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[Drama 2016] Moon Lovers ❤ Scarlet Heart Ryeo, 달의 연인-보보경심 려 \^0^/ Soompi Kdrama 2016 Winner


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7 hours ago, kdramawriter said:


1. Hae Su should have understood Wang So because she has been with him the most. Her understanding should have allowed her to continue to be in love with him. 

ANS: From your quote: "When a person loves someone, aren't you suppose to accept the good with the bad?" Maybe. This is an ambiguous question and more of an aphorism than logic. How much bad are you suppose to accept? How much bad can you bear before it drives you insane? That is a question every relationship test must pass. Is there more good than bad? Is the bad worth the good. Only our heroine can decide what her limit is in a relationship, we don’t get to decide that limit. For me, it is enough that Hae Su knows her limitation and is bailing for her sanity.  


2. Hae Su never takes Wang So's side. 

ANS: Hae Su has taken his side plenty of times. She proclaimed him king. She covered his scar so that he would be successful at the rain ritual. She subsumed her identity in order to be with him. She lied to herself that she could be with a man who was in a polygamous relationship with another woman (YH) who’s hell bent on destroying her. THIS MESSAGING IS WHAT THE SHOW IS ABOUT. You cannot change yourself for a man, you will only be ruined in the process. Hae Su tries to fit into the palace, but her very essence does not belong there because she does not hunger for power. She is not interested in gaining a position so she will always be vulnerable. Has Wang So been able to protect her? He’s kept her alive, but there’s not much else for her to live for other than seeing him. And that’s simply not enough to sustain a person. 


3. Hae Su is a hypocrite for forgiving CR and not forgiving WS

There’s no line where Hae Su says CR is forgiven for her crimes. That Hae Su feels sorry for CR is part of her personality. She is an empathetic person able to see CR’s plight. She was able to do it for So in the past: when he killed those monks, when he had to kill Eun, when almost everyone in Goryeo tells her that he’s a terrible person, she tells WS that she KNOWS he’s a good person. This is the problem though, because what HS considers to be a good person is absolutely not what WS considers to be a good person. 


Thanks for your thoughtful explanations. 

My opinion is different, so let me explain shortly:

1-2 She doesn't have to understand him, and she doesn't have to accept his actions. But I don't feel that for many of us who criticized her this is our point. The point is that she seems to have a double standard and rejects WS to easily considering how she acts regarding other people crimes. Also is not like she finds only now how WS i. Plus she is consistently ignoring that his acts are reactions to his being put to the corner and that he is also in danger. Ok, she knows he will not die, but he doesn't!!!! FOR HIM IS REALLY A DEATH OR LIVE SITUATION . She may not like his defense actions and she has this right, and even WS is aware of this !!! But she never try to consider also his situation, the danger he is, and also to consider that the others one weren't innocent victims..... so, is not that she must understand him, but if she really wants to play the 'values' then is normal to play it all the way and have this standard also with others people. Lets see her also having this opinions and values with other ones !!!!! Like lets have  her  tell WW about how she despise him cause he was trying to kill the  king, or lets see her having a small talk in her mind with CR about trying to kill someone. Or let her have a discussion about the value of every human life in Gyoryeo ..... cause without these scene, we are left with her judgements only to WS, and with her separation only from him .... if these are really her values and wants to act according to them, I am the first to salute her, and from the beginning I was hoping we could see the clash between her modern mind and the specifics of that time .... sorry to say I don't feel this was portrayed good enough, is more like we have to make this conclusions ... and is not like she didn't know how things go on that palace to be now so disgusted .... people were killed before, I hope she wasn't imagining that from now on there will be only flower and  birds .....seriously, she is a mature woman, saw a lot of things, and have some  knowledge of history, what was she expecting ???? Is not like there passed many years after he become king to say that she did have enough ......and is not like she fight with him to modernize the country and have enough of this fight ....and is not like he killed his brothers and she just cannot take it anymore .... so, I can't  see her like she is standing up for her values neither like she really had enough, but more like she is  disappointed in him for not being what she  thought he was and give up, also she does love him

2. She talked about her like she was , is her sister, like she was a victim, that her only sin was that she loved,that she was sincere with her, that she doesn't need to be punished. We never see her having some thoughts about her  being an instrument in killing 3 people in fact ...not an image ...not her crying for what she did...not even asking herself how was thie possible ... not having a tragic contemplation on how her decisions killed her own friends,the king, the 10 prince, his wife ...... if this is not forgiving,then what is it? .....if she has so strong values, how is she relating to this???? So, or she forgives her and understand her gestures, or what ? ...she can understand killing 2o monks, stabbing a brother, killing a king, killing innocent people,but she can't understand killing someone implicated in crimes .....this is really to much for her !!!!! Sorry to say, but I really don't figure this out .....


