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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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12 hours ago, peny said:


But I think a kdrama friendly character is a good idea too. There is many example where a drama with this kind of lead, hit a success.


For SHR and BBJX plot/political story, sure will be different since Khistory and Chistory not the same. In BBJX 4th forged emperor kangxi's will but in SHR, 2nd and 3rd prince will ascend the throne first. If they make SHR 4th waiting and plotting secretly until he deliver the last blow, it will make less sense. 


I have already expected that this Kversion will turn out to be a 90% different drama so I'm open to more options now. I just hope the writer would make the female lead an intelligent and critical character if she is to be different than RX, rather than a naive and weak girl incapable of defending herself in any kind of situations and believes every single thing that is fed to her. That kind of character is really dated and doesn't appeal to me anymore. 

4th in SHR can still be a plotting man (and someone is really plotting something as far as I can tell from the trailer, what with the supposedly murdered maid under the suicide disguise and the planned assassination of the king during the night feast). There is a proverb in Chinese that says 'the man wills his action but Heaven wills its outcome/success', so 4th may plot some plans of his own (though they may not be vicious or related to the dead royal maid or the king's assassination) but maybe the timing is off so his plans can't succeed and he is forced to wait through more reigns by his brothers? It's just my speculations but I really like some political struggles implicated in the story as it adds elements to the plot and creates characters with wit and tactics, which were one of the few things that keep me interested in watching period drama :P

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35 minutes ago, maskros said:


I have already expected that this Kversion will turn out to be a 90% different drama so I'm open to more options now. I just hope the writer would make the female lead an intelligent and critical character if she is to be different than RX, rather than a naive and weak girl incapable of defending herself in any kind of situations and believes every single thing that is fed to her. That kind of character is really dated and doesn't appeal to me anymore. 

4th in SHR can still be a plotting man (and someone is really plotting something as far as I can tell from the trailer, what with the supposedly murdered maid under the suicide disguise and the planned assassination of the king during the night feast). There is a proverb in Chinese that says 'the man wills his action but Heaven wills its outcome/success', so 4th may plot some plans of his own (though they may not be vicious or related to the dead royal maid or the king's assassination) but maybe the timing is off so his plans can't succeed and he is forced to wait through more reigns by his brothers? It's just my speculations but I really like some political struggles implicated in the story as it adds elements to the plot and creates characters with wit and tactics, which were one of the few things that keep me interested in watching period drama :P

I think haesoo and ruoxi is the same when it come to their will to survive. Translation for SHR trailer show it, haesoo said she want to live, its great we can see how haesoo will manage to use people around her to survive after travel 1000years back to the past :D 

Btw do you know why 8th and 13th prince share the same name as wang wook? I tried to search google/wiki/asianwiki/twitter but find nothing. I read wang wook is wangso bother in law, but which wangwook actually the same blood sibling of wangso's legal wife? So curious to know.

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16 minutes ago, LyraYoo said:

I think he's referring the no.4 as 4th prince :)

You are right. :) At first, because I am not so familiar with his other saeguks, I thought Is he Wang So? But then i read the No. 4 and get that he really was. 

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I can't find C-version BBJX thread so no choice but to reply here.


I think I am the original poster so I should reply. 
RX had feelings for 8th prince, no doubt about it. I extract bits of the novel here :

Upper part, chapter 30 / 38 /40 
上部,三十章 : 进了帐篷,却是再也控制不住自己,扑倒在羊毛毯上,闭着眼睛,心一抽一抽地疼着。不错!我心中是有他,我怎么可能对他四年的付出没有丝毫感动呢?可是我无法面对这份感情。我有太多的惧怕和计较,而他有太多的野心和女人。

上部,三十八章 : 几日我一直在不停地问自己‘为什么’。为什么我不可以和他生死与共呢?现在是康熙四十八年,如果厄运不能避开,他要到雍正四年去世,如果决定和他在一起,还有十六年时间我们可以在一起。真正的爱情难道不是生死相随的吗?梁山伯和祝英台,罗蜜欧和朱丽叶,我当年何尝没有为这些动人的爱情唏嘘落泪,可事到临头,我却在这里踯躅不前。我究竟爱是不爱他呢?是爱但爱得不够呢?还是我只是因为多年累积的感动和对他的哀悯心痛,所以只想尽力救他,但从未想过生死与共呢?或者都有呢?我看不懂自己的心,分不清自己的感情

四十章 : 从此后,你我就是陌路!为什么你不能答应我呢?为什么非要争皇位呢?如果我不能挽救你的生命,我嫁给你又有何意义?前路看不到快乐幸福,我的委屈又有何意义?我知道你不会答应的,却还是欺骗着自己又问了一遍。为什么,你不能答应呢?

