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[Drama 2015] The Village: Achiara's Secret 마을- 아치아라의 비밀


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Hi guys drama nice has subbed the village :D

@Aalias, that is also DSS subs that they are using.  And they all seem to take it before we finish subbing the episode, so the later parts are machine subs and not manually edited (as at the youtube page and elsewhere).   If you want the full subs, come over to DSS.

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Hi guys drama nice has subbed the village :D

@Aalias, that is also DSS subs that they are using.  And they all seem to take it before we finish subbing the episode, so the later parts are machine subs and not manually edited (as at the youtube page and elsewhere).   If you want the full subs, come over to DSS.

I didn't know. I will thanks. 

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So, does anybody know if Yu Na is the provincial-assemblyman's daughter?  I assume she isn't (and she must be the sculptor lady's daughter from another marriage), but don't remember seeing it mentioned clearly.  The way the grandma treats the girl, she cannot be her blood granddaughter.  But I was surprised that the assemblyman ran with the wife to the hospital to see Yu Na (early Ep 2), and looked genuinely concerned about the girl too.  He was nice to her at the dinner table as well. Anybody knows?

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So, does anybody know if Yu Na is the provincial-assemblyman's daughter?  I assume she isn't (and she must be the sculptor lady's daughter from another marriage), but don't remember seeing it mentioned clearly.  The way the grandma treats the girl, she cannot be her blood granddaughter.  But I was surprised that the assemblyman ran with the wife to the hospital to see Yu Na (early Ep 2), and looked genuinely concerned about the girl too.  He was nice to her at the dinner table as well. Anybody knows?

@jayakris For now, I don't think there is really any indication that Yoo Na is not his daughter... and certainly he has some form of affection for her, albeit derogatory in terms of what he deems her worth is as a female. Grandmother's distaste for Yoo Na probably stems from the fact that she is Ji Sook's daughter rather than anything else.  I think that is the reason why Ji Sook is so anxious to get pregnant again - wanting to have a son, who would have a secure place (and in turn secure her position) in the family. Anyway, just my 2 cents :P 

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You may be right, @liddi, there. Maybe YuNa is indeed the assemblyman's daughter.  Still, I don't remember ever seeing a grandma being that nasty to a granddaughter who is in her bloodline. Even in the nastiest MIL-DIL situations I have seen, the grandkids were often loved despite their moms (with grandsons loved more, of course). The family dynamics is keeping me a bit off-balance.  Even JiSook wanting a son looked odd, seeing that she is genuinely affectionate to the step-son, and if she already has a daughter with the assemblyman.  Anyway, we will watch more and see how things are.

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@jayakris I don't think there is any conventional dynamics in the entire drama so far :P However, that just adds an off-kilter element to the entire story, which, combined with the thriller and supernatural angles, makes it an even more intriguing watch. Can't wait for more to be revealed, and more to keep us guessing and second guessing :) 

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The ep 3 text preview is out, And the final bit is dynamite (the preceding bits don't really reveal anything that isn't guessable from the video preview).

The last sentence, however, runs

Su Yun visits the columbarium and finds that her sister's urn is missing. She sets off on her sister's trail...


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So, does anybody know if Yu Na is the provincial-assemblyman's daughter?  I assume she isn't (and she must be the sculptor lady's daughter from another marriage), but don't remember seeing it mentioned clearly.  The way the grandma treats the girl, she cannot be her blood granddaughter.  But I was surprised that the assemblyman ran with the wife to the hospital to see Yu Na (early Ep 2), and looked genuinely concerned about the girl too.  He was nice to her at the dinner table as well. Anybody knows?


I don't think there's meant to be any doubt about Yuna's paternity.

Here is the relevant paragraph from Ji Suk's character profile

To secure her position in Chang Won's family, she needed a son. After ten whole years of trying, she conceived just one child and believed she was no longer in danger of being ejected from the family, but the child was a daughter (Yuna) To make things worse, the child was "strange". [The Korean here implies some sort of paranormal powers, but there's no exact equivalent in English culture: to call Yuna " a psychic" would give the wrong impression] So yet another burden was laid on her heart.

