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[Drama 2015/2016] I Have A Lover 애인있어요


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I absolutely love this drama. I do not think there are many dramas as good as this one, except few are extra ordinarily written such as Giant, Scandals, Dong Yi and Empress Ki. This is one of the best drama written, Just like in The Scandals & Twinkle2 (both are written by Writer Bae), I believe she will also presented with us some forgiveness, redemption and karma in this drama.

Anyways, I am practically crazy over this drama, this is the first drama that I am watching and waiting anxiously and also reading ALL your comments on this forum. YOU guys make this drama alive, with all the comments.

When I first started this drama, I thought to myself, the title is very interesting, and the description as well. Somehow the title will mean something. We know, the story is centered on HG & JE.  I felt the 'I' in the tille referring to HG, and 'the lover' referring to JE.

The writer has to use BS as HG's new boyfriend, so that JE can till be the lover ..... 

One more thing, after watching many kdrama, there are few kdrama rules, like someone else mentioned above (forget who):

 The bad person always found our about the truth first, then the main character always the last person to find out ...

So, our poor JE will be the last one to find about about all the truth, like his father killed HG's dad, HG pretense about her memory, etc etc etc ... Well, poor JE!!! But, I also agree with other postings that JE deserved to be punished from all the things he did to HG in ep 1-9.  But, he also deserves second chance. 

Remember, at the end of episode 8, HG begged the FIL to not approve the divorce,  and she said to the FIL,"I love him, and I didnt say anything because he is my husband and he should understand." And in episode 1, JR told HG that she should worry about JE,since he is a man, and HG replied to JR,"yes, he is a man, only to me." So my point is that only HG knows about JE's personality. The same with JE .. Only JE knows HG well .. Perhaps this is another parallel that the writer trying to tell us ...





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1 hour ago, 12blbl said:

Do you mean SR was the guinea pig of pudoxin clinical trial? Well if that's the case it's too abruptly out of nowhere, since she didn't mentioned anything when BS talked about pudoxin side effects or HG's protesting related of pudoxin. I assumed 4 years ago when YG's fiance was killed, the pudoxin was still not in market, since the YG's fiance case related to the fabrication report of the result pudoxin clinical trial.

looked like in the preview, JE fight againts HG regarding of the company, :phew: exciting 

 Writer set it up perfectly.  in episode 2 right before HG comes in to confront SR for the first time she taking the pills and writing down information the journal  with.  The pills and binder have CYN logo.  When they do trail the drugs name is may or may  not be  the marketing name. 

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4. Lastly, HK also had to take part of the blame, for it was her wild ambitions and saying her time has come (MH just offered her the VP position of CNP), her non-grieving (or rather lack of it or lack of manifesting her grief) of the loss of ES whom both she and JE loved dearly, and most of all, I feel, HK's 'cold' and 'callous' talk about late ES, about already having forgotten her, and wanting another child during the first death anniversary, which to most asians, it is akin to 'the dead not being laid to rest, the cold body not having been warmed by the earth 6 feet underground'. So that was pretty disgusting to JE (ep 2 screencaps below).


I thought that the context was to that was referring to her being the one to demonstrate her love more.  Like that morning when she asked to on the trip with him.  He refused and she said it ok for her to close heart, ears etc but not CJE.    If she was referring  to work ,  then they both rather pitiful people.


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JE is suffering but i would tone down the schadenfreude.   HG actions have cause many people to suffer.  Maybe she was given Karma for driving that newlywed wife to suicide.  How much pain will HG reap from the harvest of sorrows she has planted over the years?

When that time comes she need a well healed JE to lean on not a broken shell of a man.

Yeah I know there always BS.  However he was in the fetal position with HG in 1st gear.   :P   

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Loving the last few episodes. 

I didn't see the point of HG fake memory loss apart from dramatic effect. It seems purely for the audience reaction rather than character or story development but I'm glad she went to BS and told him the truth. Now if only she could do the same for those poor orphans. It must be killing her to have to ignore them and pretend she doesn't know them. 

I loved it when she put SR in her place. One of the highlights of the last few episodes for me. I don't like how SR is egging on that wacko, god knows what he'll do to HG again and SR just doesn't care the evil minx. Now all HG needs to do is put JR firmly in her place as well. Her stirring is leading no where good either. 

I didn't watch the last raw episode but I did catch the preview. It seems she is trying to keep JE at arms length by involving herself more with BS. I'm not so keen on this strategy. On the one hand it kinda serves JE right and should make him realise all the pain he put her through, but on the other hand, it's feeding his green eyed monster and there's no way he'll let her go if that's her goal. 