These three parts are RX's inner thoughts (1) RX struggling to accept 8th prince's feelings. She's moved by his feelings for her for four years. She said he's in her heart. But she has too many fears, he is too yearning for power and has too many women. (2) RX threatens 8th prince to choose between throne and her. She asked herself why she can't be with him as even if he dies (as in history), they would have 16 years together. Is it real love ? But she is hesitating. Does she really love him, love him enough.... she cannot see her own feelings. (3) RX broke up with 8th prince. They will be strangers henceforth. Why must 8th prince fight for the throne ? If I cannot save your life, is there any meaning to marry you and humble myself ? {there is one whole chunk about her concerns about 8th prince's wife, her son with 8th prince, her sister (Rou Lan) and the conflicts that will arise if she becomes his concubine. }

Lower part, chapter 22 :下部,二十二章 : 人生一梦,白云苍狗。错错对对,恩恩怨怨,终不过日月无声、水过无痕。所难弃者,一点痴念而已!当一人轻描淡写地说出"想要"二字时,他已握住了开我心门的钥匙;当他扔掉伞陪我在雨中挨着、受着、痛着时,我已彻底向他打开了门;当他护住我,用自己的背朝向箭时,我已此生不可能再忘。之后是是非非,不过是越陷越深. 话至此处,你还要问起八爷吗?

This is beginning of letter RX wrote to 4th prince on her deathbed. I can't translate the poetic description of RX and 4th prince's relationship development. The end is something like : He (4th prince) holds the key to my heart..when he (suffered for her several times) my heart has already completely opened up to him.... it is impossible for me to ever forget in this life. The conflicts after that, is simply ***... Do you (4th prince) still want to ask about 8th prince


Sorry I just do a rough translation.
RX did have strong feelings for 8th prince but I am not convinced she truly loved him. 4th prince's circumstances were even more challenging than those RX were hesitating over 8th prince but RX did not hesitate with 4th prince.

For me, as long as a drama is entertaining, it is worth the time. 4th or 8th prince, doesn't really matter as the plot was executed well. I actually love BBJX's ending. I believe the author's intent in the novel is 4th prince & RX as the anchor love story. The C-version followed quite closely to the novel.

For Scarlet Heart, I only expect 4th prince to ascend the throne and love relation between IU & 4th prince, IU & 8th prince - the rest depends on how the team wants to execute it.

@jongski Above happens to answer your earlier question about 8th prince, fyi.
BBJX is an entertaining drama but the pace and focus differs from usual Kdramas. If you want to watch an entertaining C-drama, BBJX is a good choice.But if you want to watch BBJX to know what will happen in Scarlet Heart, I would suggest maybe not.

Hope it is not violation of any rules to talk about BBJX so much in this thread.

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20 minutes ago, peny said:

Wang wook and Wang wook >_<

Maybe one is Wang Wook and the other is Wang Wok. :lol: Just as Hae Soo (SOO sounds like SU?) and Wang So. They almost had the same first name if it wasn't for her extra “O”

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15 minutes ago, sunl0ver said:

I can't find C-version BBJX thread so no choice but to reply here.


