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[Drama 2015] Sassy Go Go (Cheer Up) 발칙하게 고고

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Wa~~~~ great discussions by @season_goong & @darkangel123 chingus & updates from @fleurofjasmine chingu.

One thing I like about SGG is we got tonnes of ship to choose from!!! Of course, in the end I'll just ship #OT13 plus Saem-deul. 

@season_goong- chingu, sadly Mister X is apparently still unwell. or else he will definitely be reviewing this drama. heck, he even reviewed some of the worst dramas ever kekeke...

Now I am gonna post the remaining 2 parts of Adieu 'Sassy Go Go' series by Sports Chosun (just to clear things, this series came out directly after the conclusion of SGG earlier this month..just that I found it this week)


아듀 '발칙하게 고고'③ 이원근-지수, '제2의 이종석-김우빈' 될까
Adieu ‘Sassy Go Go'③ LWG-JS, Are They Becoming “The 2nd LJS-KWB”?


학원물의 정석은 브로맨스다.
High-school drama’s formulaic bromance.

KBS2 월화극 '발칙하게 고고'가 10일 종영했다. '발칙하게 고고'는 열등생들의 댄스 동아리 리얼킹과 우등생들의 응원부 백호가 치어리딩부로 통폐합되며 벌어지는 이야기를 그린 작품. 이원근-정은지-지수의 삼각관계, 악녀 채수빈의 만행, 이시대 고등학생들의고민과 현주소 등이 유쾌 발랄하게 그려지며 1020대 시청층의 지지를 받았다. 그리고 그 가운데 빛을 발했던 코드는 바로 이원근과지수의 브로맨스다.
KBS2 Mon-Tue drama ‘Sassy Go Go’ ended on the 10th. SGG is a drama about the merging of the dance club Real King and the cheer club of top students Baek-ho into a cheerleading club. (This drama) portrayed the relationship triangle of LWG-JEJ-JS, the atrocity of the antagonist CSB, the worries and current state of present-day high-schoolers in lively and pleasant manner (thus) received support from the viewers of 1020 generation. Also, at its centre is the shining bromance between LWG and JS.

극중 김열(이원근)과 서하준(지수)은 어릴 때부터 알고 지낸 소꿉친구다. 비록 김열은 머리부터 발끝까지 완벽한 엄친아이고, 서하준은 성적 지상 주의에 폭력적이기까지 한 아버지 밑에서 자라며 분노조절 장애를 앓고 있는 신비주의 소년이지만 두 사람은 세상어디에도 없는 진한 우정을 쌓아왔다. 부모의 사랑을 느끼지 못하고 서로만을 의지하며 지내왔기 때문. 어릴 때부터 "서로 좋아하는 사람이 생기면 가장 먼저 알려주자"고 약속하기도 했을 정도다. 비록 이들 모두 강연두(정은지)를 좋아하게 되면서 갈등을 겪긴했지만 브로맨스는 여전했다. 
In the drama, KY (LWG) and SHJ (JS) are childhood friends who have known each other since (they were) small. Although KY is a perfect ‘Golden Boy’ from head to toe (while) SHJ is an occultism boy who studies only for the sake of results under the control of his violent father (thus) suffering disorder in controlling his anger,  these two built strong friendship that (can be found) nowhere in the world. Because they have been used to not getting love from their parents and only having each other to lean on. They even made promise to “From childhood let each other be the first to know if we find person who we like”. Although both ended up falling for KYD (JEJ) and faced conflicts but their bromance remained.

김열은 성적을 비관해 자실 시도를 한 서하준 곁을 지켜줬다. 또 비밀 보장을 약속했다. 권수아(채수빈)에게 이용당한 것을 알고 폭주한 서하준을 막은 것 역시 김열이었다. 이렇게 끈끈한 사이다 보니 두 사람 사이에 오고 가는 대화도 예사롭지 않았다. "또 너를잃을까 두려웠다", "이 악물고 버티잖아 너 때문에…"라는 등의 심상치 않은 대화가 이어졌다.
KY was always by SHJ’s side to protect him from attempting suicide due to his despair of result. Again, they promised to keep it a secret. Once this was known by KSA (CSB) she took advantage (of the secret) and it was KY who stopped the pressured SHJ. Watching this kind of sticky/close ‘Cider’, the conversations that went on between the two of them were not something common. “I am afraid I would lose you again”, “I am setting my jaw and endure, because of you…”, these are among their out of ordinary conversations that went on.

