession scene.. Maybe JH will really confess saying he liked her, but he's now over her? *lol you liar* So that she can made him change idea immediately? *kiss the noble-angsty-liar Deoksun-ah* Or maybe he'll tell her about TK's feelings *mind you own bussiness* but in that case, she'll realize he backed down in the past out of his friendship with Taek so.. she'll kiss him and they'll get together either way.

*proud clapping*

Ok seriously, I don't know from where I'm gaining all this confidence given all the previous trolls, also I'm sort of scaramantic so let's say I hope at least in the preview he's actually talking to her and it's not some weird mash up of scenes to test our sanity. Today was hard just getting the two in the same frame and I think it's better to lower my expectation (still expecting a K I S S though, a real one :D)


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'Reply 1988' producer asks media to stop spoilers


On January 8, a rep from 'Reply 1988' asked media outlets to tone down releasing spoilers in articles. The rep stated, "I hope that spoiler articles don't come out. The producers are currently very puzzled. Many viewers are waiting, and this is not something that's preferable. They're doing their best to film in an iron box, and if spoilers are released before the broadcast, it's very disheartening."

LOL. I hope there will be no spoiler for next week episodes ^_^

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I'm not sure it wasn't real, but I have two doubts 1)it's staged as a  classic dream sequence where he opens his eyes and she's there and they don't speak and she goes along and 2) she would go lay down like that watching him sleep like that only if she was head over heels and I seriously doubt even TK shippers would go so far as to say she is so crazy in love.


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31 minutes ago, boranoona said:

I visited the taek/deoksun thread and they seem to have predicted the spiderman kiss earlier  :bawling: they have some great detective skills..they seem quite positive that the kiss was real.what if it was?wenyeolll


If we start to have what if's that is the time you start to doubt. i know I already said it many times just follow the story. And TK/DS kiss is just a small part of the whole episode. 

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8 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


actually you can predict that too. i mean, if you look at the ep 17 preview you can tell that they are lying facing each other but in an inverted way. go to the preview of ep 17 and look at the picture of TK lying down. you'll see DS hair and jacket so you can tell their inverted position. now if you're a shipper you would want them to kiss so bam spiderman kiss (because of the position). but since we're not a tk shipper, no one pointed that out here. so yeah don't worry. :)

this thread did not reach 340 plus pages from pure spazzing. a lot of clues and parallelism both from the previous reply and between JH and DS were shared so really don't worry 

@leekyuphii i won't be surprised to if we reach 400 tomorrow or on sunday or even catch up with the main thread pages

 Im active in that forum as well cause I love both ships, so I think he was mentioning the way they zoomed up into the reflection of the eyes/pupils to confirm stuff? and to be honest previews are used to mislead/troll us sometimes so the DS/TK shippers really investigated well to confirm things and it probably seems so obvious that the stuff happening in episode 17 was going to happen now that it happened I reckon lol I'm pretty impressed when I read what people say will happen actually end up happening, like a lot of effort goes into that and its really interesting to read so bravo! this forum too has very talented Sherlock people who have a talent for investigating lol

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That kiss was a dream very likely. But even if it was not I think that it does not necessarily mean something bad. DS could realize the way she really feels ( she doesnt have romantic feeling towrds TK) so maybe thats why she acted like nothing happened .I do not know what is actually true but there are more possibilities

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Guest wizengamot
1 hour ago, JCgirl 001 said:

 Im active in that forum as well cause I love both ships, so I think he was mentioning the way they zoomed up into the reflection of the eyes/pupils to confirm stuff? and to be honest previews are used to mislead/troll us sometimes so the DS/TK shippers really investigated well to confirm things and it probably seems so obvious that the stuff happening in episode 17 was going to happen now that it happened I reckon lol I'm pretty impressed when I read what people say will happen actually end up happening, like a lot of effort goes into that and its really interesting to read so bravo! this forum too has very talented Sherlock people who have a talent for investigating lol


oh they zoomed to pupil? but you can see that even by just looking at the preview. anyway, kudos to the efforts

57 minutes ago, papulichan said:


We might just speed through overtaking the MT in couple days...





that's what's running to my brain now chingu. hahahaha!!!

i mean i thought, MT page would accelerate because it's live recap days but there's still less people coming there now T_T

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2 hours ago, JCgirl 001 said:

yeah thats what i noticed big time. Like what the hell? give the man some paw paw or lip balm please! unless its suppose to be like that and theres a reason behind him having saw/ouchy cracked lips?

YES THEY'RE DOING IT ON PURPOSE!! to be kissed by DS some moist lips

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Guest wizengamot

i don;t know guys at what page will i wake up tomorrow?

lol have mercy on those who are not online. hahahahahahaha!!!

anyway, i'm gonna sleep now

jaljjara. chingus!!!



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5 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


oh they zoomed to pupil? but you can see that even by just looking at the preview. anyway, kudos to the efforts


that's what's running to my brain now chingu. hahahaha!!!

i mean i thought, MT page would accelerate because it's live recap days but there's still less people coming there now T_T

yeah its because 1988 can be so unpredictable sometimes that people were like 'there probably trying to trick us and get our hopes up' etc so they went all in to confirm but yeah it looks so obvious now but a few days ago weren't we all dying for the next episode? and when that preview finally came out we went a bit hysterical for it haha :) people can be pretty adorable when they get all passionate :)

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One perception about tomorrow's episode suddenly struck my mind, as someone said JH might confess to DS only to get over his feelings for her, I really feel one-side loves end after confession and he may add that now he is fine as he dated many girls in the last few years but but.... there might be a twist with confession of DS, she might confess that she too felt similarly and she is not over him yet but again now its time for her to move on... she might just leave after confessing and our JH might go to a dumb mode for few moments and by the time he realises what just happened DS has left by then.... and then might come the preview scene of JH running to his jeep... he driving rashly in search of DS and when he finally finds her... I think we can imagine next...

My imaginations sometimes truly go crazy... then I feel this is the ultimate result of watching too many dramas...

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So, before I go to sleep.. ( who the richard simmons am I lying... I'm not gonna any sleep tonight)....ha !  Just wanna tell how gimmicky the PD-nim is:--


In Re'94 , there was this scene where CB goes to but medicine for NJ ..After some kinda mall accident where NJ was suppose to meet CB and was worried like hell for his safety...SO, CB goes to the pharmacy all smiling to buy NJ some indigestion medicine  - SCENE STOPPED HERE--- we , CB shippers thought how this is it !....But, then in the Finale episode it was revealed how when CB comes back with the medicine , he sees NJ merrily accompanying Trash and then sighs and never gives her the medicine....

SO, those chingudeul worrying about the TK-DS kiss..... it does not affect the ENDGAME....no matter how many hugs and kisses from the OTHER guy....


Okay...let me kiss my bf now....tumblr_n1ta7ncB1N1tspz4co2_250.gif

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47 minutes ago, Vannyah M said:

Ahahahhahahah girl i won`t , i`ll try to take away JH then we can be sisters , DS can have TK lol

Yay sister or better yet, do you believe in polyogomy? Why don't we have a haram of husbands because I want Junghwan and Dong Ryeong as side pieces (look at me being as greedy as Cheehah MiRan) ;)

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