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|WGM Chinese Version| We Are In Love - BF Choi Siwon |SUJU| and GF Liu Wen |Victoria Secret Model|

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That is one HUGE teddy! And she's Miss Laughter personified. Whoever spends each day with her will be sure to have a perfect day then ;)  Thanks, @liddi, for the translations.

Her agency just commented "Is this what they call a bear hug?" :D 

She is truly glowing... so good to see her brilliant smile, which is an outward expression of her warm character :) 

She's looking really good and radiating so much happiness. Absolutely lovely to see.

Well, a horse certainly wouldn't hug as well. :P

@juzagurl  Aren't you meant to go undercover and break a few rules so that you can meet Siwon? Please make sure you get prized info when you do. ;)

@iamenn  That's a rather questionable ideal type for women in their 20s. "Guys with soft baby skin"?! Nice photo of younger Siwon though. I think he now qualifies for the type for mature 20s/30s women? :P 

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She's looking really good and radiating so much happiness. Absolutely lovely to see.

Well, a horse certainly wouldn't hug as well. :P

Who knows... we might see a stuffed toy horse next? :D Still, this particular teddy seems to be just the right height... just slightly taller than her ;) :P 

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Definitely would fit perfectly next to her in bed, @liddi :phew:  Forget the tango.

With the life-sized rabbit, and now Big Ted, she only needs one other seat-warmer to get a double-date going. :lol:

Yup... preferably one who can drive :D 

A BTS photo from Ep7... which I'm almost certain has been posted before, but am reposting, just because...


cr. 雯疯而动 Weibo

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@silvergrey my evilplan includes break some of the traffic rules and stealing siwon Iphone 6. Oh how i'm so curious abt whats in there B) . ROTFLOL.. really curious abt the content of his phone.  I hope its full of LW photos.. not Kyuhyun ..ROTFL #justkiddin ;)

@juzagurl I am almost certain his phone will be filled with pictures of... Bugsy :D Do let us know when you set your traffic violation plans in motion, so we know when to refresh this thread for the goodies you get your hands on :P 

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I don't understand why a lot of people on insta got offended with his word "working" on the said interview. It's pretty obvious that LFIL, though a dating show, is still work.. Nothing wrong with that. It'll create more commotion if he said he enjoyed having a relationship with her while he did the interview for the sake of "to the fore" promotions. People put too much expectations on them that I am starting to really feel sorry. I hope we can just ship them positively and hope all the best for them individually.  

Edited by iamenn
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hahaa we didnt even know whether they are really not seeing each other or not. Maybe they meet up in private and we cannot trace them.  LOL. I just wish in times like this siwon / liuwen would lose they private  gadget and somebody would find it and lick the content on the web.. *evilplan #grin B) 

They definitely aren't seeing each other in person; these hardcore fans seem to know Siwon's daily whereabouts, so if he were in China where Liu Wen currently is, we'd know about it. If Liu Wen were in Korea and seeing Siwon, we'd likely get wind of it too. Given that they're both in adjoining countries at the moment, I find it hard to believe that two people in a serious, committed relationship can't find the time or motivation for either one to visit the other. It could still happen, but I won't hold my breath.

It's impossible to say they aren't in a relationship because neither one will say so outright, but everything is starting to fall into place ever since the show ended, and indications are that we're fantasizing too much. :lol: I personally still think they could be in a relationship, but if they are, it must be a very casual one; either way, if we get no news of a meet-up from now until Siwon's enlistment (and believe me, we'd hear about it), I'd say it would be safe to abandon ship at that point.


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@silvergrey my evilplan includes break some of the traffic rules and stealing siwon Iphone 6. Oh how i'm so curious abt whats in there B) . ROTFLOL.. really curious abt the content of his phone.  I hope its full of LW photos.. not Kyuhyun ..ROTFL #justkiddin ;)

If you find it full of the latter's photo, you won't be ROTFL ... you'd probably be KOFSOTFL (keeled over from shock on the floor) :lol:

Hahahahaha .... he's shameless. Not only is he asking the reporter to tell Liu Wen she must watch "To The Fore" so that she can help promote the movie, he's also telling Bugsy to watch the movie so he can support him too. :lol:

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@iamenn  You mean this? mun+won provided the photo where he was taping in Guam.

mod edit: please do not quote images!

cr: mun+won weibo

Hmmm ... great wink, whatever the reason why she chose this set of photos. :) 

yes... hmmm though i don't understand Korean but she seems congratulating him because of SUJU and ELF being chosen as winners on Teen Choice Awards but the picture is outdated for the occasion....:phew::blink: It's not as if there's no other photos of him right? :w00t:

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One would think so. Seeing that he takes almost one good photo a day :P  Perhaps she really liked her make-up work on him in Guam, or maybe he was looking to start a revolution, like he's declaring on his shirt. :lol:  Your guess is as good as my imagination, @iamenn :phew:

haha yeah... we are both thinking about that but we'd rather not verbalize or put it into words.. Good night everyone.. I am a happy shipper no matter what. :-)

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One would think so. Seeing that he takes almost one good photo a day :P  Perhaps she really liked her make-up work on him in Guam, or maybe he was looking to start a revolution, like he's declaring on his shirt. :lol:  Your guess is as good as my imagination, @iamenn :phew:

haha yeah... we are both thinking about that but we'd rather not verbalize or put it into words.. Good night everyone.. I am a happy shipper no matter what. :-)

Everyone has their own imagination and minds, and can work things out for themselves  ;)   Sweet dreams and I'll be sleeping with a :) too.