It seems like she's actively pursuing the Pudoxin case and I can't wait until she brings the brother in law down. She may even bring the company down and build it back up with the help of YK. I'm not sure what to make of SR and her involvement in the clinical trials. Does this mean she is now infertile? Or will it lead to further complications down the line?

I can see her playing the sympathy card with JE although his mother won't be too impressed if she does turn out infertile. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when she gets that revelation. Who knows maybe JR will get the info first and drop her in it. teehee-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif

Bring on tomorrows episode and the subs yesss-crazy-rabbit-emoticon.gif 

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@DelroyB --- I wanted to explain that I was reacting to an image in my mind of a "Seol Ri who had never really lied about HK"----I felt an unreasonable anger that she would seem to be innocent in comparison to HK's "underhanded dealings".   Suddenly I just wanted to nail the times when she was at least seen wilfully & intentionally being malicious.  Her hypocritical "I'm Sorry" is as good as a lie in my eyes.  "I'm sorry! But he came running to me"   And "I'm sorry"  to HK as she leave the chairman's house , while SR returned from shopping with   SR's biggest lie was how she deceived JE & SH, acting the innocent party,  from the time she agreed to do her part of JR's deal --- "Grab hold of JE & make sure he will never leave her". I said I was citing scenes from the wrong episode ---went back & corrected it.

9 hours ago, mdj101 said:

@DelroyB --- most of the time i can completely agree with your posts. However, I have some things to say about SR's not having lied about HK "with the exception of the pictures"  ---- the pictures of the shoes outside the cottage room and the picture of her & JE at the bridge, singing lines of dopey love poem and looking all lovey dovey/post-"honeymoon" night.  

That was nothing compared to the understanding she had with JR to work as a team to make it possible for SR to marry JE. I went back to Episode  / 01:51 to 04:19 mins.  I wanted to be sure of what SR & JR actually said. I'll make it short.  Sr offered to fix it so that SR could marry JE --- not simply live with him as his mistress. JR told SR she could't handle HK on her own.  That HK would never agree to a divorce and would wait them out if they were just living together. 

EDITED to correct Episode from #2 to #8.  So sorry.

 SR asked, "What do I have to do?"  (03:53 mins)  And SR answered, "Hold onto him. Do whatever it takes to make sure he will never leave you.  I'll get rid of Do Hae Gang. You grab onto Jin Eon." 

I'll end it there, or else I'll ramble on muttering stuff I can never back up.  IT WAS WRONG!  AND SHE TOOK THE DEAL.

 She's not a lot better than she is says HK is.  She left HK bleeding on the ground. She 's instigating the guy to go after HK, possibly to attempt to kill her again. She's instigating Yong Gi hoping to see HK in jail, and CNP ruined along with JE.   No, I think SR ceased being "pure & innocent" a very long time ago.  

And another thing, I don't think JE knew SR ran into the lab to pull him out until he saw her bandage wrist and heard his Mother exclaiming over her.  He saw her arm through the bars of the bed and had a blank expression on his face.  Mother already proposed marriage on his behalf!  :o  

As he was waking up, JE had a series of flashbacks. (35:34 to 36:50) Frankly, I'm not sure what to make of them!   Bu t I'll just bet they meant plenty! My brain is FRIED at this point.  An hour and a half until Epi. 31. I may need toothpicks to keep my eyelids propped open. Sleep can wait til 9:05 AM now.  :P

Episode 2 of KPOP STAR should get me there  wide awake!


I'm curious what SR said to JE when he asked his Mother to leave him alone in his hospital room with SR. Did she tell him why his Mother had a sudden change of heart .... that JR showed her the video of HK doing NOTHING right after the explosion?   I'm wondering if JE will have a flashback to their conversation later when he knows more about SR's behind the scene cooperation with his Noona!

Now that I've cooled down, none of really matters at this point in the drama. We all know how far over the line SR is now. If SR was a "Real Person" I'd probably have to apologize for flying off the handle!   :w00t:   Too late in the drama even to worry about the meanings of the flashbacks JE had as he was regaining consciousness  --- shortly before SR came in.

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12 minutes ago, jadecloud said:

Gladly :P

First, here's Ep 32 Preview Vid Translation...

I really like the way this writernim cracks her creative brain. I love that MH is stepping in to try and bring JE and HK together, by abandoning HK and instead put JE up to be his successor now. It seems HK may not have any choice but to seek JE's help soon. Or they will have to 'fight' each other. Although I'm pretty sure JE is doing this to get HK's attention, as well as to help her. While HK too is likewise.

