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Article: 'Cheese' Seo Kang Joon ♥ Kim Go Eun, 'Baek Seol' couple continues to get closer

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+6,694, -111] There were more scenes of Cancer Gon than Yoo Jung. I am sad.

2. [+4,829, -73] Can't believe we can't see Seol during Seol (Lunar New Year) ㅠㅠ

3. [+4,493, -140] Where was Yoo Jung sunbae the entire week??

4. [+6,274, -951] I think I've adjusted to Lee Sung Kyung's acting. She gets charming the more I see her. Of course her charisma is no where near that of the webtoon version but her interpretation of the character is different and fun. I hope people aren't too hard on her.

5. [+2,927, -279] Did they change the male lead of the drama...

6. [+1,180, -30] There were many scenes that would've pissed me off if I were Yoo Jung sunbae today

7. [+1,454, -133] Seo Kang Joon's acting is so realistic.. I had no idea he was this good ㅠㅠㅠ

8. [+1,101, -16] Euntaek was cute today ㅋㅋㅋ


Article: 'Cheese' Lee Sung Kyung sends a bait picture to Ji Yoon Ho to seduce him

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+808, -83] I'm getting more and more used to Baek Inha's acting with each new episode... ㅋㅋ now it feels like her acting was right all along.. ㅋㅋ

2. [+586, -19] So happy when Jae Woo sunbae was saved ㅋ

3. [+555, -77] I'm liking Baek Inha more and more ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ and I'm getting used to her acting, she's cute

4. [+64, -6] Baek Inha may be a psycho but she's not a bad kid ㅋㅋ and she gives us refreshing moments ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+54, -2] Only the likes of Baek Inha could mess with a psycho like Oh Young Gon ㅋㅋㅋ


Article: Seo Kang Joon, it's undeniable that he has met the 'character of his career'

Source: TV Report via Naver

1. [+1,742, -54] Baek Inho is love.

2. [+1,119, -42] He's so charming ㅎㅎ I wish him luck

3. [+1,073, -42] I felt bad in the next episode preview ㅠ poor Inho

4. [+858, -47] Even as a man, I think Baek Inho's character is cool

5. [+955, -131] Can someone explain why Yoo Jung sunbae has been gone all week long..

6. [+137, -8] Honestly, he doesn't live up to the webtoon version that perfectly in that the webtoon version is huge, more foreigner-like, and is stupidly strong but Seo Kang Joon has interpreted the character in his own way that fits. It's more of an effort on his end to recreate the character to fit himself. Before I watched the drama, I thought he looked like a frail little pretty boy iljin but he gives the character a new and different charm.


Source: Nate

1. [+649, -15] They baited us with the bed scene in the preview yesterday when we didn't even see a blanket in today's episode and nothing but a hug... now we're baited for two more weeks ㅠ the female lead is named Seol but the drama is canceled during the week of Seol (Lunar New Year) ㅡㅡ

2. [+586, -36] Baek Inha is totally a selfish my way or the highway type ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I like her, I've grown to like her ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's so funny when she pisses Inho off

3. [+537, -27] I feel like having a man like Inho around would make me feel dependable on him... our poor Inho is going to struggle with his crush now ㅜㅜ

4. [+50, -4] Why does Seol feel miserable over one picture when she's the one hanging out with another man that her boyfriend doesn't like and does whatever she wants with him

5. [+48, -3] Park Hae Jin cries in the next episode preview saying he missed her... but episodes are canceled next week, I'm the one who's crying... ㅜㅜ

Source: http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2016/02/tv-spoilers-cheese-in-trap_2.html


Agree with the bold-ed statements. =_=

Ugh~ 2 weeks is going to be an awfully long wait~~~ Like many Soompians, I'm going to rewatch Bad Guys for the nth time to keep me busy (: For those who haven't watched the series before, please give it a try! Park Hae Jin (+ the entire cast) is AMAZING there~ :grin:

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10 hours ago, Ayu Rashid said:

One last note b4 signing off.... Seol is not stupid to not feel in her gut that Inho likes her, she just brush it off n cut off that thought frm her mind. She noticed how Inho starts to avoids her n looks at her differently after he started to feel smthg more than friends towards Seol. Girls has 6th sense in these kind of things, right? Ok ciao now! Must sleep...:blush:

I dont think seol knows, even when jung keep asking her out she has no tiny bit of feel.... lol

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22 minutes ago, thunderman1 said:

Why are eps delayed next week? Koreans don't celebrate Chinese New Year...

Well it seems they do. Its lunar new year for them.

Tvn already scheduled movies to fill citt's slots.

Woke up with so many pages to back read, got to take me a while over lunch and all.

I finally conclude that the bedscene is the cheese, ep 10 is the trap. YG, SC, Baek siblings are the biggest beneficiaries of the lunar new year preemption. They fill up an entire ep 10.haha. but its still fun to watch.

Why do i got this strange feeling that the seol n inho scenes in ep 10 was filmed the last. Filming ended with them right? Thats why phj was not involved, they were filming the filler.

