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@MrsSoJiSub You're right with SC and the schedule. YJ was indeed playing with him... to see if SC would admit his wrongdoing without any evidence! It was like experimenting. In that case, I believe, YJ wanted to see how much pressure SC would need to admit his fault. Remember, in the first case, SC never admitted his wrongdoing (report)! YJ had realised that SC hadn't changed at all! Like he said to NJY, he let it go once!! 

Anyway, I was wondering if YJ would hurt SC at some point because SC has never treated HS very well! (he forced her to drink that disgusting thing, his false accusations, the presentation, he left her without helping her with the posters aso). 

Bucket list for the next episodes:

- HS is worried about In Ho and YJ decides to help IH in order to please HS!!

- YG being confronted by YJ!!

- The pervert confronted by YJ!!!

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I just watched episode 6 with subs and you know what, no matter how I look at it, Jung's flaws, mistakes, and whatnot, imma stand my ground by this guy. There's just something about him, his environment, his experiences, his life, etc. Call me crazy but I think Jung has one of the purest hearts in the drama. Ya know, the real Jung that's hiding behind all those shields he's put up to protect himself. *sigh*

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Yoo Jung is not a bad person, not machiavellian, he's just different (recalling the words of Jang Hyuk in the drama Thank You) and humans scare us people who are different either by religion, customs, physical appearance or disease.

Hong Seol is like a weather vane, does not have a defined pesonal, I do not like her character, she's not that good, she's just an idiot and allowed to handle worldwide. I have more fear of HS (with good intentions hell is full), life has taught me that people like her are more dangerous than those who are "different". Hong Seol will become to blame for the misfortune of Yoo Jung although in the end, thanks to the magic of the dramas, the writer turns to hell in Hong Seol saving and heroin, but if this were real life, I think I would be in right according to my appreciation.

Inho and Inha just are parasites, manipulative, jealous these characters are twisted ad nauseum.

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@bebebisous33 the one thing I'm really looking forward to is (if you've read the webtoon read on it not please it may contain a spoiler)


The glorious way in which Yoo Jung helps to bring down crazy as get all Min Soo. It was almost a work of art how he orchestrated the whole thing and it was also the first time I actually felt bad for the crazies. The girl had a legit meltdown in front of the whole class. And Jung just...:o he just pushed one dominion and watched all the other collapse....

The poor insane girl really really dug such a deep hole for herself (man the way YG spurred her along) and when she snapped...I felt so bad for her at the same time she really had been torturing Seol and making her life pure hell. When Seol's brother comes in and the whole story just falls apart and how she was sweating bullets, and Jung was just cooly sitting there watching it all (I think if Seol were to ever find out she would be mad about how he used Euntaek and her brother to resolve things. I was right there with Euntaek side-eyeing him so hard after that incident) ...he's a master...I was laughing, I was applauding, I was cheering Seol on for finally standing up for herself, and I was cringing and feeling so bad for that loon. I cannot wait for the drama to show all of it. All of it is so beautiful and the conclusion, the s**** really did hit the fan...


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@MrsSoJiSub My problem is that I am reading the webtoon on webtoons.com and the story is stuck at season 2 chapter 37 or something like that, when In Ho defends HS from YG!

It would be great if you could tell what Min Soo did to HS... I know, she started copying HS' style after wachting the preview, but that's it! So I don't mind of getting more info from the webtoon, while waiting for the next episode!!

Your story makes me looking forward to that scene! 

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I really have a problem with Seol being obedint to Jung and i really hate when she justifies herself. He is not your boss or parent girl there's no need for that. What gives him the right to decide on her behalf with whom she can and can not meet. Drunk Seol was daebak i loved how she smacked this two in the head. What's with Boras double standards? She would've jumped with joy to have awsome boyfriend as Jung and what about Eun Taek? He is like the sweetest guy in this drama (webtoon) and she is spinning him around her little finger but he is not that awesome as boyfriend material lol. Kim Hee Chan is great in his dongsaeng roles i always have that feeling like i'm watching my brother when i see him. I am still watching ep 6 and probably i'll have to say a lot more when its over.

P.s. bear with me i am pms-ing so this all bothers me more than usual lol


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Hi all....delurking here....i think the director in this drama is the same one in "coffee prince"....i noticed in one of the bts where she laughed and reminds me of that same "laugh" before....and no wonder the ost here in citt sounds familiar, i'd made a collection of the cp ost that i still listen from time to time. She makes a good selection. 

