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[Drama 2015] The Village: Achiara's Secret 마을- 아치아라의 비밀


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@baduy LOL at your nail puns... you really shouldn't have resisted :D More nail and nail-less thoughts... 

I believe GY's mother's inability to confirm the smell of the lacquer was because she was not the one who remembered the smell, only the whistling. From what I remember, she heard about it from KHJ, whose mother recounted the nature of the smell and the whistling to her. I do wonder why the wound was just on her forefinger though... results of a struggle prior to her death? As for the lacquered box, did it really take lumber mill Ahjussi more than two years to actually complete that one box?  Or was the broken nail in the lacquer solution all this time, and only just applied to the box when he made it?

I agree with you that JS, in danger of losing everything she clawed her way to gain, will probably end up a loose cannon. However, despite her truly unlikeable qualities, her conversation with SY evoked my empathy and sympathy... when she describes her revulsion for a child that grew within her as a result of the worst violation imaginable, and her apparent hatred for the return of that same child, who was a terrible, living reminder of what she had gone through. Her decision to finally be the donor, while vehemently declaring that it was to ensure KHJ disappeared from her life after that, makes me wonder whether she did find within her own cold, monstrous existence, some semblance of humanity and compassion after all. Some days, she appears to care even for Yoona, while others, she is methodical in sifting those who would stand in her way, so it's still anyone's guess what she is really thinking at any one time.

I still wonder what happened to the items Yoona and BW placed in the time capsule. Who removed them, where are the original items, including KHJ's... and why were they replaced. In this, JH is definitely in the dark... so who else would have been privy to the knowledge of its existence?

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Yup. Thats why I love this drama. The writer is brilliant. The drama showed 2 different reaction to babies that resulted from a rape.

For someone like GY's mom she can accept her doter. Perhaps because she was married at the time of the rape made it easier for her since there will be no stigma of unwed pregnant mother. And after her husband left her because of that rape maybe keeping GY made her felt less lonely and abandoned.

But to JS being unmarried, young and self absorbed that she was (still is),  the baby was a burden, forever associated with the heinous crime. 

But can we judge a rape victim as "heartless" if she decided not to have anything to do with her baby?

And speaking of "heartless", HJ choose to act heartlessly herself by having an affair with her own mother's hubby.

It's not ONLY her treatment of HJ that makes us judge JS as heartless. Sure, it's one of the reasons, since we have GY's mother as a comparison. It's JS's treatment of her sister JH and of her legitimate daughter YN that fortifies the belief that JS is a heartless richard simmons. Rejecting the baby that was the result of a rape does not make a horrible person, I'm sure many people would give up such a baby for adoption. The way JS is always putting down JH and YN, and how she is always trying to manipulate GH and her husband to put herself in a favorable light, no matter the consequences for anyone else, shows, however, that JS does not have any consideration for anyone.

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The word "monster" in this drama. So who is/are the village monster(s). 

Both the rapist and the serial killer are monsters. But at the moment the focus is on JS being the monster because she rejected HJ and does not want SY to find out the truth.

JH should just choose her own path far away from JS. She is becoming like her sister that she hated so much.


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The word "monster" in this drama. So who is/are the village monster(s). 

Both the rapist and the serial killer are monsters. But at the moment the focus is on JS being the monster because she rejected HJ and does not want SY to find out the truth.

JH should just choose her own path far away from JS. She is becoming like her sister that she hated so much.

I think you are too fixed on everyone thinking JS is an unlikable character.

You are, of course, right to point out the "monsters" are the rapist and the serial murderer. It's just that, at least from what I remember without going to re-watch every episode for her dialogue, HJ never referred to JS as the monster, even though we might have been misled by the bits shown to us in the beginning. The word HJ used for her mother was "trash", instead.

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Aahhh.. new episode is a new surprise. I keep changing the fact and analysis after watching new eps. Bengie ahjumma is HJ mother.. Bengie ahjumma is not HJ mother.. Bengie ahjumma is HJ mother. And finally Bengie ahjumma is not HJ mother.

