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Six Flying Dragons: Episode 29
by HeadsNo2 | January 12, 2016 | No Comments | 0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5 0 out of 5 stars (0 votes)


That’s the face of someone who’s met his match when it comes to swordsmanship, though there are plenty of surprises in store when it comes to exactly which uber talented and ultimately legendary swordsman has come knocking on our dragons’ door. More is revealed about Nameless, even if it still leaves us with more questions than answers. Actually, make that all questions, zero answers. But at least we have more of them? And more is usually a good thing.



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[HanCinema's Drama Review] "Six Flying Dragons" Episode 30


a-gwang (played by Han Ye-ri) is yet another important antagonistic character in "Six Flying Dragons". You know, it bears repeating- this drama has way too many characters to keep track of. It's relatively easy to remember who Sa-gwang is mainly because to date we haven't had any other women swordfighters. But back when Sa-gwang was just Yoon-rang I couldn't even figure out why she was in the story at all. Shoot, I didn't even notice she was being played by Han Ye-ri, who normally works in film.

History does eventually manage to explain all of this, as Goryeo gains its final King- a man with no apparent political skill or intelligence whatsoever who had to be talked into the job. Big surprise there, given the fate of the last two kings. Even granting that King Woo was kind of a jerk, it's really difficult to rationalize what happens to King Chang. The poor little guy hadn't even made his tenth birthday yet, and look at how he's dragged in.


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Ratings (Neilsen)
Ep 27     Nationwide 14.6% (+0.8)    Seoul 16.6% (+0.7)
Ep 28     Nationwide 13.7% (-0.9)     Seoul 15.8% (-0.8)
Ep 29     Nationwide 15.1% (+1.4)     Seoul 16.8% (+1.0)
Ep 30     Nationwide 15.8% (+0.7)     Seoul 17.4% (+0.6)

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Looking at the rating increased in the last two episodes, 6FD truly deserved it. The plot is getting better and I just love the way the writer trying to relate the secret and the birth of 'Milbon". Now I can understand why BW was upset with Sambong and eliminated him later. Looking forward to the next episode. 

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Well,we always knew this will happen!The 6 dragons will have to fight each others...they will splitt!Muyhul will stay near BW!Be one of his men...In Tree with deep roots he was ready to kill him for SEJONG sake!!!What will the woman he loves do?What side will she take?She will have to choose a path too!I have the feeling she will leave BW IN THE FUTURE!

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So the members of the nameless except for Gil Sun Mae don't know much about Hyeon Young's children even Ji Chun Tae or Poong Ji Gwan or cared about what happened to them? Contrary to what BY believes, Hyeon Yang joined the nameless in order to protect her children? But why if the nameless ever knew about the children were they in danger of being killed?

It does seem that the nameless were an exclusive powerful organization that belonged to the nobility but even more influential and powerful than the Haedok Gapdo? Is the leader perhaps one who belongs to the royalty? The messenger for "the person" is an old lady and Yeon Hyang seems to be her caretaker. Who is the old lady and how is she connected to "the person" with the unmentionable name and what is Yeon Hyang's connection to the old lady? Pardon me for my impatience and curiosity. 

It was so nice to see the younger dragons have their own downtime togetherness relaxing and talking about their dreams and so cute of BW to ask big bro BJ "do you mean that?" when BJ cheered BW's dream. It will not be long when they will be divided and BY will be in the midst or even be the cause of contention. MH will be at BW's side but Yeon Hee even though she is not a dragon will be a strong supporter of BJ.

Ahhhh, so BW's passion for the poetic/romantic BY is still strong as he asks what is bothering her and he thinks it is her mother. He tells her that he is already looking for her mom  himself. How sweet. That brings them to a private talk where he encourages her to be strong and soothes her worries. BY tells him about her mother and what occurred between her and the nameless assasin the brother of Chuk Sa Gwang and what was said and the code words. BW used that information to his advantage and to shock Master Yook San who underestimates and thinks BW is just a prankster playing foolish games. He should not have said that. HR is the one person aside from HIB who has insight into the shrewd, politic and tactical mind of BW. But would the piece of info he gave Master Yook San lead to danger for BY or her mother and the involvement of BJ with the nameless and a fight with or join with GSM? Now the nameless think that there is a traitor amongst them. For now, BW put the suspicion on Ji Chun Tae AKA CY. It will be very disappointing if CY will fold as easy. I am anticipating what she will do next or what will Poong Ji Gwan do? Will he try to save her or will he sell her out?

