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Guest ororomunroe

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On 4/1/2016 at 8:53 PM, perl88 said:
2 hours ago, lelee said:
2 hours ago, lelee said:

Exactly  as @perl88 said, he was angry that she used him, not because of the blind date... (He could have been a bit jealous,  but the point of the scene is that he's mad that she used him like everyone else when  he thought she was different).  Maybe wait for the recap next time or ask what he said before you get angry without having  to  :)


Actually, it was also because of the blind date.

He was happy because lately she opened up to him. After he treated her to onigiri (I was hoping to see the "bomb" one like in the webtoon and his reaction was so funny and awkward, it was a hint that shows he is different too. But they didn't show it ;_;), she said she'll treat him next time. So when she invited him, all dressed up, he was happy but then she went to her blind date and he understood she was trying to match him up with Ah Young. He then thought she was just being friendly with him lately for Ah Young, not because she wanted to be friend with him.

I thought he was mad because he was the only one thinking they were closer. (Aaaah I remember, I found Jung so pitiful when I read this chapter)


About episode 2, there are clearly lots of changes but like someone said, I also find it better because it feels more realistic. And the story is told differently but I find it well writen. I think they had no choice since it's only 16 episodes so they had to gather some scenes from different chapters together. They also add some scenes that aren't in the webtoon for us to understand the situation better.

About the actors, they are all portraying the characters a bit differently than in the webtoon but it's still good. I find it funny that in the webtoon my favourite male character is Jung and I don't care much about Inho but in the drama I find Inho more likeable. The fact that Inho is less hot-temper may be the reason why I find him less annoying. Seo Kang Joon is also so handsome and cute, he is perfect for Inho. And I also find his acting good, natural and more realistic than in the webtoon (but for me he was and will never be a potential love interest for Sul). I'm waiting to see more of Inha in the next episode.

I'm waiting for Oh Young-Gon's appearance too. I can't wait until next week.

Ah I forgot. I'm also glad about the flashback since I was waiting to know more about it but we still don't know what really happen in the webtoon. I'm just wondering if it's the same as the webtoon, if it's the case, won't it be a spoiler?...

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Yes I am so happy to see that rating increased. I hope it gets higher and higher. It's only 2 episodes but I love the drama. I love and fear Jung (I don't really fear him but I"m not so sure I want my Seol to date him, but then I do cause I enjoy their chemistry) in equal measures LOL. He was all charm with the whole I'm glad to be distracting you because you been distracting me (LOL at Seol like "huh?") I died when he was going to invite her to eat but then, "oh right, you don't eat." LOL that boy got game. But then he has the creepy conversation with the teacher assistant and we find out some other ish that's like booooy, what is wrong with you.

I love Seol. I love Seol. I love Seol. I love everything about her and Kim Go Eun's portrayal of her. I died when she bowed and kept apologizing and he's all "I just want to eat with you not kill you." LOL. I like how she can kind of let people walk on her but then stand up for herself too. I like how hardworking she is, even if it leaves her frazzled and running around all the time. I especially love how she just wants to focus on school but is surround and attracts the crazy (Jung, Inho, practically everyone in her life). I especially love love love her clothes. It's so casual but yet cute and stylish and fitting for a normal college student. I am so happy she does not walk around looking like she came off the runway. I swear I don't know how Nam Joon survives in them 8 inch heels walking arond all day. 

I really really enjoy the chemistry between Seol and Jung. All their scenes leave me smiley (and slightly scared for her. I can't help it. Her paranoia makes me paranoid about him too). It'll be interesting to see the dynamic they would have in a relationship and if they really could make it work. They are complete opposites but also have some similarities that would have them get on well. Whatever I enjoy their interactions and even though I fear Jung may one day be on an episode of ID Investigation....I anticipate the development of their future relationship. Poor girl is going to have a heart attack when he asks her to date LOL. 