I think I am the original poster so I should reply. 
RX had feelings for 8th prince, no doubt about it. I extract bits of the novel here :



These three parts are RX's inner thoughts (1) RX struggling to accept 8th prince's feelings. She's moved by his feelings for her for four years. She said he's in her heart. But she has too many fears, he is too yearning for power and has too many women. (2) RX threatens 8th prince to choose between throne and her. She asked herself why she can't be with him as even if he dies (as in history), they would have 16 years together. Is it real love ? But she is hesitating. Does she really love him, love him enough.... she cannot see her own feelings. (3) RX broke up with 8th prince. They will be strangers henceforth. Why must 8th prince fight for the throne ? If I cannot save your life, is there any meaning to marry you and humble myself ? {there is one whole chunk about her concerns about 8th prince's wife, her son with 8th prince, her sister (Rou Lan) and the conflicts that will arise if she becomes his concubine. }


This is beginning of letter RX wrote to 4th prince on her deathbed. I can't translate the poetic description of RX and 4th prince's relationship development. The end is something like : He (4th prince) holds the key to my heart..when he (suffered for her several times) my heart has already completely opened up to him.... it is impossible for me to ever forget in this life. The conflicts after that, is simply ***... Do you (4th prince) still want to ask about 8th prince


Sorry I just do a rough translation.
RX did have strong feelings for 8th prince but I am not convinced she truly loved him. 4th prince's circumstances were even more challenging than those RX were hesitating over 8th prince but RX did not hesitate with 4th prince.

For me, as long as a drama is entertaining, it is worth the time. 4th or 8th prince, doesn't really matter as the plot was executed well. I actually love BBJX's ending. I believe the author's intent in the novel is 4th prince & RX as the anchor love story. The C-version followed quite closely to the novel.

For Scarlet Heart, I only expect 4th prince to ascend the throne and love relation between IU & 4th prince, IU & 8th prince - the rest depends on how the team wants to execute it.

@jongski Above happens to answer your earlier question about 8th prince, fyi.
BBJX is an entertaining drama but the pace and focus differs from usual Kdramas. If you want to watch an entertaining C-drama, BBJX is a good choice.But if you want to watch BBJX to know what will happen in Scarlet Heart, I would suggest maybe not.

Hope it is not violation of any rules to talk about BBJX so much in this thread.

Thank you @sunl0ver i like your explaination <3

No worry BBJX still related to SHR so it is not off topic.

Thats what i wanted to say :) 4th prince circumtances is difficult but ruoxi willing to work it out, when she defy emperor order, she is risking not only her life but the rest of her family, the crime of disobeying emperor could be as severe as treason, and it was a common practice at that time to wipe out the entire family if one found guilty of treason. If not because emperor fondness for her, she would die already. We know ruoxi strong will to survive but despite facing chance of death punishment, she hesitate not to choose the one she love (4th prince).

Idontknow with SHR, the more I watch the trailer I think wangso chasing haesoo with alot of effort XD. Still 72 days till broadcast :astonished:

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22 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

Maybe one is Wang Wook and the other is Wang Wok. :lol: Just as Hae Soo (SOO sounds like SU?) and Wang So. They almost had the same first name if it wasn't for her extra “O”

I think so, the perk of being i-fans and korean illiterate, I am only a speck of dust without translator. LoL.

So curious cause wangso legal wife is his half sister from different mom. And the wife happen to be wang wook sister from same mom. They have complicated relationship chart, tbh :D 


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18 minutes ago, peny said:

I think so, the perk of being i-fans and korean illiterate, I am only a speck of dust without translator. LoL.

So curious cause wangso legal wife is his half sister from different mom. And the wife happen to be wang wook sister from same mom. They have complicated relationship chart, tbh :D 

Yeah, were different times. She is supposed to be 8th prince sister. 

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14 minutes ago, Gabi Bros said:

Yeah, were different times. She is supposed to be 8th prince sister. 

Thankss, wang wook son is going to be a future king. And later after his son ascend the throne, wangwook was given the tittle of king to his name. I read in wiki but they said wangwook is 5th son of king taejoo. :lol:


Fearless haesoo try to save 14th prince from thugs with only a thin wooden stick. Where is that bravery come from?? Hahahaha 



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21 hours ago, peny said:


Fearless haesoo try to save 14th prince from thugs with only a thin wooden stick. Where is that bravery come from?? Hahahaha 

That was so funny! XD She has the reaction of a woman trying to kill a cockroach. :lol: A mix between bravery and fear. 

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Hi, some titbit of information as I was surfing the Internet. I'm not sure whether they are 100% correct (one who studies Korean history may correct me if I'm wrong please) but perhaps this will add to our speculations of the characters in the upcoming Kversion:

I'll refer to all the princes' father as the King Father, for the sake of clarity.

