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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - I should have been clearer, Siwon's initial "Will you wait for me?" IG and Weibo posts did not reference Piaget, he added Piaget reference later, on Weibo, he deleted it three times and settled on the last one with reference to Piaget in both English and Chinese.  So it is safe to say his real message is "will you wait for me" and all that Piaget reference is just smoke and mirrors. 

I think he is posting this for fans to see, i.e. he knows the answer or is confident about the answer... the fact that he chose that particular picture makes me think there is more to just asking someone (LW) to wait. If he is not sure about LW's answer and asking in social media, then I think the relationship is not as advanced .. also, why does he wait until the day before he enlists to ask...wouldn't he want to know at least a few weeks before he enlists so he knows what to do once he gets inside.... 

Liu Wen did update her Weibo yesterday at 20:16 with that Autumn tree grows bread and banana slices post... people think the time rhymes with "love you, 16"...

Just so you know - there is some chaos going on right now on Weibo. Oh Yang Nana - Siwon's 15 year old co-star in "To the fore" replied to SW's Good night world post with "I will wait for you for two years...." man, she is attacked by a couple of 16 fans... my take is that she said what every other fan has been saying "I will wait for you" but because of past controversy, her comment is being interpreted with a lot of bias.  She is only 15, we can't really expect her to act like an adult, poor girl.  Also, some fans are asking why LW kept quiet...  If I were LW, I would stay quiet too because whatever she says now will receive fan backlashes.  

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bgchae (SIwon's friend) posted a goodbye post to Siwon on IG with a picture of Siwon in Paris back in July, in which it is obvious that he was wearing the ring. 

Sorry i am not posting the IG link as i am not sure if it is appropriate to do so since Siwon's friend isn't a public figure. Since Siwon probably won't be active on sns in the next 21 months, perhaps we only can look out for updates from Liuwen and through his friends? 

Hope you both take care and do well, individually and together. Stay strong everyone :) 


Edited by moonee
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@allnaturalcrunchtime_stv - I should have been clearer, Siwon's initial "Will you wait for me?" IG and Weibo posts did not reference Piaget, he added Piaget reference later, on Weibo, he deleted it three times and settled on the last one with reference to Piaget in both English and Chinese.  So it is safe to say his real message is "will you wait for me" and all that Piaget reference is just smoke and mirrors. 

I think he is posting this for fans to see, i.e. he knows the answer or is confident about the answer... the fact that he chose that particular picture makes me think there is more to just asking someone (LW) to wait. If he is not sure about LW's answer and asking in social media, then I think the relationship is not as advanced .. also, why does he wait until the day before he enlists to ask...wouldn't he want to know at least a few weeks before he enlists so he knows what to do once he gets inside.... 

Liu Wen did update her Weibo yesterday at 20:16 with that Autumn tree grows bread and banana slices post... people think the time rhymes with "love you, 16"...

Just so you know - there is some chaos going on right now on Weibo. Oh Yang Nana - Siwon's 15 year old co-star in "To the fore" replied to SW's Good night world post with "I will wait for you for two years...." man, she is attacked by a couple of 16 fans... my take is that she said what every other fan has been saying "I will wait for you" but because of past controversy, her comment is being interpreted with a lot of bias.  She is only 15, we can't really expect her to act like an adult, poor girl.  Also, some fans are asking why LW kept quiet...  If I were LW, I would stay quiet too because whatever she says now will receive fan backlashes.  

Thanks for clearing that up. "Will you wait for me?" minus the Piaget reference makes it even likelier that he's talking about Liu Wen although the intended effect is conveyed even with the reference. I really don't think he uses social media to ask Liu Wen anything; if he does, that would mean there's little to no private communication between them. If that is absent, there can be no relationship, and none of us believes that to be true at this point, do we? Anyway, he stated in his latest major interview that Liu Wen is "someone he knows very well" or something to that effect, and he can't possibly claim that solely by virtue of the fact that he worked with her on LFIL. Trust me, these two talk to each other all the time. Oh, to be flies on their walls! :P

Hmm...and are you suggesting that in asking her to more than just wait, he's asked her an even bigger question...like a marriage proposal, maybe? :D The ring imagery certainly lends credence to that idea, doesn't it? With all his recent talk of marriage and kids, I don't think the possibility that they're betrothed or engaged in some way is entirely far-fetched...certainly, their rings would be testament to that sort of commitment.

