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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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Just got home :(...but glad there was new ep and viki at 76% :)...i'll wait for subs...and catch up with you guys tomm...to tired now

Hope there will be one tomm as well...

Just tell me did something happen with HK memory or not

Yes, some of her memories returned...

...but she didn't forget anything right?

Tnx dear :)

Welcome, dear :)

We were only shown that she remembered Jin-eon's declaration of love, if I'm not mistaken, the one he made while they were lying together on the lawn, his begging Man-ho to get rid of her for him, as well as his rescuing her when she attempted the suicide...

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WOW....I am sincerely impressed and enlightened listening to all the thoughts you all are sharing just on p.261 alone!

Let me use a phrase from Baseball Jargon.to describe my impressions as I read all these posts today.  Our HEAVY HITTERS are up to bat now and it really shows!   You're turning the forum into a POWER HOUSE of ideas and thoughtful , deep discussions around issues of love, trust, marriage, happiness, moral values, ethical behaviors, self-delusions, and so much more.

And FORGIVENESS --- one of the central themes in the drama. How did I miss that one?

@kimnana41  -  Applause for you and your husband, "a student of Kimnana41".  So How good if we could all aim to know our partners like that.   And that is what neither JE nor HK achieved in their many years together.  And same can be said of the other in the drama.

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Just started watching on Viki ---78% subbed.  Couldn't resist.

And Seol Ri saw the bodyguard fight with the assassin. A ferocious fight...then was killed. I think his name was Gi Moon, from when that person reported to JE that HK was alone in the office.

She witnessed both events!  And ran away?  Unbelievable!  Her ending surely will be in a mental institution, suicide, or jailed for attempted murder herself!   What other options can the Writer come up with?

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Just started watching on Viki ---78% subbed.  Couldn't resist.

And Seol Ri saw the bodyguard fight with the assassin. A ferocious fight...then was killed. I think his name was Gi Moon, from when that person reported to JE that HK was alone in the office.

She witnessed both events!  And ran away?  Unbelievable!  Her ending surely will be in a mental institution, suicide, or jailed for attempted murder herself!   What other options can the Writer come up with?


Edited by trust71
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In the case of BS, if you put yourself in his position what would you really do? The man or woman you loved has just been stabbed in someone's attempt to kill them. You know that the person or persons who attempted this murder is a member of the ex's family. You know the ex treated the person you love very harshly, had an affair with a woman/man 10 years younger than them, and left to live with this man/woman for 4 years after divorcing the person you love.  You know now that the nightmares you have witnessed for 4 years is due to the person's child being killed. Instead of the husband being there to console the wife and understand her grief, he had an affair and left her to suffer alone.  

Yes, there is more to JE and HK's history, but this is from BS's point of view.  Would you really feel any allegiance or obligation to tell the ex-husband/wife anything? No you wouldn't and nor would you want whoever that stabbed the person you love and left them for dead to know they are still alive.

BS's anger for JE had nothing to do with jealousy, it had to do with the fact that it's his family who has tried to kill her. She was safe for the past 4 years and now she's in danger again that JE has appeared. I hope the writer don't make him listen to his evil sister. One thing I can say is that BS and JE are blind when it comes to how evil SR can be.

there one aspect that you missed out on here.

That is that JE did try for over a year to get HK to grieve and she did not want to.  

BS has no real Idea about what HK and JE relationship is or was.  He was an outsider.   He may love HK but she does not love him.

He know that she love JE.  The person she cares about is not him and he has not rights to her her,.  She not his thrall.  he did not buy her with his kindness.   He know now that the person he loved from day one was not the YK he knew or the person he  forced to create.

As he thought he was the best person for YK because he knew here JE is the best person for HG because  he knows her the best.     He knows this also as JE  knew YK2 was his wife. 

Also a simple fact is that if BS had told the truth HK would never have been in danger.  It was not JE that put HK in danger it was the fact that everyone thought she was YK.   It was the fact that as YK  she was working in his law office.  It was the fact that YK was protesting in front of  the company that YK was the whistle blower for.   The person who put Hk in danger was BS.  Furthermore once he knew the truth he still hid it which indirectly lead up to this attack.    If he had let HK be HK then would she have been attacked? 

If Hk was JE know to truly be JE ex-wife  would she have been stabbed? Nope. 