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Hi everyone

Since we are a mature and analytical bunch, shall we do a quick MECE (mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive).  So here is mine

1. SW/LW in a casua relationship - to me, this is very unlikely.  LW does not do casual, otherwise she probably has had many relationships before. Also she seems to be a serious person in general. I give this 5% probability 

2. They are in a relationship - if we believe some of the hard to script moments during the show, SW's exr and Bazaar interview, LW's attendance at SJ concert (I wouldn't put myself through all tha traveling hassle just for a friend, there are other visible ways to support friends, e.g. Weibo and IG posts), her weibo posts during early August, I doubt she would expos herself if she did not feel secure in a relationship (evidenced by her unwillingness to tell SW she liked him because she was not sure if he was serious).  The list can go on but I will stop here. But the biggest problem with this scenario in my mind is that it SEEMs that they have not seen each other lately despite they are not too far from each other.  Seoul to BJ is about a 3 hour plane ride, it is less than a train ride fr NYC to Boston.  If they can arrange to spare 24 hour window I would think people in a relationship would meet. I once traveled 26 hours round trip to be withy now husband for less than 24 hours.  It is possible that they managed to meet without fans finding out, LW went from HK to BJ without being noticed... I know it is harder for SW but not impossible.  I have changed from an amused onlooker to a hard shipper, so I really hope our ship is afloat.  I will give 70% to this scenario.

3.  They are not in a relationship.  Mainly due to lack of known meeting up.

I really don't know what to say here. Although there is clear upside for being ambiguous about the relationship to keep the 16 fans happy, why would someone put themselves through all the criticism, fan backslash... Plus Compared to ELF, 16 fan base is a lot smaller...  Also they BOTH will be running the risk of leading the fans on ... As I said before, they have had multiple opportunities to come clean and make their image enhanced and intact... Additionally why Liuwen would do something like this to herself? It is not like she is getting more fans...

one detail it is confirmed by the article that SW was going to go back to Korea on 11th but he left a day earlier, too many possibilities here... We don't know what contributed to this schedule change, but the fact remains that he did not get a chance to see LW...  So 25% for this scenario?

Whats your point of view?

btw. People who work with LW this past week commented she is busy working and seemed happy and to be in a good mood.

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@Kculturefun nice MECE analysis.  I do think that there are a possibilities  that they could meet in private. Siwon are used to have a bunch of sasaeng fans who follow him around.  Due to his experiences for a decade. Im pretty sure he knows how to handle things around him.. i things he is smart enough to hide from the attention when he wanted. So it is actually not impossible  for him for meeting Liu Wen very privately. The worse case scenario for me is, They used to be in a relationship but they've broken up due some issues  that might be personal for them. Of course as a happy shipper i'll always  wish the best for them :) 

Becoz, if they were never in a relationship i find it very odd for LW actually show up in ss6, like she have better things to do than to fly over to korea for 1 day only trip (imagine how exhausted she must be to squeeze  in time between her work schedule) and Jiwon took a wefie  with both LW and Siwon. They know it will create a massive explotion for netizens, and jiwon would not post it of siwon and liuwen are not serious with each other. Why taking a risk of being bashed  by siwonest and ELF for something that are not serious. Will jiwon post that picture  if she still unsure abt her brother possible future with liuwen ? I dont think she would dare to do it if they were just friends. She is risking to waking up a lot of lion who actually  believe  they will marry siwon oppa LoL :w00t:


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All very interesting and good points you've brought up, @Kculturefun and @juzagurl.

In the vein that Jiwon wouldn't post the photo of the three of them, and herself with LW, if they are strictly professional friends ... I'm going with the relationship is still ongoing because she has not removed the photos from her IG. If it is that the relationship has broken down, or is of no consequence, why invite further ire by keeping it up. Better to retire it to the safe confines of archive files, than to boldly exhibit for all and sundry to view.

Whether or not they met, we may never know. And though hardcore fans are known to trail their idols closely, committed fans are known to protect their idols too. But what information we do have is that people who know them well are still making (subtle) reference to the relationship. It seems rather impolite for Eddie Peng to be teasing Siwon in public if the relationship has gone bust. That would be the height of insensitivity given their close friendship. As to the recent photo posted by Siwon's make-up artist .... as iamenn mentioned, why choose this photo? Looking at LW's photos, aside from when she shut down the comments section of her weibo, she's actually glowing in every photo we've seen of late (casual or professional). 

I'd concur with point 2, @Kculturefun. I've done that same fly through as yourself several times over a period of time. Tough but possible, when one is committed to keeping things going. :) 

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@silvergrey @juzagurl.  Good points!

so scenario #4 is they were in a relationship but not any more.  I feel both SW and LW seem to be mature, so I think they probably were/are cautious about entering into a relationship, especially one with many factors to consider like this one.  We are not talking about Taylor Swift here, i don't think they would give up a relationship so easily if they are in one...

LW has a lot to adjust to when it comes to being a celebrity in the social media age when fans can post anything they want for the world to see... I commend her for blocking her weibo but it also shows she is affected by public opinions a great deal... 

Now that I think about the notes SW wrote in his photo album. I think he knows LW quite well including her vulnerability...  I can't remember the exact quote- something like you need love, when I am gone, I wonder if you can make it on your own,,, ". LW has done  marvelousy well on her own in the fashion world, so I suspect SW was thinking about something else

So back to my nerdiness, a short summary

1) casual relationship-5%

2) were in a relationship but not anymore--10%

3) in a relationship- 65%

4). Just friends- 20%

my 2 cents 

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