No dull moment!  

I'm glad father changed his mind...is it for his love for both of them or coz JE at the end is his son doesn't matter

Can't wait to see them fight...they r both smart and stubborn enough so it will be interesting ;)

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8 minutes ago, andy78 said:


tHANKS @jadecloud   So father changed his mind...let's see what will be HG next move...the old man stole the patent a good lawyer like Hg will ask for damages...the old man might be forced to give her and Yk company shares ...

Maybe thats why he gave position to JE..so he and HK in the future end as partners...thats if he did stole patent and is guilty for girls father death...we still have good part of a way to go...everything can happen...it would not surprise me if father is clear for that so JE and HK don't have that between them...

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3 hours ago, DelroyB said:


4. Lastly, HK also had to take part of the blame, for it was her wild ambitions and saying her time has come (MH just offered her the VP position of CNP), her non-grieving (or rather lack of it or lack of manifesting her grief) of the loss of ES whom both she and JE loved dearly, and most of all, I feel, HK's 'cold' and 'callous' talk about late ES, about already having forgotten her, and wanting another child during the first death anniversary, which to most asians, it is akin to 'the dead not being laid to rest, the cold body not having been warmed by the earth 6 feet underground'. So that was pretty disgusting to JE (ep 2 screencaps below).


I thought that the context was to that was referring to her being the one to demonstrate her love more.  Like that morning when she asked to on the trip with him.  He refused and she said it ok for her to close heart, ears etc but not CJE.    If she was referring  to work ,  then they both rather pitiful people.


@DelroyB With your jot, I think you're right. That the 'time' HK is referring to in this scene, is as you've said. Kudos *thumbs up*

But to be sure, I went back to rewatch, both the engsub and the csub vid. Then I realize there's a discrepancy in both forms(below)...When I listen to what she said, it sounded neither like 'my time has come right now' nor 'am a slow person'. I guess it's somewhere there...LOL :P 




TSKS Translation: I'm a slow (to react) person

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7 minutes ago, zagigirl said:

Maybe thats why he gave position to JE..so he and HK in the future end as partners...thats if he did stole patent and is guilty for girls father death...we still have good part of a way to go...everything can happen...it would not surprise me if father is clear for that so JE and HK don't have that between them...

MH did steal the patent. He came clean with SH in the early part of ep 31. As for the death of Dokgo Ji Hoon, was it an accident or murder? It seems MH did not confess to murder when he told SH about having stolen the patent. I don't see a 'stunned' SH...LOL. I guess it was an accidental fall to death. But, we'll find out soon when a flashback is shown.

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4 hours ago, jadecloud said:

No it wasn't abrupt. We've been shown this fact since early eps. In fact, some of us were thinking that would mean SR can never become pregnant with a Choi heir. Remember the ep where HK went to SR's apt, combed through her apt and then flooded the kitchen? HK saw and took the clinical trial packet that SR had kept in her cabinet and that was where we were shown. That was the second time. The first was when SR was at the cafe she was working in, and took the meds there. Right before HK came barging in to censure her and told her to leave JE.

Translation: CN-B12/Clinical Trial/CNP/KSR(870406). HK took it with her, and then turned on the faucet to flood SR's kitchen.

CR: SBS/TSKS csubs (screencapped back then. not sure which ep though)

And yes, Pudoxin was out in the market. TS had forged the 'original' clinical trial result that YK's late fiance KSY has prepared notifying CNP of the harmful side effects. And that young girl who jumped down from the rooftop of the court house and died, was in court due to Pudoxin's harmful side effect. But was struck down by HK's smart manipulation of info. 


After having watched the whole raw ep 31, I realized my response to @12blbl about these two scenes, they were shown in the flashback in today's ep. :sweatingbullets: 

The csubs vid is ready. Good job csubbers. Quick job! Off to watch... 

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13 minutes ago, jadecloud said:

MH did steal the patent. He came clean with SH in the early part of ep 31. As for the death of Dokgo Ji Hoon, was it an accident or murder? It seems MH did not confess to murder when he told SH about having stolen the patent. I don't see a 'stunned' SH...LOL. I guess it was an accidental fall to death. But, we'll find out soon when a flashback is shown.