더욱이 이원근과 지수의 연기 호흡이 좋았다. 두 사람 모두 풋풋한 마스크와 시원시원한 연기력으로 케미 부스터를 달았다. 이런모습은 마치 '학교 2014'의 이종석 김우빈을 연상케 하기도 했다. '학교 2014'에서 이종석과 김우빈은 오해 때문에 멀어졌지만, 누구보다 서로를 이해하고 아끼는 사이로 등장했다. 오해를 풀고난 뒤 다시 마음을 연 이들의 브로맨스는 수많은 여성팬들의 심장을 저격했고, 이 작품을 통해 이종석과 김우빈 모두 초절정 스타덤에 올랐다. 물론 이들과 '발칙하게 고고'의 캐릭터나 설정 자체는 다르다. 하지만 비주얼과 연기력으로 손발 오그라들지 않는 브로맨스를 표현해냈다는 점에서 이원근과 지수 역시 '학교' 시리즈 레전드스타로 남은 이종석 김우빈의 계보를 이을 수 있을거란 기대가 높아지고 있다.
Moreover, LWG and JS acted well. Their fresh faces and straightforward acting all together have become the booster for the chemistry. This kind of appearance has been associated to the like of ‘School 2014’s LJS-KWB. In ‘School 2014’ LJS & KWB became estranged due to misunderstanding, but they started to get closer once they got to understand each other more than anyone. After clearing their misunderstanding and opened their heart (to each other) again, their bromance shot through the hearts of many women fans (and) this drama has shot LJS and KWB to stardom. Of course, the setup of the characters in SGG is different than these two. However, displaying their bromance without (causing) fingers to curl through their visuals and acting power, the expectation is increasing whether they can inherit the legendary ‘School’ series stars LJS-KWB.

[Source: http://sports.chosun.com/news/utype.htm?id=201511120100122060007825&ServiceDate=20151111; Translation by ME] 

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@darkangel123: actually, it's hard to compare who has more tragic loss than whom but they have different way to cope with their own loss:

- YD chose a positive road, to go on with full of passion, to live as freely as she wants, to do everything her heart tells her to be happy each day. You're right, she has such positive way thanks for the love of her mom.

- HDJ chose to be beside YD to protect her

- KY and HJ chose to keep all their loss inside and build a shell of their soul

@ZaidaShaffi : I'm also walking on the road of withdrawal and then I feel


This show ended too soon, left me with many incomplete wishes that I have to leave it for my imagination:

- The wish to see OT13 in university life

- To see how YD's mom will complain KY for not being able to help her going up higher rank than 195

- To see how the kids will react and tease uri KY-YD when they reveal to be in a relationship, how many demerits point Yang saem will give them?

- Will YD angry if she knows that SA is stealing her strawberry milk? Will KY give her banana milk instead?



Can I reply to this again? lol haha Because I want to add on.. I agree with you.

Also, I think the reason why, despite because of her mom as one of the reasons why she chose the positive road, I think another reason why YD and DJ chose to live their lives in the present was also because of her near death experience that she had experience in her childhood, DJ was there with her, so maybe because of her experience from that made her not caring much about her future. Even though, deep down she does care.

So, it's probably the cause of her loss that she experienced in her childhood made her wanted to just live with her passions, instead of worrying about what's ahead of her. Because she clearly had experienced her life of death before, so that was why she wanted to live as happy as she wanted in the present, rather than escaping her present life to be happy in the future. She knew how it felt like for all of the people around her because of that, so she didn't want to go through that in her present life, so she'd rather live with full of passions than regrets. In the past, her mom also wanted her to study hard, but because of her frequent low grades, her mom decided to just let her daughter do what her heart tells her to instead, I guess that's why hahah However, not just her near death experience was her loss, her father was her loss too, which we don't know what happened to her father... what if she also had a betrayal of her father too? haha She felt quite uncomfortable talking about him when Yeol asked.

I think for Yeon Doo, "Follow Your Heart" probably had affected her since little, I think... because everyone around her; her mom, Dong Jae, Yeol, Ha Joon, and even Soo Ah, gives that permanent advice to her, so it really affected her to hear that. But I love how at the end of episode, she realized that always doing things the way her heart tells her can make people that she cares about, hurt, I'm glad she learned through her impetuous personality in the past must have hurt people she cares a lot. The development and growth of these characters really impress and amaze me :)

I also understand why KY and HJ chose the closed and isolated paths, because the wounds and pains in their childhood really affected them from shocks, fears, and abandonment.

