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Stop hurting Yoo Jung :tears::tears: If your own dad doesn't have faith or trust in you. If you don't have that support system...how are you supposed to grow and have faith in others and be of support to others? He didn't get it from home so Jung looked at the world around him and learned from it. Guess what ya'll the world around him was richard simmons. People were using him, lying to him, manipulating him...he learned to imitate the world and do as those around him did (and continue to do) and now the world wanna be mad at him!?!?

Am I who I am or Am I what you made me? Am I you?

ETA: Okay I am back to my rational I know better than to let the feels take over self. Apologize for the last post. Also Seol's father is the worst. Can he and Jung's dad fly off to a remote island together and never comeback!!! The phone was/is right in front of him STRETCH YOUR ARM richard simmons!!!!!!!!!

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11 hours ago, bjvipb2uty said:


Yeah, this is why I liked that particular interaction. Because although Jung approached her and band-aided her up, he was still aware of the fact that Seol wanted space. He didn't pressure her. He simply took care of her wounds, told her he'd wait, and left. But I suppose I'll get over it now. Nothing I can do about it now.

This is why In Ho is the perfect best friend for everyone, especially HS who needed him during these tiring times!  He is so good of a friend to HS and I love his character but why would they need to make this a love triangle??? I'm hurting for him! I am already enjoying this drama with In Ho being a sidekick/bodyguard/close friend to HS. I don't know if this will be a problem in the future but I bet the answer is yes based on the preview for episode 11. Also remember that In Ho was once so close to YJ, I hope this will not be an obstacle to their reconciliation (if there will be one). 

Sorry I haven't read the webtoon so if someone could just clarify this situation to me, does In Ho really like HS (more than a friend like)? 

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16 minutes ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I have to say that I found In-ha quite hilarious in this episode. Not sure why... maybe it's the epic take down of Sang Chul and the way she came to Jae Woo's rescue. But I thought she funny at the noodle place too.

And Sang Chul... what a loser... When the Mad Hatter tells you to man-up and pay for your own coffee, you know you're in a very bad place. Time to grow up and take responsibility. Even In-ha is cooking her own food now.


I dunno dear. Min Soo was really really deluded and she did nothing that could be considered illegal. What else could anyone have done? I know how you feel though. I asked myself the same question. But she was starting to think of herself as the victim here. I can't help feeling she was one step from doing something really dangerous.


I also didn't find In Ha to be as annoying in Episode 10.  But that's because, for the first time, she wasn't grousing about how she didn't have money and trying to leach off of others.  She also wasn't doing much to screw over our OTP.  I just hope she knows what she's doing with Young Gun and doesn't cause too much trouble.  (Previews for the next episode didn't exactly inspire much confidence in that regard . . . )  And in the meantime, I totally loved her coming to Jae Woo's rescue.  Maybe there's a pairing in there yet.  :P

Haha, I just posted pretty much the same reaction re: Sang Chul and Young Gun.  And nice observation about In Ha even doing her own cooking now!  The significance of that gesture didn't register until you pointed it out.

As for Jung's machinations regarding Min Soo, I agree that while it was not ideal, there wasn't much else they could do to bring the truth out into the open.  As we've seen, these classmates of theirs are really narrow sighted.  They only see what's in front of them without much independent thought.  They need to be shown X, Y, and Z, for them to be able to see X, Y, and Z.  As I already mentioned in my own reply just a little while ago, I don't think Jung's actions in this area are much different than what Seol is doing in trying to lay out her own traps for Young Gun.  Sometimes you have to play a little dirty to get rid of the dirt.

I do feel bad for Min Soo to the extent that I never felt she was evil/crazy in the same way that Young Gun is, or a pathetic user in the way that Sang Chul bothers me.  She was just pathetic in her shadow-like ways and in her desire to be known, she allowed herself to be used and led down the wrong paths.  Just one more thing to lay at Young Gun's door, really.  Like Seol, I find Min Soo to be someone who is pitied.  :( I hope we'll see her again in this drama, with a much improved personality -- one that is completely her own.

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Everyone on this show have lost their damn minds...what is wrong with all these kids....Seol just quit....life tbh cause you attract them like I don't even know. How has she survived this long LOL. would pull a Yoo Jung too to survive it all!!!

This drama is just full of little kids with inferiority complex playing their violins at their woo is them lives. Others may make it look easy, but they have worked and continue to work their butts off for what they have or aspire to have. Try doing the same instead of sitting around and expecting life to gift wrap and hand you things!!!