Anyway.. I forget about something. Who is the real one who 'sent' So Yoon to Achiara? I know the female teacher in the school that was interrogated by Gi Hyun was the one. But who was behind it? Is there any answer yet? Who?? I forget about it.

I hope in the end.. there won't be any question left. Not only the main HJ mystery but also the small things.

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Anyway.. I forget about something. Who is the real one who 'sent' So Yoon to Achiara? I know the female teacher in the school that was interrogated by Gi Hyun was the one. But who was behind it? Is there any answer yet? Who?? I forget about it.

No, she wasn't behind it. She had delegated responsibility for the appointment of an English teacher, but in the strange way she went about it she was merely obeying orders from the then Director, who was none other than Granny, As I've indicated in various posts, including my most recent one, when Gi Hyeon came to ask Ju Hui about the oddities he'd found in the appointment procedure, she admitted that she was the one who sent the newspaper cutting to Canada and so brought Soyun to the village.  But it now seems likely that she, too, was acting on Granny's instructions. Now that after the latest episode we know that Granny has known the truth about Ji Suk and Hye Jin for a long time, the strange allusion Gan Woo made to Ju Hui in ep 2 about a old crone being behind the summons suddenly makes sense.  (For those who didn't follow the detailed discussions in this thread about the actual Korean behind that remark, a quick warning that the subs turned out to be incorrect here by giving the impression Gan Woo was refering to an old man).

But there are other things about that matter still to be explained. We know that the recruitment brochure was actually sent only to one single college in Montreal, the one where Soyun was enrolled. And if you watch the sequence in episode 1 carefully (preferably in a viewer that lets you slow the replay right down) you'll see that the young guy who "accidentally" bumps into Soyun, causing her to drop all the brochures, quickly puts the Haewaon High one on the top of the pile while "helping" her recover her things.  There are plainly very powerful connections at work here, and I'm again led to ask why Hye Jin should have turned to a gangster for information about her sister's whereabouts in Canada instead of going through more conventional channels. I can't help suspecting that there's a link here to her Soyun's parents' deaths, and maybe her Canadian Granny's too somewhere around here.

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OK, so my suspicion about Detective Han is thrown out! I thot while watching episode 14, Yoona's dad said something about Ji-sook's disgusting 'daughters' and apart from Hye-jin and Yoo-na, he named the pharmacist as Ji-sook's daughter?

Possibly a subbing error? Can you give me a rough timestamp and I'll have a listen to what's on the soundtrack at the point in question.

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OK, so my suspicion about Detective Han is thrown out! I thot while watching episode 14, Yoona's dad said something about Ji-sook's disgusting 'daughters' and apart from Hye-jin and Yoo-na, he named the pharmacist as Ji-sook's daughter?

Possibly a subbing error? Can you give me a rough timestamp and I'll have a listen to what's on the soundtrack at the point in question.

I'm sorry I did not notice the timestamp but it was during Ji-sook's conversation with her husband in his office. She bought sushi for him. I was surprised to read that as it would infer that Ji-sook was raped at least twice.

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OK, so my suspicion about Detective Han is thrown out! I thot while watching episode 14, Yoona's dad said something about Ji-sook's disgusting 'daughters' and apart from Hye-jin and Yoo-na, he named the pharmacist as Ji-sook's daughter?

Possibly a subbing error? Can you give me a rough timestamp and I'll have a listen to what's on the soundtrack at the point in question.

I'm sorry I did not notice the timestamp but it was during Ji-sook's conversation with her husband in his office. She bought sushi for him. I was surprised to read that as it would infer that Ji-sook was raped at least twice.

No. Actually he backtracked when he realised that he inadvertently let it slip that KHJ was JS's daughter, and covered his mistake by pretending he was referring to Baengi Ahjumma and her disgusting daughters - Ji Sook, Joo Hee and KHJ.

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@ mizKorea ....This writer has interestingly contrasted 2 mothers who were raped.  The JS who appeared ruthless to her own baby and GY's mother who loved her like precious.  Ultimately the baby is innocent unless the baby resembles the look of the rapist too much to remind of the nightmare.

So perhaps HJ could not understand how come JS could be so heartless to her baby and especially her who needed help for a transplant.

