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[OFFICIAL] Kwak Si Yang & Kim So Yeon


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Both Siyang's and Soyeon's final BRIs are the most moving and heartfelt I've seen on WGM thus far. Not only due the words they said, but also because we know how sincerely they walked the journey that enabled them to say those words. Because of their sincerity and openness to let each other into their lives, both greatly changed and influenced each other for the better. It was really touching how Siyang tearily thanked her twice in his BRI and how he said his confidence level was raised and he found his goal because of her. I could really feel the rawness and sincerity of his emotions there.

57 minutes ago, rachhan said:

And while they were walking along the streets before they got to the cellphone case making shop, I thought Siyang was a little shifty-eyed when he said this is the last time we can so openly walk together on the streets. Wait……does that mean they are going to continue doing so discreetly? Hahaha the shipper’s heart is going into overdrive again

Ah, I will have to watch that part again! Didn't notice the shifty eyes! 

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3 hours ago, Summer Ryn said:

@studentkkk Graduation Speech think of LeeK.

@LeeK Where are you hiding? Are you crying too??:D



Hmm...now why is me being associated with "Graduation Speech"??? Hee

Been busy the whole day, only had time to visit here for updates and also IG for the numerous updates by @seesaw_love. as some may know, I do no watch live stream and Chinese subs is usually my first contact.  But I guess I have a feel of what will happen from here and is prepared.


I mentioned before that I am half a berry and a total newbie to this shipping business. I will like it a lot if they can take their relationship further but will also understand if things are not meant to be.

only wish remains is that they can call each other as frequently as before..(or more frequent)....future communication between them will make them have a real look into their relationship and what to do with it.

I recall Oh Min Suk from Ohyeah couple said something which strikes me. something like:   "the show is over but the relationship is not" so I guess it is for them to face and continue the relationship that they have build outside the camera of WGM and beyond WGM.

ok. now to find the Chinese sub to watch.....

Later berries....


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I am still trying to muster up the courage to watch their last episode... I dont think i can for a while.. I dont wanna be a mess and cry my heart out... Huhuhuhuhu.... But i am enjoying everyones comments and views probably when i muster up the courage i will watch it in the next couple of days... But rest assured.. I will be here lurking and reading everyones comment... I know our berry siso couple will be real... :wub::dissapointed_relieved::bawling::bawling::bawling:

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I haven't watched today episode yet. Just got home. But I already saw So Yeon and Si Yang's Instargram as well as the two companies' Facebook posts. Touching. I wonder if there was any WGM couple express their feeling when they leave the show like this before. 

Although I am certainly in blue to think about the last episode of Siso, but another part of me was cheered up while seeing what they posted. As I expected, Si Yang and So Yeon are people with kind heart and great attitude. They are grateful to each other for the opportunity to be together. We can feel how they sincerely treasure their partner from bottom of heart, not just behave with proprieties...

Now I can watch the last episode with a lighter heart, even just to cry with you. I strongly believe that there are good things ahead for both Si Yang and So Yeon. They are really the beautiful and kind people who completely win my heart.

I keep walking with you two as a sincere supporter, Si Yang and So Yeon.

Thank you again for all. 

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when i watched this episode,i suddenly imagined what they felt when they shot this last episode.
it must be really hard for them. to hold their tears. and to control themselves.
i'm sure they want to hug each other,giving comfort to each other (like their usual recharge).
but they didn't..i wonder,why?

and i wonder if si yang might be want to give so yeon special event for this last episode,
but maybe because it was too sudden or the PD didn't allowed him to do "his personal goodbye event".
because they wouldn't have much airtime for this episode.
how cruel is that? we know that si yang is known as the plan man. even though he is busy right now,
i'm sure he is willing to give the best for so yeon.


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4 hours ago, studentkkk said:

Dear Berries, 


Honestly, i have mixed feelings - I totally totally understand how some of you felt - the anger, pain, frustration, disappointment - and I also understand those of you on the "other" side trying to stay positive, being positive and giving good advice... all of you are correct in your own way and hence I shant tell you what to do cos I feel we all need to come to terms with Siso leaving WGM in our own way.

For me, I raved and ranted so much when the 1st news of them leaving came out - believe that was the day after they were caught filming today's episode - and then I accepted that their leaving was going to be soon and even expected today to be their last episode - 

And so I would let you cry and grieve in this forum - afterall, we only came to exist because Siso was "created" right? And I am confident that all of you are matured enough not to use bad language or let your sadness make you do things that would hurt this Berry family.


After watching the first 5 mins of today's episode - my only analysis is that THEY DO KNOW THAT TODAY WOULD BE THEIR LAST DAY.

Firstly, Si Yang was very somber and eyes showed signs of tearing or having cried before So Yeon came.  Second, So Yeon who is usually very excited over anything new or interesting, speaking in high tones with lots of aegyeo, didnt show any surprise about the hanging photos or the food that was coming out - in fact, she was so matter-of-fact... As you watch further, you can all see So Yeon's aegyeo coming out at the handphone accessories shop - but she had none of that in the restaurant.  Third, when the mission card came out, Si Yang teared immediately and refuse to take it -meaning he already knows what it will say.  So I believe they were already prepped about it - so do throw out your thoughts that WGM was cruel to them.  Fourthly, production team did make effort to let them have last memorable date - a restaurant that can only fit 2 customers - photos of their past 7 months, special menu etc...