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2 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Everyone on this show have lost their damn minds...what is wrong with all these kids....Seol just quit....life tbh cause you attract them like I don't even know. How has she survived this long LOL. would pull a Yoo Jung too to survive it all!!!


LOL.  I know what you mean.  There are times when I'm convinced they're not attending college, but an insane asylum.  :P

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I miss Yoo Jung !! I wished he had been in more scenes today ! I guess it makes sense in the web toon he was absent for a little bit too ! I gotta say I find Park Hae Jin a lot more charismatic in CITT than as Hwi Kyung in You Who Came From The Stars. Cheese in the trap is so refreshing ! At first I thought the plot would be boring as a drama and better as a webtoon but the writer really proved me wrong ! I absolutely love this show ! Might be one of my favorites. Da Young is so annoying !! Glad the min so thing is over 

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49 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Jung you got every right to be questioning her and doubting her and WTFing her. If she gets to be all up in her feels over Inha. Boy you got every right to be in your feels over Inho. I AM IN MY FEELS OVER INHO!! If Seol were my irl friend I would say this "honey, you can't have your cake and eat it too. That little boy like you and you going to have to figure out what you going to do because if the roles were reversed and your boyfriend was hanging out with some girl who liked him (if he knows or not) how would you feel? Heck even if she don't like him if they was doing the things ya'll to be doing and spending a bit more time with them than you, how would you feel?" 

Not even going to lie. I am side eying the richard simmons out of Seol right now!!

ETA: I am trying to be grown and rational and you know not get into my feels and not let shipper bias rule but *shipper monster comes out* YOO JUNG DUMP HER!!! IS SHE REALLY THAT INNOCENT AND DOESN'T KNOW OR DOES SHE KNOW AND ACT LIKE SHE DOESN'T KNOW??? Maybe I am getting jealous too easily. I just know that if my boy was like that with some girl while he and I aren't even really talking....OH WE GONNA TALK

Seriously, in my eyes Seol is cheating because she is hanging out way too much with In Ho.  She is doing this she is supposed to do with Jung with In Ho and that looks bad

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Sol is not cheating on Jung.  She's friends with In Ho.  She's helping him go back to school and pursue his dreams.  Her mind is always with Jung and IH has to snap out of it.  Emotionally Sol is with Jung.  It's not like she's flirting or trying to be affectionate with IH.

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1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:


I dunno dear. Min Soo was really really deluded and she did nothing that could be considered illegal. What else could anyone have done? I know how you feel though. I asked myself the same question. But she was starting to think of herself as the victim here. I can't help feeling she was one step from doing something really dangerous.


I think things could been handled a different way, but the thing is Jung has been always supressing his feelings and he has now acostumed to do things this way, can't blame him tbh, Min-soo was driving me crazy. And because Seol is too good, I'd probably have ripped Min-soo's hair long ago.

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1 minute ago, miles99 said:

I miss Yoo Jung !! I wished he had been in more scenes today ! I guess it makes sense in the web toon he was absent for a little bit too ! I gotta say I find Park Hae Jin a lot more charismatic in CITT than as Hwi Kyung in You Who Came From The Stars. Cheese in the trap is so refreshing ! At first I thought the plot would be boring as a drama and better as a webtoon but the writer really proved me wrong ! I absolutely love this show ! Might be one of my favorites. Da Young is so annoying !! Glad the min so thing is over 

You should watch Bad Guys.  He was amazing, even as a psycho, I was crushing on him



As for TvN, I feel so cheated. The previews had shown that Jung and Seol were making out.  WHERE IS MY SCENE?

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11 minutes ago, honeywell said:

Sol is not cheating on Jung.  She's friends with In Ho.  She's helping him go back to school and pursue his dreams.  Her mind is always with Jung and IH has to snap out of it.  Emotionally Sol is with Jung.  It's not like she's flirting or trying to be affectionate with IH.


And i think it's normal to be a bit jealous but she tells herself Jung wouldn't lie about that, because after all he believes him.

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7 hours ago, enigmatic_zephy said:

precap - he cries... the longing and ofcourse the kiss


@elevator scene: everyone is saying father wanted him to be there.. but when i watched the scene..i thought daddy gave a sign to not enter the elevator..and jung still did.. so daddy was being nice...


you know he waves two fingers.I.as in like when you say no.. it was definitely not a 'hi' or a greeting

I dont know why some people takes everything negatively. I thought the father was being cute giving him a v sign.