However, the 2 mothers differed in age. JS was just a young teenager when she was raped 30 years ago, without the maturity to cope with both traumas happening to her. Like GY's mom told SY, people were not kind and sympathetic towards the rape victims, and hence the victims had to sweep it under the carpet. JS and her mother at that time probably didn't know how to cope after the raping and made worse with the birth of HJ. There's no counselling, and she's forced to live in shame and being insecure with her life. That's why she is so uptight about being kick out of the family. I think YN finally did manage to understand her mother. Don't forget, JS's life was destroyed by the rapist at a very young age, and therefore, she had to struggle to keep afloat.

GY's mom on the other hand, was already married, and so even if she has a child, she could pass it off as her husband. However, her husband too couldn't accept the fact that she's being raped, that's why he divorced her. GY's mom unlike welcomed GY since it gave her the motivation to carry on with her life, if she didn't have any other familial support. 

I think not many teenagers could actually cope with the traumas at all. Thank goodness the poor JS didn't kill herself after the birth of the baby. Her way of coping of the traumas would just be erasing the traumatic events from her life and live a heartless life, just pursuing power and wealth. Afterall, her family were badly treated in the village because of her illegitimate sister, and she had learnt to survive in the harsh reality of the world. I would think of her as a victim of circumstances rather than a heartless mom.

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@ mizKorea ....This writer has interestingly contrasted 2 mothers who were raped.  The JS who appeared ruthless to her own baby and GY's mother who loved her like precious.  Ultimately the baby is innocent unless the baby resembles the look of the rapist too much to remind of the nightmare.

So perhaps HJ could not understand how come JS could be so heartless to her baby and especially her who needed help for a transplant.

However, the 2 mothers differed in age. JS was just a young teenager when she was raped 30 years ago, without the maturity to cope with both traumas happening to her. Like GY's mom told SY, people were not kind and sympathetic towards the rape victims, and hence the victims had to sweep it under the carpet. JS and her mother at that time probably didn't know how to cope after the raping and made worse with the birth of HJ. There's no counselling, and she's forced to live in shame and being insecure with her life. That's why she is so uptight about being kick out of the family. I think YN finally did manage to understand her mother. Don't forget, JS's life was destroyed by the rapist at a very young age, and therefore, she had to struggle to keep afloat.

GY's mom on the other hand, was already married, and so even if she has a child, she could pass it off as her husband. However, her husband too couldn't accept the fact that she's being raped, that's why he divorced her. GY's mom unlike welcomed GY since it gave her the motivation to carry on with her life, if she didn't have any other familial support. 

I think not many teenagers could actually cope with the traumas at all. Thank goodness the poor JS didn't kill herself after the birth of the baby. Her way of coping of the traumas would just be erasing the traumatic events from her life and live a heartless life, just pursuing power and wealth. Afterall, her family were badly treated in the village because of her illegitimate sister, and she had learnt to survive in the harsh reality of the world. I would think of her as a victim of circumstances rather than a heartless mom.

True, but HJ came to her when she was already a mother of "three" (one step-son, 1 daughter and 1 unborn daughter that she killed).  For the unborn daughter who was killed for simply being a girl, that would have been sufficient to understand that she is indeed not "heartless" but with a strong heart to withstand her own killing of her healthy baby in her for her own gain.  I agree the trauma of rape could be hard on her but she could explain to HJ that it would be difficult to donate an organ to her as a next-of-kin due to her current family circumstances, better to donate as a stranger.  Ultimately we can save people as organ donors without being related.

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Yup. Thats why I love this drama. The writer is brilliant. The drama showed 2 different reaction to babies that resulted from a rape.

For someone like GY's mom she can accept her doter. Perhaps because she was married at the time of the rape made it easier for her since there will be no stigma of unwed pregnant mother. And after her husband left her because of that rape maybe keeping GY made her felt less lonely and abandoned.

But to JS being unmarried, young and self absorbed that she was (still is),  the baby was a burden, forever associated with the heinous crime. 

But can we judge a rape victim as "heartless" if she decided not to have anything to do with her baby?