 BS was throwing fist and attacking JE when he knew that YK2 choose JE.   He know now that YK2 has always loved JE.  He also know that at the end of the day JE told him to protect HK and he did not.  Once again JE knew what  HK needed and BS did not.  So I think it guilt, jealousy and the realization that  when YK2 memory comes back just as the entire family feared she might just leave them. 



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Is there any news when ep 23 going to air?

:D i'm planning to prepare a lot of snacks for the new ep, but remember the trauma last week,hm better prepare it at the last minute

it's pretty early since the drama still have 30 eps to go, but IHAL is superb, the acting is marvelous, the plot is thrilling and the shots is quite wonderful, i like the scene when JE rushing to the hospital after he saw the police line. 

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SR ran away at the scene of crime. Not those out of fear situation. Initially she was shock... And then deep in thoughts... And then she just ran away. Her character is flawed. Period. To go to such extreme in order to have what she wants, she is gone. No moral compass. I wonder if the old HK will do the same? Or she will call for ambulance at least if it was SR?

Hk is back. She is really good in acting! Even just uttering those few words in the hosp bed.... I can feel the coldness. Not as gentle ... Filled w pain and denial. Its going to be a hard time for both JE and HK, and esp for HK to recall all the pains and hurts, 

Seeing that it harms HK when he didnt tell the truth and deciding to acknowledge her as HK, BS is afterall a good man. If the guard was there and HK was stabbed anyway, releasing information and truth earlier may not help to protect as much. ? 



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SR ran away at the scene of crime. Not those out of fear situation. Initially she was shock... And then deep in thoughts... And then she just ran away. Her character is flawed. Period. To go to such extreme in order to have what she wants, she is gone. No moral compass. I wonder if the old HK will do the same? Or she will call for ambulance at least if it was SR?

Hk is back. She is really good in acting! Even just uttering those few words in the hosp bed.... I can feel the coldness. Not as gentle ... Filled w pain and denial. Its going to be a hard time for both JE and HK, and esp for HK to recall all the pains and hurts, 

Seeing that it harms HK when he didnt tell the truth and deciding to acknowledge her as HK, BS is afterall a good man. If the guard was there and HK was stabbed anyway, releasing information and truth earlier may not help to protect as much. ? 



@knice I totally agree.  When she shed that tear and opened her eyes, I actually felt a chill.  Frankly I prefer that HG retains the persona of YK2.  Needless to say, KHJ is doing an excellent job in portraying HG, YK and YK2.  If she does not get the SBS best actress award for 2015, it will be a real disappointment for me.

Episode 22 to me was such a sad one.  So much tears from JE, BS, HG's Mum....felt so sorry for all of them.  The one person that did not move me with her tears was SR of course.  The best sad scene was that one single teardrop from HG, I actually felt all the pain and anguish she felt when JE betrayed her.  

When she called her daughter's name and said  let's go, I felt she was giving up a second time and joining her daughter in death.

Once again, thanks to everyone for all the wonderful posts and clips.  This is one amazing drama and I'm so glad it is 50 episodes long.  Am looking forward to how JE will show HG that life can go on with him.  My heart goes out to BS and I hope he does not play along with SR's plans.  Anticipating more fun interactions between YG and Dr Min:  if she takes on Mum's offer to be the housekeeper, there will be more encounters in the home.  

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애인있어요 23회


진언은 태석을 찾아가 주먹을 날리며 당신이 두 번 죽이려 한 사람이 해강이었다는 사실을 알리고, 용기는 설리에게 해강을 만나고 싶다고 하지만 설리는 해강을 만나면 위험해진다는 핑계로 모든 방법을 다 동원해서 용기를 지켜주겠다고 한다. 한편 해강은 백석에게 사고 이후 조금씩 기억을 찾기 시작했다며, 진짜 사랑하는 사람은 진언이라고 고백하는데...


could somebody translate the preview!


 Instagram ppl are so nice!! Things about to get real... so much spoiler! teehee-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif

Ep 23 Written Preview Translation 

JinEon throws a punch to TaeSeok and says that the person he tried to kill twice is HaeKang. Real Yongki tells Sully that she wants to meet HaeKang. 
However, Sully excuses that meeting her is dangerous and promises her to protect YongKi with all methods. Meanwhile, HaeKang says to BaekSuk that she starts to remember her past bit by bit after the incident. She confesses that the one she truely loves is JinEon.