Fifthly, we know that they are still in contact with each other and aware of fans love - evident from all the IG postings - 

So dont be angry with WGM PD anymore - I love you all for your loyalty to Siso but deep in your heart, you and I know that its much more than just WGM PD making the decision alone. :heart:

We know from the start that all couples MUST come to an end ON THE SHOW but that doesnt mean they will stop in real life.  As mentioned by me several times before, I have watched WGM on and off over the years but so far, none of the couples (even the top 10 favourite ones) gave me all the good vibes like Siso - they are the ONLY COUPLE who made me go so crazy as to become a shipper, learn how to make photo collage, learn how to make vids, learn how to post vids on YT and even checking this thread 5, 6 times a day. 

Even  Lee Jong-hyun & Gong Seung-yeon  couple whom my friend shipped - said they left after 5 months because they wanted to carry their reel relationship offscreen to become real...


Part of me is relieved that Siso has left cos I couldn't keep my normal life in check due to over-shipping! And after watching their ep so many times just to create vids, I PERSONALLY believe Siso are already dating and so I will pray for them to work hard at their chance for happiness cos its so rare in this entertainment line to find your destiny or other half.  And i will continue to read and follow their news through this forum...thanks to all the Berries who are so active in keeping this thread alive.


There are so many Berries to thank but I shall not start cos this is NOT my graduation speech..






Eonnie ya, you are daebak. Saranghaeyo.

My lovely berries, I really love the way we comfort each other.

Hope we keep walking together beside Siso.

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13 hours ago, car15sa said:

it's going to be a Sadturday  :bawling:  seeing their last episode on WGM. But at least they had a wonderful 7 months together, they're happy and they make us happy as well. Let's just pray so they can be real couple, you have no idea the power of shipper's prayer just like Kaistal Couple,eventually it'll come true..i keep watching from 1st episode and it feels like they've just met yesterday. 

Anyway let's always support each of them  and support each other berries too..we'll cry a river today but keep the good thoughts it might be their best to leave now. hope they will be real couple soon  :grin:


Even I don't know Kaistal Couple, we can saw the power of AhnGoo Shipper prayer become real, the AhnGoo couple will be married this end of May this year. 

Yes agree 100% with u " The power of shipper's prayer" after all this thread has " Alladin magic power".

Keep faith, Keep prayer for the best of this two wonderful persons (Siyang and Soyeon).

Fighting Berries.


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Someone mentioned before the essence of a good speech...

short and sweet.

and for the final episode of Siso in WGM
Short and sweet too.

this is a weird episode....there are so many times where the feeling of sadness came while smiling....and you start smiling while feeling sad..

Appreciate that the restaurant have no staff inside.
feel the heartache when soyeon read the mission card with that tone...
heartache once again when the bear broke....where she felt so sorry and "angry"? at herself for failing this task....and then the laugh and smile when she seems to "forget" about it .

both their last BRI...

and the last editing of the walk...maybe a hope by the team following them that they can continue?


the feel of the last episode is so similar to wooyoung and seyong last day.  However, i really wish that more time can be given to them.


Good night all...it will be another busy day tomorrow..the rest of the episode can wait now that ........
well, you know

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@Alilla Kaistal couple? You mean the couple who going to have their weddings this May is from wgm as well? Hmm..i no idea of this, maybe before i watch wgm. It really feels goods to hear that...& will our dream come true for Siso? I really really hope the below couple shall be the next one ringing their wedding bells:)



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2 hours ago, studentkkk said:




It is a fairytale ending. "And they lived happily ever after"  is the traditional ending of fairy tales. It is like kdrama happy endings. It is up to the audience if they want to imagine the story beyond what was told. :D

It was a very satisfied ending in my opinion. For me is enough. The imagine was perfect. 











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I watched a few WGM for the past few years (Adam, WooJung, Jinwoon - JoonHee, Solim couple). But I definitely felt the differences of departures. 

When I watched Woojung and Jinwoon Joonhee couple, I see them crying very sadly which really makes me think, that is the end of the couple. The possibility of them being 'really together' is pretty low. Adam couple did cry a little but they were gonna continue meeting each other in sitcoms so it was just them leaving the show but still contacting each other privately.

As a conclusion, I feel Siso do feel sad but still remain the very positiveness vibe from both of them. Maybe because they themselves know that they are not going to stop contacting? I cant explain the feelings that they are portraying. I dont know how to explain in words properly but it obvious that its the not the end of them. Maybe I am just being a bias here haha

Ah if only we know what are they thinking in their mind

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1 hour ago, yuar19ingrid said:

Time for SiSo to continue to 애태워 애태워 알아가요...

Siyang readily thinks of calling each other MongMung and Yaoong but SoYeon says to think about it carefully. Hmmm... She gave SiYang something to ponder on there. Our gal is a woman with a level head on her shoulders and does know her heart and what she's getting into. 

