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[Daily Drama 2015/2016] Witch's Castle 마녀의 성


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@lclarakl  Hello my chingu, I hope you're joining us the more the merrier. It shouldn't be a problem catching up with only 8 episodes in as I'm also liking it so far.

@ina111  chingu today's episode was a good one and seeing the preview looks promising. Yes I agree and wouldn't mind seeing a love triangle between Cecil/PD/Landlord.

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@lclarakl I'm glad you're enjoying it. I hope that the story won't get too messy later. :D

I checked the TV guide, and there will be no episode on Friday. Episode 10 will air on Monday, December 28. 

This episode made me so mad at Cecil. She takes "living expenses money" from DB and buys herself a fur coat? (Yup, that coat should really help with her acting career. :rolleyes:) Also, her incident with MR's daughter in the next episode is probably going to force HD to give up fighting for their house in order to get MR to settle. I pity Leo for having such an immature and irresponsible mother.
I pity DB too. I wonder if things are going to stay the same for her after she moves in with Cecil and HD. I really don't want to watch her be their ATM or a (verbal) punching bag. :(

Video preview for episode 10 (Credit: DramaSBS channel on Youtube)

Cecil gets a little violent after she sees her father and his new family so happy and carefree while she and her mother are in such anguish. She gets arrested for injuring MR's daughter. HD is at the police station asking MR to settle, but MR refuses. The detained Cecil asks DB to deliver some papers in her stead to a guy at a nightclub. (I'm guessing it's probably Cecil's resume or something, and the guy is some shady agent type who takes advantage of young women desperate to get into acting.) It looks like he gets the wrong idea from DB's outfit and makeup, and starts making inappropriate overtures. To make matters worse, GH happens to witness some of that, and it adds to his growing list of misunderstandings about DB.

In this episode GH asked DB to pay 8.55 mil won in damages. 8 mil Won for the watch, 50k Won for cleaning and, the best part, 500k Won for psychological damages. :D DB tried to negotiate down the amount, but GH stayed firm. 

Video clips from episode 9:


LOL, EY's pregnant sister-in-law "gives birth" right there in the middle of EY's living room. 





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@ina111  Thanks chingu for the info about episode 10 that it will be seen on Monday.

I'm with you about being so upset with Cecil asking DB for money like she's a bank or something, when DB pulled out her money, I said now watch Cecil come back asking for more and as I've learned never show friends/family all your money, because sometimes they'll take your kindness for your weakness and that is what Cecil is doing to DB, and that's something I really don't like. I also think HD is going to lose her house while both like you said, will eventually end up living with DB to give/cause her more problems especially if DB be seen with GH again from HD smh ughhh!!! I like to take the time out and wish EVERYONE A

                  "Merry Christmas"



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After watching yesterday's episode, I can't wait til MR take everything from that unfaithful, cheating, adultery, Nam Soo and leave that man homeless. MR had a lot of nerve putting Cecil in jail then turning around making HD sign papers in order for her daughter to be release, yes MR laughing her behind off now thinking she's doing something, but is going to need a shoulder to cry on down the line. As I've seen the characters chart, I think HD will end up with HJ father Sang Gook who has money as well. And as for our OTP couple, I would like to know what GH said to DB when she didn't show up to meet him then seeing her at the Nightclub, as it looks to me GH had some harsh words let alone was very upset with DB. Lastly" I like the pace of this drama of being light as of now and is looking forward to seeing the next episode.

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The father in this drama is too much. I'm not sure why the mother in law dislikes DB so much. Well I look forward to seeing how they repay the father and his mistress. It appears the women are going to go through some hard times first. Also, I wonder what is the relationship between GH and the woman in the office. He doesn't act like he likes her at all.

I wish this drama was subbed because I'm really liking it so far.

@suchadiva42, I agree with your post (just saw it). I wish they would sub this drama because this is an interesting one. Do you know where I can find the relationship chart?

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22 minutes ago, suchadiva42 said:

@lclarakl  chingu, I tried to look up the relationship chart and couldn't find it.

I also hope this drama gets subbed, I'm liking it and will continue to watch because of SJS, CJW, and to the fact that the subs will help us out a lot of what being said.


Same here. I'm also watching Beautiful You, but this drama is so much more interesting to me. I wish this one was being subbed instead of that one.

