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The graduation ceremony of training camp is Sep.21. After that, he doesn't stay there any more. The letter takes more than 1 week within Korea, so you'd better send your letter right now!

Please write the address in Korean then add 'KOREA' in English, so you'd better print the address and paste it on the envelop.

No package is allowed. Just ordinary envelope is OK. Especially no chemicals, cosmetics or medicines.
I recommend you a good gift. Newspapers of your country about JCW. It will be the best. 

After he is allocated in the regular camp to serve for the rest 20 months, you can send any package freely.

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20 minutes ago, saturn said:

The graduation ceremony of training camp is Sep.21. After that, he doesn't stay there any more. The letter takes more than 1 week within Korea, so you'd better send your letter right now!

Please write the address in Korean then add 'KOREA' in English, so you'd better print the address and paste it on the envelop.

No package is allowed. Just ordinary envelope is OK. Especially no chemicals, cosmetics or medicines.
I recommend you a good gift. Newspapers of your country about JCW. It will be the best. 

After he is allocated in the regular camp to serve for the rest 20 months, you can send any package freely.

Hi @saturn, is this just for his unit at the 3rd Infantry?  We were given these instructions by Dayrock and I'm positive they said 21 November was his graduation ceremony.

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The training camp is for 5 weeks. and the (normally) Thursday of the 6th week is the graduation day. It's all the same for all soldiers in Korea. If it's public service, not the soldier, the training camp is 4 weeks. (My family member is in the 3rd Infantry now :) )

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2 minutes ago, saturn said:

The training camp is for 5 weeks. and the (normally) Thursday of the 6th week is the graduation day. It's all the same for all soldiers in Korea. If it's public service, not the soldier, the training camp is 4 weeks. (My family member is in the 3rd Infantry now :) )

Ah, I see.  I will alert Dayrock that their English information is incorrect, and I have updated our post as well.  너무 고마워요! :D

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On 8/16/2017 at 7:32 PM, willenette said:

Hi MyStars, what I meant was : all enlisters have no choice whether they go for active-duty or just a public service personnel because of this physical examination once they turn 19, which is an obligatory in Korea. They're only allowed to choose their own enlistment dates and their preferred military units before starting life in barracks. The length of service varies depending on the military branch: 21 months for Army and Marines, 23 months for Navy, 24 months for Air Force. The non-active duty service, e.g. civil service or public service worker, is from 24 months to 36 months. Athletes who win medals at the Olympic Games or gold medals at the Asian Games are granted exemptions but still have to serve four-five weeks in basic training. As an active-duty-soldier, I just hope JCW won't be assigned at the front line where RAIN had been assigned to during his MS days. :tongue:

I'm confused about this statement, because that is not my understanding of the Korean Military System at all -- and Lord knows I've done enough research to sink a boat after learning of Wook's impending enlistment.  A Korean male is obligated to submit themselves for their mandatory physical examination after they turn 19 years old.  If a 19 year old at that time is not under any sort of obligation, such as an entertainer currently starring in a drama/musical/other production, or in university at that time, then they are conscripted by the time they turn 20 or 21.  Entertainers merely have the option of deferring (not choosing) their enlistment dates due to their contractual obligations already in place.  The rules have been tightened over the past few years due to the escalating North Korean conflict, and if an entertainer has no schedules/obligations within a 4-month period (down from 6 months), then their enlistment date is set as soon as possible after their last schedule has been completed.

As to choosing their preferred military units, the only choice a conscripted male has is to what branch of the military he wishes to serve in based on their examination grades, and whether they want to serve in public service or active duty.  (Obviously, a recruit with poor eyesight will not be accepted into the Air Force as they have extra-specific levels of fitness to qualify for.)  If a recruit has not chosen a specific branch of the military by the time he enlists, then one will be chosen for him based on their examination grades... but more often than not, a recruit already has his preferred branch chosen by the time he receives his enlistment notice.  With his physical strength alone, Wook could have conceivably chosen the Marine Corps, but instead chose the most macho of Army divisions by enlisting with the White Skulls. 