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Have you guys seen the Korean drama 'Mawang' aka 'The Devil'? Jung's character reminds's me so much of Ju Ji Hoon's character Oh Seung-ha. Both make me question, truth, innocence, and free will. Who's guilty the person who hands you the gun? Or you who puts bullets in and decides to shoot? Without the gun you wouldn't have shot the person, however choosing to shoot them was your choice. In both dramas I felt the people deserved what was coming to them. However it is all an unending vicious cycle that hurts innocent bystander. At the same time, you did not have to shoot them. You could have chose to walk away or give the gun back....gah I'm so conflicted LOL. Isn't this show supposed to be a rom-com (yeah the webtoon had me questioning things a lot too).

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Looks like this is fast paced a little but i love it. I have a question i`m not sure coz i read 1st season long time ago but i think that Sang Cheol chased Sol to meet him with A Yeong before she introduced her to Jung? And Oh Yuong Gon was stalking her before that incident in library where grandma in this case ajusshi hurt her? I really like chemistry between KGE and PHJ as Sol and Jung they are amazing. The way Sol runs away from Jung and questioning her self about his behaviour and the way he tries to get  close to her its awesome. My heart flutters whenever he pops up ( not bcz of PHJ but bcz of Jung lol). I still have mixed feelings about SKJ being In Ho in one moment i think that he portrays him well but then in other i think that he doesnt acts crazy enough coz i thought in the beginning that In Ho is pretty nuts.

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Guest skeletonworks

@nearsea Hi I miss you!!!! Yeah I might hang around here once in awhile. I'm starting a job next week so I might be busy T_T

From the little that I've seen of him in the 1st episode, he doesn't seem to have that air of craziness that Baek Inho has. I hope he can prove me wrong as we see him more later on. So far I'm satisfied with the rest of the casts. Even though I don't really prefer SKJ as Baek Inho but I actually ship Inho with Seol because Yoojung is so mental hahahahaha 

I just watched episode 2 and I realised they totally omit Younggon's character, don't they? But I reckon the story is packed as it already is! They changed the storyline a bit but it doesn't change the core story much and it's sooooo fun to watch even though I've read the novel. And it's going at fast pace too! I think by episode 4, it already caught up to season 2. I need to start reading the webtoon again!

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Guest skeletonworks
40 minutes ago, Vannyah M said:

Looks like this is fast paced a little but i love it. I have a question i`m not sure coz i read 1st season long time ago but i think that Sang Cheol chased Sol to meet him with A Yeong before she introduced her to Jung? And Oh Yuong Gon was stalking her before that incident in library where grandma in this case ajusshi hurt her? I really like chemistry between KGE and PHJ as Sol and Jung they are amazing. The way Sol runs away from Jung and questioning her self about his behaviour and the way he tries to get  close to her its awesome. My heart flutters whenever he pops up ( not bcz of PHJ but bcz of Jung lol). I still have mixed feelings about SKJ being In Ho in one moment i think that he portrays him well but then in other i think that he doesnt acts crazy enough coz i thought in the beginning that In Ho is pretty nuts.


Yeah I think they discard that storyline because they already show YJ's true face to SC. I think in the webtoon it's because SC is jealous that AY likes YJ or something. So SC's storyline with AY is left out. SC turned out to be a big richard simmons more in the drama rather than in the webtoon. 

You're not the only one having mixed feelings about SKJ as IH.... He's not that bad but he's not crazy enough. Whenever his scene was on, I'd imagine Lee Minki as Inho hahahaha.

I can't help but squeal a lot during YJ and HS's scenes especially that scene when HS got print error and YJ helped her while HS struggling to get out from his arm. So sweet!!!!! I ship Inho and Seol in the webtoon but I think I'm shipping Seol with YJ now in the drama. Maybe because of the SKJ thingy hahaha.

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3 hours ago, maboroshi said:

TV: [Spoilers!!!] Cheese in the Trap

Article: 'Cheese' Park Hae Jin - Kim Go Eun - Seo Kang Joon, embroiled in a new link of 'somes and fights'

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+596, -20] Seo Kang Joon's acting was alright. He matches his role. Park Hae Jin is pretty much Yoo Jung himself and Kim Go Eun's clothes as Seol are all so pretty ㅠ I'm already looking forward to Yoo Jung's confession scene in next week's episode

2. [+594, -45] I'm an ajumma who's never even heard of the original webtoon... but this drama is so funnn.. I feel like I'm reliving my days in college. I remember hearing all that fuss with the casting news but Kim Go Eun's acting is good! Park Hae Jin has always been good and Seo Kang Joon's character is making me fall for him~~ as for Lee Sung Kyung, I don't know...