The first prince to succeed him is 1st prince, or the Crown prince, and he was chosen for the throne by his predecessor. He died early, at 33 years old after 2 years' reign. He was described as an indecisive man when it comes to politics, with his mother's clan being a small clan without much power backup. Even before his reign, there was fierce power struggle amongst the King Father's sons, and 3rd Prince and 4th Prince allied in a conspiracy to take the throne. The Crown Prince (the first King) then died out of illness caused by the fear he suffered during his reign. 

Personal verdict: Um, so it was the 3rd Prince that allied with 4th, not 13th as in the original novel, which means 3rd prince will become rather a prominent character. I'm pretty worried about HJH's acting then if they live true to Khistory ;;__;;

The second prince to succeed the throne is the 3rd prince. His reign lasted 4 years and then he died. Don't know why.

The third prince to succeed the throne is our 4th prince. His reign lasted the longest (26 years - wow) before he died of serious illness and it took him only a few days to pass.

At the beginning of his reign he was described as adopting a passive attitude to the nobles, then came his second and third periods where he sought to strengthen his power before purging all against him. (something similar to the Cversion 4th prince here)

But anyhow there won't be likely a reserved and restrained 4th prince. The two men (Cversion and Kversion) are similar in their cruel treatment of their enemies to suppress their rebellion, but the harshness in the Kversion 4th prince will be more perceivable throughout his life even before he took the throne.

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I am all here for LJK the 4 th prince. Wel am big fan of cold characters but not that of cruel characters. Strangely 4th prince is mix of both. So yes it will hard for me to digest this character..


Will watch only to see how sexy LJK looks in this one eye character ,his cold acting here reminds me of Arang and Megistrate ,my fav. LJK drama.


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2 hours ago, maskros said:

Personal verdict: Um, so it was the 3rd Prince that allied with 4th, not 13th as in the original novel, which means 3rd prince will become rather a prominent character. I'm pretty worried about HJH's acting then if they live true to Khistory ;;__;;


I think 4th would make a dirty trick. Happened in BBJX...might also happen here but can be worst.

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9 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:

That was so funny! XD She has the reaction of a woman trying to kill a cockroach. :lol: A mix between bravery and fear. 


And LJG face scream "Unbelievable" , his expression told us this girl is so weird, maybe she injured her head while fighting the bandits. LOL. 

3 hours ago, Gabi Bros said:
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I think 4th would make a dirty trick. Happened in BBJX...might also happen here but can be worst.

SHR 3rd prince is 4th brother from the same mother. Meanwhile in BBJX, it is 14th prince.

So that natural if 4th siding with 3rd in here. Maybe they will still made 13th as 4th most loyal alliance. As for HJH acting, he did fine in his movie before, @maskros lets give him a chance to prove himself. There is model turn actor doing good job too (lee jong suk/kim woo bin). In my opinion, HJH is an okay choice, he didn't overreacting/exaggerate his character, I watched 2hours of his movie without cringing at his acting, and he is good with action/comedy/kiss scene. Well, its just my opinion though, I tried not to be biased and I admit Iam quite an easy person, hahaha. So easy to please and I don't have high standard as long as its watchable, I won't complain. LoL.

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12 hours ago, peny said:


And LJG face scream "Unbelievable" , his expression told us this girl is so weird, maybe she injured her head while fighting the bandits. LOL. 



this scene really show how Haesoo just being herself.. i mean she from future where we really open.. a hug don't really mean a romantic gesture but can be just between friend.. its totally weird and puzzled for 4th and 8th prince to see how Haesoo just hug 14th.. lol even 14th prince face is funny.. LOL

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6 minutes ago, violet90 said:

this scene really show how Haesoo just being herself.. i mean she from future where we really open.. a hug don't really mean a romantic gesture but can be just between friend.. its totally weird and puzzled for 4th and 8th prince to see how Haesoo just hug 14th.. lol even 14th prince face is funny.. LOL

 Waaah  LOLI wanna see maknae love! 14th prince! Ji Soo!

And Joon Gi why cover that beautiful face! Ha. Bur hey I'm team 8th prince!

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