Wat do people expect a chaebol father to do, give jung a bear hug every time they meet? Nag him to eat lunch or sleep more? I think he is nice enough.

And jung pls dun be silly to give up yr dad's company. I can see a very good ceo in you, living harmoniously with all the psychos in university while letting them think u are their bff. At the same time excelling in all yr studies. *take my hat off*. U should gun for making the company part of the fortune 100 list and expand it to all 5 continents of the world!

By the way, i am a biz graduate. I got a question for webtoon readers, were the original set in a management faculty too?

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41 minutes ago, pinkpopink said:

This is why In Ho is the perfect best friend for everyone, especially HS who needed him during these tiring times!  He is so good of a friend to HS and I love his character but why would they need to make this a love triangle??? I'm hurting for him! I am already enjoying this drama with In Ho being a sidekick/bodyguard/close friend to HS. I don't know if this will be a problem in the future but I bet the answer is yes based on the preview for episode 11. Also remember that In Ho was once so close to YJ, I hope this will not be an obstacle to their reconciliation (if there will be one). 

Sorry I haven't read the webtoon so if someone could just clarify this situation to me, does In Ho really like HS (more than a friend like)? 

In the webtoon Inho does have a thing for Seol BUT that was just brought up in the recent chapters. The drama is having a ball game with the love triangle otl. But I honestly don't think Inho will ever make a move on Seol. Simply because he still holds consideration for someone who used to be his bro and also because I think its super obvious to him that Seol legit likes Jung. He respects that. The preview wants to confuse people. ;) 

Hitting the hay without watching 10 subbed. So tired huhu sorry citt. I'll just go to sleep listening to the 방황하는 파도 ost aka my beloved fireworks scene ost. Its so beautiful. :tears: 

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1 hour ago, honeywell said:

Sol is not cheating on Jung.  She's friends with In Ho.  She's helping him go back to school and pursue his dreams.  Her mind is always with Jung and IH has to snap out of it.  Emotionally Sol is with Jung.  It's not like she's flirting or trying to be affectionate with IH.

Trust I know this and I ain't even mad at her. I am honestly mad at me for feeling this especially sine I read the webtoon and know exactly where everything headed but still if I was in Jung's shoes yeah I'd be mad. Me and the guy aren't even friends. She just better not trip about Jung hanging out with Inha. Fair is Fair. 

We're on the outs. You won't even respond to my texts sometimes, then I"m shown pics of you and him laughing and having fun and ish while I'm here trying to mastermind taking down your stalker (yeah yeah I had a role in that). I"m not saying Seol is doing anything wrong, I'm just saying if I were Jung I would be hurt. We would have to talk about it! If the roles were reversed, heck the roles aren't reversed and Seol is in her feels about Inha. Jung gets to do the same. You are inviting temptation and I don't get why. Yeah you don't like him but he likes you. That's a big deal. Inha is 100% clear on where she stands with Jung (you the gum I want to get rid of) . Can we say the same of Inho? Not when you that disappointed that  she 'can't lean on a guy like me for support' Like if he gets his life together does he think he would have a shot? Bless Inho for trying to tamper it down, but hope spring eternal...

ETA: I know Seol is doing nothing wrong. I know. But for me in a relationship, whatever you are demanding from me. You should be willing to give to me. Seol wants assurance where it comes to Inha. She wants to trust,  believe, and know that nothing is going on there. She's it for him. Well then she's going to have to do the same for Jung where it concerns Inho. Let's be real, if Seol saw Inho tending to Jung's wounds and then having a talk (not a big deal I know. But we are privy to information Jung is not) If Seol saw Inha going ape richard simmons on a dude for harassing Jung, would she be okay with it? If Seol saw Jung buy medicine for Inha, how would she feel? One picture sends her head spinning. So while Jung has been being good about it all and trying his best to be understanding and just know that they are just friends. It must have bothered him to see them coming home together, to see them under the umbrella (which we know it did because he couldn't sleep), to know he's always there in the resturant with her getting closer to her and her family in ways he has not/cannot as of yet. And this is just the things he knows of. 