And speaking of "heartless", HJ choose to act heartlessly herself by having an affair with her own mother's hubby.

It's not ONLY her treatment of HJ that makes us judge JS as heartless. Sure, it's one of the reasons, since we have GY's mother as a comparison. It's JS's treatment of her sister JH and of her legitimate daughter YN that fortifies the belief that JS is a heartless richard simmons. Rejecting the baby that was the result of a rape does not make a horrible person, I'm sure many people would give up such a baby for adoption. The way JS is always putting down JH and YN, and how she is always trying to manipulate GH and her husband to put herself in a favorable light, no matter the consequences for anyone else, shows, however, that JS does not have any consideration for anyone.

Well, I think her sister JH is worst off a person than JS. She in fact just used her sister, being the lucky one to be educated and owns a pharmacy through her sister's funding. She is just a very greedy person that has no sympathy and unhumane. Otherwise, why would she be so upset with the art teacher wanting to help GY? She was angry with him. Totally selfish, who used HJ to even get more money to satisfy her greed. I guess her anger towards JS would be due to jealousy of her mom loving JS more than her. That was what she claimed.  Not all human can deal with traumas effectively. GY's mom too couldn't deal with it, except that since she's older and more matured and also married, she was able to accept GY and having the motivation to move on because of her child.

But JS's family actually went through a lot when her mom had JH, whose illegitimate. She probably had suffered as a child too, with the villagers not being kind to her because of her sister. 40 years ago, frankly, a woman with an illegitimate child is definitely a shame to the family. Women were expected to remain single after the death of the husband. So JS probably too had a very hard time to keep her family together, and probably helping the family financially to raise her brother and sister, esp. she didn't even complete her education. That's why she's manipulative.

To compare JS with GY's mom is also not very right. Because, the age when they both were raped were at least 10-15 years apart. HJ was about 30 years old whereas GY around 16-17 of age. JS being a very young teenage girl probably around YN or GY's age when she was raped and then had HJ. Psychologically it was more traumatic for her, especially when, there's no help whatsoever. To speak of the rape would just bring forth more shame to a young girl and also the outcast of her family.Underneath that cold front, she is having a very hard time trying to forget about that dirty patch in her life - not her fault, but she is made to feel like a criminal. Furthermore, being raped 30 years ago maybe less acceptable by the villagers then GY's mom who was raped about 10-15 years later, because the attitudes of people may not be so conservative. So like GY's mom told SY, the people of Korea are not so forgivable to the victims as compared to US. To to crticize JS for being a bad person as compared to GY's mom's love for her daughter, one has to take into account the people of 30 years ago. Definitely they won't be as opened as to the youngsters now. Even now, lots of rape victims do not report because of the shame factor even they have accessed to counselling and therapies.

Life is not just as simple as just giving that child for adoption, it is more about trying to forget and get on with life after those tragedies. Yes JS is a very manipulative and unlikeable woman, but she is a very wounded woman trying to piece her life together in a crooked manner. 

Similarly, SY too is rather selfish in that her only wish is to find out about her sister's death without caring of hurting others in the process. She told JS that she understood how she felt, but won't forgive her for not helping HJ. But SY is only patronizing when she said that to JS. She never made any effort to understand JS, because her only goal was all about HJ. If she had understood or try to understand JS, she probably would know why JS cannot accept HJ, coz,  HJ would destroy her family, which is very true, because she will be kicked out of the family when the fact is made known. I think in the process when we want to find out the truth, that same very truth too, could actually destroy someone else's life. Sometimes in life not every thing is in black and white, there;s plenty in shades of grey.

When one see situations when one comes from a happy family, it is not easy to empathize with someone from a very different background. So, even the background of JS and GY's mom too affected their reaction to their babies, not right or wrong, but ....... it just happened that way.

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@ mizKorea ....This writer has interestingly contrasted 2 mothers who were raped.  The JS who appeared ruthless to her own baby and GY's mother who loved her like precious.  Ultimately the baby is innocent unless the baby resembles the look of the rapist too much to remind of the nightmare.