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2 hours ago, mdj101 said:

@DelroyB --- I wanted to explain that I was reacting to an image in my mind of a "Seol Ri who had never really lied about HK"----I felt an unreasonable anger that she would seem to be innocent in comparison to HK's "underhanded dealings".   Suddenly I just wanted to nail the times when she was at least seen wilfully & intentionally being malicious.  Her hypocritical "I'm Sorry" is as good as a lie in my eyes.  "I'm sorry! But he came running to me"   And "I'm sorry"  to HK as she leave the chairman's house , while SR returned from shopping with   SR's biggest lie was how she deceived JE & SH, acting the innocent party,  from the time she agreed to do her part of JR's deal --- "Grab hold of JE & make sure he will never leave her". I said I was citing scenes from the wrong episode ---went back & corrected it.


I'm curious what SR said to JE when he asked his Mother to leave him alone in his hospital room with SR. Did she tell him why his Mother had a sudden change of heart .... that JR showed her the video of HK doing NOTHING right after the explosion?   I'm wondering if JE will have a flashback to their conversation later when he knows more about SR's behind the scene cooperation with his Noona!

Now that I've cooled down, none of really matters at this point in the drama. We all know how far over the line SR is now. If SR was a "Real Person" I'd probably have to apologize for flying off the handle!   :w00t:   Too late in the drama even to worry about the meanings of the flashbacks JE had as he was regaining consciousness  --- shortly before SR came in.

I feel JE needs someone like SR in his life... Some hypocrite who will do or say anything he wants to hear to please and make him happy his whole life. He must hear it loudly.. SR will utter I LOVE YOU from the moment she wakes 24/7. LOL

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And I completely agree with the  views give by @ayselluna while responding to @DelroyB's post (included in the posT. I think each person's views seem like a great interpretation of the Characters actions, feelings, and ideas in general.  Seems very reasonable to me.  

Spoiler --- photos of Eun Sol (near end of video.


See from 3:23 to 3:52 for pictures of Eun Sol with her very happy Mother & Father! It's been so long since we've actually seen the little girl at the heart of the drama.


And @jadecloud --- I liked the photo clips you posted matching the lyrics of the new OST song.  Once you asked if we would mention any scenes that you could "do something with" ---I forgot exactly what. but I spent a lot of time on Viki ---clicking second by second_ viewing the scene where HK left the Choi house after sealing the divorce form. She drove a short way, then pulled over --- JE came out and began walking, slowly approaching HK in her car.  I measured it all out.  And I was certain they must have made eye contact in her side mirror ---but not shown in that scene.  Compare this to the scene when JE backs up to where hk is waiting --- then she tells him "I love you"  Definite visual of eye contact in the side view mirror.

This took me so long to work out --- to see how carefully the scene was arranged to express the meaning of the lyrics.  At first i complicated the whole project --- call crew & actors back, film more shots,etc.  In reality, it must the scene & the song were matched from the beginning.  And each precise action, each angle of the camera, the actions of HK & JE were carefully laid out FIRST to showcase the song and make a memorable scene. AND IT REALLY WAS THAT!!   :tears:   :wub:

Might be the most elaborately planned Song & Scene match.


This didn't work out the way I'd hoped. Sorry. I really need to learn to edit some videos!  If you look at the scene carefully,  second by second , you'll be surprised just how every little movement must have been pre-planned! If I had't spent so much time on it ---I'd erase it. But I bet you can really do something with it.  And see how it compares to the scene "pre-I love you" with JE driving.

Episode 9 ---HK puts her seal on the divorce form and drives away..   (00:49 to 03:37 mins.)  I made notes of 23 timed screen shots that were carefully planned to add meaning to the song/melody. 

00:49   Melody begins to play.  HK seal the divorce paper

01:13    I can't say it out loud, I want to erase it but I can't.  HK passes close to JE on way to front door

01:28    My dear, why were you so late to find me again?    Pulls car to the side abruptly

01:40     I was really OK                                              JE  outside, at the door

01:49    I came all this way with a smile

01:56     But now I'm filled with lies                             HK sobbing, in tears

2:03     What can I do?

2:08   My heart that hated you so much           JE sees her in the car & STOPS.

(2:11 to 2:23)  --- Somewhere in here they make eye contact via the side view mirror, I'm sure of it.

2:15   My bad greed     It was all love   

2:23   Even if no one else knows 

2:27   Even if they don't believe, it was love

2:32   Slowly, HK continues to walk past the car

2:36     You were my last

2:42   And for you, it was me, that's what we have to remember

2:50    It's alright if no one knows

2:55   It's alright if our love is forgotten

3:04-09  We know, just the two of us

3:32    Horn blasts.    HK now with Clenched fists

.3:38   You're only mine.

3:40  End of scene.





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