["Yet another" = in addition to the fact the the village community, despite having to look up to her as the "Cinderella" wife of the town's big shot, secretly regarded her as a "WORD THIS STUPID STUPID STUPID SOOMPI ROBOT CENSOR WON'T LET ME WRITE EVEN THOUGH IT'S THE EQUIVALENT OF WHAT'S IN THE KOREAN I'M TRANSLATING" because of her parentage and past (unmarried mother, drifter father, sibling by a different father -- presumably now the pharmacist -- etc.), outlined earlier in the profile]

As to how Granny talks to Yuna... You need to hear that in the context of how Yuna talks to her, which is a large part of what Granny is reacting to. I found subbing Yuna's dialogue in ep 1 extremely challenging, because it's very hard to find an English language "voice" that conveys via Engish the way her speech to her peers and elders comes across in Korean. The subtle taboos she breaches in her choice of words, what she doesn't say when it's expected, what she does say when it's not expected, even the length, or lack of length, of her sentences, all these things encode subtle messages which depend on a distinctively Korean set of social expectations.

From this angle, Yuna is strongly reminiscent of a character in this (very good) writer's Che Sera Sera,  the younger sister of the female lead, a highschool dropout who's run away to Seoul to pursue her dream of becoming an "Internet novelist"  Her sister quits her job and travels to Seoul to look for her, and the very first word the younger sister says (or rather doesn't say)  to her devoted and anxious elder sister when she finds her asleep exhausted outside the door of the apartment she's illegally occupying is strikingly disrespectful to Korean-attuned ears. But that, too, can't be adequately conveyed in English...


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Guest anitgone

Looooved reading everyone's insights...I can't access the link from where I am (US) for some reason,so happy at least JB is recapping this...some thoughts about the drama two episodes out---

- like the pacing and tone, acting excellent; the young police officer provides some much needed levity, everyone else just so mysterious

- I also would like less supernatural/fantastical elements, and hope this would be a cleverly, tautly written suspense thriller  

- characters all are intriguing---everyone else knows something except MGY .. So far there seems to be connection between her sister and art teacher, maybe teacher and sister are one and the same? (The obvious and probably not tha case?) or sister is still alive? Yoo na possesses a gift/curse---sixth sense and sees teacher? So teacher must be dead? ePisode 2 was entitled "The Children" --the secret lies in the children? What does the time capsule contain?  So far the body hasn't been identified yet right? 

- why GM took MGY and left Achiara? Who sent the letter and is GM's death really accidental?

- does the small pond hold their secrets also?

- Is So yun just as mysterious as everyone else? I.e. she  is not what she seems---well for now she has more questions --like us-- and I can't wait to see how everything will unravel...

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To maybe help ward off a few more more red herrings...

From Seo Chang Gwon's character profile:

His one major weakness is that he's excessively fond of women. From his youth on he had an endless series of affairs, and he didn't kick the habit after his marriage.

For him, women were 'fun' and a source of 'entertainment'. No woman had ever brought him into a serious predicament or caused him any headaches. But this complacency suffered a bitter blow when he met an "outsider" to the village, Kim Hye Jin.

Since she had no connections in the village, he thought he could have a fling with her without the slightest risk of complications. But Kim Hye Jin stabbed him in the back.

Add to that his political ambitions, and the consequent absolute need to avoid any scandals, we can see how he would have had a motive for "burying" -- maybe all too literally -- Kim Hye Jin in the interim between the 2013 flashback segment and the current timepoint.

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@baduy Thank you very much for sharing the character profiles for Ji Sook and her husband, as well as your very insightful explanations about Yoo Na's attitude, especially the nuances in her speech, which people like me who do not understand Korean, would not have perceived. If it is not too much trouble, could you also please provide the translations of the other available character profiles, which I hope will also be added to thread starter post. Thank you.

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I have just finished watching the first episode and I loved it! I don't mind the supernatural in this drama because it isn't that much: the atmosphere is really creepy but also intriguing. Very different from the normal K-drama. It took a long time until we got the subtitles but it was definitely worth it! I am hoping that the next episodes will be translated quicker!:wub:

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