So perhaps HJ could not understand how come JS could be so heartless to her baby and especially her who needed help for a transplant.

However, the 2 mothers differed in age. JS was just a young teenager when she was raped 30 years ago, without the maturity to cope with both traumas happening to her. Like GY's mom told SY, people were not kind and sympathetic towards the rape victims, and hence the victims had to sweep it under the carpet. JS and her mother at that time probably didn't know how to cope after the raping and made worse with the birth of HJ. There's no counselling, and she's forced to live in shame and being insecure with her life. That's why she is so uptight about being kick out of the family. I think YN finally did manage to understand her mother. Don't forget, JS's life was destroyed by the rapist at a very young age, and therefore, she had to struggle to keep afloat.

GY's mom on the other hand, was already married, and so even if she has a child, she could pass it off as her husband. However, her husband too couldn't accept the fact that she's being raped, that's why he divorced her. GY's mom unlike welcomed GY since it gave her the motivation to carry on with her life, if she didn't have any other familial support. 

I think not many teenagers could actually cope with the traumas at all. Thank goodness the poor JS didn't kill herself after the birth of the baby. Her way of coping of the traumas would just be erasing the traumatic events from her life and live a heartless life, just pursuing power and wealth. Afterall, her family were badly treated in the village because of her illegitimate sister, and she had learnt to survive in the harsh reality of the world. I would think of her as a victim of circumstances rather than a heartless mom.

True, but HJ came to her when she was already a mother of "three" (one step-son, 1 daughter and 1 unborn daughter that she killed).  For the unborn daughter who was killed for simply being a girl, that would have been sufficient to understand that she is indeed not "heartless" but with a strong heart to withstand her own killing of her healthy baby in her for her own gain.  I agree the trauma of rape could be hard on her but she could explain to HJ that it would be difficult to donate an organ to her as a next-of-kin due to her current family circumstances, better to donate as a stranger.  Ultimately we can save people as organ donors without being related.

You are speaking from a very normal person's view without any emotions that's buried deep inside, from a 3rd person perspective. Look if GY's mom even insisted that her ex-husband was GY's dad, then think why couldn't she admit to the rape until GY is seriously sick? It is something so easy and rational to tell HJ? Telling HJ means that she has to open up the can of worms that is buried deep down in her conscious or unconscious. How could she, and especially when it would affect her life and family. 

Seriously, when YN spoke about the aborted child, I have a feeling she probably was referring to HJ. But since we really know the actual situations, it will be hard to just accused JS for being a bad woman with only some facts and not the whole picture shown. If she's a bad mom, why would YN showed concern to her mom, especially when she should be very angry with her mom for sending her to the mental hospital? The scene with her mom in the car is really touching in that YN actually understood her mom.

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 Ultimately we can save people as organ donors without being related.

But not, as I tried to explain at some length a while ago, in this case. HJ's need of a transplant is urgent, and there's no way she could live long enough to wait her turn behind all the other patients on the waiting list.  Assisting someone to bypass that line, however urgent their case, is a criminal offense. The only legal source of a donor in such cases is a close relative, in which case direct person to person donation is allowed. That's why Ji Suk had been so anxious to find a transplant center that would obtain the necessary special permit for a direct donation while keeping the actual relationship between donor and patient off the record or even falsifying it.

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@seoyunglby...I think you got it wrong about GY's mom.  She was not admitting to the rape because to protect GY, it is a mother's instinct if she loves her kid.  You think she is afraid of being tormented or GY being tormented?  When GY died, she had no more qualms and stormed into the police station to report the rape and she has to live with that.

I can fully understand JS' reaction when she was a teen but when she became a mom, it seemed that motherhood did not help her overcome her trauma...feel sad for her.   When she became a mom, she should know that children are innocent regardless of any circumstances, they never ask to be born.  She remained selfish about her own desires and showed it on Yoona even.

There is no cans of worms to open as she need not admit to anything since HJ has already found out all the facts on paper that she is her mom. She could speak maturely to HJ by then.

It is obvious that JS tries too hard to cover up too many things.,,,the harder she tries, the worser she looks.   She lacks the courage to face up.