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14 hours ago, lclarakl said:


@Misstwilightfan1416, thanks for sharing that article. It was very helpful in understanding some of the drama details.  I really love this drama so it's nice to get some insight into some of the scenes.

I also love this drama and that's why I'm willing to watch it from beginning to end, and if it won't be subbed I'll still put my time in to watch this drama to see SJS, CJW, and the rest in action.

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4 hours ago, suchadiva42 said:

I also love this drama and that's why I'm willing to watch it from beginning to end, and if it won't be subbed I'll still put my time in to watch this drama to see SJS, CJW, and the rest in action.

@suchadiva42, I agree. I have loved the main actress since the first time I saw her in the drama, "Stars Falling from the Sky". I had to go back and check out some of her earlier works. For the most part, I can follow this drama and it has a nice vibe to it.  I just hate that I don't understand some of the more subtle, but important things being said. I have a feeling, based on the teaser for this drama, that the writer is going to make them strong and they are going to get justice in their own way by being successful.

@Misstwilightfan1416, Thank you!!  I have a new site to add to my collection!

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6 hours ago, LavelyShai said:

I almost forgot about this one because there are no subs right now. I'm gonna just suck it up and watch, I don't want to miss out on a good drama.


That's a good site, I use it for a few dailies that aren't getting subbed, but so far there aren't even Chinese subs for this one & that's usually the indicator they're going to add English subs. I think they need more subbers, that's the impression I got when I asked them about a variety show.


@LavelyShai, Thanks for the information. So far I'm really enjoying this dramas.

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Guest ina111

Happy New Year to all!

I've been absent for a bit, but I've kept up with the drama. I've also been stalking ODK (OnDemand Korea), waiting to see if they will start subbing this, but I don't have much hope. I probably mentioned this before, none of the SBS dramas I've followed this year got English subs on that site. I think the difference is that MBC and KBS provide ODK with subtitles, and SBS does not. :(
This drama is getting C-subs from a different source though. (It looks like the subs are released once a week, 5 episodes at a time.)


@Misstwilightfan1416 Thank you for that link! If anyone has come across any website doing recaps (in English or Korean), please share. I found one in Japanese, but it sounds like the person doing it will probably quit soon. :( 

@lclarakl I ended up giving up on Beautiful You. I might go back and revisit later. I liked the atmosphere of that drama very much- it seems more adult and contemplative to me, but, similar to you, I had problems getting behind the story and the characters. 

I haven't been able to find an official relationship chart either. Here's one I made for myself a while back to help me keep the character names straight. It's not going to be of much help though because I only drew in the family relationships. There are other connections between the characters mentioned in the character descriptions. (I mention some of them under the other spoiler tag.)


Source of all images: SBS
Romanized character names copied from asianwiki page. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes! 


I guess the color-code for arrows is obvious - 
red: marriage
blue: parent-child
green: siblings
purple: grandparent-grandchild.



I tried to wade through the character descriptions over the holidays. Here are a few details from what I could understand. Disclaimer: my Korean is poor, so it's possible that I misunderstood something. If you notice something wrong, please don't hesitate to correct me.
Warning: contains potential plot spoilers


DB's parents used to run a restaurant, and as a kid DB loved cooking and dreamed of becoming a chef some day. One night she was practicing cooking by herself and spilled oil by accident, which caught flame and started the fire that killed her parents. HD was DB's mother's friend and since DB had nowhere to go, HD took her in. DB was 10 at the time.

MR actually has two children. She gave her son away for adoption to a rich household because she could not afford to take care of both children after their father died. The whereabouts of that child are no longer known to her. She went back to see him again a year after the adoption, but the adopted family had moved abroad.

GH's origins are a mystery. He was found wondering the streets when he was around 8 years old, hurt, ragged and crying. He was picked up and raised by a pastor who gave him his current name. GH had obviously been traumatized by something because he didn't speak for a year after that. He also didn't remember anything that happened before, not even his own name or age. (I hope that GH will not turn out to be MR's son!) He got a scholarship from MC Group foundation (for university and even study abroad). SG values him for his ability. (I guess he also sees his young self in GH.)