And no offence to Weibo users, but I don't think Liu Wen is fussed enough to encrypt hidden rhymes into her SNS posts. That 15-year-old co-star thing is just sick...yeah, I'm sure she's assuring Siwon that she'll wait for him another two years when she'll be 17 AND STILL NOT EVEN LEGAL! Sick! Do these idiots even realize what they're intimating about Siwon by getting angry that he could possibly be pining for an underage co-star? My impression of Siwon is that he likes his lassies to be pure and virginal (our supermodel certainly fits the bill), but I don't think that desire extends so far that he'd be into pedophilia. I repeat...sick!

Considering the timing of Liu Wen's latest IG update with that lovely illustration of her, she must still be in NY. Sigh...it looks like we won't get a send-off straight out of the movies, and you're right, Liu Wen is being a smart cookie by keeping shut about anything Siwon-related at this time. People who think she should say something are moronic for expecting she'd be that stupid.

D-Day is almost upon us...much love and many hugs to Siwon and all his sane fans! I'm sure he's privately received love and hugs from the only one who really matters, too!



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i agree with you, @allnaturalcrunchtime_stv that they don't just use social media to communicate.  even back to LFIL, when siwon was considering ending the filming due to thinking she was not "too into" him (Ep 5), he said "why did you not text me back" and again in Ep 9, he said "text me when you've landed".  i remember thinking "aah....it's not just for the show, they do keep in contact out of filming".  they must use their phones for most of their communications.  i cannot help but notice they have a phone glued to their hand on almost all their sightings. 

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I actually think LW and SW probably facetime everyday and send each other texts all the time... my now husband and I used to talk everyday when we were dating over long distance.  Yes, I do think it is possible that he has made a strong commitment to LW and ask her to wait.. the particular use of that picture, his recent references to marriage and let's not forget the weibo post from Ms Ren's husband (there is no need to announce to the world, you just need to say it to the person next to you...).  If a guy does not have a strong commitment to a woman, he is still in the mentality of let's see where this goes, then he is asking an awful lot of a girl to wait for two years.  However, if he does have strong commitment, basically to the point that if nothing unexpected happens over the next two years, I will marry you when I am done with my enlistment,  Knowing this, would you wait for me?

The timing of LW's IG post certainly indicates she is in the US,,, but she also updated her weibo and IG in wee hours a few days ago when we know for sure she was in the US... so who knows.  But I am hoping she is in Korea hiding discreetly to spend quality time with him. 

Edited by Kculturefun
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his post (will you wait for me) remind me osf radio star  talk only one day after ss encore 6.In that talk, LeeTuck said he asked a girl the same question.At that moment,SW's face told a lot.Which was diffirent from other'member,it seemed he was thinhking about his own story seriously.As for SW following one girl on twitter,I think it is nota  big deal with a person like him.If that girl is not LW,that girl can not be having a relationship with him now or in the near future

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OMG.. i already miss him.. take care oppa hope u always healthy and have a great experience during the enlistment. Please back safely for ur family, ur lovely LW n us. Fighting Hahahahahaha. I want to thanksfull for each of member in hear that always kept update, caring n have good analyse for both of them in good way. I'm not using sosial media anymore for some reason. So i'm so happy to join in here. Hopefully no body is don't mind for that. 

Who knows maybe LW already in korea now to delivered her oppa SW to the police enlistment directly #nothing is impossible. We can do anything now (LW said when they skydiving)

But Currently i will wait n enjoy (Remember Master said in they dance tango scene)  its better if we have below expectation for their relationship now so if we get a good news (wedding bell dududududu#singing n dance) from them we will be more happy. Right? 

Sorry for long post n my english. Kiss n huge

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Guest mywebfoot

I found myself wishing she would send him off and get "caught" doing it. Then I realized that's a really, really mean and dumb thing to wish for. Wanted to slap myself. Dumb, webby  

If she got caught today, she would be eaten up by the media wolves, subject to cyber bullying by the crazy fans and permanently stuck during interviews with one question during the next two years: "how are u and Siwon doing?". That's horrible. Really horrible, especially when  he wont be around to be supportive or affirming for her. Basically she would take the hit for it, by herself. Not good. 


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Siwon's interview with Hallyu World, released in its entirety with English and Chinese subs:

Some interesting points:

He hopes he will be coolest by 60, assuming he lives to 80.