It is strange to say that if she is a bad mom, why would YN showed concern.  YN could be showing concern simply because she has a more loving personality and her sweet untainted innocence does not bear grudges.   A person who keep bearing grudges and blame others for their misfortune will never get out of their own misery. That is why JS is where she is...perennial unhappiness.  The world indeed has different shades of grey, but even with some facts presented as black and white and if we continue to build on the grey...it will only get to charcoal colour one day.   It is a matter of perspective.  I prefer the path to chase the rainbow and go along the bright side when setback arises than to wallow in self-pity and become more and more of a victim till a point of no return.....so I feel that JS has failed to redeem herself from her misfortune and build more pain for others.

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 Ultimately we can save people as organ donors without being related.

But not, as I tried to explain at some length a while ago, in this case. HJ's need of a transplant is urgent, and there's no way she could live long enough to wait her turn behind all the other patients on the waiting list.  Assisting someone to bypass that line, however urgent their case, is a criminal offense. The only legal source of a donor in such cases is a close relative, in which case direct person to person donation is allowed. That's why Ji Suk had been so anxious to find a transplant center that would obtain the necessary special permit for a direct donation while keeping the actual relationship between donor and patient off the record or even falsifying it.

Honestly, this is just paperwork. JS is rich enough to fly both HJ and herself out to somewhere and do the surgery as next-of-kin first and put HJ somewhere in good care and return to Archaria herself.  Afterall, HJ gone missing has totally no impact on anyone in Archaria and it was proven.   JS' problem solving skills would be better if she cares more for HJ or the sick first.

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OK, so my suspicion about Detective Han is thrown out! I thot while watching episode 14, Yoona's dad said something about Ji-sook's disgusting 'daughters' and apart from Hye-jin and Yoo-na, he named the pharmacist as Ji-sook's daughter?

Possibly a subbing error? Can you give me a rough timestamp and I'll have a listen to what's on the soundtrack at the point in question.

I'm sorry I did not notice the timestamp but it was during Ji-sook's conversation with her husband in his office. She bought sushi for him. I was surprised to read that as it would infer that Ji-sook was raped at least twice.

No. Actually he backtracked when he realised that he inadvertently let it slip that KHJ was JS's daughter, and covered his mistake by pretending he was referring to Baengi Ahjumma and her disgusting daughters - Ji Sook, Joo Hee and KHJ.

Yes. It's not actually in the lunch box scene, it's later when GCh is explaining to Gi Hyeon why he's planning the eject Ji Suk.

The line where Chang Won inadvertently lets slip that he's found out the truth is 싸질러놓은 딸년 때문에 내가 얼마나 지랄 같은 일을 당했는지 알아?  

I see that the current Viki sub has "Do you know what I went through because of a wench she brought about?" which isn't very good, partly because it it's rather strange English, but also, more crucially, because it leaves out of the translation the "daughter" part that is present in the Korean, and which is what Gi Hyeon picks up on, causing ChW's  subsequent backtracking.

One problem is that neither Viki nor Soompi allows the accurate translation of "crude" language (which is becoming increasingly frequent nowadays even in mainstream channel Kdramas). If I tried to translate that line adequately, at least two Richard Simmons would intrude themselves to baffle those who haven't met that strange soompi hanger-on before. He refers to Hye Jin as "that [female dog] of a daughter that she [JS] brought into the world", and describes the consequences for him in language (지랄 같은) much stronger than "what I went through", in addition to using a term that includes things he was led to do as well as suffer, meaning that "went through" doesn't cover enough.  He's blaming JS for the crimes he's committed to cover up her secret, as well as to the anxieties and setbacks he's suffered.

There's a further translation problem, though not one that's readily solvable when Chang Won hastily "explains" that he "meant" was 그 어미가 싸질러놓은 딸년들.  Literally the [female dogs] of daughters that mother brought into the world". The backtracking is less strained in Korean, because Korean nouns needn't be marked as plural except where absolutely necessary. So the [female dogs] of daughters in his backtrack explanation are marked explicitly with the pluralizing particle ~들, but he's able to imply that his original use of the word was plural in intention too, and that he meant not just one [female dog] of a daughter but three. Of course there's no way to get that across in English, where most nouns (apart from rarities like 'fish' or 'sheep') must be marked as either singular or plural.