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@elzbeth and @Knice --- I agree with you that KHJ's acting as each twin is fantastic!!  But even more so for reminding me the actress actually plays 3 different roles. CORRECTION: ....4 different roles!.

1)   Do Hae Gang ----the Corporate Lawyer/"the Executioner"

2)  Dokgo Yong Gi -- the "parturient" Whistle Blower" & later, mother of Woo Joo

3)  HK/YK2  ---woman with amnesia of 4 years duration, the re-imagined version of YK1

4)  Do Hae Gang ---- the  final personality who emerges after her memory is restored  


I've said earlier I didn't even notice that KJH was playing both twins.  She was that good in each role.  And even now, I still see them as two distinctly different people --- who slightly resemble each other!  

OMG..... Should the biggest Awards Ceremony make a special category for playing TWINS  and/or  MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES  this year?    Ji Sung,  Hyun Bin,  or Kim Hyun Joo.


About the pictures of the crashed car --- one picture looks like the truck just before impact on the car.

I think MH has a person on his payroll, someone of the thugs who work for TS.  A  well paid SPY among the regulars who do all the rough, dirty work TS orders!   There were many workers on the scene --- too random to think one of them Used their phone, took pictures, figured who to blackmail, ....... NO! Had to be an "inside" person!

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Guest my2centsworth

The ship is sailing I swear :wub:


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I am beginning to think so too. But what is going to blow Dr. Min's mind is when he sees YK with her daughter and then sees HK lying in a hospital bed. Then will see is he starts treating YK nicer. She and her daughter really deserve an apology !

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@MadraRua - There is a term used to describe what HK has been experiencing at work and at life in general four years ago - "Compassion Fatigue." I've personally seen the relatives of chronically ill patients develop this condition because they could no longer handle their relative's suffering or they no longer want to see other patients dying or succumbing to their illnesses. It is a remarkable condition because they do not react appropriately upon receiving either good or bad news. It's like their brain stopped processing information and they'll just react like automatons. 

I never really thought about it until @DelroyB described HK's ruthlessness. Because of the seedy and unethical deals she had had to navigate, HK had to steel herself from the manipulations and subterfuge served up to them by their company's business rivals. Unfortunately, her reaction extended to ES. I have a feeling that, like how she reacted to her business opponents, she did the same to ES' death. She probably didn't even grieve properly for her child which was what confused JE. 

People have different reactions to extremely stressful situations, either they get used to it or they simply stop functioning and leave. JE definitely misinterpreted his wife's actions, instead of understanding her or them talking about it, they both chose to keep things to themselves. So instead of being truly supportive of each other, they chose to distance themselves from one another. There is no question about their love, it's obvious that they share a deep connection. However they grew apart because of misunderstanding and miscommunication. JE was hurting over ES's death, HK seemed unfeeling. Instead of going out of his way to understand why HK became that way, he chose to hurt her with his betrayal. Perhaps he was thinking, will you still remain unfeeling after something like this? We all know that JE's action was the straw that broke the camel's back. HK reached her tipping point, and the accident gave her blessed relief by letting her forget everything.

@chubbychub1966 - Thanks for the written preview and the ratings! Yay! Weekend dramas do not fare well compared to weekday dramas because Koreans tend not to watch dramas on weekends. So 9.8% is great!

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Guest my2centsworth

AWESOME ! You guys are great.....barely watch the esp and getting play by play of each scene. Felt like I was at a ballgame...LOL  App 10 pages of comments I need to read.....thanks....LOL And I haven't even see the esp with subs yet, plus it's almost time for another esp.! Gonna take me a week just to catch up on the comments.....LOL  You are all awsome ! I will return...LOL

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Wow! This thread is hot even though I can't read every single post! You guys are moving way too fast for me! I admit I have to skip several pages here and there when I'm behind! Regardless, the posts, debates are phenomenal!

Jin Eun tripping and falling in the bus still cracks me up every time I think about it!

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@chubbychub1966  ---Many thanks for the Instagrams you've been posting, especially ones lately from  jijinhee_holic.  So much information in English captions!   

The Preview says HK tells BS she loves Jin Eun.  Not so painful as it sounds, since she was honest with him about her feelings for JE from the start.  BS appreciates her being straight up honest with him from "day one".

And HK tells BS she  "starts to remember the past bit by bit after the incident."     Must still be living with BS, BJS, and the kids.

Now I can call her "HK" ----:rolleyes:----Good Bye! to "HK/YK2!        

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