3. [+557, -25] Park Hae Jin's the jjang in this drama, he's totally just Yoo Jung ㅋㅋ

4. [+62, -0] Park Hae Jin's handsome looks are hard at work lately

5. [+60, -3] Park Hae Jin is perfectly pulling off the weird feelings he develops towards Seol that we could only see through drawings in the webtoon previously...


Article: 'Cheese' Park Hae Jin ♥ Kim Go Eun ♥ Seo Kang Joon, the romance-thriller begins

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+4,860, -63] What would we have done if Park Hae Jin didn't play Yoo Jung?!

2. [+3,756, -72] The change in facial expression when Yoo Jung said, "You're like everyone else, it's so hard to grab a meal with you"... such a good actor. Seol looked cute in her one piece today too. Finally found a drama to get into since 'Coffee Prince' ㅠㅠ

3. [+2,914, -90] Seo Kang Joon's visuals were daebak when he was crying... so good at acting ㅠㅠㅠㅠ the male characters in this drama are really upping the visuals ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+1,491, -45] Hong Seol is getting tangled up here and there..

5. [+786, -10] The drama is a lot more synchronized to the webtoon than I thought... Seo Kang Joon is pulling off Baek Inho and Bora and Eun Taek are pretty much on point ㅋㅋㅋ Park Hae Jin just seems like he came out of the webtoon himself...

6. [+647, -7] I like that the plot is moving fast. Looks like he'll be confessing next week. Park Hae Jin's so scary but he makes my heart flutter ㅋㅋ

Credit: http://netizenbuzz.blogspot.com/2016/01/tv-spoilers-cheese-in-trap.html


So happy with the positive feedbacks the dramas been getting :) CCIT Fighting!


I agree with commenter number 2. I went from kind of fearful to feeling so bad for him in the span of a few words. The way PHJ delivered those lines, it kind of looked like he was getting tear-y eyed and was so hurt that once again someone wants to use him and well from future stuff with his dad I have other thoughts but don't wanna spoil. 

I am conflicted. There are many times I find Jung just an adorable kind of doesn't know how to express his feeling properly smitten boy and the next I fear for those that may cross him. PHJ is doing an excellent job of delivering those various aspects of his character (all the awards to the PD for keeping the suspense up with their camera work) and he is Jung come out the pages. 

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2 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:


Yeah I think they discard that storyline because they already show YJ's true face to SC. I think in the webtoon it's because SC is jealous that AY likes YJ or something. So SC's storyline with AY is left out. SC turned out to be a big richard simmons more in the drama rather than in the webtoon. 

You're not the only one having mixed feelings about SKJ as IH.... He's not that bad but he's not crazy enough. Whenever his scene was on, I'd imagine Lee Minki as Inho hahahaha.

I can't help but squeal a lot during YJ and HS's scenes especially that scene when HS got print error and YJ helped her while HS struggling to get out from his arm. So sweet!!!!! I ship Inho and Seol in the webtoon but I think I'm shipping Seol with YJ now in the drama. Maybe because of the SKJ thingy hahaha.

OMG yeah LMK would be great as In Ho, he was total wacko in Modern Farmer :lol: I was even disappointed in SKJ height coz i imagined In Ho extremly tall, and SKJ is not that tall LOL.

I laughed at that scene coz Sols reaction was priceless, and Jung was so smooth :wub: Actually in webtoon i ship Sol with both they are crazy but she kind of goes well with both of them. In drama i ship her with Jung ofc

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Every time I see Yoo Jung, my heart is flutter.. What should I do?? :flushed:

The way Park Hae Jin act is match perfectly with Yoo Jung in webtoon.. Even his visual are the same with Yoo Jung in webtoon..