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Why? Why? Why my heart can't stop fluttering every time I saw above selca pt icture? Anyone, please save me from this heartbreaking road of a shipper :tears:

But thanks  chingu @XXXlatebloomerXXX for the article about bromance. I think I started to love this bromance since the scene which Hajoon said "I try by best to survive and endure, because of you". From that moment, I began to understand the tears of KY in the hospital in ep 1 and how beautiful the bromance is. Whether after SGG they may not be shot to stardom like LJS or KWB or not, I hope that they still can keep the off screen bromance.

Regarding Mr X, I am half hesitating, half anticipating for his comments on SGG. His criticisms are mostly harsh but fair and accurate but based on my experience, the rom-com dramas hardly get much praise from him. Anyway, I am waiting for his rating on acting of the cast, especially EJ.

@darkangel123 : Your reply with that pic really makes me think my withdrawal road will never end lol. 

Another reasons for their difference choice is the trust. YD has trust on adults, on friends. YD could follow her heart and wholeheartedly help peoples around her because she believes they will stand by her sides. On the other hand, KY and HJ didn't trust anyone except each other, so they chose to isolate themselves from the world to avoid being hurt.

Although YD's dad was not mentioned, I think he passed away because YD still talked about him with all respect and love of a daughter.

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Let me sail with this ship until it sinks but I am happy 

Yes, yes, I also like the bus scene :)) Seem like the reporter was too tired with LWG's answer on his favourite scene because they are all not related to EJ or general scene, so they asked directly what his favourite scene with EJ. Nice

And the ending scene of ep 4 is "We want to kiss"?, is this only KY who wanted to kiss???

35-40 takes means "pretty quickly"??? No wonder why it took them 23 hours/day for filming.

"Even if we are not filming or when filming has ended, we'd still keep in contact and meet up"  

LWG, you can splash cold water onto my face by revealing your relationship to public now but I am still happy lol

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@darkangel123 : Your reply with that pic really makes me think my withdrawal road will never end lol. 

Another reasons for their difference choice is the trust. YD has trust on adults, on friends. YD could follow her heart and wholeheartedly help peoples around her because she believes they will stand by her sides. On the other hand, KY and HJ didn't trust anyone except each other, so they chose to isolate themselves from the world to avoid being hurt.

Although YD's dad was not mentioned, I think he passed away because YD still talked about him with all respect and love of a daughter.

Hahah Sorry lol My withdrawal road will never end either hahah

You are right about that. One side has what she needs, while another side didn't have what he needed, until he met her :) However, one side also doesn't have the things that he has as well. The only thing they DO have that connects to each other, other than loyalty, friendship, and honesty, is that the three of them all keeps their losses to themselves, and are only being transparent of themselves with people whom they're personally close with.

Maybe you're right about YD's dad as well lol ^^

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Hi all,

Just thought I come out from lurking.  Haven't been active for the past few years but this drama really got me hooked, lined and sinked.

Thanks for all the thoughts, discussions, barrage of translated interviews, squeals.  In my mind I'm thinking of settings that would have all the OT13 on in AU Fanfic.....have yet to be able to let go of this drama....sigh/

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Just saw this from eunzit's twitter.. LWG must have realllllly like JEJ soooooo much or they're realllly reallllllly close that LWG seems to always be talking about JEJ!!! Funny to see this but very much welcomed!!! ^_^ How can we stop shipping these 2 if LWG keeps on complimenting JEJ and talking about her even after the end of SGG for 2 weeks already!! >.<

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Let me sail with this ship until it sinks but I am happy 

(pic removed)

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COUNT ME IN, chingu!!!!:wub::w00t:


Just saw this from eunzit's twitter.. LWG must have realllllly like JEJ soooooo much or they're realllly reallllllly close that LWG seems to always be talking about JEJ!!! Funny to see this but very much welcomed!!! ^_^ How can we stop shipping these 2 if LWG keeps on complimenting JEJ and talking about her even after the end of SGG for 2 weeks already!! >.<

I cannot really see the image you are posting, but for sure I know what you are referring too :phew::vicx:

Let us ride on the ship together for as long as it sails and proudly dock it if ever it is destined to sink. TBH, we have been given a great on-screen shipping experience with KY-KYD being such awesome characters separately and even more together #relationshipgoal (of course together with the rest that made up #OT13). And even more awesome that we got swoonworthy, delulu-inducing off-screen experiences, mostly from LWG's interviews, APINK's V-app, EJ's fan cafe update (and what more delulu-inducing is all of them are post-SGG!!), despite lack of BTS & promotion by KBS during its run (whateva!). So I am more than happy for what we have been given for now (and of course cant help to wish for more) and will be satisfied. 