SiYang-ah, SoYeon is a sweet natured goddess but for the privilege of an "aeching" / term of endearment with her, you gotta show the man in you and step up: no getting her caught up in a blurring of lines now that WGM virtual aspect of your relationship is officially ended. please do think carefully about it and man up. she is worth everything and a blissful reward awaits the man who gathers his courage, raised his stakes high, and risks everything for a woman who is everything and more ;) time for a DTR : "Define The Relationship" first. State your intention to her and keep it honesy and real. arasso, manjjitnampyeon? :)


Dear berry,

I copy everything you said!   :)

I hope Si Yang will state his intention one day and with So Yeon's acceptance, we berries will have the biggest bash here in this lovely thread!

Cheers to our wish and everyone, please unite in prayers!  

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33 minutes ago, Summer Ryn said:

@Alilla Kaistal couple? You mean the couple who going to have their weddings this May is from wgm as well? Hmm..i no idea of this, maybe before i watch wgm. It really feels goods to hear that...& will our dream come true for Siso? I really really hope the below couple shall be the next one ringing their wedding bells:)


@Summer Ryn The couple will be married this end of May is from other drama shipper couple AhnGoo couple (Blood drama). The actress is Goo Hye sung (F4, with lee min ho) I mean their shipper prayer answering by sweet ending with their shipper couple married. For Kaistal couple…I don't know about this couple too.

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Thanks for the gif. It felt as if Si Yang wanted to memorize every part of So Yeon's face. Just look at his glance at her. It's so sweet and intense that So Yeon had to turn away first.

5 hours ago, larus said:

SiSo was the sweetest couple on WGM (for me they were, anyway). They were a perfect match as a couple, very compatible as individuals, carrying, affectionate, beautiful people. I love the most how Siyang took care of Soyeon, always protective, smiling all the time (I will miss his laugh), how he lead her subtly and how Soyeon (well I loved all about her :) already) was very considerate as well, her clumsiness, straightforward nature, how she saw the positive in everything. They were compatible and they complemented each other in the same time.  


Berry, I truly love your views on our SiSo couple. I remember you admitting that you're not a shipper so I'm glad that you have such good thoughts of our beloved couple. I agree with you that they're such a perfect couple, complementing each other beautifully. So Yeon brings confidence and sunshine to SI Yang's life while Si Yang brought his protective instinct and organised attributes to their relationship and they both had so much fun and aegyo. I love Si Yang for shedding his image and doing embarrassing stuff for the sake of seeing his wife's smile. I love how So Yeon is the one who rise to the occasion like during the bowling session, requesting Bbyu couple to not distract her nampyeonim and during today's karaoke session, when Si Yang was emotional, she took charge. Clumsy as she is, she rises to the occasion in times of need. Meanwhile, Si Yang is there for her in the kitchen, during her press con, and consoling her when she's getting emotional (the bear today).

How I see it is that both of them will take this time away to see how far they can take their relationship to. This is possible only when they cannot carry on normally without each other. So Yeon, being the older and experienced one, will have many aspects to consider and you bet she'll need to think about Si Yang's career too. Si Yang will have to examine his goals at this age and see how So Yeon can fit into his life.

I believe that so long as they have a common goal like starting a family, chances are that they'll come together to work something out. They may have different priorities right now but to have a common goal at  the end of the day is really important in a relationship. 

I agree that seeing them both smiling and walking in the street as an ending is better than seeing both of them in crying scenes. The ending vibes are good, to be honest.

I'll end on a happy and positive note because

* They admitted to G.NA that they are dating

* Si Yang is agreeable to start a family with So Yeon (when she was talking about her friend's kids...before she cuts him off)

* They are likely to stay in touch with each other

* The end caption today is the start of real date (something like that)

So let's all stick together in this happy berries tree and wait for good news, will ya? I've really enjoyed the friendship which is so unique in this thread. Every berry is so precious and nice and so united, especially during voting and preparation.  Let's hope one day, we'll have reasons to unite with projects to celebrate SiSo's good news!!

For those who have yet to watch, please do so. It's bearable because they did their best to enjoy every moment and walk away with smile on their faces.  Cheers, berries!     :)


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I'm beginning to work on the recap now and like mentioned before, I do think that they knew that it would be their last filming. I'm not even 5 minutes into the episode, but from the way Si Yang reacted when he saw the mission card and when So Yeon took off the lid entirely, she said something along the lines of "It finally came." They were probably already told of the news before they began.When the third dish came out, So Yeon even said that she felt as though it would be the last.


So while even though it is sad (and I do have to watch the rest of the episode), I think that they knew that the day's recording would be their last and were already like mentally preparing for it.

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15 minutes ago, thesuitelife547 said:

So while even though it is sad (and I do have to watch the rest of the episode), I think that they knew that the day's recording would be their last and were already like mentally preparing for it.

 Yes, they knew. That was the right thing to do. MBC was fair in that aspect. I was a little doubtful even when it was the logical approach. They prepared for this moment but it was still hard.

I am looking forward to your recap. Thanks to other berries, I know what they said in the interview. It was beautiful.

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