SG came from a poor background, but he was very capable. He took over the running of his father-in-law's business after marrying. The f-i-l died 5 years ago. HJ's mother died 23 years ago in a car accident. She had a man she dated before marriage, but her father coerced her to marry SG. At the time of the accident that other man was in the car with her, and SG is the only person who knows this fact. The other man lost his life in that accident as well. In spite of SG's efforts to be a good husband, his wife had never loved him, and it looks like she might have been having an affair with that other man. (I guess it's possible that HJ is not SG's daughter.)

HJ discovered a secret about her mother at an early age, and that has been weighing on her since. (It's not revealed what this secret is. Her mother's affair? Her own birth secret?)

SG and HD grew up in the same neighborhood. She was a bit of a roughneck in her youth, and they weren't on good terms. She's done things like poke a hole in his bike tire and put a frog in the bag of a girl who was out on a date with him, making the girl run away. :D He moved  away and they haven't seen each other since. (I look forward to them meeting again, and I hope that they get a chance at romance.)

SG's brother-in-law Yoo Sung is 20 years younger than his late noona. He is a drama PD and a ladies' man. 

MR's daughter is an aspiring entertainer/actress. I think her profile mentioned her mind being stuck on YS, but I'm not sure what that means because there is definitely an age mismatch there. (I'm talking about the actors' ages. I'm not sure how old the characters are supposed to be in this drama.)

Eun Yong is a self-made property owner and a trainer at a gym. He is extremely frugal. He started out poor, dropped out of school and started doing physical jobs and wandering the back alleys. He also worked as a bodyguard, saved up money religiously and ended up buying real-estate. DB, HD, Cecil and Leo will live together on the third floor of his building, while he, his hyung and sister-in-law will live on the second. The hyung will rent the first floor for his business. Of course, EY will be charging his brother and s-i-l rent.

Geun Yong is a chef and EY's brother older by 18 years. He was a bachelor until late in life, but now he's married and under his wife's thumb. His wife defected from North Korea 15 years ago.


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@ina111, I love your post--so many juicy nuggets of information. Having this information does help in understanding the storytelling--I actually copied your post into another document so that I can use as a reference.

From past experience, your understanding of Korean is every good.  My progress is going slow--I'm not devoting all the time I should.  This year I'm making it a priority....not sure if that will really do anything.:lol:

When you said there was some mystery around GH, I immediately thought, "Oh no, he's going to be MR's son." I will say that your notes have helped me answer a few questions I had.  The biggest question I needed answered: 'Was MR's daughter NS' child? I have to say, I can't wait for him to see how MR is using him.  He probably won't learn that until after he marries her.

Again, this thread may not be watching a subbed drama, but I'm happy to say it's a good group at finding out information--very resourceful.


Side Note:  I may check out Beautiful You later, but for now I'm too turned off by the characters.

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Guest ina111

text preview for episode 15: 

단별은 호덕을 챙기느라 뒤늦게 강현과의 약속이 생각나고, 유에스비를 가지고 급하게 강현 회사를 찾아간다. 단별은 강현이 연락을 받지 않자 안내데스크에 유에스비를 맡기고 이 모습을 상국이 보게 된다. 한편, 호덕은 방을 구할 때까지만 단별의 집에서 신세를 지게 되는데...

my attempt to translate:
Because she was taking care of HD, DB remembers her appointment with GH too late, and rushes over to GH's company with the USB stick. After GH doesn't accept calls, she leaves the USB stick at the reception desk, and SG sees this. Meanwhile, HD ends up staying at DB's house, only until they find a room...


video preview for episode 15 (Source: DramaSBS channel on Youtube)


@lclarakl You may feel like your progress is slow, but mine has ground to a complete halt lately. I keep saying I need to get back on the wagon, but I am too distracted by all of these fun dramas I want to watch... :D

I also cannot wait for NS to realize what MR is really like. (He is already married to her, I think.) I'm not at all surprised that he is having financial difficulties now. Frankly, I'm more surprised that MR hasn't sucked him dry in these 3 years since he divorced HD. He's not a particularly sharp guy, so how much money can he be making with his business? He's not a spendthrift himself, but his new family is a lot more expensive than his old one. He set up a beauty salon for MR, he's taking MR and her daughter out to expensive restaurants and dressing them in high-end clothes. (The fool doesn't even realize this last bit because they've been lying to him that they are shopping for knockoffs at Dongdaemun market. :lol: )  

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