Although the Korean Military conscripts males up to the age of 35 (with exceptions), Wook had to enlist shortly after turning 31 Korean/30 Western. The military counsel had already informed him in January 2017 that he should get ready for enlistment in mid-2017.  With no contractual obligations in sight after SP ended, he knew his time would be coming soon.  And some Korean citizens were already starting to get on his case about not enlisting yet, stating the usual snide comments about "using his privilege to defer until the last minute."  Whatever.  *grrrrr* :angry:

@MyStars, lolz on the 'mensch' comment.  Our Boy totally falls into that category.  Wouldn't expect anything less.  *hee*

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On 8/19/2017 at 3:37 AM, cherkell said:

I'm confused about this statement, because that is not my understanding of the Korean Military System at all -- and Lord knows I've done enough research to sink a boat after learning of Wook's impending enlistment.  A Korean male is obligated to submit themselves for their mandatory physical examination after they turn 19 years old.  If a 19 year old at that time is not under any sort of obligation, such as an entertainer currently starring in a drama/musical/other production, or in university at that time, then they are conscripted by the time they turn 20 or 21.  Entertainers merely have the option of deferring (not choosing) their enlistment dates due to their contractual obligations already in place.  The rules have been tightened over the past few years due to the escalating North Korean conflict, and if an entertainer has no schedules/obligations within a 4-month period (down from 6 months), then their enlistment date is set as soon as possible after their last schedule has been completed.

As to choosing their preferred military units, the only choice a conscripted male has is to what branch of the military he wishes to serve in based on their examination grades, and whether they want to serve in public service or active duty.  (Obviously, a recruit with poor eyesight will not be accepted into the Air Force as they have extra-specific levels of fitness to qualify for.)  If a recruit has not chosen a specific branch of the military by the time he enlists, then one will be chosen for him based on their examination grades... but more often than not, a recruit already has his preferred branch chosen by the time he receives his enlistment notice.  With his physical strength alone, Wook could have conceivably chosen the Marine Corps, but instead chose the most macho of Army divisions by enlisting with the White Skulls. 

Although the Korean Military conscripts males up to the age of 35 (with exceptions), Wook had to enlist shortly after turning 31 Korean/30 Western. The military counsel had already informed him in January 2017 that he should get ready for enlistment in mid-2017.  With no contractual obligations in sight after SP ended, he knew his time would be coming soon.  And some Korean citizens were already starting to get on his case about not enlisting yet, stating the usual snide comments about "using his privilege to defer until the last minute."  Whatever.  *grrrrr* :angry:

@MyStars, lolz on the 'mensch' comment.  Our Boy totally falls into that category.  Wouldn't expect anything less.  *hee*


***  The reason why I know some stuff about K-military rules & policies is due to my curiosity when RAIN enlisted some years back. Like you, I also researched some things about it, much more came to the point where I asked some of my K-friends who were able to complete their MS & some who are still inside the camp & also confirmed this from my K-BF whom his father is a retired K-General. Well, through the years a new amendment has been introduced, that changed MMA (Military Manpower Association) rules & policies. IT'S CHANGING............ Like now, Olympic medallists and gold medallists from the Asian Games have been exempted from the national service. (they will no longer be exempt from mandatory military service by 2023 due to a decrease in able-bodied Korean men to serve in the military)  BEFORE - technology gadgets are not allowed in the military - this is also the reason why military restricts soldiers access to the public even to their family & loved-ones, causing concern among military leaders that high military secrets could be leaked. NOW - The Ministry of National Defense has distributed mobile phones to military barracks last 2015.  Now, it's impossible for male celebrities to delay enlisting for MS because they're now required to submit their personal info to the MMA. Now, once the MMA calls for a celebrity's enlistment they must report by the assigned date & will no longer be allowed to delay their conscription. This new amendment will be enforced next month, September. Aish..........there are still many changes to come, for sure. I guess the only thing that didn't change is the "chocolate pie" - LOL - It is still a classic food in the Army.  And soldiers receive the complementary Choco Pie cookie every Sunday.....