Can't wait to see next episode!!!!! :confounded:

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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Cheese in the Trap" Episode 1



Seol (played by Kim Go-eun-I) is a normal everyday college student, who has to deal with normal everyday college student pressures like being pressured to eat weird food, avoiding tardy penalties in class, and racing with other students to enroll in favored classes as quickly as possible. That may not sound like much in the way of conflict or excitement but then that's kind of the whole point of college- dealing with light responsibilities as long-term preparation for real ones.

The catch to all this is Jeong (played by Park Hae-jin). He appears to be romantically interested in Seol. It's kind of hard to tell because director Lee Yoon-jeong makes Jeong look like a serial killer. Although really, that effect is more of a mutual team effort. I'm assuming that Park Hae-jin has spent a lot of time in the mirror practicing how to smile in the creepiest possible way. I just hope he's still able to smile like a normal person again once the drama's over.

"Cheese in the Trap" is to date a mystery. It's a mystery who Jeong is and why he acts the way that he does, and it's also a bit of a mystery what sort of story the drama is trying to tell. Allegedly "Cheese in the Trap" is a romantic comedy and while it is funny at points, how exactly can this drama be a romance when the male lead is intentionally being portrayed as being mildly frightening?

Still, let's examine the comedy for a minute. Most of it revolves around college students coming up with unnecessarily complicated schemes to solve problems when simpler ones would probably work just as well. Take the entire scene with the CCTV. Bo-ra (played by Park Min-ji) comes up with an elaborate lie where the truth could have gotten the job done without annoying the guard so much. And she has a good match in boyfriend Eun-taek (played by Nam Joo-hyeok) and his weirdly childish plan to stall the professor.

That's the kind of drama "Cheese in the Trap" is being so far- a romance where all the cuteness is had with the tertiary couple while the lead character awkwardly rebuffs vague come-ons. I haven't read the original webtoon "Cheese in the Trap" is based on although I wonder if I should- the still shots at the midpoint and end look like chapter end-points. Although more than that, I really just want to know where exactly this drama is going.

Review by William Schwartz

Credit : http://www.hancinema.net/hancinema-s-drama-review-cheese-in-the-trap-episode-1-90089.html

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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Cheese in the Trap" Episode 2



What a difference a mere change in tone can make...gone are the eerie, mysterious ominous musical chords that director Lee Yeon-jeong had been using to imply that Jeong is a creepy little sneak who's up to no good. Granted, Jeong still smiles like a serial killer but it's hard to be mad at a guy who's so aggressively nice. Jeong even manages to act pushy in a way that doesn't seem all that pushy by ackowledging how he's being a tad too forward.

There's a weirdly paranoid element to "Cheese in the Trap" which at minimum justifies the title. Seol sees herself as a weak little mouse that's easy prey for men. Her whole attitude is such bizarre doubleback feminist thinking that I can't help but find Seol's character rather fascinating. Seoul has a strong sense of personal agency. She's aware of her attractiveness. And yet Seol uses these character traits to act excessively reasonably cautious, while still being enough of a scatterbrain to struggle with being late to class and forgetting important school materials.

The funny part about all of this is that Seol does have enemies. They just aren't Jeong. In-ha (played by Lee Seong-kyeong) comes up with an immensely petty plan to harass Seol, for which the only defense is that it's not clear In-ha was expecting anything to actually happen. She did kind of make it up on the spot although really. All Seol has done so far is ineffectively try to avoid Jeong. That's not exactly a crime that warrants retaliation.

While there's a great deal of interesting material in "Cheese in the Trap" it remains difficult trying to piece together where the drama is actually going. I really do feel like I'm going to have to read the webtoon at some point because director Lee Yeon-jeong keeps sending us mixed messages. It's like she's saying that of course "Cheese in the Trap" is just an innocuous college romance...or is it?

Regardless, any annoyance I have on that point is fairly minor. "Cheese in the Trap", in addition to being reasonably funny, also manages to be clever in a way that's not overbearing. The conflict, to the extent we have conflict at all, is just Seol overthinking every possible line of innocuous dialogue while completely ignoring explicit hints from her friends regarding a possible blind date. How can Seol simultaneously be so smart and so stupid? Well, she is a college student.