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sorry dragons friends last week revelation and this week made me decide not to come to the thread until i watch with subs since i lose the surprise element and it does in a way ruin my enjoyment so now i have watched only ep 29 with subs and just wanted to say i miss you but ill wait for the subs of ep 30 to read everything i missed 

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1 hour ago, nevill said:

sorry dragons friends last week revelation and this week made me decide not to come to the thread until i watch with subs since i lose the surprise element and it does in a way ruin my enjoyment so now i have watched only ep 29 with subs and just wanted to say i miss you but ill wait for the subs of ep 30 to read everything i missed 


just a tip to avoid spoilers, i'll always stop coming here right before they air the monday episode until i watch both episodes :)


wow such a twisted plot ever the top swordsman is actually a woman and yoonrang is actually cheok sa gwang......so unexpected turn by the production team. so cool yeahhhhhhh woman's power all the wayyyyy i like it so much. just an insight......yoonrang kinda reminds me of gil tae mi....both were born to be live in swordmenship but seems like they dont enjoy being a swordsman (how yoonrang choose to become a dancer, and gil taemi ends up being a politician and likes eye shadow so much).

i just feel a little bit disappointed.....no more romance in the latest episodes (no more ddangsae-yeonhee and even bangwon-boonyi except yoonrang-princechunjang, lol) i really miss their times together but since it's based on historical story so it's expected if they dropped out the romance part eventually....just a pity because it's still a fiction but yet romance can't be the winner here....understandable but sad...

nevertheless both ep 29 and 30 were great....love it so much....the suspense and everything.....i also like how they showed the conflict when bangwoo heard what jojoon said. just one thing i dont understand....i thought bangwon already knew sambong plan regarding new country but how come he looks surprised when he eavesdropping to sambong and poeun conversation in the end of ep 30? means for the whole time before what has he understand about the revolution plan by sambong? i thought he's been digging up all the records in the secret cave, lol....

and questions here, Is jo young gyu a fiction or historical figure? If a fiction, then his dream will not come true....how pity. and king gongyang, will he be killed in the end? because wikipedia said he was exiled and then went to samcheok where he died....i thought he went to samcheok and end up with yoonrang...lol

and as always, jungyumi is soooo pretty in latest episode!! and the still photos from ep 25 ending.....omg.....they even took a selfie with bloods lol unbelievable....yohan even your phone got stained with the fake blood...:wub:


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The historical background to help understand Ep. 29~30




■ Cheok Sa-Gwang (척사광)

Yoon-Rang (윤랑) a.k.a. Cheok Sa-Gwang (척사광) is a fictional character, because the last king of Goryeo didn’t have any second wife. I guess the SFD writers wanted to create a beautiful tragic love story between the king and his female bodyguard. The king’s fate was so sad and miserable.

I also think Cheok Sa-Gwang will be involved with Moo-Hyul because her Goksan swordsmanship (곡산검법 谷山劍法) is supposed to be the original form of Moo-Hyul’s “Eastern Twin Dragon” swordmanship (동방쌍룡 東方雙龍). His master Hong Dae-Hong created his own skill based on the Goksan swordmanship by adding the best parts of many other sword skills. I guess Moo-Hyul’s 6th dragon credit will be given when he surpasses the original’s successor, Cheok Sa-Gwang. 


■ Cheok Joon-Gyeong (척준경 拓俊京, ?∼1144)

Although Cheok Sa-Gwang is a fictional character, her great-great-grandfather Cheok Joon-Gyeong (척준경 拓俊京, ?∼1144) is a legendary historical figure. He is “physically” the strongest warrior in the Korean history.

In February 1104, during Jurchens’ invasion, Goryeo army was hopeless in total defeat. A mere soldier named Cheok Joon-Gyeon asked supreme commander Yim Gan to give him a horse and a weapon. When his request was granted, he rode his horse at the enemy single-handedly, and killed the enemy general and recaptured 2 prisoners. When he was coming back, hundreds of mounted troops chased after him. But he shot arrows and killed 2 more enemy generals, and then safely returned to the castle.

In another battle against Jurchens, renowned general Yoon Gwan (윤관 尹瓘, 1040~1111) asked him how to take the enemy’s castle. The Jurchens were taking stand in it and strenuously resisted. Cheok Joon-Gyeong volunteerly climbed up the wall of the castle, and killed several enemy soldiers single-handedly just with a sword and a shield. His move created high morale among Goryeo army and led to a huge victory.