Innocent as it maybe, I can't honestly say I wouldn't trip if I found my boyfriend and some girl I don't get along with sitting together laughing and playing the piano in a nicely lit room all by their lonesome. Like I said, you and I going to have to talk (or am I being too jealous?). Our relationship hasn't hit a branch of secure yet. We are on a freaking break. So while I don't fault Seol nor think she is doing anything wrong or should stop hanging out with Inho or stop helping him get his life together...At the same time, I wouldn't be comfortable with such a situation. I would let my discomfort be known and I don't think I would be in the wrong for feeling that way and expressing it. 

Basically, these kids still got a lot of ish they need to work out.

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tv Report - Naver: 'Cheese in the Trap', Seo Kang Joon♥Kim Go Eun, 'snow white couple' who's gradually getting closer

1. [+6,139, -92] Cancer Gon had more parts today than Yoo Jung. Sad

2. [+4,426, -65] But we won't be seeing Seol during Seol (tn: Seol = Lunar New Year)

3. [+4,110, -120] Did Yoo Jung go missing?.. Where has he been all week??

4. [+5,782, -810] I think I'm getting used to Lee Sung Kyung's acting bit by bit. The more I see her, the more charming she gets. Webtoon Baek Inha has so much more charms but the drama Baek Inha is quite offbeat and fun. So please don't be too harsh to her

5. [+2,689, -253] Did they change the main character?

6. [+1,358, -121] Seo Kang Joon's acting is so realistic. Had no idea he's this good. He makes my heart flutter ㅠㅠㅠ

7. [+1,036, -14] Euntaek was so cute today ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+728, -16] So that bed kiss will be in another week's episode ㅠㅠ

1. [+575, -30] Am I the only one who thinks Baek Inha is funny? I found her such an eyesore at first but it's funny when he picks on Baek Inho ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I cracked up when she was singing 'Love is not a joke'ㅋㅋ

2. [+556, -13] It's so cute when Baek Inho was swooning all alone

3. [+471, -13] Seo Kang Joon's such a good fit for Baek Inho ㅠㅠ He's cute and full of charms

4. [+55, -6] Baek Inha was cringeworthy at first but she gives the drama a sitcom feel ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I'm getting used to her acting

5. [+48, -3] Hong Seol was a bit frustrating in this episode. She gets swayed whenever Oh Young Gon does something. Yoo Jung and Baek Inha's photo is really just nothing but makes a big deal out of it. Yoo Jung tells her to not meet Baek Inho but she keeps meeting him ㅋㅋ It's not that I hate Baek Inho, the two had more scenes today than Yoo Jung ㅜ

6. [+39, 0] I can already tell how popular Seo Kang Joon will get when the drama ends. Even as a secondary male lead,  has so much chemistry with Hong Seol. The subtleness in his acting is really awesome. I knew he'd get big when I watched him in 'Cunning Single Lady'



Osen - Naver: 'Cheese in the Trap', Seo Kang Joon enrage at wounded Kim Go Eun, "Who did this to you?"

1. [+1,315, -37] So cute when Baek Inho blushed ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+981, -35] Baek Inho is awesome

3. [+873, -32] Wow ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋLook how this dude blushes

4. [+788, -33] Baek Inho-ssi makes my heart flutter ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅍㅎㅎㅎㅎ

5. [+413, -16] Baek Inha ㅋㅋ She was funny at the noodle shop ㅋㅋㅋ\


Source: http://kkuljaem.blogspot.com/2016/02/spoilers-cheese-in-trap-glamorous_2.html


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Cheese in the Trap: Episode 10

by girlfriday | February 2, 2016 | 4 Comments

So cute today. I mean, this show is always cute (with a side of crazies), but this episode had some really sweet character beats that made me giddy. It also had some triumphant moments for our heroine, who confronts her tormenters in a major way and doesn’t hold back or silently endure like she’s so used to doing. Grab some popcorn, because things are about to get entertainingly ugly.

Note: There’s a good chance that Cheese in the Trap will be pre-empted next week for the New Year holiday (Monday and Tuesday, February 8-9). It hasn’t been confirmed, but there’s talk of tvN possibly airing movies instead, so just a warning to be emotionally prepared for a week with no Cheese! Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out… *whimper*


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2 hours ago, maboroshi said:


AGB: 6.5% :bawling: (Someone please tell me I'm wrong)

Oh no~ ratings dropped... prolly because the lack of Yoo Jung Sunbae + Kissing + Bed Scene.  I'm sure It'll go up again next week when our OPT reconcile!


I think its not so much no kiss scene but there is no sunbae at all!! Power of jung n seol.

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