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Eru 이루 Have You Guys Heard His Songs?

Guest saradah

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Guest .alyak_

GAHH <3 Eru. Is there like, a forum for him? In English preferrably. Korean is okay (just not his official site forum or whatever :x)

Hmmmmmm, english? I have not even come across a english website of him.

OR a korean website. So if you know one. Tell me.

Has he appeared on a drama or something i heard someone mentioning about it.

A drama? Not that i've heard of? Or i missed it?? Sorry, i can't answer your question? :sweatingbullets:

Wow i have juz watch the goldenbell show and his english was so gd but oh well he anyway its not surprising ritez since he have study at berkeley music sch before.

I still have to download that. Will get it from Clubbox soon...

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Guest babietinhyeu

bah i would start a forum about him...but i'm not really an expert and I lack the language of korean so it woudl be hard dealing with the korean stuff like what the trouble i'm having with my other forum.

I am wondering i know his father is famous, how long has his father been in the music world. Eru was on Hyori show, does anybody know why?? ahahah I'm still trying to learn more about him

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Guest Mentos

^ I don't know how his father came into the music industry and for how long but I know that he used to be REALLY poor. He was the man who walked all the way to California from Las Vegas. He said that it took him 17 days total. Who knew a simple 5 hours drive took 17 days on foot (including sleeping, resting, eating, etc)?

Eru's family struggled a lot- from what I've heard. Like, his parents didn't even have an appropriate wedding? Correct me if I'm wrong ><;; I'm trying to figure out Eru (and his family) out too haha.

I guess he was in the Hyori show to be more "public"- to get himself out there so people can support him. I saw him on Xman and he wasn't that outstanding- probably because he's still new and everything. He needs time to warm up. But he seemed pretty confident in the Golden Bell thing because his dad was sitting right in front of him ^^

Long post :x sorry. I just want to get Eru out there. This thread is a bit too dead. I'll try to post new pictures of him from his cyworld too (:


Oh! And his song "Life" is really addictive :x I love his English pronunciation. I don't think he's a native speaker. He's got the accent. Was he born in Korea or America? I heard that his parents got married in America. And Tae Jinah worked somewhere in New York? Yeah -_____- none of these are confirmed info. That's why I'm more asking you guys than actually being factual ^^;; don't get the wrong idea.

Okay. I'm done :x

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Guest juma48

^Wow that was new to me. I didn't know eru family was poor, i always thought he was a rich kid. Btw do u have eru cyworld links? Care to share it here?

And yeah we shld keep up posting some news or pics abt him. This thread seems a bit dead, maybe there not much info abt him haha....

I have also saw the Xman which he feature in and he seems a little bit quiet but that was understandable since he was new to all this things and need a little warm up. But then seems to me he more enthusiatic on heroine 6 more than Xman hehe.....But anyway i still enjoy seeing him.

Aww....i think i have not heard his 'Life" song yet. Do u have the song? Can u pm me the song coz i wanna hear his english pronouciation hehe....

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If you go to www.eruworld.com, there is a link to his cyworld at the bottom of the page (and his fan cafes).

Yes, Eru's family was poor. My friend told me that his mom (she use to be a famous actress) helped TaeJinah out when he was struggling financially in New York.

Eru was pretty good in Image Survival...telling stories. He is just warming up, so give it some time until he becomes a favorite.

I hope he does really well...I think he will. :D

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Guest Mentos

Okay, I can't find a SINGLE forum dedicated to Eru- so I took the liberty of making one. It's offline right now because I actually want to organize everything first (I'm not in a hurry and the last time I opened a forum in a hurry, it was SOOOOOO hectic T^T). I'll give the link out once it's officially opened but for now, I need someone who is willing to help make a layout or just a banner- it doesn't matter. Please PM me if you're also interested in moderating- I need a few moddies.

BTW- Eru's cyworld is http://cyworld.co.kr/manoftheworld

I don't know how big of a hit this forum will be. I'm hoping it'll be pretty active considering it's... one of the first English forums dedicated to him? I don't know :x haha, anyways... POST more ERU love (:

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Guest juma48

Haha....yeah i hoping alot of pple will join. And don't worry mentos i definitely join once this forum are officially open. He really need more love man and who know he might come to know abt our forum too. haha.....*ok stop dreaming*hehe

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Guest babietinhyeu

do you guys know where i can view his mv? I tried youtube and bestiz but they don't have it for me to view.

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Guest Mentos

^ you can try his official website. Just click on the multimedia link and it'll automatically direct you to his mv. You need to wait for it to buffer though (:

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Guest .alyak_

Okay, I can't find a SINGLE forum dedicated to Eru- so I took the liberty of making one. It's offline right now because I actually want to organize everything first (I'm not in a hurry and the last time I opened a forum in a hurry, it was SOOOOOO hectic T^T). I'll give the link out once it's officially opened but for now, I need someone who is willing to help make a layout or just a banner- it doesn't matter. Please PM me if you're also interested in moderating- I need a few moddies.

BTW- Eru's cyworld is http://cyworld.co.kr/manoftheworld

I don't know how big of a hit this forum will be. I'm hoping it'll be pretty active considering it's... one of the first English forums dedicated to him? I don't know :x haha, anyways... POST more ERU love (:

OoOO a forum! Yah! I can't wait for it to open. I will definatly join.

And i'm interested in being a MOD. Will PM you.

do you guys know where i can view his mv? I tried youtube and bestiz but they don't have it for me to view.

I have it. I uploaded it for another person. I think the link is still working.

I will PM it to you after this.

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Guest babietinhyeu

^ aww thanks but i finally found it through the clubbox, he only has one mv right???

oh oh for the forum i would love to help you mod kekekeke

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i just watched the recent x-man ep. last night and eru is such a cutie. love it when he smiles and his dimple shows. the part where he imitated his daddy was sooo funny!! :P

oh yes, the star golden bell. loved his english. especially since he got to describe niagara falls. :D (i'm canadian.) teehee...

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Guest .alyak_

hey i was wondering does anybody have translation to his song?!?! like the rebirth one

Hmmmmmmmm...have you checked aheeyah? I haven't checked myself..i will brb..



Thats very nicely done. I like the many shades of colors. I love your pick of pictures.

I love the screaming one.

Hey guys, Eruworld Forums is now officially opened! ENJOY!

Eruworld Forums

Layout is in progress! Spread the word.

Wow! I didn't expect it to come out this soon. TQ for starting it. I joined already.

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Guest juma48

Thanks mentos for doing an english eru forum for us. Me too have join too.

And this_kid i think aheeyah do not have eru translation yet coz i have check it and it doesn't have eru name there.

Edit:Wow this is my first tiime i own a page at eru thread. Woo hoo!

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Guest .alyak_

^ Yeah. I know. I checked yesterday and i didn't see his name either.... :tears:

You can call me Kayla.


here are a few caps...


(From image survival)


(From YDH Love Letter)


(Not sure where this is from......)

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