In January 1108, when 20,000 Jurchens sieged Yoon Gwan’s army in Youngju castle, Cheok Joon-Gyeong said “The number of enemy soldiers are increasing. The provisions are running out. No reinforcements in near future. It is impossible for us to held out in this castle.”  So, he volunteerly led a group of soldiers to go outside and triumphantly came back after defeating the Jurchens.

Next month, when tens of thousands of Jurchens sieged Woongju castle, Commander Choi Hong-Jeong ordered Cheok to break through the siege and come back with reinforcements. Ceok Joon-Gyeong really made it. After he wore worn clothes like a common soldier, he climbed down the castle single-handedly and succeeded to break through the siege. He defeated Jurchens with the reinforcements.  

It is neither an exaggerated folk tale nor an unreliable legend. It is the official historical records written by Joseon-era historians who hate to praise the Goryeo’s traitor.

Right, unfortunately the valiant warrior ended up as a traitor. At that time, the Goryeo court was in the hand of Yi Ja-Gyeom (이자겸 李資謙, ?~1126), the king’s most powerful maternal relative. King Injong planned to regain his royal authority by assassinating the treacherous subject. However, of all persons, Cheok Joon-Gyeong’s son and younger brother were accidently killed by the king’s assassins during the revolt. Cheok Joon-Gyeong was so infuriated that he broke into the palace, set fire to it, killed all of the assassins, and saved Yi Ja-Gyeom in the corner. The king’s revolt ended in failure due to Cheok Joon-Gyeong’s anger.

Later, the king used clever schemes to get Yi Ja-Gyeom and Cheok Joon-Gyeong to turn on each other. He also successfully persuaded Cheok to turn into his ally. Finally, Yi Ja-Gyeom was ousted, and the king honored Cheok by appointing him to prime minister. However, a few months later, Cheok was also impeached and exiled as a traitor who had set fire to the palace. For that reason, he went down in history as a traitor. A few years later, he died of illness.

For his unbelievable inhuman military achievement, Korean netizens, especially those who love online fighting games, have jokingly called him “the best swordmaster in history” or “Cheokminator (Cheok +Terminator). The SFD writers seem to use it for fun. Of course, Cheok Sa-Gwang’s Goksan swordsmanship is a fictional device created by the SFD writers.


■ Some unfamiliar Hanja (Chinese originated) words



* Pye-Ga-Ip-Jin 폐가입진 廢假立眞

  • meaning "Depose the fake and enthrone the authentic”
  • It is historically true that the 9 ministers gathering at Heungguksa temple suggested this reason to justify the dethronement of King Chang and King U.
  • From then on, the 2 deposed kings had been “officially” regarded as Traitor Shin Don’s descendents.
  • Nobody knows the truth about their birth. Many historians believe that it was their fabrication to justify the dethronement.



* Gyu-Mok-Hwa-Sa 규목화사 圭木花死

  • Gyu (圭 corner) / Mok (木 tree) / Hwa (花 flower) /  Sa (死 death)
  • As Bang-Won decoded it, Gyu (圭) + Mok (木) = Gye (桂).
  • meaning “The flower called "Gye” will die.“
  • It is a secret code name for the assassination of Yi Seong-Gye.
  • Even though Kim Jeo‘s assassination attempt is historically true, Mr. Cheok from Goksan and the code name are fictional devices created by the SFD writers.
  • If you want more detail about the real historical event, read my Ep. 28 post again. → Kim Jeo‘s rebellion (November, 1389)



* Maeng-Do-Chil-Yak 맹도칠약 猛圖漆撂

  • Maeng (猛 fierce) / Do (圖 picture, drawing) / Chil 漆 (sap of the lacquer tree) /  Yak or Ryak (撂 throw)
  • A meaningless phrase randomly created by Bang-Won.
  • It’s also a fiction.




■ Their dreams at the banquet

  • Yi Ji-Ran really became a poet after he retired from politics.
  • Jo Young-Gyu really left his name in the Korean history, sadly as the murderer of Jung Mong-Joo who has been respected as one of the greatest scholar for over 600 years. Jo Young-Gyu died of illness 3 years after the assassination.
  • Jung Do-Jeon said he wanted to leave records rather than his name. So was it. His new country, his political system, his law, his writing, all of his great achievements remained as he had designed, but the great revolutionist’s name had been a taboo for over 500 years. It was the exact opposite to his friend and rival Jung Mong-Joo.
  • Yi Bang-Woo didn’t join the banquet. Despite being Yi Seong-Gye’s eldest son, he had objected to his father’s revolution till the end. He had begun drinking himself to death since Joseon was founded.
  • I think the banquet will be remembered as the most heart-wrenching scene to us in retrospect.