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Dayoung is the biggest idiot and she has quickly become #1 on my Yoo Jung Get Em Hit List. She got a boyfriend (the worst) and now she is so damn full of herself. She worse than before butting into every damn thing that involves Seol and siding with MinSeol. I legit think she just mad that Seol is with Jung (remember in the 1st ep she tried to push up on him  just like NJY) and was desperate enough to accept and insane Youggon. She is like San Chul and grrr she is pissing me off so much and I am only 11 minutes in. As someone said on dramabeans "Yoo Jung come and use your super powers for good" yet again LOL. DESTROY HER!!!


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23 minutes ago, maboroshi said:

5. [+48, -3] Park Hae Jin cries in the next episode preview saying he missed her... but episodes are canceled next week, I'm the one who's crying... ㅜㅜ




this comment..lol.i feel you...me too..i'm crying now..2 weeks is too long..i want my sunbae right now.!!!!

they better give me a lot of Jung scenes next episodes..i dont mind if  he's just doing nothing..just standing there..lol

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 Jung. My man. I get your sentiment and intent. You could see that this girl and everything she was doing was really bothering your girlfriend and driving her close to the point of insanity. Having been one who has had to play the pushover and hold things in ALL YOUR LIFE lol you could see that, that was what she was doing and that she really needed to let it all out. Confront the girl and resolve it. I get that, I really do. You were trying to help her, I now this. But my man, did we really have to do it this way? Is this how Seol would have wanted it? You need to learn to share, talk to your girl. Team up and let you two work together to form a plan of action that you both can live with.


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Reg. jungs's father: can someone clarify for me, thanks.

1. Since CEO of the company in the lift, i thought Jung is not getting into it.  I have seen k-dramas where the employees wait for the next turn if the CEO is in  it & he travels alone.  Jung's dad told 'its ok, get in" and called him in.  

2. also, Has the other employees of the tearang group know that he is the heir of the company ?  Since he has joined the company in the entry-level as an intern, do the other staffs know he is the boss's son?  Coz he did not make it know that he is  a chaebol heir among his university peers.  ( i have not watched ep.10 yet, if there is any scene relating to it)

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Inho needs to make up with his boyfriend Jung so he can have some sincerity again. His little self know that Jung is not the only one who needs to be doing some apologizing. We need to lock them two little boy on a school rooftop shed so they can confess and get one step closer to "didn't you miss me you bastard" :wub:

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11 minutes ago, padhari said:

Reg. jungs's father: can someone clarify for me, thanks.

1. Since CEO of the company in the lift, i thought Jung is not getting into it.  I have seen k-dramas where the employees wait for the next turn if the CEO is in  it & he travels alone.  Jung's dad told 'its ok, get in" and called him in.  

2. also, Has the other employees of the tearang group know that he is the heir of the company ?  Since he has joined the company in the entry-level as an intern, do the other staffs know he is the boss's son?  Coz he did not make it know that he is  a chaebol heir among his university peers.  ( i have not watched ep.10 yet, if there is any scene relating to it)

No, they don't. They refer to it in the father-son dinner chat.

Thanks, @demarchelier. for doing the leg work. Yeah, it's one of my favourite pieces but I don't hear it on the piano very often.

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Well TVN, i forgive you not showing our "most wanted" kiss scene because of the hugging preview:phew:...

dlar dlar my jeongseol will be back on next episode:D:blush:, i know i have to tolerate the good friendship scene between Seol & InHo before i get my candy...but it's ok, i can wait....

.....InHo ah, please control your feeling towards Seol okay....Seol only for YJ...


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Just finished watching episode 10 and now I am sad and was extremely let down by tvn. HUHUHU...  I've said, wished and prayed many times for a reconciliation between YJ and HS before episode 11. COMMUNICATION can't solve everything, it also needs ACTION! huhuhu We need to wait TWO WEEKS TWO FULL WEEKS for the next episode. "Whyyyyyy?" (eye popping In Ha style)

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I have to say that I found In-ha quite hilarious in this episode. Not sure why... maybe it's the epic take down of Sang Chul and the way she came to Jae Woo's rescue. But I thought she funny at the noodle place too.

And Sang Chul... what a loser... When the Mad Hatter tells you to man-up and pay for your own coffee, you know you're in a very bad place. Time to grow up and take responsibility. Even In-ha is cooking her own food now.


27 minutes ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

 Jung. My man. I get your sentiment and intent. You could see that this girl and everything she was doing was really bothering your girlfriend and driving her close to the point of insanity. Having been one who has had to play the pushover and hold things in ALL YOUR LIFE lol you could see that, that was what she was doing and that she really needed to let it all out. Confront the girl and resolve it. I get that, I really do. You were trying to help her, I now this. But my man, did we really have to do it this way? Is this how Seol would have wanted it? You need to learn to share, talk to your girl. Team up and let you two work together to form a plan of action that you both can live with.

I dunno dear. Min Soo was really really deluded and she did nothing that could be considered illegal. What else could anyone have done? I know how you feel though. I asked myself the same question. But she was starting to think of herself as the victim here. I can't help feeling she was one step from doing something really dangerous.