RE: LWG's never-ending 'praises' (or I would prefer to say 'insights') of JEJ

Just like somebody mentioned on Twitter, the interesting part is his comments on JEJ are never repetitive but consistent with the main traits of JEJ. And somehow you can feel that he put much thoughts too them. Controlling LuLu but he described EJ quite aptly and detailed. Maybe that's how he is. 

Just my crazy, shipper self is thinking of compiling all excerpts from LWG's interviews talking about EJ (from eunzit, in reverse chronological order)

p/s: for the sake of your shipper-heart's health, please read from the earliest & we can see clearly how his thoughts on JEJ progresses. kekeke 

latest one:

(the rest under spoiler)







Fuhhh, that was A LOT!

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@XXXlatebloomerXXX @gracebkk Let's sailllllllllllllllllllllll together

Although the road of a shipper is mostly painful but we can't help shipping, just follow what our hearts want hehe

I am so happy that LWG mentioned EJ many times in his post SGG interviews. Of course, one of the reason why LWG mentioned EJ many times is because of their amazing chemistry that reporter keeps asking him about her in all interviews. But taking a look at his answer, it's longer and longer. During filming, his word for her was quite short and simple (like happy virus) but after SGG finished airing, there are continuous praises for EJ. It really makes me think that he did use his time to though of the time they filming together. 

Don't tell me that LWG wants to use popularity of EJ to boost his image. If it's like that, he would have answered that the most memorable scene is the kiss scene or some scenes which there are only 2 of them and mentioned more about their interactions and sweet time during filming to cause some noises. But no, he indeed praised EJ (many times) and blamed himself, show us (viewers) different sides of EJ. That means he is really thankful and admire and care about her. 

Okay, End of delulu time 

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Posting the final part of Adieu 'Sassy Go Go' series by Sports Chosun talking about uri Chae-So!!!

For her awesome acting and marvelous sismance of Meung-Gu-Chae, wish her all the best for upcoming APAN award!


아듀 '발칙하게 고고'④ 오혜상이 커피라면 채수빈은 T.O.P
Adieu ‘Sassy Go Go’④ If Oh Hye-sang is coffee, CSB (is) T.O.P


절대 악녀의 탄생이다. 
Absolute femme fatale is born.

KBS2 월화극 '발칙하게 고고'가 10일 종영했다. '발칙하게 고고'는 열등생들의 댄스 동아리 리얼킹과 우등생 응원부 백호가 치어리딩부로 통폐합되며 벌어지는 이야기를 그린 작품이다. 그리고 이 작품에서 서슬퍼런 존재감을 뽐낸 이가 있었다. 바로 권수아 역을맡은 채수빈이다.
KBS2 Mon-Tue drama ‘Sassy Go Go’ has come to end on the 10th. SGG is a drama that told the story about the merging of Real King, the dance club of the lower-tier students and Baekho, the cheer club of the top students. And the drama boasted with powerful (screen) presence. It’s CSB who acted as KSA.