Thoughts on the kind of person he is attracted to:
"If you are attracted purely based on her looks, it will not last long. I'm not saying that looks don't have any importance, but if you look at someone purely based on her appearance, I think you will lose this relationship solely based on how they look. There are other factors that mean even more. Someone who's very devoted to her profession, that's a very beautiful and sexy quality. And there are those who devote their lifetime helping others... they are also beautiful too. These are qualities that remain unchanged. I want to describe these people as "Aged wine that has been made from undergoing hardships", in which the taste of this wine doesn't change or expire. So if there are people like that, and if they happen to have good looks, that's definitely 'icing on the cake'."

A hero you admire the most?

What are you vulnerable to?
I'm weakest to women's tears

Cute lady vs Sexy lady:
Sexy lady

Favourite female protagonist:
My mother

Love vs work:

Talks about not drinking with anyone else except some of his friends because of potential rumours - 'like a fish to be slaughtered.'

Looking forward to turning 30 and gaining happiness, positive experiences. "A man is only made great through trials, tribulations and solitude"

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@mywebfoot I totally agree. Now is definitely not the time for overt confirmation that they are together. It's bad enough that attacks are mounting up again against her in recent days. I imagine he must already be worried for her as it is... reminscent of what he wrote in the photobook... knowing that this day will come.  However, I do hold hope that she is secretly with him right now... especially seeing her latest posts... the gif from which there is no indication of which phone was used, and her IG post, which again has no indication where she is. Either way, really hoping he keeps well and stays safe during enlistment, she stays strong... and that their relationship continues to be strengthened over the next two years and beyond. Missing him already... how did you weather the two years of Teuk's enlistment?

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Guest mywebfoot

@liddi Yes, I hope they've found a way to be together in the past few days, and yes, it certainly is possible, since we have no idea where she is currently, when most of the time, she's very clear about which city she is in. 

Re: Surviving Teuk's army days..

Teuk himself made sure fans knew he was ok by changing the picture on his twitter account whenever he was out. He never tweeted anything, because those were the days post-celebrity soldier shutdown, so he had to stay under the radar. The worry for Teuk's safety peaked twice - firstly there was some border activity when Teuk was posted on the border with North Korea, and secondly during his family tragedy, and immediately after when he had to go back to army. And really, this 21 months seemed very short because he was in a musical, and so appeared daily until about 6-7 months into his military service. Then there was the celebrity soldier shutdown. The family tragedy caused him to reappear at the funeral about 1 year before the end of the service, and then in the final three months it seemed like the rules were relaxed and he was already out and going to meetings at SM. 

Each SuJu member seems to negotiate military service in their own way, really. Teuk and Kangin worked hard to stay hidden, YeSung and HeeChul did not, with HeeChul regularly doing army radio, Min seems to have disappeared (understandably since the tensions about the marriage seem to have made him mad), ShinDong is not really hiding, but not really showing himself. We'll see what Dong Hae and Eun Hyuk do once they get out of basic training. 

One thing I am sure of - we'll hear about how 'wonderfully' he's doing in army. There will always be a glowing report or two about a celeb in army, so we'll know. We just may not see him. Though, I do wonder if the Police will use him like they used Lee Je Hoon to get some free publicity. I mean, what dumb police PR department would not do anything with both DONGHAE and SIWON available for appearances without the appearance fee? 

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@mywebfoot Thank you for sharing about how the different SuJu boys underwent their military service. Definitely hope Donghae and Siwon will be doing PR work for the police department, if only for a glimpse of the boys. Talking to my kdrama ahjumma friend about his enlistment and she said, "July 2017? That's not that long... it's already end of 2015.", which I realised is true... and helps to alleviate the sadness a little. 

His make up artist seoyeonju83 and stylist are on the way to Nonsan to see him off. A lot of nostalgic posts among his staff in recent days...

And his wax figure at Tussauds HK is finally revealed!


Doesn't feel like a true likeness, but thank goodness it is nothing like the wax museum in Sichuan, China, which features atrociously bad wax figures that look nothing like the celebrities they represent. Have a good laugh here. Among my favourite reactions is from Lee Junki :D :


cr. koalasplayground.com

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Guest mywebfoot

oh ew. Glad he's big enough to have a wax likeness made, but ew.... that statue looks sleazy... and greasy... and hehe, maybe they just wanted to channel his general cheesiness :D


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oh ew. Glad he's big enough to have a wax likeness made, but ew.... that statue looks sleazy... and greasy... and hehe, maybe they just wanted to channel his general cheesiness :D

Do you think he would have liked his likeness to be in the hall of fame in Sichuan? :D But yup... that wax figure does not do him justice. Even LJK's likeness is more memorable :P 

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