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Jung you got every right to be questioning her and doubting her and WTFing her. If she gets to be all up in her feels over Inha. Boy you got every right to be in your feels over Inho. I AM IN MY FEELS OVER INHO!! If Seol were my irl friend I would say this "honey, you can't have your cake and eat it too. That little boy like you and you going to have to figure out what you going to do because if the roles were reversed and your boyfriend was hanging out with some girl who liked him (if he knows or not) how would you feel? Heck even if she don't like him if they was doing the things ya'll to be doing and spending a bit more time with them than you, how would you feel?" 

Not even going to lie. I am side eying the richard simmons out of Seol right now!!

ETA: I am trying to be grown and rational and you know not get into my feels and not let shipper bias rule but *shipper monster comes out* YOO JUNG DUMP HER!!! IS SHE REALLY THAT INNOCENT AND DOESN'T KNOW OR DOES SHE KNOW AND ACT LIKE SHE DOESN'T KNOW??? Maybe I am getting jealous too easily. I just know that if my boy was like that with some girl while he and I aren't even really talking....OH WE GONNA TALK

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Just finished watching episode 10.  I think the scene that surprised me the most was Young Gon schooling Sang Chul.  Like, what the what?  I mean, everything he said to Sang Chul was spot on.  But the fact that it was coming from Young Gon . . . it was just too, too precious.  It's like even Sang Chul's level of pathetic behavior was too much for Young Gon's pathetic behavior, and dude, that's saying A LOT.  :P

Other than that, it wasn't an episode replete with Seol and Yoo Jung moments by any means, but what little we got, I really loved.  Obviously, the back hug.  Goes without saying I loved that!  But I also loved their scene by the pond.  I was half afraid that Seol was going to take him to task again over setting Min Soo up as he did, and if she did, I was going to have to remind her that his actions were no different than how she, Bora, and Euntaek have been setting up Young Gun to film their videos.  Fortunately, she didn't go there.  Instead, she tried to see things from his perspective.  I think this is where Seol really shines.  I was really impressed by her assessment of Min Soo after their fight, how she was able to put herself in Min Soo's shoes and picture how difficult things might have been for her, leading her to try and copy Seol.  It was a level of empathy that's not easy for anyone to achieve.

Seol hasn't always been willing to extend that same understanding towards Yoo Yung, choosing instead to be suspicious of his every action.  That's why I think as much it sucks that they are apart right now, this time is so important to their relationship.  She's really having to learn to believe in him and above all trust him.  At the same time, I liked that Yoo Jung emphasized to her that it wasn't just him standing around waiting for her to walk towards him.  Rather, he conceded that there were things he needed to work on too, and things he needed to do to demonstrate to her that he was listening to her, paying attention, and thus worthy of her attention.

It's stuff like that that endears Seol and Yoo Yung as a couple to me.  They're not drama perfect, and it's not a relationship based solely on emotions.  Sure the emotions are there, but they know that it takes more than having feelings for each other that builds and sustains a relationship.  Slowly and surely, bit by bit, these two people are coming together to form a team.  And what a formidable team they'll be!

Now if they could just get everyone out there to stop being so crazy and embarrassing . . . . :P

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finished watching with subs. dear God, this episode makes me feel al sort of feels in the world. Young-gon totally freak the richard simmons out of me when he called Seol using Seol's home number. dude, you really need help. perhaps with straightjacket?

i like the conversation between Seol and Jung after Seol's fight with Min-soo.

Seol: So you stay where you are... And I just need to go toward you? Then everything will be okay?
Jung: At first... I thought we were very similar. But now, I realize we are just as different. I'm working on it too. On why you are frustrated with me. And why you can't get closer to me.

Jung is telling her that he's at fault here, and somehow they can make it IF they meet halfway. Seol doesnt need to go all the way to where he stands, he will meet her halfway there. he's in the wrong, and he's fixing that. how much did he restrain himself to help with her wounds? i bet he wants to be the one that tend her wounds but he knows he's not in place to do that. Seol is still angry, and he just give her the medicines. 

(i try to convince myself with this scene because i'm still frustrated lol)

and when he played with her hair... my heart..... :bawling:

and Inho in this episode just makes me love him more. how he was frustrated when the professor told his old teacher about him without him knowing. Inho-ya, let people help you okay? just like Seol said, stop acting so tough. let people in, let people help you. AND MAKE UP WITH JUNG FOR GOODNESS SAKE.

is it weird i found Inha not as irritating in this episode? i actually enjoy her presence, especially when she told Sang-chul off for harassing Jaewoo (her URI JAEWOOOOO makes me laughed for a good two mins). and when she's clearly repulsed upon seeing Young-gon's shirtless pic.... HAHAHA OMG that was so funny.

and i love how Jung stood up to his father. abeoji - even he seems like a good dad - to me he didn't see his son's worth. his constantly worrying whether Jung will richard simmons things up just gets on my nerves. when your kid knows that you think he's strange, why you let that on? just why. and when Jung was driving, he paused and look at his phone - looking at the wallpaper of him and Seol - that just breaks my heart.

what i'm gonna do this two weeks guys. what i'm gonna doooooo

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