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Im glad Im not the only one feeling this way looks like kneitz too. 

Moon Lovers Ep 19






Osen - Naver: 'Moon Lovers', Lee Jieun leaves Lee Jun Ki...sad ending? 

1. [+4,140, -111] Where's the preview for the final episode? I'm so sad for Wang So today.. will it be a sad ending? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+3,440, -133] I was thinking things will end for Wook in Goryeo but what if it's not only Wang So that will go into the present time but Wook as well?

3. [+2,395, -103] I don't want them to separate. sobs

4. [+2,047, -87] Happy ending please ㅠㅠㅠ And why is everyone dying?

5. [+1,877, -84] Everyone's dying.. must be a sad endingㅠㅠ

6. [+1,551, -58] I don't think that Hae Soo truly loves Gwang Jong. Why don't I feel her affection for So, in fact she feels rather heartbroken for Wook, it's annoying. She understands everyone but So. Writer, why are you ruining the script ugh

7. [+1,367, -33] Wang So's done as much as he could for Hae Soo, he drank the poison for her, took the arrow for her. Now is he gonna die for her too? Even though she's turned her back on him, he worries about her knees and wanted to make her an empress yet she's leaving him. I trusted Hae Soo to give the love Wang So never received from his mother but she's refused him to the utmost

8. [+1,046, -26] The real anti of this drama is the writer

9. [+951, -25] I don't understand Hae Soo at all, she's only harsh to So

10. [+920, -26] Wang So has no one by his side, honestly he's the biggest victim. I don't know about how it is in actual history but no other character is as pitiful as Wang So. What did he do wrong? I only want a happy ending for him





Xports News - Naver: 'Moon Lovers', Seohyun kills herself to protect Nam Joo Hyuk 

1. [+2,748, -22] Everyone's dying.....

2. [+1,039, -18] They're all dying one by one

3. [+940, -23] Why is everyone dying? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+834, -36] This episode went down the cancer route

5. [+401, -8] Ridiculous...If you compile all of Seohyun and Nam Joo Hyuk's scenes, I bet it won't even add up to 10 minutes. In those short amount of time, they experienced love and death

6. [+310, -3] Haa writer.. this seems wrong ㅋㅋㅋ Why did you kill all the guys who were in the hot spring scene? ㅋㅋㅋCould've saved at least one of them


7. [+298, -9] No Woo Hee-yaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Baekah already had to say goodbye to 2 loved ones

cr. kkuljaem blogspot

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I watched the trailer again because I cannot take the heart break anymore and maybe it'll give a little piece of hope for us. And as expected there were no more new scenes we can extract from it :tears: except this HS's line: (or was it already shown? if so what ep is it?) 




I am really really hoping for a happier ending. Please PD-nim and drama gods help us! 

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3 minutes ago, enigmaticangel said:


Exactly she miss WANG SO who once-upon-a-time was everything to her and still IS !

She misses to see her "Wang So" ...The WS - who was lost during the throne battle..!! :tears:

Wow, I can't imagine how miserable GJ is going to be for the rest of his life after this! It is plain cruel! 

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15 hours ago, AryRa said:

Sorry guys... i need to see this cute gwangjong... distraction for a moment :wub:

What a night... :bawling: eventhough i just read the recap...

Thanks @AryRa I will repeatedly watch this & take a break with this too once I start watching Eps19-20.

Why do I keep hearing this song in my head... maybe its meant for me.. to comfort my heart. :mellow:


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Seriously Wang So reads Hae Soo's letter after her death? then what's the use of watching this drama when it exactly follows the storyline of the novel? I expected a better ending, It's not fair at all. The writer at least should have given them the last chance to meet. This way the future encounter is useless too, because the person Hae Soo meets can't be Wang So, maybe his doppleganger. IT'S NOT FAIR FOR BOTH OF THEM, ESPECIALLY POOR WANG SOO THAT HAS TO SPEND THE REST OF HIS LIFE WITH SUCH A GREAT REGRET. The actual victims of this drama is US, the viewers, that have to get along with this tragedic ending and the deppression during and after it's airing.

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