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[Exclusive] Ji Chang Wook “Jiscovery History Concert” in Seoul (fan account)


Now that the dust has settled, my trial work has calmed down, and we’ve had a chance to breathe a little after Ji Chang Wook has safely enlisted in the military, I think it’s finally time to post the recap of the “A Film by Ji Chang Wook: Jiscovery History Concert” event.  There were many things going on in the 3+ hour-long show, but I tried to capture the highlights of the evening as best as possible.  So after going through over 410 pictures, 17 videos, and 5 pages of notes from that evening, please join me below the break for a quite long-winded and image-heavy recap of the night’s festivities!

I was waffling back-and-forth for weeks after the event was first announced, settling on flying over only if I was able to obtain a decent ticket.  The Ticket Gods must have been smiling on me, since I had no issues in purchasing a seat for Wook’s 7:00pm performance as soon as the sales window opened.  Decision Made!

I arrived the day prior and hopped the Airport Express Bus to my hotel in Myeongdong.  And look who greeted me as I sat down!  And on the other side too!

jiscovery1.jpg?w=242&h=215   jiscovery2.jpg?w=352&h=215

The next day was quite overcast and the heat and humidity was already quite oppressive even at 11:00am.  There were a few moments I didn’t think I would survive standing outside for any length of time.  At least my new camera didn’t fog up like my older one!


Continue reading https://jichangwookkitchen.com/2017/08/25/exclusive-ji-chang-wook-jiscovery-history-concert-in-seoul-fan-account/

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Dear @cherkell.....(.American women usually aren't too fond of calling each other "Dear" because what usually follows is a thinly disguised insult, at least down here, south of the Mason-Dixon line) but now I mean it with all my heart: Thank you for the posting above about Jiscovery.  What a remarkable adventure for you; it is so good of you to share it wholeheartedly, as you have done. 

Now that I have gushed without any shame, let me say that you have absolutely ruined my day.  I started my morning by reading the JCW Forum (yes, even before the news, which is routinely bad anyway) and get this blast of absolute brilliance from this incredible talent, a performer nonpareil.  It just makes you shiver, the way he controls a stage.  But I guess you know that since YOU WERE THERE!  But now I can't do anything, can't work, can't get laundry started, fix breakfast, or even think straight; just want to sit here staring at the pictures, watching the videos.  Nothing is getting done today except absorbing all this goodness.  

So, yeah, thanks a bunch.  You can muck up my day like this anytime. 

P.S.  I just made it reading through page 204 this site.  This is where everyone went crazy numb, daffy, after seeing Healer.  So what I am experiencing now is just perfectly normal behavior.

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I have now made it through to page 270 of this forum and have learned so much about the life and times of Ji Chang Wook.  Especially interesting were the many interviews published in magazines. They were brilliantly translated and gave a very clear picture of a man with a biting intelligence, and clear focus about his job - acting - and other aspects of his life.  How delightful. (And yes, unless someone stops me, I'll update on the next  few pages if I learn something new.)  Reading through all these pages has been simplified because of Photobucket's complete and utter disregard of the base that made them popular; that meant that all of the pictures posted third party have disappeared because the owners of a Photobucket account, previously paying only $10.00 per year, are now being asked to cough up almost $500/year.  But there were/are still many detours to The Kitchen, and to YouTube, so going has been slow.  

Speaking of a job, now that he is officially in the grip of the ROK "Blood and Treasure" department, I guess there is no new money flowing into the Glorious (how can anyone lose with a management company with this name?) coffers.  The people previously dependent on him are probably doing some belt-tightening:  His stylist, and others who see to it that he appears spit-shined in every photo-op, and looking good, and better, and best as humans, including celebrities, are supposed to look. I hope they all saved for this rainy day.  I'm sure they did.

One of the many discussion in the back pages that I really liked were those concerning whether the SK population at large is broad-minded, or closed-minded.  The educated will never fall into just one category, but it seems that missteps and scandals are being hideously and rabidly commented on, on various netizen internet sites and have a devastating effect on careers.  Saying that "haters gonna hate" is true but simplistic.  There seems to be a concerted effort to literally verbally kill that which you do not understand.  Thankfully, JCW has been protected from that particular nastiness.