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15 minutes ago, minggay68 said:

Hi all....delurking here....i think the director in this drama is the same one in "coffee prince"....i noticed in one of the bts where she laughed and reminds me of that same "laugh" before....and no wonder the ost here in citt sounds familiar, i'd made a collection of the cp ost that i still listen from time to time. She makes a good selection. 

Tearliner is the band that played a considerable part of CP OST. and also the band recording in Han Sung's studio  back then. And yes, the laugh of the director Lee Joon Jong is really happy and contagious. These two pieces of her work really are something special!

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Above everything, soonkki is the true genius here lol. How she writes her characters and the plot is marvelous! Nothing is said and nothing is done just cuz' it seems like a good idea. Everything either gives you insight on something/someone or is the catalyst for future events. Wow wow wow kudos to soonkki ×100!

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35 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

@bebebisous33 Why don't you use OddSquad? It's quite easy to use and pretty great :)

Thanks for the info!! :wub:cute-rabbit-emoticon-20.gif?1301940532 More YJ and HS!!

@Vannyah M HS has always been obedient. However, with YJ and In Ho she started answering back and questioning his decision. YJ waited for her call. So he accepted her decision to be mad at him. Now, I consider her with more confidence! This isn't perfect yet!

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@bebebisous33 I actually wrote out the whole thing in a spoiler, but then deleted it because it's so glorious I don't want to tell you it and ruin the fun of watching it all unfold. Seriously it's one of my favorite arcs in the too long and honestly got draggy webtoon (she needs to end it all already!). If the drama doesn't do it that well I will tell how it goes down in the comics but if I tell anything it will give it away and that and how it explodes and Jung's involvement in it at the end *applauds* twas brilliant...

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Guys, if you want to read the webtoon, head over to oddsquad.org. And I quote, 

The following series is read directly on the publisher's site with an "English Translation Overlay". The author strictly forbade the distribution of her work outside naver. Our method not only avoids any sort of distribution, but also gives her a bigger fan base by taking you directly to her site.

The more views she gets on Naver, the bigger her pay is. :)

@minggay68, no wonder there's Tearliner in OST Part 3. So nostalgic. <3

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I am usually a silent spectator of this forum. But this show, just makes me wanna break that resolve :lol:

Earlier i used to feel just like Seol, that is about Yoo Jung. The mystery and intrigue to Yoo Jung is so fascinating. Just like Seol initially suspicious about that mystery, but yet something just pulls you towards him....his care, his gentleness, the sheer affection he has for Seol....*sigh*... anyone would melt and give in. For Seol, it's basically battling the feelings within her when she's around Jung v/s what others have to say about him...cause obviously she doesn't have much of a context regarding Jung. As many have said, this is all from Seol's perspective. That one scene perspective we got from Yoo jung...where he says that he ain't strange....Well nope he isn't the whaco sort of weird.... he is just indifferent..to people who do not matter to him. He owed a lot of people for concealing their wrong deeds, whether it's that loser of a senior, Joo yeon or even TA Heo (whatever his reasons). So what's so weird about not wanting to see Joo yeon's face ever (i would have handed her to the cops, like seriously the audacity?) Although it did bother me that he asked Joo young to move out...but i'm satisfying myself thinking it was for the greater good for the sake of Seol.

The only this that bothers me is his indifference... to some extent even his pride maybe? like he is not the one who would explain himself (a quality that i admire, btw...cause you don't need to explain to the ones you love) but this is quite risky in a relationship, especially since you guys just started off, and beginning to know each other. Like he just gives up...like today he started deleting Seol's msgs....untill Seol (yes Seol!) decided to talk it of (awww, you like him a lot don't you). Funny how she got flak from prof kang cause he communication skills sucked. And she talked stuff out. oh so mature but oh the irony haha....like thank you for not breaking up...yet....

It's like Yoo Jung needs a push to get out of his zone where he thinks its normal to just be normal in a relationship (ok i'm talking like Seol on soju :huh:) Like during the time Seol got worried that he just sent an uninterested sort of a reply when she told him about his summer job, or when he just waved at her in college and hung around with his friends (cause duh the relationship ain't public yet) and he didn't even know it was a big deal HAHA cause that's intrinsic to him, but for Seol who overthinks a lot (a lot!) its freak out worthy. 