Review by William Schwartz

Credit : http://www.hancinema.net/hancinema-s-drama-review-cheese-in-the-trap-episode-2-90124.html

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@perl88 @Lyna @lelee It's not the date itself the problem (I said the scene after her date, as in, context) He's acting like he has never manipulated someone and acting for whatever his feeling or/and beliefs over a person are, he's putting that over everything. Seol kinda does that too (like most people, we act upon our feelings, beliefs, etc, but not at the manipulative level that J has), but at least she doesn't have the galls to reach that much and act like he does. He manipulates everything and everyone around her for his own motives, whatever they may be, but nothing justifies his actions.

Maybe for some people the brooding, manipulative, unreadable and stalker MALE character that gets mad at you for not having him or his feelings/thoughts/whatever in mind when you are living/planning your life, or by not living up to the image he has created of you, maybe that results attractive or it is interpreted as a healthy sign of interest in your person, but for me, getting mad and acting like that, that's red flags all over the place: a person who stalks you, manipulates the world around you (sorry, but "feelings" are NOT a justification for acting that way) and on top of that has the nerve to get mad, sorry not sorry, but that is not healthy, less attractive for me. 

And how convenient is that everyone has forgotten HER feelings, what she actually wants, etc. She does not want to be with/around him, but she has been forced in one or another way to interact with someone she does not want to interact, and all that because of manipulation, not by mere coincidence.

I like the drama so far, and his character, as in, he's not an open book. But by no means I will justify (nor it will stop bothering me) what I think is wrong.


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I like this drama so faar. It's only the beginning but the pace is faster than the webtoon which is nice. And it's easy to follow the story in the drama. Thanks to TvN and the crews. I feel like every character is now alive :D I have no complain for the characters (so far) except Hong's curly bang (her hair is just too curly for me lol)

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Can I get a count of who read the long webtoon? I believe chapters are still being added but I really hope there is a conclusion to this drama..We all know season 2 don't always receive positive remarks. 

I would have loved it if there was some good conversations back last yr for the webtoon as it is now for the drama itself. :)

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Guest emme85

Saying hi to everyone here! and my chingu @ororomunroe for creating this thread~~ finally i'm here too!! 

Cheese in the Trap is officially my 1st Korean drama in 2016.. hahaha

I am totally in love with drama when I watch the 1st episode!! :heart::heart: Last night I can't wait to watch episode 2 with subs, so I watched it raw after it aired, and seriously falling in love with PHJ again! 

And because I can't wait to watch the next episode, this is my first time reading a LINE Webtoon for CITT. And surprise, I like drama version better than the webtoon itself.

In the webtoon, Seol can be seen easily accepting YJ's offer to have lunch together (while being overthinking.. haha), while in the drama she keeps rejecting him and being all paranoid and fear of him. From a guy who kinda ignored her, then being friendly in front of others.. then stepped on her papers while giving her a chill 'warning' (that was real reason of being paranoid around him!). Then suddenly acting like a smitten young man~~ Does anyone know why he's being like that? I just read the webtoon until chapter 12, so I don't know yet why he's like that.. But still, I love the smitten young man!!

The other reason on why I love this drama, it has Seo Kang Joon (1st time watch him in Cunning Single Lady)! and the supporting actors!! Park Min Ji (1st time watch her in 18 vs 29 with Choi Si Won), Nam Joo Hyuk (like him in this drama rather than his School 2015). And about the guy who played Sang Cheol (Moon Ji Yoon)...... I remember clearly the 1st time I saw him was in Sassy Girl Chun Hyang, and he was slimmer and look more handsome than now! hahaha... and a bit shocked that he already gained weight when he acted in Il Ji Mae~~ :grin:

Overall, I'm sure going to love this drama till ends...

And owh... since I had never watched TVN online streaming... can someone with a kind soul and heart to PM me with the link?? :blush: I want to watch them next week!

Thanks in advance!!!


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