I am probably one of the luckier disciples, having just joined.  I get to review all of his dramas, and things on YouTube, and his movie Fabricated City, which I bought a couple of weeks ago.  Also I got a Five Fingers DVD of my own and am only half way through. (Why Five Fingers and not Nine Fingers?)   My copy of Empress Ki just arrived today.  I figure if I ration how often I view things, I might be able to carry through to mid or late 2018, thus leaving only 6/9 months or so of repeats.

So, @cherkell sunbae, where are all the people who previously filled these pages with their praises?  Some were classy, some were crass, but they were here once and are not now.   Is it still the emotional hangover period from the reality of the enlistment?  I intend to be here for a long time because this person, Ji Chang Wook, is something special and rare. Like you, when you encounter an unrepeatable experience, you do not abandon it lightly.  You dance with the one who brought you.  You go home with the one who brought you.


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[News] Ji Chang Wook sends his first letter from the army


On 30 August, Glorious Entertainment uploaded the first letter from Ji Chang Wook written to his fans since enlisting a few weeks ago.  So because it’s been all of 16 days since then (not like we’re counting or anything…), let’s take a look at what Wook has to say about his new life in the army!



*The “Daum Cafe” that Ji Chang Wook refers to is the Daum Cafe of the 3rd Infantry Division (nicknamed “White Skull”), an online community portal where family and friends can register to leave internet letters, and view photos uploaded by the regiments of their loved ones currently in service.  Unfortunately, his fans have overwhelmed the registration for the Daum Cafe and family members were unable to properly register.  Glorious Entertainment had previously posted a notice requesting his fans to not register for the Daum Cafe, as access was revised to registrants who could prove they were true family members.

Credit:  Glorious Entertainment

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On 8/30/2017 at 3:48 AM, MyStars said:

I have now made it through to page 270 of this forum and have learned so much about the life and times of Ji Chang Wook.  Especially interesting were the many interviews published in magazines. They were brilliantly translated and gave a very clear picture of a man with a biting intelligence, and clear focus about his job - acting - and other aspects of his life.  How delightful. (And yes, unless someone stops me, I'll update on the next  few pages if I learn something new.)  Reading through all these pages has been simplified because of Photobucket's complete and utter disregard of the base that made them popular; that meant that all of the pictures posted third party have disappeared because the owners of a Photobucket account, previously paying only $10.00 per year, are now being asked to cough up almost $500/year.  But there were/are still many detours to The Kitchen, and to YouTube, so going has been slow. 

Speaking of a job, now that he is officially in the grip of the ROK "Blood and Treasure" department, I guess there is no new money flowing into the Glorious (how can anyone lose with a management company with this name?) coffers.  The people previously dependent on him are probably doing some belt-tightening:  His stylist, and others who see to it that he appears spit-shined in every photo-op, and looking good, and better, and best as humans, including celebrities, are supposed to look. I hope they all saved for this rainy day.  I'm sure they did.

One of the many discussion in the back pages that I really liked were those concerning whether the SK population at large is broad-minded, or closed-minded.  The educated will never fall into just one category, but it seems that missteps and scandals are being hideously and rabidly commented on, on various netizen internet sites and have a devastating effect on careers.  Saying that "haters gonna hate" is true but simplistic.  There seems to be a concerted effort to literally verbally kill that which you do not understand.  Thankfully, JCW has been protected from that particular nastiness.

I am probably one of the luckier disciples, having just joined.  I get to review all of his dramas, and things on YouTube, and his movie Fabricated City, which I bought a couple of weeks ago.  Also I got a Five Fingers DVD of my own and am only half way through. (Why Five Fingers and not Nine Fingers?)   My copy of Empress Ki just arrived today.  I figure if I ration how often I view things, I might be able to carry through to mid or late 2018, thus leaving only 6/9 months or so of repeats.

So, @cherkell sunbae, where are all the people who previously filled these pages with their praises?  Some were classy, some were crass, but they were here once and are not now.   Is it still the emotional hangover period from the reality of the enlistment?  I intend to be here for a long time because this person, Ji Chang Wook, is something special and rare. Like you, when you encounter an unrepeatable experience, you do not abandon it lightly.  You dance with the one who brought you.  You go home with the one who brought you.