In such circumstances it did become difficult for Seol too, cause she did know that she misunderstood Sunbae, she knew there was more to him....but she didn't actually know him, being first time in a relationship was freaking her out and over that Yoo Jung was dictating his terms over In ho. Here i like it how she just bursts out. She might be an introvert, but hell she knows to speak when it matters the most. Cause the kind of guy Yoo Jung is, you need to talk to the guy to make him realize that they need to talk :phew:

But i'm liking the incremental changes in him. Whether it's the regular messages, the conversations (oh the conversations!), him having learnt how to unwrap a kimbap, him settling down with whatever she wants to eat fitting her budget cheerfully....i just love it that he never ever makes her feel uncomfortable.... even initially when he was pursuing her he did it pretty normally, it's just Seol's perceptions about him that made her uncomfortable, for which he apologized later. when he saves her from the bike, he realizes she's concious and backs out patiently (haha) or even when she slips into his arms, he's all relax (oh i just LOVE the thing he does with her bangs...so adorable) imma come next time.

Also i think it is very mature on Seol's part to give this thing btw her and Yoo Jung a chance. cause she is liking him, his presence around her....like she said during their conversation in her apartment something about not hearing from him...which she didn't like at all. And, in her own words, she doesn't know how they got to this place, but she likes that place...she's gonna enjoy the moments with him....if i may say it's bliss for her...look at the way she brightened up seeing Yoo Jung picking her up and unabashedly held hands with him. Yep, for now she is not going take things at face value as she did during Joo yeon's case. She's just living in the moment. 

I just have to talk about how they got closer in Epi 6. just simply beautiful. Seol not only talked things out, she even gifted him a watch....something which he has an eye and taste for... and Yoo Jung's reaction...the very fact that showed a very different emotion by hugging her was so heart wrenching. And then their conversation in her apartment.... we all know how Seol keeps things to herself, he problems, her misery...everything. I know it can get frustrating, which is why Bo Ra reacted the way she did, which was justified. But it kind of sucks right? To just talk on and on about problems, unending problems, over and over again. After a point Seol herself would have felt bad that ever time she spoke, she only spoke about her issues... it would only be depressing. So i know where Seol is coming from. So in this context, it was refreshing to see her open up Yoo Jung, about her working hard always, cause there was no other option for her, and his comforting words of reassurance touched her. It perfectly fits. He knows she must have never got acknowledged from her parents (hello flashback!). Him opening up, throwing light about his life...how he was expected though not forced to be pleasant with everyone. It was suffocating, yet he put up with it. Explains his indifference.

How can i not like the flashback. Yes, the usual cliche aside, there was so much more to it. Both just knew each other. Earlier few dating episodes was all about how different they are. Yet there were so many instances showing how alike they are. As Yoo Jung said in his monologue, like i judge people catching them in the act....you did the same in our first meet. Judged me! That intrigued him about her. More and more he observed, despite the differences, there was so much common btw them. And her care when he expected the least was the last straw. 

God this relationship....i'm so much eager to see how it matures even more....

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1 hour ago, Vannyah M said:

I really have a problem with Seol being obedint to Jung and i really hate when she justifies herself. He is not your boss or parent girl there's no need for that. What gives him the right to decide on her behalf with whom she can and can not meet. Drunk Seol was daebak i loved how she smacked this two in the head. What's with Boras double standards? She would've jumped with joy to have awsome boyfriend as Jung and what about Eun Taek? He is like the sweetest guy in this drama (webtoon) and she is spinning him around her little finger but he is not that awesome as boyfriend material lol. Kim Hee Chan is great in his dongsaeng roles i always have that feeling like i'm watching my brother when i see him. I am still watching ep 6 and probably i'll have to say a lot more when its over.

P.s. bear with me i am pms-ing so this all bothers me more than usual lol


To be fair and completely honest here. I would be pissed if my boyfriend chose to hangout with people who don't like me and I'm not bouncing with joy to meet neither. All they ever do is bad mouth me, who knows what half truths and lies they might plant in your head to turn you against me (and we have already seen Inho do that with "Jung does this and that with people like him" "Jung ruined my hand and killed my dream" "Jung is the devil personified"), and really why would you want to hang around someone who just bad mouths the person you are supposed to be loving and inadvertently bring trouble to you relationship? Seol needs to ask herself how important Inho is to her and why she feels he's needed in her life (look they have their moments where it could tip to more than just friends -it even happens in the webtoon- but she never takes it there, but is she aware of it and why? It kind of kills me the writer never goes there and then end it with them. Or did it happen and I forgot?).