권수아는 세빛 고등학교 전교 2등으로, 대입을 위한 스펙 쌓기에 올인한 인물이다. 자신의 목표를 위해서라면 친구고 우정이고 안중에도 없다. 가장 친한 친구라는 강연두(정은지)와 도촬 키스 사진 고발 사건으로 갈라선 뒤 본격적인 악행이 시작됐다. 소지품 갖다 버리기, 뺨 때리기, 독설 하기는 기본 옵션이다. 강연두 편을 든다면 학생이든 선생이든 물불 안가리고 복수의 화신으로 변했다.심지어는 멀쩡한 사람을 죽여버리겠다며 계단에서 밀어버리기도 한다. '왔다! 장보리'의 연민정도 울고갈 악녀다. 그런데 알고보면또 가장 불쌍하기도 한 반전 캐릭터였다. 선민 의식의 화신인 엄마 최현미 때문에 인간미를 잃어버렸던 것. 결국 권수아는 자신의잘못을 깨닫고 죄책감에 자살까지 시도했지만 친구들의 우정에 힘입어 다시 돌아왔다.
KSA is a character who placed 2nd in Sevit High and would do anything to build her specs in order to enter college. In order to achiever her target, she did not care about her friends or friendship. She took a picture of her best-friend KYD (JEJ) kissing and accused her causing them to split and (thus) started the full-fledge atrocities. Taking and throwing away her belongings, slapping her face, giving spiteful remarks are among the basic options. She turned to take revenge on the students or teachers who were always by KYD’s side no matter what. Even worst, she wanted to hurt innocent people and even pushed them down the stairs.  Yoon Min-jung of ‘Jong Bo-ri is Coming!’ was also a femme fatale. But if you get to know (her), she was the most pitiful, reversal character.  Because of her mother, CHM, who believed that they are the chosen people, she lost her humanity. Eventually, KSA realized her mistakes and attempted to commit suicide due to her guilt, but she came back thanks to the friendship from her friends.

채수빈은 이 캐릭터를 지독하게 그려냈다. 잘못을 들킬 때마다 더한 악행으로 이를 덮으려는 캐릭터가 버겁기도 했을텐데 채수빈은 표독스러운 표정과 말투, 독기서린 눈빛으로 끝까지 캐릭터를 유지했다. 덕분에 시청자들의 혈압도 수직상승하긴 했지만, 극에긴장감을 더하는데는 적격이었다. 그 존재감 만큼은 '후아유-학교 2015'에서 주연 김소현보다 더한 존재감을 드러내며 역대급 악녀로 인정받은 조수향에 뒤지지 않는다는 평이다. 
CSB portrayed this character very devilishly. The moment she was caught red-handed and tried to cover up her wrongdoings, the character would have been too overwhelming, but CSB maintained her character with fierce expression and way of speaking, and spiteful eye-expression until the end. Thanks to that, the viewers’ blood pressure increased but it added the tension to the drama. With such presence, she was not left behind to receive recognition as best femme fatale alongside Jo Soo-hyang who showed more presence in ‘Who are You- Schol 2015’ than the lead Kim So-hyun.

시청자들 역시 "희대의 악녀", "오혜상('내딸, 금사월')이 커피라면 권수아는 TOP", "순하게 생겨서는…"이라는 등 뜨거운 반응을 쏟아냈다.
Viewers also poured out hot response (to her) such as, “A Unique Femme Fatale”, “If Oh Hye-sang (My Daughter, Geum Sa-weol) is coffee, KSA is TOP”, “Unexpectedly (I feel) mild (for her)…”.

[Source: http://sports.chosun.com/news/utype.htm?id=201511120100122070007826&ServiceDate=20151111 ; Translation by ME]

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Posting translation of an excerpt from LWG's interview with MBN Star. He talked about SGG and OT13!

It has definitely been a work that he really enjoyed doing and became a precious experience that gave him friends & comradeship.


◇ ‘발칙하게 고고’ 이원근에게 무엇을 남겼나 
◇ What ‘Sassy Go Go’ has left to LWG

‘발칙하게 고고’는 이원근에게 ‘처음’을 경험케 해준 소중한 작품이었다. 주인공을 맡으면서 주연배우로서의 책임감도 느꼈고, 또래 배우들과 현장에서 호흡하는 법도 배웠다. 비록 5%대 이하 시청률을 기록하며 화제성 면에서는 아쉬운 성과를 남겼지만, 이원근은 “많은 것을 배웠고 실보다는 득이 많은 작품”이라고 말했다. 
To LWG, ‘Sassy Go Go’ was a precious drama that he experienced ‘for the first time’. Playing the main character, he felt the sense of responsibility as the lead actor and he also learned from the same-age casts at the shooting set. Although it’s really disappointing (that the drama) recorded less than 5% of TV viewership rating and in term newsworthiness, LWG said (that),”Overall, it’s a work that I learned a lot (from) and have many good (points).”.