■ Classic of Changes / Book of Changes

In other names,
주역 周易 : Joo-Yeok (in Korean) / Zhou yi (in modern Chinese)
역경 易經 : Yeok-Gyeong (in Korean)  / I Ching (in modern Chinese)

→ Wikipedia  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Ching

Joo-Yeok (주역 周易) a.k.a. Books of Changes is a 2500 year old ancient divination text originated from ancient China. In the past, it was mandatary for a Confucian scholar to learn it.

There are 64 hexagrams to express its cosmological order, and Six Flying Dragons (2015~2016, SBS) and Tree with Deep Roots (2011, SBS) have shown 3 of them so far.


Ji-Cheon-Tae 지천태 地天泰
- Cho-Young’s code name in the "Nameless”. (SFD)

Poong-Ji-Gwan 풍지관 風地觀
- Jeok-Ryong’s code name in the “Nameless”. (SFD)

San-Hwa-Bi 산화비 山火賁
- Milbon’s secret code (TWDR)

It is interesting that the two respective secret organizations in SFD and TWDR shared those secret codes originated from the 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes. Is it a coincidence? Or, do they have the same origin? It remains to be seen.


■ They are all connected.

Episode 29~30 revealed several interesting connections with Tree with Deep Roots (2011 SBS). As you know, Six Flying Dragons is the prequel to TWDR.



When searching for Mr. Cheok from Goksan who just attempted to assassinate Yi Seong-Gye, Yi Bang-Ji told Moo-Hyul about Chool-sang-sool (출상술 出上術). It is an upward jumping technique that Kang Chae-Yoon and Yoon Pyeong learned from Yi Bang-Ji in TWDR.

Bang-Ji also mentioned its reverse technique called Chool-ha-sool (출하술 出下術), the safe landing technique from on high.

Actually, these jumping techniques are known to have existed in Korea until early 20th century.



At the end of episode 30, there was one more TWDR reference in Jung Do-Jeon’s talk with Jung Mong-Joo.

“If a king is a flower, its root is a minister.
Even if its flower is not healthy, the tree is not going to die.
But if the root is not healthy, the tree will die.
The unhealthy flower can be just broken off.
The king only decides the minister, and it is the position where he discusses things with the minister. It is just the luxurious symbolic figure of Joseon.
The root of Joseon is the minister.
Sadaebu of Joseon, become the root!
Be the scholars sustaining Joseon, train the great officials, and select the wise and able minister!
As a result, the tree of Joseon can last for thousands of years.
Be the root of the roots!
This is why I, Jung Do-Jeon, made the root of the roots, the hidden root, Milbon (밀본 密本).
You, Sadeabu, be the roots of this Joseon!
Become the Milbon!
Protect Joseon!

Milbon’s first Bonwon (본원 本源), Jung Do-Jeon
(from Tree with Deep Roots Episode 3)


In short, Jung Do-Jeon dreamed of Constitutional monarchy ruled by Sadaebu ministers. This is clearly the beginning of Milbon, the secret organization of TWDR.  




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5 hours ago, natokajun said:

just one thing i dont understand....i thought bangwon already knew sambong plan regarding new country but how come he looks surprised when he eavesdropping to sambong and poeun conversation in the end of ep 30? means for the whole time before what has he understand about the revolution plan by sambong? i thought he's been digging up all the records in the secret cave, lol....

and questions here, Is jo young gyu a fiction or historical figure? If a fiction, then his dream will not come true....how pity. and king gongyang, will he be killed in the end? because wikipedia said he was exiled and then went to samcheok where he died....i thought he went to samcheok and end up with yoonrang...lol


Bang-Won and Jo Joon didn't know about Sambong's "Five rules (오칙 五則)" which were used to persuade Jung Mong-Joo. The five rules include the theory of "constitutional monarchy" designed by Sambong. Only Nam Eun and Yeon-Hee knew about it.


Jo Young-Gyu is a historical figure.

King Gongyang was killed in the end.