But while looking for that sequence, I spotted a problem with another sub a bit later that may rather cloud the issue of who is and who isn't a "monster" as the script uses the term. It's in the scene with the discovery of the newborn. As her mother comes running, drawn by the sound of the newborn's cries, Ji Suk explains "괴물이야. 괴물이 나왔어."

The current Viki sub there is wrong. It has Ji Suk saying "It's a monster. A monster gave birth" which makes it appear that she, the one who has given birth is calling herself a monster too, and hides the crucial fact that she sees the baby as the monster and nothing really to do with her now that it's "come out" of her body.  

A more accurate translation might be "That's [she's referring to something out of sight, which is "that" in English] the monster. The monster came out."
The verb for to give birth, 낳다, seems to have been confused with the verb to "come out, emerge" 나오다, which is what's on the soundtrack.

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@seoyunglby...I think you got it wrong about GY's mom.  She was not admitting to the rape because to protect GY, it is a mother's instinct if she loves her kid.  You think she is afraid of being tormented or GY being tormented?  When GY died, she had no more qualms and stormed into the police station to report the rape and she has to live with that.

I can fully understand JS' reaction when she was a teen but when she became a mom, it seemed that motherhood did not help her overcome her trauma...feel sad for her.   When she became a mom, she should know that children are innocent regardless of any circumstances, they never ask to be born.  She remained selfish about her own desires and showed it on Yoona even.

There is no cans of worms to open as she need not admit to anything since HJ has already found out all the facts on paper that she is her mom. She could speak maturely to HJ by then.

It is obvious that JS tries too hard to cover up too many things.,,,the harder she tries, the worser she looks.   She lacks the courage to face up.

It is strange to say that if she is a bad mom, why would YN showed concern.  YN could be showing concern simply because she has a more loving personality and her sweet untainted innocence does not bear grudges.   A person who keep bearing grudges and blame others for their misfortune will never get out of their own misery. That is why JS is where she is...perennial unhappiness.  The world indeed has different shades of grey, but even with some facts presented as black and white and if we continue to build on the grey...it will only get to charcoal colour one day.   It is a matter of perspective.  I prefer the path to chase the rainbow and go along the bright side when setback arises than to wallow in self-pity and become more and more of a victim till a point of no return.....so I feel that JS has failed to redeem herself from her misfortune and build more pain for others.

I think you are mistaken because when SY asked her why she didn't report about the rape, GY's mom in fact told her that the environment in Korea is different from the US. Now it is because of the shame not because of GY. The pregnancy of GY came much after the rape. If the society was acceptance, she should have reported the rape immediately and her husband will not divorced her. But she didn't reported the rape. If she didn't reported it immediately after the rape, then obviously she wont do it after she had GY. It not not protection of GY in the first place.

Motherhood can't cured trauma like rape, because it consists of both emotional and psychological hurts. When a person is blocked both emotionally and psychologically, it is unlikely she will experience real love. She probably is a very mechanical person, like she needs to be good to GH in order to survive in her husband's family. She both hates and loves YN. Loves her as a mother loving a daughter but probably not with real emotions since she has suppressed those emotions - if you looked at her, she is just putting a false front to everyone except her own mom. She hates YN because her constant mentioning of the child she had killed (probably HJ), is like trying to open up her can of worms that she has so far kept it well hidden inside her. Like you say, HJ never asked to be born, but too, JS never asked to be raped..

Well, then I have to say, you have a very lucky and happy life unlike JS where you have the choice to go after the rainbow. If traumas, esp. childhood traumas like you mentioned is so easy to overcome, the world probably will have much lesser social problems then now. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon like you. JS also trying to chase after happiness in her own way, a way she had learned to cope after going through those horrible events. Also you are living in a world now that gives you lots of help, but there's no such help given to JS during those era.

Why does JS need to redeem herself? Did she ask to be raped? She didn't and most unfortunately, she just learnt to cope with her crooked ways.

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