정은지, 채수빈, 지수 등 함께 연기한 또래 배우들과의 끈끈한 유대감과 동료애도, 그가 촬영에 더욱 열심히 매진할 수 있었던 원동력이 됐다. 이원근은 “작품 하면서 또래들과 연기한 게 처음이었다. 이 친구들과 또 언제 다 같이 모여서 연기를 해볼까 싶어서 헤어질 때 아쉬웠다. 촬영장이 그리워질 것 같다”고 전했다. 특히 극의 한 축을 담당했던 여주인공 정은지에게 더욱 각별했다. 이원근은 “(정)은지가 현장에서 리드를 잘 해줬다. 치어리딩을 소화하는 부분에서는, 배우들을 위해 소리 내서 박자를 맞춰주기도 했다”고 말했다. 
His close bond and camaraderie with fellow same-age actors JEJ, CSB, JS & co. has become the driving force for him to push forward filming with more enthusiasm. LWG conveyed (that) ,”It’s the first work that I acted with same-age (actors). I wish I can gather back and act together with all of (these) friends sometime (and) it was sad when we have to part (at the end of SGG). It seems that I am missing the shooting set.” In particular, it’s more special (for him) towards the female lead JEJ who shared the responsibility (with him) to be the leads in the drama. LWG said, “JEJ led well at shooting site. When we were learning the cheerleading part, she voiced out loud so that we can match the rhythm (among others).”

12부작에 인물들 각자의 이야기를 다 담아내지 못했다는 아쉬움은 있었으나 이원근은 “‘발칙하게 고고’가           ”이라고 말했다. 이원근은 “어느 하나 불행한 친구가 없이 결말을 맞이했다. 주제가 치어리딩이고, 서로 응원해주자는 메시지를 갖고 있는데 그것대로 잘 나온 결말이라 만족스럽다”고 전했다.
He felt (somewhat) disappointed that (the drama) was unable to include stories of each of the 12 main characters, but LWG said, “SGG concluded (in) the best (way).” LWG conveyed (that), “(Although) it’s unfortunate (since) one friend was not available, I (still) welcomed the ending. The theme is cheerleading (and) with the message to support each to other, I am satisfied to come out with such conclusion (to the drama).”

[Source: http://entertain.naver.com/read?oid=057&aid=0000839810&lfrom=twitter ; Translation by ME]

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I noticed after some interviews of LWG, he seems to know alot about Eunji. At first it's just about acting then later also about her personality, like in very detail. Like how she's considerate and nice towards others. the example he gave was how she would call back if she couldn't answer their call. Which kinda confirmed they have each other numbers no? lol like he had to call her at some points to know about that. And in some interviews he even said they kept contact off screen during filming too. I think i'm not gonna be greedy, so if them just calling each other sometimes would be enough xD I think he knows that there're many who like KY and YD coupling so it's inevitable that he gets questioned over and over about Eunji. but what's nice is how he answers every time properly and at the same time in different ways. like he has so many things to say about her that he wouldn't mind to be asked the nth time lol I love the little detail he gave about her acting, like how good she was at acting drunk loll and also showing her cute side *nods nods* many may find Eunji too 'manly' but she's in real very soft and attentive to others. I don't know LWG personally but i have feeling he's a considerate guy as well, but contrary to first impression, he might be more daring. like he would choose love and wouldn't mind a public relationship, as long as his partner is ok with it. I find it so cool ^^ Before SGG, Eunji said her love life was kind of hopeless as of late. Hopefully she has found someoneeee after SGG. I need a sign, anything! ahh

oh and Jisoo favorite scene in SGG is Gummy confession scene gotta be the cutest thing everr xD so i'll give him points too! that and also for liking those selca of him and Eunji. Why don't reporters ask him often about her D: Srly they need to collaborate again.

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who is bf eunji before?

For sure she had a boyfriend during high-school but after joining Apink idk (there're rumors but that's about it, pretty baseless). When asked about her love life, she just shook her head as if there's no one, with such a hopeless expression lol

Anyway, this is a longer(?) version of her fansite video of their supporting food event. where she ate with her mates aka OT13


such a treat to all Eunji fans and paradise for shippers lol love it when Eunji and Jisoo tease each other's manner for eating or drinking water. or when she covered his opened mouth when eating lol so freakin cute xD there're Eunji and LWG little interactions too ^^ overall Eunji is so lively and friendly, her expressions are so natural and cute, my bae <3


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I don't know if you guys saw this yet or not but minah & haena posted this same video in their IG!! apparently minah, haena & wongeun hung out together (most likely today)!!! glad to see the OT13 are still hanging out together, even though there's only 3 of them out of the 13 of them here!!!! ^^

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