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I started to hate JDJ.. BW did his best to enthrone his father as a king but in the end they were end up using by JDJ. I don't really understand JDJ.. It seems he believes that Royal Family is the cause of the corruption.. when you look at the previous monarchs, the royal family is end up being used by the ministers.. what? to stop the corruption and then let the ministers rule... sorry but you can't stop corruption just like that.. you need a one man ruler, a ruthless king like King Taejong to stop the corruption.. I don't really understand how JDJ mind works.. he's a genius but somehow it's really impossible.a country where ruled by prime minister, I don't think Joseon will last for more than 500 years if the royal family will be excluded and end up being a puppet.. It's different from now and before. If he was born 500 years later then evreything would have been impossible but still look at now, there's democracy but corruption is still there. It really proves that you really need a ruthless ruler...I am not fan of JDJ since he's actions shows he's using LSG and if he really survive during the struggle then I think what happen during the late years of Goryeo Dynasty would keep repeating again..

sigh.. I want a fairytale love between bW and his queen..but I know this will never happen here.. But I hope they will make an exception...

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44 minutes ago, hinatashoyo said:


sigh.. I want a fairytale love between bW and his queen..but I know this will never happen here.. But I hope they will make an exception...


Me too.  Lady Min has so little screen time.  So sad.   I hope things will change for the last 20 episodes. 

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Thanks @homura for the information regarding 29 and 30. I was nodding my head so hard at this part

  • I think the banquet will be remembered as the most heart-wrenching scene to us in retrospect.

I already feel like crying now. We probably won't see much of Bang Woo hyung now then. :(

Love the Tree references! It's so much fun to search for connections. Also, I hope you're right about Moo Hyul's title.

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Six Flying Dragons: Episode 30
by HeadsNo2 | January 13, 2016 | No Comments | 0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 50 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5 0 out of 5 stars (0 votes)


Our most cunning young dragon devises an ingenious plan to lure the most secret of secret organizations out of hiding this episode, and by using their own vanity as a weapon, he’s able to poke a few good-sized holes through Nameless’ impenetrable facade. It’s an hour about looking to the future, of realizing one’s dreams and how to make them happen, even though we know in drama speak that when you plan for the future, you may as well be signing your own death warrant. Fate is a cruel mistress that way.


Gain – “열두 시가 되면 (Let’s Meet When It Turns Twelve)” [ Download ]



sixdragons30-00005.jpg sixdragons30-00009.jpg

After revealing herself to be Cheok Sa-kwang, the girl formerly known as Yoon-rang begs the prince to drink the antidote, swearing that she’ll protect him with her life. He believes her, and takes the proffered cup.

Neither of them know Traitor Baek is, well, a traitor, so they have no idea that he’s going to take the information on Sa-kwang’s identity back to Nameless… until Sa-kwang points out that he wasn’t perturbed when Nameless showed up.


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8 hours ago, earthna30 said:

Thanks @homura for the information regarding 29 and 30. I was nodding my head so hard at this part

I already feel like crying now. We probably won't see much of Bang Woo hyung now then. :(

Love the Tree references! It's so much fun to search for connections. Also, I hope you're right about Moo Hyul's title.

Very acute observation @homura and @earthna30 I agree in retrospect It will be too sad a remembrance. Thank you

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Ahhhhhh, 2 women 2 different side and BW struggles between the 2

at the time BW gets so shocked at what he heard of the conversation of JDJ and JMJ, his idealism came out through his thoughts of BY, when she said protect the people's dreams with a smile through politics.... but then what JDJ said about the king not being able to be in politics and he realizes that all his dreams with JDJ his hero, his teacher might not be realized through his father and his family that his family will just be decorative pieces of power but no power and he may not have thought of her then but he will have her in his thoughts and life, what she said very soon.... why just listen to the elders, why not prepare yourself in case their plans maybe wrong? His dreams of protecting others and making them smile will have to be accomplished through....  preparing himself to take the action and decisions from the elders. One is the inspiration and the other the action .... Waiting for next Monday

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Because of exams I couldn't watch SFD nor come here for a while but thanks god I just caught up all the episodes xD

I think that sambong should have been honest with the Lee clan and I too don't understand his logic: He is blaming everything on the previous kings and seems to forget that ministers lee in gyeom were worse and the gouvernment is the true problem...

LM's advice was wise they were plotting a revolution but ended up enthroning someone else what if po eun, the new king or anyone wants to take this chance and get rid of the Lee clan ?

i think that may be why BW will end up getting PE killed;  because to make the new king stronger PE will have to go against the Lee clan

I think I will finally see the BW's evolution that I was waiting for and I'm glad BW/JDJ drifting apart was not because of BW'greed or some childish tantrum ^^


I love BW with the topknot xD

@homura i was wondering why he was wearing any after his wedding since even LM was wearing her hair up 


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