Hello dahling!  Apologies for the delay in responding.  Things been kinda crazy trying to juggle work and keeping both sites updated.  As from when I spent 3 years in Mississippi, I think an "ain't that niiiiice" applies, no?  *haha*

BTW, Glorious has other monies flowing into its coffers with its representation of Hyun Woo and Lee Jae Woo (K1 in "The K2") being quite active in their own right *and* the agency being a subsidiary of their parent company Gloria Jean's Coffee cafes.  So I don't think they'll be hurting for awhile, at least.  Even though Our Boy is sidelined from actively participating in overt promotions, there are items in the pipeline for release during his 1 year and (now) 8 months out of the spotlight.  Glorious will survive; the question is, will Wook want to return to such a small agency after he is discharged?  Time will tell.

And not to worry about his handlers and stylists.  They all have other jobs to fall back on with other K-stars.  They are not beholden to Wook and Wook alone in this crazy bidness, but granted he always does come first.  As it should be.  ^^

I couldn't tell you why so many folks have dropped off the thread.  Probably people have moved on to other Hotties of the Month; new dramas pop up like dandelions in a Walmart parking lot; kids go back to school and have no time for idle chatter anymore; etc. etc. etc.  IMHO, this last Soompi platform update really 'culled the herd' of the casual visitors, in making it darn near impossible to post images and videos like we used to back in the day.  Access to the site hasn't always been the best either, as there are way too many plug-ins and re-directs to other social media platforms that recently have been turning the Soompi GUI into one huge clusterf*ck of epic proportions.

That reminds me... now that we have some breathing room, it's time to post my Bachelor's Vegetable Store recaps.  After rescuing the stills from Photobucket first.  *grrrr*

Gang, it's been a very slow process replacing all the photos.  I didn't stop to think how involved it was moving all the media to another platform until I started digging in.  And I want to revamp the front page again with another format.  So damn you, Photobucket!!! :angry:

Onward and upward! 

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What elegant and attractive handwriting Soldier Boy has; it is very idiosyncratic, almost like Western cursive.  He could almost foster a new commercial font.  Kind of like his own persona.  He has created his own unequivocal stage personality, from song styling to pick of dramas.  They belong solely to him and imitate no one else.  That is a rare accomplishment in this day and age.  I wonder if some of the established singers he covers don't just shudder in fear, wondering if his version might not be really better than their original.  He has a way of playing with rhythm that defies conventionality.  

Thank you @cherkell and co-author Gabby at The Kitchen for making this available.  You all work so hard to supply his international fans with much needed news.  This one line:

"Do not turn your attention to someone else!! Wait for me~ :heart:"

is so touching.  It makes me want to break out my own cramped, sloppy Hangeul and write and say "Don't worry, Soldier Boy.  You are so worth waiting for."  Plus, what with translation fees and the purchase of back copies of all of his works, I will need a bank loan.  That's OK; you pay for what you value.

While I am occupying space here I want to shout out encouragement and hope to those in the path of Hurricane Harvey and its destructive aftermath .  Another hurricane is brewing in the Caribbean and most of us in the lower 48 of the US are bracing for the worst.  Yet here I sit, idly chatting, not getting the car fueled or buying supplies, getting cash, etc.  Fandom makes you stoopid.

P.S.  I was so busy typing that I didn't notice @cherkell had posted the above.  Hallooo.  The BVS recaps sound wonderful.  And I see that @kanzcech is here.  I remember you posting a lot back in the day; you were great to read.  I am now up to page 280, so I am still missing a lot of history.  Since I made my snide remark about so many people being missing, I have to retract some of it.  Also I probably need to justify why I am here.  In cherkell's words, it is "Hotties of the Month" on these pages, but I didn't leave my "hottie," he left me (or us).  I didn't know I needed another altar to kneel at until accidentally finding Mr. Ji Chang Wook while watching aforesaid "hotties'" wife's role in BVS.  KDramas make for strange bedfellows.

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