I think Jung wanting Seol to stay away from Inho tells me he's genuine in his feels for her. If it didn't bother him then I would be bothered LOL. Jung can wrap it in whatever wrapping he wants but he's jealous. He sees like we do, that they got something that he and Seol can't have (does Seol want that with him though?) because Jung just ain't that type and he's human (though many question it LOL) and a boy dating a girl he geninuly likes. It stings, he's scared, and obviously not that secure in her feelings for him (she'll stay by his side come what may) . Because Jung just can't say "it makes me jealous to see you with him and I fear what he might say to you that may turn you against me" (well he does kind of say that during the hospital bench talk) he makes stupid demands. Which Seol is smart enough to say f-you, you don't get to control me. Imma hang out with whomever I like and you don't like you and you don't give explanations for it, bully for you ("why do I have to stay away?"). I thought that bar scene showed that he accepted the two would be/are friends if he likes it or not and he would just like for her to tell him if something comes up between them (Seol and Inho) that could effect them (his and Seol's relationship) which is how I read the café scene.

As for Seol's apologizing and feeling like she'd been "caught cheating" that's on her for real. This girl is always apologizing to everyone for everything. She's been apologizing to Jung even before they started dating (and sometimes he even looks adorably startled that she is apologizing because, why are you apologizing -that scene where she's wearing the cute yellow sweater and when she asks to talk the first thing she does is bow and apologize, because I'm always watching PHJ's beautiful face and many expressions, he went like this :huh: and quickly recovered when she did it) I honestly think it's just like her defensive protect myself mode. I apologize without even meaning it to keep the calm around everyone (a bad trait to have because no one will no longer believe our apologies or known when you really mean it). I agree that sometimes Jung makes me mad cause he looks at you and you feel guilty without even knowing why, like a disapproving mother (LOL) but the only time that grated on me nerves was the Inho rain stuff. The other times they both apologize (even if she mostly starts it).

Surprisingly Jung can admit some of his faults (I'm sorry I was being childish, I felt uncomfortable but was just pretending, I was wrong too and I should have told you about Inho, I was wrong with the whole scholarship thing and was actually expecting to get into more trouble). Wait, wait, wait...I never know if I'm just too understanding towards the character (I never found him creepy or feared him like most readers of the webtoon did. from the beginning I felt Seol was being hela extra and since things are from her perspective we weren't seeing the whole story), people are too harsh, or I'm freaking insane...to me he's pretty damn straight forward and as much as we want to believe there is more underneath his every single move and action (if that's true it must be exhausting to be him) sometimes it all just is and there really is not...

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@bebebisous33 i know that as a matter of fact its just that his demanding behaviour irks me sometimes so i am bothered by her obedience also, but she is def much more confident than she was before.

So finally i have no idea what will happen next and I am very excited about it. I anticipated Young Gons appearance for so long, man that boy us crazy as richard simmons and i like him. He is like special case for observation. And whats with Min Soo, i`ve always thought that something is wierd about her, too bad i haven`t read other parts of webtoon , but i guess i`ll find out soon. At the end of the day Jung and Seol were really cute together there is just too much chemistry between those 2, cant wait to see their first kiss. And Baek In Ho i love that little puppy he really is soft hearted guy, it is so sad that he has that crazy, manipulative and selfish sister.

@MrsSoJiSub it`s not like i dont understand Jung coz i do, and i dont have problem with his character even though he is multilayered actually i understand him and i love him. i could tell clearly how he feels in previous episode when he had that mini monologue at the end so i think that he really deserves more understanding. however i just have that one problem with him and that is his ordering nature. let`s be honest he acted like that right from the start even when he and Seol were not together so that is not good enough excuse. yes he did liked her but there was no guarantees that she likes him so that he could tell her bluntly  "hey dont hang around with him ( In Ho) and if you meet him you have to inform me". they were just in sunbae hoobae relation then and him liking her does not justify that behavior. and when it comes to Seol man i love that girl but she is too damn polite towards everyone for her own good. i know that arrogance does not solve anything but she just continues to apologize even when she really should not apologize. ( i am not talking here about Jung but about those colleagues from the university) she really needs to stand tall for herself. About relationship between In Ho and Seol i cant say nothing much coz i am really puzzled when it comes to their relation, i haven`t read half of season 2 and season 3 and 4 so this is all I saw between them. But it looks totally uncleared, so i can see where is Jungs reaction coming from now.

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@debolina Hey! Glad you joined us~

I'm glad you pointed out their conversations because yes! their conversations are gold. I don't need excessive skinship or some of the other tropes that kdramas usually have for the otp. I need conversations like the ones Jung and Seol have. Where we actually see some form of growth or understanding from the characters. The moment where Jung told her she was doing great and then Seol's voiceover (she was so touched!), that moment was my favorite in the episode. 

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